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Author Topic: Lords of Creation  (Read 64682 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #495 on: January 23, 2009, 12:38:59 am »

"I am glad. Although war can be tremendously destructive, it can also pave the way for great triumphs and a brighter future for the victors. It would be hard for anyone to build great empires without Yaven'gan's version of war."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #496 on: January 23, 2009, 12:41:07 am »

"All types of war, be it destructive or not is MY type of war."


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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #497 on: January 23, 2009, 12:43:09 am »

"Give me a few days to teach Erif and his most trusted lieutenants a few things. I assure you, what I will reveal to them will be more than enough to turn the tide of the battle. In the mean time, give this to your Exarch. It will come in handy." Ur handed Wayock his fishing line.


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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #498 on: January 23, 2009, 12:54:18 am »

Wayock looked puzzled. But he called Erif up anyway.

"Have you selected your lieutenants?"
"Yes sir."
"Here." Wayock handed him Ur's line.
"What.. What is this sir?"
"It is a gift from another god. Leave now."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #499 on: January 23, 2009, 12:55:40 am »

(I just noticed Psycho Jelly's last post. Oops.)

As Gsilnisa speaks, the being nearby her realizes that he should probably say something. Xiuthagurbhahwauhwa speaks;

"Hello. In case you haven't realized it yet, you're either dead or lost in the underworld. I am Xiuthagurbhahwauhwa, the King of the Underworld, Lord of Cold, and Baron of Discomfort. I try to operate the afterlife on the premise that a generally unpleasant place will instill an appreciation of pleasure in those I rule over. Try and savor the times when you aren't cold and uncomfortable. It'll make them even better."

"Don't worry about an eternity of dissatisfaction, though. There are advancement exams and interviews administered occasionally. You can move up in your status through such exams. You aren't scheduled for one of the merit exams for a while, so you should probably take this opportunity to introduce yourself to some of the other deceased."

There are no people but Xiuthagurbhahwauhwa and Gsilnisa in sight. There isn't anything but dark tunnel visible anywhere nearby. There seem to be a few loose pebbles on the floor.

"We'll probably be receiving some more residents shortly. Any questions or problems?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #500 on: January 23, 2009, 01:13:49 am »

In the middle of a cloudless night, Ur travelled from His realm, taking the shape of on old soldier with a crooked back and a long white beard. Upon his bald head was a green, tarnished copper crown decorated with three-eyed fishes. His armour was just an old pair of leather boots and a dented bronze breastplate. He held a net and a spear.

"So you're the one old Wayock picked to lead this army. I'm supposed to show you and this mangy lot a few tricks I picked up in my youth. Let's start with the art of fishing. Don't give me that look. Have a hook? Good, you'll need it."

Ur lead Erif and his men out into the middle of a field of grass, with no running water to be seen for miles around.

"Perfect spot. Let me see that hook, I'll see if I can't catch one. Yes, right here."

Ur took the hook and swung it around over his head with one hand and let it fly straight up. It hung in midair, seeming to be caught on the sky itself.

"Oh, a bite. Lucky me!"

Ur pulled down hard on the line, pulling and straining and tugging as he went. Up in the sky, one of the stars grew brighter and brighter untill it was almost as bright as day. And then it fell from the heavens, blasting a crater in the hillside. The men looked on in amazement.

"Your turn."

((1PP: teach an Exarch how to use a Divine artifact to throw fallen stars at things. More learning shall take place later on.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #501 on: January 23, 2009, 01:18:46 am »

((He isn't Exarch yet.))

Jay Kayell

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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #502 on: January 23, 2009, 01:48:39 am »

Yaven'Gan heard Nel'ulos words and said: "In what way then do you seek to aid me? I would be glad to ally with you, of course."

He was then distracted by Wayock, who asked him of the purpose of his army. "What is the purpose of any army? You are the god of war, you should know."

He then left for Nessus to finish his preparations.

He looked upon his vast army as they drilled and trained to prepare for war, a hundred legions marching as one, their steps shook the earth. They would surely sweep aside any foe, no matter how many there were.

He decided that they needed a strong leader, but he did not trust that any of the demons could adequately perform this task. So he decided to create the perfect warrior in his own image. He created a humanoid much like the demons, twice as tall as them, with the head and armored hide of a dragon, and driven by an endless desire to do his master's will. This warrior would be known as Apep.

Yaven'Gan spoke to Apep: "I have created you to lead my great army, you hold all the knowledge of war that I possess. Now go and prepare the troops, they shall go to war shortly."

Apep simply bowed his head and did as his master had commanded.

