Because of all the light things we are aware of (Syrofoam, Pillows, Pie) they are also soft and tend to break.
What happens when you put a lot of force into something light but indestructable?
We don't need to invent physics for the properties of adamantine here.
Carbon Fibre is pretty light and strong, and it works more or less the same way as adamantine, insofar as they are both cloth fabrics woven from fibres of their respective elements. Carbon Fibre is dipped in epoxy resin and baked until solid to give it useful form.
The strength of carbon fibre is dependent upon the direction and weave of the individual fibres in relation to the direction and type of stress placed on them. Since adamantine wafers are also woven from strands, I presume that they also derive their strength from the alignment of the fibres.
What you say about carbon fiber is true. I never actually thought of it that way before, but we can essentially think of adamantine as an extreme version of carbon fiber... Hmm... now I want to build a space elevator out of adamantine. Too bad we don't have moving platforms and access to orbit, yet.
Anyway, there are limitations to having something so light. What you say is true about light objects being easier to swing than heavy objects, but there is a limit. Regardless of how much something weighs, you can only swing something so fast before you reach the terminal velocity... is that the right term? I'm not sure if that only applies to falling... anyway, you get my point. If an Ultra-Mighty dwarf can swing a lead hammer at terminal velocity, he will also swing an adamantine hammer at terminal velocity, and the lead would do more damage because it weighs more, and has more inertia.
Darn right. In comparsion to a bokken a real sword needs some more strength - which can be a painfull experience after 3 hours of training stances.
edit: New Dev_now is up. I wonder what the "-redacted-" part may be?
Where is this new dev thing? I would like to read it.
He Noted multiple -redacted- so i gues its animal man? But on the other hand we know already the UG-animal-men so think we have an ug-Monster-swarm. If it is a swarm animal i think (without new added stuff) it could be G. Bats, G. Rats, L. Rats. But I guees thats wrong too.
Mud-man would be more common with the new UG-water so zach could have found some.
"Ghuls" as UG-undead would be neat.
Or maybe Water-Man?
The possibilities are endless.
In order for watermen to be killable, you'd have to make them like Morpha from the Legend of Zelda; a big motile blob of waterish substance, with a squishy brain in the center. That would make a cool mod, but unfortunately liquid monsters can't grapple in this release. You'd also have a Morpha corpse left over, and I don't think there's any way to make a critter drop flowing water when it dies. Are their any good Zelda mods for DF? The only problem race I could see would be the Zora, and you can have them live on good shorelines. The Gerudo even build dark fortresses, and their fuckwitzed gender ratio could be pulled off with castes!
Something might be workable using the itemdrop system that ___ Men, Bronze Colossi, and other creatures like that use. I'm unsure if 7/7 flowing water would count as one of these items, but it can be tried I suppose. If not, you could have it drop the item water(which is carried in buckets). Might be useless lying on the floor, but it's better than leaving a "Water Corpse"