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Author Topic: Lords of Creation  (Read 64689 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #450 on: January 21, 2009, 02:18:28 pm »

"Hmm. Nice job furthering inequality. So, what do you think about this, God of Progress?"

Servant Corps

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #451 on: January 21, 2009, 03:24:32 pm »

"First, death culls everybody. It doesn't matter if you are strong or weak, it would cull you.

Secondly...Weakness, Apura Khon? How so?

In strength? These people can come up with the technology to help themselves carry stuff, if they really need to carry huge stuff to help development. We could always assist them in that.

In moral character? Well, yeah, once we introduced evil, you'd think moral character would be weak. But I highly doubt a class system with all its inherent oppressive nature is going to support that, and I expect that if you want to improve all that, you'd be better teaching people actual morals, like the God of the Afterlife is doing.

In beauty? For crying out loud, these are SOULS we're dealing with here! How in the world can they be---Never mind. I won't even question your logic.

In health? Souls are immortal, meaning there is no need for a 'universal health care' system to heal these souls.

In culture? I'm sorry, but there is no such thing as a 'superior culture'. For one, you seem to provide a great insult to the Bacterial Civilization, which is unified together, working together for the good of all society, not just for the good of a few. They aren't dying, and their great works are very amazing to me, and they don't die. Now, the Bacterial Civilization is far different from the Gem People. But to claim that the Gem People's culture is superior, why, that's speicist.

In any event, your "Class System", to produce a rebirth of "arts" and "science" would likely falter in the face of, I don't know, the Concept of Evil. As long as Evil seek to cause destruction, the Class System will likely break, as the rich become Evil and the Poor becomes Evil. People aren't really going to invent sliced bread if they are fearful of their lives here.

In ability to actually do anything without having somebody else rushing in and causing your best-laid plans to blow apart in 6 different planes? Khon, welcome to the Partheon, enjoy your stay here."
I have left Bay12Games to pursue a life of non-Bay12Games. If you need to talk to me, please email at me at igorhorst at gmail dot com.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #452 on: January 21, 2009, 04:28:22 pm »

Whilst Insurgo sensed a debate of some importance among the gods, he had no time to deal with it now. Besides, he had an angry god of evil on his ass.

Insurgo walked for many days through winding tunnels, anger driving him on. The whole world was a game of the gods. The silicoid life, the many varieties of fungus, the stone crabs with their metal tools, all, all created by the gods. The self-righteous egoistic gods. But they were clever, oh yes. The world had been created as that only they could change it. What could he do about this injustice? Nothing (Insurgo is plagued by delusions of mortalhood).
As he ranted, he walked into a cavern in which rows of tevorim-plants were growing, tended by a dozen gemma liberi
(To be hence to refered to as 'gemchildren'. No offence, but pig latin is, meh. Good for names, but gemma liberi doesn't flow, y'know? It's like calling humans homo sapiens).
The gemchildren didn't notice him, for to their eyes, he was one of them. He passed on, assuming this was more of the gods automatons. As he was leaving, a gemchild dropped a metal basket on his foot.
"God dammit!", the gemchild cursed, hopping around frantically.
Insurgo paused in midstep. He spun on his axis, eyes aglow.
"Do you blaspheme against the gods, gemchild?"
"Gods? There's only one god, mate. And call me Gur'ak. 'Gemchild'!"
"One god?" Insurgo gaped. "Which-who is god, then, Gur'ak?"
"The creator. Zyenlid, lord of everything. You not had a gem in a while, mate?"
"Zyenlid? Zynelid- you bastard! You sounded nice! Gur'ak! I must talk to all the people you know. Where do they gather?"
"Well, there's a market in the town, where people gather for war councils, but-"
"Take me there at once!"
"Oi! No need to be like that! I don't even know your name!"
"I said at once" growled Insurgo, his eyes flashing red. "And my name is Insurgo"

