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Author Topic: Vaiolis' RPG - The End is Here  (Read 46128 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #30 on: January 11, 2009, 01:56:54 am »

Sickness, bah. Tea sounds like a good idea, thanks! Added a small little bonus (in the form of an image) to make up for it. Didn't really work on the image much, but the picture is far easier to draw than describe.

Turn 24
Group 1: Flat, Astor, Gaweir, Abronychus, Zak
Flat: I clean my feathers, picking out some for Abronychus. It'll make him feel better! Afterwards, I will try to keep Abronychus company and help heal him. After this, I will search for my armor!
Astor: Knowing the might of this foe, Astor wisely decides to back off and run back to the village. If ambushed, he will sprint a good distance and hide to do his own ambush. If given the chance, he will shank all in his way and get back to the village. Also, if he sees any mushrooms that look familiar, he will try to nab them.
Gaweir: I need to use my focus ability. After a few moments of warding off my pains, I'll try to enter a trance and seek the aide of outside forces. The trance shouldn't take an entire turn if it turns out well. After Astor returns with the news of the Rahn Inya conquest to the north, I will try and use the information I get from my trance, in my plan of action against the Rahn Inya.
Abronychus: If Gawier or anyone else runs in screaming frantically about the amulet, I'll take it off. If no one alerts me to the nature of the amulet, I'll drift off into unconsciousness and weird hallucination-filled sleep. Alternately, if I make a miraculous recovery, I'll crush the amulet like a walnut, stand up, say something cool, and stand there in total shock for a few minutes.
Zak: I continue to treat my leg, trying to heal it as fast as possible. I ask the old man where the two people who came with me are and if he could get them.

With the majority of the group resting, or hanging around nearby, the entire group started to relax, nerves finally untensing from the constant threats. Flat began to clean himself, ruffling through his feathers, a few falling out, which he placed onto Abronychus. He lazily twiddled one around. Zak also relaxed, still rubbing his leg, keeping the blood flowing as much as possible, while keeping the leg splinted. He had remarkable success as well, as his leg not only staved off its slow decay, but even seemed to improve from the chill it had received. Gaweir appeared to be relaxing, but was actually focusing yet again, attempting to seek outside forces in the area, as far as his mind could reach. He closed his eyes and assumed a meditative position. Although everything around him began to slow down, he had little luck. All he could hear, or notice, was the quiet noises everyone made, either breathing, ruffling, massaging. However, he soon met another tone, unlike one he had heard before. It almost seemed to be a feeling, as if he could hear textures...

"Hey, Old Man, you recall the two people who had come with me through the obelisk, and survived?"
"Hmm... yes, I do remember."
"Have any idea where they've gone off to? At one point they came in here, but since then I've not seen them."
"Nor have I. I doubt it has anything to do with the Rahn inya, however I also doubt its the last we've seen of them. They probably ran off into the jungle, running away from the new scenery. Must be quite a shock to them, to be pulled out of their dimension, hmm?"

...From those textures surrounding Gaweir, he suddenly met another. But this time, it was an emotion. One of peacefulness, and tranquility. It was near impossible to explain it, it felt as though he were hearing a texture, and that texture was an emotion. He opened his eyes, however he did not see the hut, nor anyone he knew. He found himself in a magnificent room. It looked like the front entrance to a mansion. There was a large central staircase, made of white marble, with a red carpet. The base of it was a large circle, which slowly climbed in smaller circles until it became a staircase. The entire room was of white marble, with pedestals placed evenly about, adorned with perfectly crafted statues of jade. There were four pedestals on each side of the room, each with a statue, and between each pedestal was a large marble column. Looking behind himself, Gaweir saw no door, but below him was a large raised circular platform, 6 meters in diameter, made of white marble as well. On it was a bronze-colored symbol, resembling a "Y," and each of the three lines were evenly spaced, the ends of the lines curved outward, and between each pair of lines was a bronze colored circle...
Spoiler: The Symbol (click to show/hide)
A figure in white began to descend down the staircase toward Gaweir, but before he could discern the figure, the image faded, and he found himself back at the HQ.

