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Author Topic: Vaiolis' RPG - The End is Here  (Read 46131 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #315 on: February 01, 2009, 08:52:04 pm »

S'this dead? :'(
So says Armok, God of blood.

Duke 2.0

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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #316 on: February 01, 2009, 08:53:59 pm »

 I doubt it. I'm sure there is just a bunch of IRL junk to work through. We all know how much our DM likes this.
Buck up friendo, we're all on the level here.
I would bet money Andrew has edited things retroactively, except I can't prove anything because it was edited retroactively.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #317 on: February 01, 2009, 09:26:25 pm »

Indeed I do ;D

Turn should be done by tonight, sorry for all the delays.
Today's Toady Tip: 3 and 4 are not the same number.
How borgly is your borgle's borgle?
The Minister of BEEEES! and of The Great Charter for the Toady Protectorate!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #318 on: February 01, 2009, 09:30:42 pm »

Bout time... It's monday here in Aus!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #319 on: February 01, 2009, 10:37:31 pm »

Finally finished! Hopefully these won't take that long, ever again. Ever.

Turn 27
Group 1: Flat, Astor, Gaweir, Abronychus, Zak
Flat: Perhaps we should leave? Or kill something? ...Or eat?
Astor: I am using the full time to practice magic with the gear provided. Except for the robe, as my clothes are comfortable as they are. Heck, I might even practice with the old man
Gaweir: Again, we really can't do much without a plan, or without rest. So until someone thinks of a REAL plan, I think I'll draw some more. I'm very determined to make a GOOD image of that bird. So lets take it from the top once more.
Abronychus: I'll just go with the flow and rest with the group. We could all brainstorm stupid plans. Maybe we can convince the Rahn inya that we're actors, and we're there to put on a play. I haven't worked out what we could do after that, but it's a start. I will also try and observe any wildlife I can find.
Zak: I take a walk around looking for tracks and noting direction, all the time trying to learn how to heal faster.

Gaweir flipped his piece of leather around, annoyed with the poor quality of the before image, and greatly desiring to create a superior one. Astor went back to the HQ, picking up most of the objects he had been given by the old man, aside from the robe, and quickly changed into them, preparing to practice his energy manipulation yet again. Flat, still carrying Abronychus, descended back down, a bit worried that he could find no others, but also because he was eager to move on. Zak started to move around the village, examining what tracks he could, and carefully limping, making sure not to injure his leg in its current state. Abronychus attempted to climb off of Flat as he landed, but failed miserably, and his face went straight into the mud.


Flat leaned down and helped Abronychus back up, who wiped off his face and what he could of his clothes, which were thoroughly muddy. Once he was as cleaned off as he could get, he began to slowly wander about, looking for something to do. He first stopped by Gaweir, examining his work. Unfortunately, the picture which Gaweir was working on looked worse than before, far worse. Abronychus couldn't make out what it was, it seemed to be basically a mass of charcoal scribbles. Gaweir was also looking fairly frustrated with it, rubbing the charcoal out as much as he could and retrying his drawing, but his lack of focus seemed to prevent anything good from coming out.

Still holding his stomach in pain, as though it would help, Abronychus then went over to Astor. He was having far more success than Gaweir, channeling energy through his body and trying new things. At the moment, it seemed he was trying something quite strange with a small piece of metal from the blacksmith. He kept holding it, concentrating, and then hurled it towards the blacksmith area, where, as it passed by the doorway, many tiny pieces of metal and ash flew out it and towards the chunk. He also made it so he could then pull the chunk back to his hand, however he seemed to be having trouble with this as the chunk first missed him, then nearly hit his head.

Lastly, Abronychus moved over to Zak, stumbling a bit over a few pebbles on the ground. Zak seemed fairly interested in a few barely visible footprints leading to the West, towards the volcano. The footprints, however, were not made by feet, as the ground was indented with ridges. Whoever left was wearing shoes with ridges, and Zak realized that the military man who had gone missing was the only possible person who would have such prints, likely combat boots. He was also, as he moved, concentrating on his leg, and it surprisingly seemed to be in better condition than before, although slightly. Zak found that the constant massaging helped to keep the blood flow, helping it to heal, while not damaging his leg further, or causing it to bleed. He also found he had a small knack for magics involving restoration. While Abronychus was a bit interested in this, he was more interested in the surrounding area. He looked into the jungle, suddenly realizing he had not seen one living creature besides them, villagers, and the Rahn inya; no insects, or birds, or any other animals. Or had they?