(create avatar: 4PP)

(And if you are wondering, a legion consists of 6000 demons and 500 dragons. And a demon is about 3m (9.84 feet) tall.)
Decapitation - enjoy the difference


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #503 on: January 23, 2009, 02:02:44 am »

"You know what I mean, are you going to enslave all of Primoridia?"

"Also, is the underworld restricted to sentient beings?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #504 on: January 23, 2009, 02:31:32 am »

"Now I'll show you how to make some soup for before battle."

Ur led a goat over to the soup pot by a rope. He drew a tarnished bronze sword and butchered the beast. Into the pot, he drained the blood and carved the fat and bones and eyes from it's body, leaving the meat and skin off to the side in a blood pile. He stirred the pot and sung a song in a strange language. From his side, he pulled a flask of raw alcohol and took a sip before pouring the whole thing into the brew. Last, he took four red hot coals in his bare hands and dropped them into the bloody mess in the cauldron, making the whole thing catch on fire.

From the flames and the blood and the crumbling bones and burning fat sprung strange and terrible creatures made of flame and slavering mouths and others that were little more than bloodsoaked wings. All around, ghostly voices could be heard, crying and screaming and yelling. The dead were awakened by the burning of the concotion. Finally, a full grown man with maddened eyes waving a sword sprung from the pot, screaming insanely and swallowing the goat meat whole. He bowed before Ur and all the monsterous beasts called forth bowed with him.

"Welcome, servant of Ur-Ru the Mighty. Your general awaits you." He pointed to Erif.

((1PP: Teach Erif and those other guys how to summon up ghosts and the things living on 1/Primordia and piles of venomous snakes and pluages of rats and all sorts of other nasty stuff.))
« Last Edit: January 23, 2009, 02:33:55 am by Grek »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #505 on: January 23, 2009, 08:29:38 am »

"Ur-Ru, i understand your need for weapons of very high levels of power, but could you please try not to make too many stars fall? They are what holds the fabric of magic on Primordia, and without them, the two other powers of Existance, thought and reality, would be imbalanced towards magic, and who knows what would happen then..."
<@Poltifar> yeah i've played life for almost 23 years
<@Poltifar> i specced myself into a corner, i should just reroll
<@Akroma> eh
<@Akroma> just play the minigames until your subscription runs out


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #506 on: January 23, 2009, 08:50:06 am »

A glowing sapphire, held by a copper bracket, shone a pale blue light in a rocky passage. Not even the dripping of water was to be heard here, for every stream or drip in the area had been redirected or sealed up, for this was the corridor of the banished. Suddenly a loud booming was heard, as if the rock blocking the corridoor had been moved [for indeed it had]. Soon after, the clink of gemchild shoes on the rocky underground was to be heard, and soon a small party arrived at the light. They stood silently for a moment, and then, little claws tapping on the ground, a pale stonecrab came forth from the alcove opposite. Balanced carefully on top was a note. Insurgo reached down, took the note, and thanked the stonecrab, who quickly returned to the alcove.
"Is it from him?" asked Gur'ak
"It is. It appears that the situation is not doomed after all. To the market, men"
So they returned to the entrance, where the keeper nodded at them and rolled the stone back into place.
Once at the market, they entered the map-chamber, where they were greeted by General Ni-ber.
"Was your trip succesfull, Insurgo?"
"Yes. Xiuthagurbhahwauhwa will provide. We can focus on strategy.
There are two issues. The first, and most urgent, is Fan-Hondak and his 'holy quest'. The latest data suggests that they have advanced their magical capabilities, rendering all we had useless. The hard earned ground is being retaken. We are at a net profit regarding when I first met you, but this will not be so for much longer."
They all nodded. They knew this.
"How do we deal with this? I have three possible solutions.
One; we make allies. My enemy's enemy may not be our enemy, but they are not our allies, yet. If we can control the actions of the surrounding clans, and the independant villages, we would be able to co-ordinate our attacks. If we controlled all the free gemchildren, we would crush Fan-Hondak within a week. Naturally, this is not an option. Many consider everyone their enemy, or foolishly believe in neutrality. Also, we simply cannot contact most clans, because of their locations. We do not know them.
One bee: We pray. Not just sapphire tunnels, but every gemchild we can get. This involves One, and I do not like the idea of using the gods to such an extent. Asking them to crush Fan-Hondak is not like asking htem to fix the fence, they may wish for more in return than mere prayer.
Two: I call this option 'suicide strike'; either we die, or they die. This option involves fighting on, defending, until Fan-Hondak joins the fight against us, or our area. Then we strike at him, with everything we have. Every man, woman and hatchling that can hold a weapon or throw a stone. If we threathen Fan-Hondak, Zyenlid may dare to join the fight personally, to protect his little puppet. When he does, I shall attempt to overpower him. With Zyenlid incapacitated, Fan-Hondak will fall.
The flaws in this scheme are numerous. Hundreds, nay, thousands will be captured or banished. If Zyenlid doesn't show, the open borders will be overrun. And if I fail to stop Zyenlid, it will be over.
However. Option three.
Why it didn't occur to me earlier.
We shall steal Fan-Hondak's army. Fan-Hondak has many seperate clans under him; I can imagine that at least some of them fight because they have to. Many will not know better."
Insurgo strode around the room, eyes glowing.
"And I of all people know that there is no such thing as total loyalty. We shall strike Fan-Hondak with the poison of corruption! He shall watch, helpless, as his troops abandon him! None shall be trusted! He shall not become paranoid, for his fears shall be real!
We shall offer his men wealth, power, and pleasures of the flesh and they shall fall! Evil will grip his empire, and crush it till it is a husk, devoid of loyal men! Buahahaha!"
The assembled Teachers and generals stared.
"Evil, Insurgo? I thought we were good?" said Ni-Ber.
"Yes, I thought you might say that. I realise now my wording in the past may have been confusing. I called the gods evil. What I should have said was, the gods are wrong. Their allignment in the good/evil sense is muddled, but they are all wrong. Fan-Hondak is wrong. And we-" he gestured around the room"-are right. We fight a Just cause. The application of evil to the completion of this cause is irrelevant. It remains Just.
I propose we combine the actions. Keep 2 in reserve, apply 3 in battle, and attempt 1. Now we shall discuss..."