Abronychus fell asleep while Gaweir had his vision, hoping to see something out of the ordinary, something to give him a clue, if not at least entertain him. Drifting off into slumber, he had a very fuzzy dream, where all vision was blurred, impossible to see anything clearly unless it went right up to your face. What he could tell was that he was in a dimly-lit room, made entirely of obsidian, smooth and shiny. Lights were place upon the walls, which curved to make the entire room circular, however there were many, evenly spaced distended areas on the wall, making it seem as though it were a curved wall with many half-columns attached, and all the columns touching one-another. In the center of the room, where Abronychus stood, was a circular platform, 6 meters in diameter, with a gray, iron-colored symbol, resembling a "Y"...

Astor, realizing the threat in the village was far too great for him alone, began to sprint back to the village. He, once again, had an uneventful journey, with no Rahn inya sighted. While running, he looked around in the brush for anything he knew was useful, especially more mushrooms, however he had no luck. After the same ten minute trip, he made it back to the village to find Flat scrounging around through the leatherworker's store, however Flat looked different. For one, he seemed better groomed, however he also had on a helmet, perfectly fitted for him! Flat seemd quite annoyed however, as he searched through a pile of armors. But he had no luck, and then remembered that the workers requested two days, not one, and reasoned that only the helmet had been finished.

Astor continued to run back to the HQ, nearly inside, before he was interrupted by a sound. It sounded as though something was building, as though a spell were slowly gaining power. It sounded from the west. Looking in that direction, Astor then heard a powerful blast as a large purple ball, with a tail trailing behind it, soared into the sky, as though a beacon. However, as it went higher than the volcano, it exploded, and a strange purple shockwave rippled through the sky, as if the sky itself were hit by the blast...

Group 2: Xix, Jalthas, Strife
Xix: Actually considers what the shaman says thoughtfully and logically, planing out exactly what to ask him next time he comes to be able to know the situation as well as possibly and for giving him a chance to prove his statements.
Jalthas: I will examine the door for any weak points, particularly where the rust might let me smash through it, discussing what the shaman said with the others.  If I can find a weak point, I'll likely try to break through the door.
Strife: I will be polite to the shaman. "Well, I'm unfamiliar with the situation, so I'd be happy to discuss it with you. Provided that I can be convinced that what you say is true, I'll be happy to devote my not insignificant prowess to your cause. Although my first priority would be getting my stuff back; it's heavily enchanted and has the power to upset the power of balance, you know." I don't trust the shaman any further than I could throw him. Especially considering that me losing my stuff THEN appearing in a prison has never happened before. I will attempt to feel out my opposition and get out of the cell if possible. If it looks bad, I will kick ass and take names. Grabbing whatever weapon is handy.

"Before you go, you should know I'd be happy to discuss this situation with you. And, if what you say is true and that these villagers with their well are in fact a danger, I'd willingly devote myself to your cause. First though, I really could use my coat. Its power really could help us out, especially you..."

The shaman looks across his shoulder at Strife, who gives the most convincing look he could. However, the shaman merely smirks.

"We'll see, we'll see..."

Strife looked down the hallway as he left, clenching his hands on the metal bars with held-in anger. Xix, meanwhile, rested on the floor, thinking about what the shaman had said. She tried to see how his reasoning could be true. If the villagers were hiding a secret in that well, they most likely would have made sure nobody went near it. And Abronychus had slept in it, and nothing odd occurred. But there had been a grate, hadn't there? Unless the village had underwater beasts in their well, which seemed quite a strange idea, there was no reason to bar up that cave. And perhaps the villagers knew that they would not dare to enter it. But then, the Rahn inya never seemed to concentrate on reaching the well either. It was always the obelisk they desired. So, as far as Xix could tell, the shaman's tale seemed to be a constructed lie.

