Hey Toady, i've heard you gonna make little fixes and additions after A release, so heres questions/requests, i'm particulary interested in minor code improvements that may be simple for you, but add drastic modding possibilities, and thus change gameplay.
Can we have tag for skill levels required for dwarf to be appointed? Appointed champion that must have legendary weaponskill looks fairly realistic. And can such a noble be required to create something in workshop?
Can we have tag for workshop to be constructed only on water source, as with magmabuildings(someone requested already, so i'll just second this)?
Can we have possibility to create sentient creatures(controllable in the manner of dwarfs) in workshop?
Creature templates are already here, so we(I) can mod in complicated golem system, wich for example requires appointed legendary engraver as runecarver. Than various runes can be created in mason's workshop/jevelry(or some rune-shop) by that dwarf, and various golems constructed in some kind of golem forge, with properties of the construction material and various types based on said runes.
Semi-sentiet creatures able only to fight/haul things could be very helpful with new "fog-of-underground" system and random-generated-beasts.
And that's just one example.
Also, i suppose that it can't be done without some rewrites, but anyway:Is it possible to make item able to alter/add tags of/to wearer?