Group 2: Xix, Jalthas, Strife
Xix: I go along with it, suggesting that perhaps we should not escape, and I also question how the coat works.
Jalthas: I'll try to position myself in a way to investigate more of the room, and perhaps get a jump on those guards, taking care to avoid alerting them.  If there appears to be nothing else of interest in the room, I'll pounce and take down one of the guards, preferably by the throat, and try to take down the other just as quickly, speed being the important part.
Strife: I guess that I'll tell Xix my life story, that I'm a manifestation of a set of ideals and more or less a demi-god, with among other things, a small sphere into space-time and paradoxes. I'll also mention that the amount of space in my pocket is equal to one 'tile.' Other than that, try to wiggle the bars to see if they come out. If at first you don't succeed, call in air support. Or brute force.

"Hold on. If we are meant to escape, perhaps we should do the opposite instead? The shaman might want us to escape! We should try staying here, at least for a while."
"Guess we could, but I don't really see how leaving would be beneficial to the shaman. If he wants us to go somewhere else, why doesn't he just take us there?"
"Good point. Maybe he wants to test our abilities, or something. See if we are capable of escaping, as well as how we would go about doing so."
"Right, so basically if we try to leave, we might just be telling him all about how we act, and he could probably then find out some way to defeat us easier. No, wait, he could have easily defeated us now... Oh well, enough of that. I could really use my coat right now."
"Yes, your coat. How does that coat work, anyway? I doubt breaking physical laws is easy."
"Well, I've two theories. Either it uses some form of outside magic source, which is apparently great enough to prevent some laws from taking effect, or it doesn't actually break the laws of physics, and the pockets act as a portal between some storage area somewhere and my coat. And the portal, apparently, has an unlimited number of knives and such as well. But, all that I can tell for certain, is that the amount of space in my pocket is the size of one 'tile'"

Jalthas looked around the room, trying to discern what the best approach would be to jump onto the guards. The hallway was fairly narrow, merely 8 feet across or so, thus sneaking up would be near impossible. Looking closer, Jalthas tried to make sure nothing would prevent this. The walls all seemed normal, nothing came out as a trap. The guards were armed, but there were no other armaments nearby them. However, something curious began to happen, as the two Rahn inya guards suddenly looked away. Taking this as the opportune moment, Jalthas knelt down, preparing to strike, however before he could make his move two well-armed soldiers came down the stairs. They wore bright steel chainmail, with had upon it an insignia of a green tree. Underneath it, barely visible, was a set of steel greaves, as well as steel sabatons and gauntlets. They had on steel pauldrons as well, with nasal helmets to match. But, the most curious part of all; they were human! They immediately drew long sword and kite shields, and quickly brought the Rahn inya to their deaths, before standing at attention as a third soldier came down, with an identical look, aside from she had no helmet, and thus her long, black hair was visible. She seemed rather angry, however, and took a moment to rest.

"So, how did you come across this coat in the first place? Or, more precisely, who are you?"
"Well, in a way, I'm a set of ideals. Or, a manifestation of them. The ways in which many people would see perfection are often present within me. So, in a way, I'm somewhat of a demi-god."
"A demi-god, hmm? And you can't break rusted metal bars?"
"It would be a paradox for me to have the ideals of every beings. Thus, only certain characteristics actually came to be. But, maybe they will come loose. We've tried brute force, might as well see if anything else will work."

Strife went up to the bars in his cell and tried to wiggle them out. One of them, surprisingly, budged a bit. He tried to wiggle it more, and somehow managed to get it free! It also seemed his bars were far sparser than Jalthas', and he was able to get out.

Group 3: Casimir, Dux
Casimir: I will see if there's anything usable as tools or telescope-components, probably on the lower floors. Can't hurt to ask how exactly this telescope works, either. So, we need to get some magic items from a place filled with the people who captured us? Well, as you told us, you're quite a capable fighter against them, Thalmid. And Dux, you could likely scare them to death, even with disregarding your magic. As for me, *loads pistol* That is, unless it is possible to sneak in. I also ask the gnome if he has lead or black powder. Or ingredients for my special kind.
Dux: I take the five scrolls, the pen and inkwell, the chisel and the tome. I also page through the tome to see what is written within. I then head down and wait on the bottom floor. If I have some more time before the others come down I look around for to see if there are any useful things there.

Casimir began to move down the stairs after Thalmid had gone. He found the spiral staircase was rather small, probably more suited to a person of Thalmid's stature. However, after a full circle of movement, he came to a door, most likely one of the storage closets. Going inside, he found it, indeed, have little to nothing useful. There was a broom in the corner, various boxes containing straw, cotton, wooden logs, as well as one barrel filled with water. There was also furniture placed about, with stools stacked upon each other, ladders, chairs, a few tables, and a... chessboard? Yes, there was a chessboard, ivory making up the white tiles and pieces, and jade making up the black. A quick count showed that no pieces were missing, either.

