Don't worry maniac, we've got almost two years gametime to come up with the dough for the Texan romp.
Ok, I changed my Liberal's name, along with his collegues, to better reflect them.
First, there's the Mathematician:
1-Numbers, Activist------------------------------Liberal------------------------
Hrt: 6 Agi: 6 Top Skills:
Int: 12 Str: 6 Music: 2
Wis: 3 Char: 6 First Aid: 2
Hlth: 9 Trans: On Foot Computers: 1
Weapon: None Science: 1
Clothes: Clothes Business: 1
Then, the person with amazing *starting* security skill (profession is janitor, probably stole from their employer whenever possible)
2-Fingers, Activist------------------------------Liberal------------------------
Hrt: 11 Agi: 7 Top Skills:
Int: 7 Str: 4 Security: 4
Wis: 3 Char: 10 Knife: 3
Hlth: 4 Trans: On Foot
Weapon: None
Clothes: Clothes
Then, the Telemarketer:
3-Mouth, Activist--------------------------------Liberal------------------------
Hrt: 11 Agi: 5 Top Skills:
Int: 6 Str: 5 Persuasion: 3
Wis: 4 Char: 7
Hlth: 8 Trans: On Foot
Weapon: None
Clothes: Clothes
And, the teacher:
4-Teach, Activist--------------------------------Liberal------------------------
Hrt: 5 Agi: 9 Top Skills:
Int: 6 Str: 8 Teaching: 6
Wis: 3 Char: 9
Hlth: 6 Trans: On Foot
Weapon: None
Clothes: Clothes
A college student with a European-sounding name:
5-European Intern, Activist----------------------Liberal------------------------
Hrt: 9 Agi: 5 Top Skills:
Int: 7 Str: 7 Computers: 1
Wis: 4 Char: 10 Writing: 1
Hlth: 4 Trans: On Foot Music: 1
Weapon: None
Clothes: Clothes
A college student with an Asian-sounding name:
6-Asian Intern, Activist-------------------------Liberal------------------------
Hrt: 10 Agi: 7 Top Skills:
Int: 6 Str: 7 Writing: 2
Wis: 3 Char: 7 Music: 1
Hlth: 6 Trans: On Foot
Weapon: None
Clothes: Clothes
I chose professions that it seems likely that my character would come in contact with, so no hippies and no gang members. Essentially, I chose regular folks for a fairly regular leader.
If the voting goes the way it seems to be heading, I'll probably be able to run a fairly dictatoral bank, demanding Vanguard squads do certain "favors" in order to obtain funding approval. Assassination missions, mostly. He he he...
Actually, I was thinking somebody could set up their organization like the one in the movie
Wanted. Mainly recruit sweatshop workers, with a few high agility assassins. They'd be Vanguard, so we could pay them to kill certain conservatives. Here's an example starting mission:
Attention Liberal Hit Squad!
We hear you need funding for further operations. However, you need to prove your dedication to the cause. So, we have selected a target, whom you are to eliminate. For this, you will be paid. Success will lead to more lucrative missions in the future. Failure will not be tolerated.
Target: Billy McConservative--Teenager
Location: Typically found frequenting the Crack House
Reason: We suspect he'll grow up to be a high-ranking conservative, so his elimination now will make future opperations more successful.
Payout: You will be approved to spend $100 at your location.
Good hunting.
-ALCS Leader EuchreJack, head of New England Operations
Of course, the payout isn't much, as it's an easy mission. Killing someone who might actually have a gun would probably pay much more than that.
Also, Vanguards should try to limit expenses, if they haven't figured that out already. Of course, the Texas Operation probably won't cost as much as other Vanguard operations, as there's only one guy.