While Xix pondered and Strife tried his best to outwit the shaman for his coat, Jalthas examined his prison door. Every bar had rust on it, however some had much more, and he wanted to see if some areas were rusted enough to break through. Examining them thoroughly, he noticed a few bars were, across the top, very slightly dented, and had excessive rust. He imagined he was not the first to create the plan, and some other prisoner had, over time, used the water from the damp walls to coat the bars. But that prisoner may not have been as strong as he was. Taking a deep breath, once the shaman had left, he punched the bar with as much force as he could muster. To everyone's surprise, especially since none were paying much attention, he made it through the bar! Grinning, he took the bar out of the floor socket and let the top piece fall out on its own. To be able to fit through, however, he would need to break through two more. He aimed at the second one, and gave it yet another massive hit. He held his hand in pain, however the second bar had come out. The third one was less rusted, and would take more force, but Jalthas worried he would break his hand if he tried to break the next one. He did, however, grab the two larger iron bar pieces, as their size made them suitable for weapons.

"Either that bar was extremely rusted, which is unlikely as rust creates a protective coating over the rest of the unrusted metal, preventing further damage, or you're stronger than you look. And that's saying quite a bit."
"He, yes, thank you. Surprised I broke through it my...self?"

Jalthas slowed his speech and then stopped as the entire dungeon began to rumble. The rumbling grew greater and greater in force, until a sudden, powerful force shook the entire area, and sent everyone to the ground...

Group 3: Casimir, Dux
Casimir: I'll ask Dux what, then, is going on here. If it seems safe, I'll glance out of the window and take a good luck at what's on the desk. I'm still quite cautious, so I'll try not to, say, sniff the substances in the vials.
Dux: I first decide to see if all my belongings are still with him and then search the room, paying special attention to the things on the table. Then I use my skill in telepathy to read the mind of the other man to find out his intentions. I also look out through the window to determine the fall height and where we are. If after reading his mind I decide that the man is not a threat I answer his questions as well as I can.

"Sure, you didn't put me up here. I'll bet you had someone else do it for you. So, then, what's going on?"

Dux ignored him somewhat, patting his robe and other objects to be sure they were all present and undamaged. Surprisingly, they were.

"Sure, just ignore me..."

Casimir turned around and went over to the window, looking out. Outside, he saw vast jungles surrounding the tower they were in. It seemed to be a lone tower, as no other structures were nearby. He did see in the distance what looked to be a ruined castle, however, and even farther away more wooden structures. To the right, he saw a large volcano, and to the left was a beach by water, and lots of it.

While Casimir looked out, Dux went over to the desk, to see what was on it. Noticing this, Casimir went over to the desk as well.

"Ah, I see. Deciding what instrument of torture to use, eh?"

Dux counted everything that was present. There were five scrolls, a strangely colored pen and inkwell, which he recognized as a specially enchanted scribing quill, used to create scrolls. There was also a single wooden rack with six vials, all empty. There was also a tome, colored burgundy, with a triangle indented on the front hard cover, and a red tassel/bookmark in the binding. There were two rounded stones, one with what looked to be an infinity symbol etched on it in red, and another, unshaped. He recognized a special chisel, which was identical to the quill and inkwell, aside from what it was used on: stones, not scrolls.

"I hope you aren't going to simply pummel me to death with one of those rocks..."

Dux turned to face Casimir, squinting his eyes slightly, as though concentrating. Casimir raised an eyebrow and backed slightly, a bit worried the robed man was psychotic. Searching through Casimir's mind, however, Dux found he was genuinely inquiring about the entire capturing bit.

"My name's Dux, nice to meet you. Really, is this how you greet everyone?"
"Only when I find myself in a room I've never seen before with someone who looks as if they were recently dug up from a grave. Casimir. Alright, so you didn't put me up here. What's going on, any idea?"
"I don't have any ideas, aside from the obvious 'we were taken here by someone who wants us to be their prisoners' bit. Still, we are armed, and there's a plethora of useful things here. Thus, I doubt, if someone made us prisoners, they planned on keeping us here, or us staying here for long."

Suddenly, the hatch door swung open and a small character stepped up. He was very short, probably a bit less than a meter tall, or around three feet, and had a thinning white hairline, making the top of his head bald. However, the sides of his head had fairly long hair, sticking straight out. He also had a thick beard spreading across his entire chin, sides, and upper lip, however it seemed well kept, and was pointed at the bottom. He wore a green robe with blue embroidery, with white gloves and shoes. He was then recognized to be a gnome.