And lo; Insurgo went forth to the market place of the saphire-tunnel clan, where he spoke unto the people. At first they were sceptical, but soon Insurgo's powerfull words swayed them. Insurgo described unto them the gods, and their use of the world as a toy, and told them of the power of prayer. Of miracles. And the peoples clamoured unto him, and asked for his guidance.
"I am a metalworker, but my crafts are failing" cried a desperate gemchild.
"You should pray unto Berridan, lord of metals, and ask him to help you form his gifts"
"The cave river by my farm has slowed to a drip!" shouted a farmer.
"Pray unto Undaparo, ask her to extend a finger to stop your drought"
"My son is struck with mental illness!"
"Etom Enol may grant a portion of his vast intellect to your son if you pray"
"The armies of the god-apointed ruler of all gemma liberi outnumber us, their soldiers have better weapons, their gems are greater, and Zyenlid has give them war-golems!" The last petition was by a gemchild in shining armour, studded with glowing gems, accompanied by five simairly armed gemchildren, though their armour was less impressive. "Unless your 'prayer' to your 'gods' can aid us there, I'm going to banish you for causing disturbances."
Insurgo stared. A mana vein on his forehead pulsed. His eyes flashed. The ground around him steamed. He clenched his fists.
"GOD-APOINTED-RULER? A NEW LOW, EVEN FOR THE GODS!" His voice cracked, his demon origin shining through. "Would they seek to rule that very thing which can provide freedom from their rule? Oh, we shall pray, warrior, and I shall join in your prayer. I shall slay the god-apointed ruler with my own hands!"

(Action: Create concept (3PP): Religion*
 Teach Populace (1PP): Teach the gemchildren of Saphire Tunnels of the gods.
 Pray Unto Wayock: Guide the prayers of Saphire Tunnels to Wayock, in exchange for aid in battle against Fan-Hondak.
 I'm looking for some natural tactical knowledge, strength of the muskox, aggression of wolves. Amen.

 Saphire Tunnels is a moderatly powered gemchild clan, inhabiting an undefined location. Not near the gemchildren affected by Apura Khon, anyway.
 They, like many clans, are against the unification of Fan-Hondak, for reasons of their own. Greed, general evil, loyalty to their current leader, whatever.

*As that there may be structures of worship. The idea that gods can be worshipped. The introduction of the pantheon. Priests.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2009, 04:31:57 pm by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #453 on: January 21, 2009, 04:52:09 pm »

"God of 'Progress', the way you broke your argument into tiny pieces only emphasizes your small-mindness. There is a bigger picture that clearly, you cannot see, and you nearly said as much yourself. Creation is a slow and imperfect process, something you should know better than anyone, but apparently respect less. Perhaps you should sleep and come back in ten thousand years, for as it stands, you only seem to choke progress in the name of premature justice and equality."

"I'd prefer calm, however. The current system is not ideal, but I cannot destroy the unfortunate creation of immortality that has already been laid down, so the living must suffer their own injustices for the benefit of the dead. I await that the creations which are most superior in all ways prove their worth, it is not my duty to analyze them and pass judgement. You will see superiority arise on its own, as well--or perhaps you are blind."

"I thank you sincerely for your verbose and unpleasant welcome."

Jay Kayell

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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #454 on: January 21, 2009, 04:59:17 pm »

Yaven'Gan arrived back at his palace in Nessus and for the first time since the beginning of time he took human shape. He stood atop his tower and looked down on his domain. Everywhere demons milled about, countless thousands of them, many armed with vicious weapons and sturdy armor. His warriors were ready, but his army was not. They knew how to fight, but not how to wage war, how to march in formation and strike at the enemy with ruthless efficiency.

He taught them of command chains, of tactics, of supply routes, of sieges and of a thousand other things that were necessary to successfully wage war. They were now the most fearsome warriors in all of creation.

(teach populace: 1PP)
Decapitation - enjoy the difference


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #455 on: January 21, 2009, 05:58:07 pm »

Wayock was troubled, in his head many voices were calling out for his help, he followed them and he came upon the gem children of the Saphire Tunnels. They want his help, they want tactical knowledge, strength and aggression. Hmm.. He knew someone was massing for war and well, there is only a war if two sides are involved he pledged his assistance. His aid. And he taught them all they wanted ((Teach Populace 1PP 3PP left - Tactical Knowledge of war, Strength of the Muskoxen and Aggression of the Wolves)) Knowledge, strength and aggression.

Wayock then left the gem children and traveled to Nar, there he created his tower out of stone and rock, the highest point in Nar and he could see all of his domain. Inside was the gate to Primoridia.((Shape Land Moderate 2PP 1PP Left)) He called out in his booming voice, he called for all of the warriors of the world to be at peace and come upon his tower, armed. He saw countless thousands of blooded, strong people come out to him. They all knew how to fight as an army, but not together that he would need to each them. He taught them of all things necessary and some things not to wage war, they were a fighting unit with hundreds joining them every day. Wayock taught them Guerrilla warfare, and countless other types of warfare. Some mastered all, some mastered some. ((Teach Populace 1PP - 0PP Left))

And finally his voice boomed out.