([/spoiler] I got bored. You all heard nothing. Noone is omniescent, and Insurgo would surely have noticed a god's divine presence.
Armok: Hey, rejoin if you want to, I just assumed it was just a set-up for Dramatics. (with a capital D). I'm afraid your post didn't specify the exact details of what the Illochicate were planning, so I just made something up that would aid me in a non-specific way. I was actualy planning to extract power from the hub anyway, so I thought, hey, logical plot! But ooo-kay, PM what you want the Illochicate to do, and we can work something out.
Grek: Yeah, whatch out, or Zyenlid may not be the lord and master over all magical any more! Ooh, arn't we worried!
And, undead soup? Madness!
Xiuthagurbhahwauhwa: Cool. Cold, even. If you need a hand with anything, ask. I don't reeaaly need anything yet, just vague support. The no PP-cost kind.
General: What kind of timescale are we working with here. Having time go at what ever pace suits your needs in your own plane is fine, but how fast does it go in primordia? It depends, of course, but the gemchild war can't really last more than a few hundred years :/)
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #507 on: January 23, 2009, 11:26:05 am »

Zyenild was still waiting Insurgo's reply to his previous question. If no reply came soon, he would command Fan-Hondak to simply crush the opposition.

Zyenild also turned to the other gods: "I promise you my aid against the demon hordes, if only on one condition: I keep control over the gem children. For that, I ask of you not to help me, but to not help Insurgo in this."

(PS: Nuke, I'd like if you dont just act for the whole of my race. I allowed you to take control of the saphire clans just like that because it was a nice twist, but i refuse to allow you to take control of many more clans.)
« Last Edit: January 23, 2009, 11:28:40 am by Poltifar »
<@Poltifar> yeah i've played life for almost 23 years
<@Poltifar> i specced myself into a corner, i should just reroll
<@Akroma> eh
<@Akroma> just play the minigames until your subscription runs out

Servant Corps

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #508 on: January 23, 2009, 12:34:01 pm »

"No, duels and astral combat are just options, I AM the god of war, am I not? I believe I know my own."

Well, the definition of War has not really been defined yet. None of us really know what War actually meant, until I invented the Concept. Yes, it is true that you are the God of War, but you are the God of this specific 'Concept of War', the concept of War that includes Duels and Astral Combat, and only that.
I have left Bay12Games to pursue a life of non-Bay12Games. If you need to talk to me, please email at me at igorhorst at gmail dot com.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #509 on: January 23, 2009, 01:32:42 pm »

(Poltifar: Yeah, no worries. I can't actually win this little scuffle, it wouldn't work.  Insurgo may be aiming for complete victory, but not me. I'm aiming for a draw. Just cos we're gods doesn't mean we can commit godmodding.
And here's your long-awaited answer.)
(Also, problem two, which I realise I never adressed, is Yaven'Gan. I'm in on that. I don't really have a choice, he's out to get me!)
Long Live United Forenia!
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