"Are you the one who brought us up here?"
"Ha, more like saved you! You might want to lay down though!"

The two looked a bit puzzled, but did as they were told and went on the ground. After, the gnome went over to his desk and picked up the red infinity-symbol rock, and seemed to concentrate with it. Suddenly, the entire room seemed to slowly shade purple. The two clutched onto the ground as the entire tower shook with tremendous force, before a massive shockwave went forth, and the purple shade went away. The gnome quickly ran to the window and looked up. A second, but almost unnoticeable tremor came, and the gnome suddenly looked a bit excited, but then quickly looked defeated.



 - Wounds: none
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: Observation skill increased slightly

 - Wounds: bruised back effects=very tired (--actions)
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: Fast Movement skill increased greatly. Precision Movement skill increased moderately. Observation skill increased slightly

 - Wounds: cracked skull status=slightly treated effects=faster tiring, thirsty
                bruised back effects=none
                bruised stomach effects=none
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: none

 - Wounds: scratches effects=tired (-actions)
                bruised right arm effects=none
                bruised hip effects=none
                bruised chest effects=none
                bruised head effects=none
                badly bruised left shoulder effects=light pain, -actions using left arm
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: Gaweir's Focus skill is now Potent Focus!

 - Wounds: pierced stomach status=mostly treated effects=light bleeding, extreme pain (---actions), extremely fast tiring, very tired (--actions), faint (-actions, faster tiring)
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: Resistance skill increased moderately

 - Wounds: broken left leg status=splinted, slightly treated effects=slight pain, --movement, frozen (slowly dying leg), faster tiring
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: Healing skill increased slightly

 - Wounds: badly bruised right hand effects=[glow=yellow]-actions using right hand[/glow], slight pain
 - Inventory: Found Large Iron Bar (2)
 - Skills: Unarmed Combat skill increased slightly

 - Wounds: none
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: none

 - Wounds: none
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: Observation skill increased slightly

 - Wounds: none
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: none
Today's Toady Tip: 3 and 4 are not the same number.
How borgly is your borgle's borgle?
The Minister of BEEEES! and of The Great Charter for the Toady Protectorate!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #31 on: January 11, 2009, 02:19:03 am »

I try to find out what happened and were it came from. then I give advice on the best method for strife is to get thought those bars (architecture and math).
So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #32 on: January 11, 2009, 02:31:34 am »

I continue sleeping, I guess. :P


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #33 on: January 11, 2009, 02:49:16 am »

If it looks like the ceiling is going to fall on our heads, Jalthas will be trying to dodge any potential nasty falling bits.  If that isn't an issue, then he'll be trying to finish off that last bar in the way, using the other bars if necessary, though trying to avoid attracting too much attention.  If he gets out, he'll take a look at the other cells in an attempt to see about opening them up, particularly Xix's cell.  Assuming all this happens, he'll try smashing the locks or weaker bars of the cell with his recently liberated weapons.

EDIT: Any sort of action which would involve using my hands, I would be taking care not to injure myself further.

EDIT EDIT: I'll also follow Strife's example and try to displace the final bar with a kick..  Making it a point to be careful.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2009, 10:13:40 pm by Golgath »
I fully endorse the idea of mountain goats that hunt man.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #34 on: January 11, 2009, 03:34:57 am »

Grumble. How dare the shaman not let me out of my cell so I can, in all probabilty, kill him and reclaim my coat. I supose that I have to be a copycat and try to break the bars at well. If I still have my boots I'll go for kicking instead if ounching though. Eh, then again, even if I'm barefooted I'll go for the kicking strategy.

I also recomend that Jalthas club the last bar if he wants to break it. It's easier on the knucles.
Even the avatars expire eventually.

Duke 2.0

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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #35 on: January 11, 2009, 04:08:19 am »

 Alas, as much as Astor wants to do something to help he is very tired. He looks West from the HQ(Wherever gives the best view) and notes anything that sticks out. Afterwords, he will find a quiet spot in HQ and take a breather. Heck, he might even practice a little magic(Something along the lines of energy flowing through the body, not any fancy electric balls).
Buck up friendo, we're all on the level here.
I would bet money Andrew has edited things retroactively, except I can't prove anything because it was edited retroactively.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #36 on: January 11, 2009, 05:26:24 am »

I decide to sleep for now, leting my body regenerate faster. I ask the villager that is nearby to massage my leg every now and then.