Casimir continued downwards to the next floor, which had a bedroom, probably Thalmid's. Once again, little to nothing useful. Drawers filled with small articles of clothing. A large a quite luxurious bed. A fine carpet trimmed with gold and purple. Tapestries adorning the stone walls. A large mirror on the wall, even for Casimir's size. But still, nothing that appeared useful.

The next doorway came to a larger room; the bottom floor. Thalmid was near a large doorway on the opposite side of the room, which was apparently South. He was taking along only one object, which was a very large sapphire, however the sapphire was only eight-sided, as if two pyramids were placed base-to-base. It was as large as his hands! He placed it into his pocket and smiled at Casimir.

Dux gathered up nearly every object on the table. The five scrolls, pen, inkwell, chisel, and tome were all taken. The tome was rather large, and was difficult to carry, but he took in nonetheless. Paging through it, he found it seemed to be notes about the island. It was littered with information, almost all of it quite disorganized, but plenty of it seemed that it could potentially be useful. He quickly went down the staircase and joined with Casimir and Thalmid.

"Alrighty then! Are we set to go?"



 - Wounds: none
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: none

 - Wounds: bruised back effects=none
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: Concentration skill increased moderately. Casting skill increased moderately. Energy skill increased greatly. Enchanting skill increased moderately. Dodging skill increased slightly
            Astor's Concentration skill is now at level 2!
            Astor's Casting skill is now at level 2!
            Astor's Dodging skill is now at level 2!

 - Wounds: cracked skull status=slightly treated effects=faster tiring, very thirsty
                bruised back effects=none
                bruised stomach effects=none
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: none

 - Wounds: scratches effects=slight difficulty focusing (-all actions requiring focus)
                bruised right arm effects=none
                bruised hip effects=none
                bruised chest effects=none
                bruised head effects=none
                badly bruised left shoulder effects=slight pain, -actions using left arm
 - Inventory: Created Very Crude Image (charcoal, leather)
 - Skills: Drawing skill increased slightly
            Gaweir's Drawing skill is now at level 2!

 - Wounds: punctured stomach status=treated effects=severe pain (--actions), very fast tiring, very tired (--actions), faint (-actions, faster tiring)
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: Resistance skill increased slightly. Observation skill increased slightly
            Abronychus' Observation skill is now at level 3!

 - Wounds: broken left leg status=splinted, treated effects=pain (-actions), --movement, faster tiring
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: Resistance skill increased slightly. Observation skill increased moderately. Tracking skill increased moderately

 - Wounds: badly bruised right hand effects=[glow=yellow]-actions using right hand[/glow], slight pain
                badly bruised right foot effects=slight pain, -movement
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: Ambushing skill increased slightly

 - Wounds: chipped right heel bone status=untreated effects=pain (-actions), -movement
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: none

 - Wounds: none
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: none

 - Wounds: none
 - Inventory: Found Scrolls (5). Found Quill. Found Enchanted Inkwell. Found Enchanted Chisel. Found Tome (island notes)
 - Skills: none
Today's Toady Tip: 3 and 4 are not the same number.
How borgly is your borgle's borgle?
The Minister of BEEEES! and of The Great Charter for the Toady Protectorate!

Duke 2.0

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #320 on: February 01, 2009, 10:50:41 pm »

 Heh, good work working in the tile reference.

 Astor is itching to get the others rescued, but he knows that with mostly everybody injured, any assault on the castle he saw would fail. He would need to have his friends cured of most of their injuries before they can even think of doing anything. So Astor goes around the village and gathers everybody who came with them on the ship to the HQ. There he will take Flat and the old man with him to look for anything that could help heal the group. If they can't find a good solution, then he will outline his plans for assaulting the castle and ask for any good ideas.

 As a note to everybody else, it might help to provide possible ideas in your posts for this. Sorry if I'm taking too much control over this, but something needs to be done with this disorganized group.
Buck up friendo, we're all on the level here.
I would bet money Andrew has edited things retroactively, except I can't prove anything because it was edited retroactively.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #321 on: February 01, 2009, 10:53:10 pm »

Before Astor shows up, Abronychus loots abandoned buildings, especially the armor shop. He keeps an eye out for animals and insects, too. If he doesn't see anything this turn, he mentions it and says that everybody should be worried about this.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #322 on: February 01, 2009, 11:21:57 pm »

As I crawl out of my cell, I'll also mention something to Xix about "Auto-balancing rules." Some of the time, Strife COULD break those bars. Just not on this plane apparently. Also, the coat isn't quite as good as a tile. While you can fit anything (except a wagon) on a single tile, things that go in Strife's coat must be able to fit in the pocket's opening, which is relatively large (about softball size call it). He can try to fit extremely long objects in (like a ten-and-a-half foot pole for example) but this tends to drain Strife's energy, although the objects is fine once it is safely secured.