"I am the only god you have known. But I am not the only one, I created you. Another god is amassing an army, I have pledged my assistance, my aid in the coming war with this army upon the meeting point of all creation. Primoridia. It is another world with other creatures. You are my aid. My army, to battle all armies."

All was quiet.

Until one yelled out "AYE SIR!" "WHO IS IT THAT SAID THAT?" Wayock boomed across the land all of them pointed out the person. "Walk towards the entrance to my tower."

And thus he did.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2009, 06:24:54 pm by Emperor_Jonathan »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #456 on: January 21, 2009, 06:10:31 pm »

"Wayock! Have you chosen your champion? Yaven'Gan is making his demons ready for war and your people have yet to even start training! If you do not choose soon, I shall have to find another race to make mighty."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #457 on: January 21, 2009, 06:22:18 pm »

"Do not be hasty. Hastiness destroys empires and loses wars. All the creatures in my army have been blooded in internal affairs. Wait a while longer and my champion of champions will reign over all."

The Young man who called out walked towards and stood infront of the gate to Warocks tower. He could hear the beating of his heart, bo-boom bo-boom bo-boom, then the gate slowly opened, a voice boomed "Enter".
« Last Edit: January 21, 2009, 06:34:38 pm by Emperor_Jonathan »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #458 on: January 21, 2009, 07:47:50 pm »

"I find it ironic that the self declared goddess of beauty has just created an unjust system to regulate life. The idea that making some souls better than others can possibly be anything but hostile to beauty is preposterous. I will try and fix this somewhat."

Xiuthagurbhahwauhwa, seeing the new injustice, created a meritocratic system of advancement in the Underworld. He would interview souls and assign them new stations in their society. If they had been a lowly, insignificant soul in life, they still had a chance to further themselves. He would not condemn "lesser" souls to an eternity of inferiority; despite their shortcomings, they could still become better souls. Their stations were not fixed.

This concept would not only apply to the dead; it would apply to all organisms. They would no longer be constant in their level of virtue. They could advance.

Create Concept - 3PP - Advancement

With this new change, Xiuthagurbhahwauhwa spread information among the dead. He told them of his plan and declared himself ruler of the dark tunnels beneath the earth. He asked for their worship and explained social advancement. He would rule as a relatively nice guy.

Guide Populace - 2PP - Indoctrinate The Dead to Consider Xiuthagurbhahwauhwa Their Leader

(Huzzah! Followers! King of the Dead!)

Servant Corps

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #459 on: January 21, 2009, 08:30:12 pm »

"As much as I hate the class system, I at least thank Xiuthagurbhahwauhwa for reforming it.

And, Apura Khon, you're welcome."

(When is the next round of PP? Did inaluct already get a new round of PP? If so, oh dear.)
I have left Bay12Games to pursue a life of non-Bay12Games. If you need to talk to me, please email at me at igorhorst at gmail dot com.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #460 on: January 21, 2009, 08:57:30 pm »

(We just got it. Right before Insurgo (NUKE) showed up).


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #461 on: January 21, 2009, 09:16:20 pm »

"I thank Xiuthagurbhahwauhwa as well for his efforts--he has done exactly what I intended to see done, and more."

"True progress has now been made. This new system is now a beautiful thing."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #462 on: January 21, 2009, 09:37:02 pm »

Wayock noted that the concept of Advancement was a great leap forward for mortal equality.

Back to his tower...

"Everyone else, go back to your lands train, train, train, train the new generations also. War is coming. I don't know when but when it does come, be ready."

The countless thousands started filtering away back to their towns, cities and kingdoms.
The young man finally reached the study of Wayock, it was a simple wooden desk with papers all over it, with a balcony to eastern side and a large window to the west. The dome roof of the study was glass.

"What is your name, young man?"
Wayock asked him.
"M m my name is Erif."
"Erif? Hmm... Stay here, I have plans for you."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #463 on: January 21, 2009, 10:02:49 pm »

(Is no one going to swoop in and kidnap that guy before Wayock can make him an exarch? No one?)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #464 on: January 21, 2009, 10:06:02 pm »

((It's my realm, no one is allowed in or out without my permission.))
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