Jay Kayell

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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #37 on: January 11, 2009, 01:53:29 pm »

I question the gnome about what is going on here and use telepathy to make sure he isn't lying. I also try to identify the magic force released from the stone.
Decapitation - enjoy the difference


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #38 on: January 11, 2009, 03:15:43 pm »

I stand up and look at what the gnome is looking at. I first ask what he just did. Then what we needed to be rescued from and what we did to deserve being rescued.
I'll check my belongings too, and orient myself with my compass ('course, if the magic didn't screw it up).
For that viciously bad pun, I'm gonna introduce a NPC named Vlynndar just so that I can kill him of in a cruel and unusual way.
Watermelons are pretty important.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #39 on: January 11, 2009, 03:47:05 pm »

Thinking about it, I should probably describe everything that Strife's Trenchcoat can do. Some of it gets somewhat ludicrious, so it's up to Vaiolis to decide what its limits are.
First of all, the pockets aren't affected by space-time. You can fit an infinite amount of stuff in them, provided that it fits in the opening (for example, a fifteen and a half foot pole could be lid inside, but not a heavy machinegun. Strife has cramed a lot of stuff into them over the years, so it is possible that there would be some medical stuff inside, however, he has a bit of a problem finding it. Looking for a lost object quickly becomes a game of pulling random objects out.

The other function of the pocket involves the weapon generation. Basicly, Strife can pull out an infinite supply of handguns (loaded), bullets, or knives. This is a direct conflict with the law of conservation of mass.
Strife also has two special weapons (which I'd highly recomend being phroibited). First, Strife can produce his special M15 officer's pistol from his pocket. It is similar to a 1911 .45, but with a shortened barrel. Strife packs normal rounds, but has in addition somehow found a supplier of shotgun style rounds for it (It uses specially made gunpoweder and super-small shot). His second weapon is a modified M14 rifle. It has a reenforced barrel to permite extended full automatic fire and an extended clip. I'd recomend against allowing either of these widow-makers in the game.
Even the avatars expire eventually.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #40 on: January 11, 2009, 03:48:36 pm »

What happens to animals inside the pockets? Could you store a troop of small marmosets in it?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #41 on: January 11, 2009, 04:38:00 pm »

Good question. Probably. They might not age either. Or they might suficate. It's a good question actually.
Even the avatars expire eventually.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #42 on: January 11, 2009, 05:17:03 pm »

With stuff like that, I always wonder what happens if you hold those pockets underwater. Aside from wet marmosets, you could get quite an empty pond.
For that viciously bad pun, I'm gonna introduce a NPC named Vlynndar just so that I can kill him of in a cruel and unusual way.
Watermelons are pretty important.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #43 on: January 11, 2009, 05:19:37 pm »

Also a valid question. I'd assume that Strife's passive ability to ignore space would short out eventually, mind you he hasn't reached yet. And he has some strange stuff hiding there.
Even the avatars expire eventually.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #44 on: January 11, 2009, 09:44:31 pm »

Shucks... Only a helmet! Well, maybe Flat will search for some survivors, or something. Especially that leatherworker! If possible, I'll store some small stones in my pouch while searching.

Flat Technique: Keys of Unlocking

Flat has a ring of keys around his ankle. There is little known about where or what the keys came from, but simply picking one key from the ring will allow the picker to unlock most things (for some things are locked through powerful magicks). It can bypass minor traps, magical or not, and open doors, chests, cages, windows, etc. The key ring, however, is stuck around Flat's ankle, and can only be used nearby the actual lock it is unlocking by touching the key to the lock.

Anyone else think that giant fireball was weird? Probably the secret weapon the village has, but why would they have a secret weapon in the first place?

And I sacrificed (almost) my entire inventory for those keys. Just wait until that anklet comes in handy ;)
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