Oh, back to the turn. I'll grab the bar and take a look at Xix's lock. After I've determined that it isn't openable without a key, I'll catch up to Jalthas, moving quietly. If thew guards prove hostile, I'll attack them, but Strife will try to talk his way out (or in) first. If it comes to a fight, he'll make wresting a sword out of a hostiles hands a priority.

I a't explain it well, but Strife knows a nice arm lock/break with a small metal pole (like his bar), he'll use that if needed.
Even the avatars expire eventually.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #323 on: February 01, 2009, 11:36:24 pm »

Flat wants to make everybody feel better! He'll try and help everyone with healing, and he'll give them a feather afterward!


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #324 on: February 02, 2009, 12:14:38 am »

Hmmm.  This could be bad.  I'll reveal myself, slowly, cautiously, and raise my hands above my head in a non-threatening manner, and try to communicate with these people.  If they don't try to gut me, I'll try to take them back to the cells where I had been imprisoned answering any questions I can, and if they try to kill me...  Well, I'll try to lose them and still get back to the cells.  The priority here is communicating with them, avoiding conflict if possible.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2009, 12:19:41 am by Golgath »
I fully endorse the idea of mountain goats that hunt man.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #325 on: February 02, 2009, 12:44:55 am »

At hearing the comment abaut auto ballancing, Xix suddenly remember an atricle she read some years ago, and exatcly what type of creature Strife is, this makes her realize several things:
   - While well meaning, he is very, very dangerous to anyone nearby or having anything to do whit him, for numerous reasons.
   - Knowing the EXACT set of ideals he represent and his exact type is very, very important in dealing whit him, for the above reason.
   - This creature is vary rare, an questioning yet alone simple study could contribute huge amount to several sciences. Being a good nerd Xix considers a contribution to science of this size to be far more important than merely Fighting Evil, as she is genre-savvy enough (or naive enough?) to know that evil never wins out, especially when creatures of strife's type are involved.

Thus she grabs his arm through the bars when he comes close, and doesn't let go until she has questioned him throughtlly for several minutes. her questioning is extremely rapid, technical, dire, and to-the-point, but cautious.

((I made some pretty heavy assumptions, I hope I didn't take myself to much liberties.))
So says Armok, God of blood.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #326 on: February 02, 2009, 12:52:02 am »

Zak is extremely curious about this restoration magic and he explores it as much as he is able to. He then walks over the the blacksmiths and looks for weapons, armor, shields, metal plates that can be attached to armor, whetstones, oils, supplies etc. and brings what he can back the the HQ.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #327 on: February 02, 2009, 01:21:46 am »

Make as many conjectures as you want about Strife. I can always retconn them later. Although, I might want to list the ideals that he represents. Unfourtunatly, Strife doesn't actually remember them all anymore.  :-\
Justified Strife is the primary one of course, avoid war, but if it necisary, strike hard.
Even the avatars expire eventually.

Jay Kayell

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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #328 on: February 02, 2009, 02:33:20 am »

I go with the gnome and Casimir to wherever we are supposed to go. Along the way I examine my surroundings. If I find any dead creatures I reanimate them and order them to follow. If I find any other things that could be useful I take them.
Decapitation - enjoy the difference


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #329 on: February 02, 2009, 03:44:52 am »

I tell Thalmid he has quite a nice chessboard. As we set off, I ask if the objects we need are in an obvious location, say at the bottom of some dungeon.

This is why this is awesome. Here we have an island where some things aren't as they seem (looking at the mud Abronychus fell in), devoid of most/all wildlife but a primitive tribe, invaded by vile creatures of the night, modern men trying to destroy them, as well as medieval men, an unexplained barbarian trying to destroy the vile creatures but mistaking the modern men for them, a gnome just trying to get out of there and last but not least, a band of adventurers dating from prehistory to modern time through different timelines all united to help the primitive tribe!

For that viciously bad pun, I'm gonna introduce a NPC named Vlynndar just so that I can kill him of in a cruel and unusual way.
Watermelons are pretty important.
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