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Author Topic: Lords of Creation  (Read 64391 times)

Jay Kayell

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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #30 on: January 05, 2009, 06:41:32 pm »

In the void surrounding the small planet a sound suddenly came to be, a single note, so beautiful as to make even those with hearts of stone weep. It came from a glowing speck in the darkness, which started growing and soon vaguely looked like a man.
Then suddenly the note changed, it was no longer beautiful but hideous, indescribably horrid. If it had been heard by mortal ears it would surely have been lethal. The figure started convulsing and twisting as if he was in great pain as he was transformed into a large beast-like figure. Then, without warning, the sound disappeared, and a new god stood before them...

Name: Yaven'Gan
Domains: Conflict, monstrosity, destruction
Disposition: Pure Evil. Does not regard life as something valuable, other than his own.
Appearance: Often takes the form of a large red dragon, at other times he looks like a rather ordinary young man clad in a red robe.

When Yaven'Gan looked upon Primordia he was displeased. He saw no life at all, and without life there can be no conflict. He spoke with the other gods about this and found one who apparently planned to create a simple form of life. It would do for now.
He offered to help him with this task. (1 PP given to  StrikeTheSand to create life with if he accepts.)
« Last Edit: January 05, 2009, 08:05:03 pm by Jay Kayell »
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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #31 on: January 05, 2009, 06:53:28 pm »

Etom Enol sensed the other gods becoming more and more disturbed by the world and their plans to shape it. Obviously they thought of uniting their powers for things not worthy to think about. Obviously they needed guidance.

"Oh you who can grasp my words, I see you are all trying to bring more structure into this dull world. I propose we join our efforts in doing so. With our powers combined, we will create wonders far beyond what is there!"

(As the list of godly actions is not restricted IIRC, and I have no idea what to do with the remaining point (except attacking someone I don't know with something that doesn't exist somewhere that doesn't exist), we might speed things up a little together... Jelly, is that possible?)
If slavery, barbarism and desolation are to be called peace, men can have no worse misfortune.

Duke 2.0

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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #32 on: January 05, 2009, 06:56:42 pm »

(Edited for consistancy.)
« Last Edit: January 05, 2009, 09:43:27 pm by Duke 2.0 »
Buck up friendo, we're all on the level here.
I would bet money Andrew has edited things retroactively, except I can't prove anything because it was edited retroactively.

Servant Corps

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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #33 on: January 05, 2009, 07:51:18 pm »

Um...did I get approved? Still waiting for approval, but, er...

Rule this uncanon if my application is denied.
The diety of Progress (still unnamed) arrives and scowls. He then begin to speak, altough it is hard to take serious a floating scale.

"Greeting fellow Dieties! I arrived due to reports of a crisis in the world.

This world," and here the diety points to the Void, "This world needs us. It has come into being, and we have a great purpose in life, to protect the Void and help it progress. I be in the presence of such great beings who seek to help the Void.

However some of you seek to destroy this Void with a great disaster. A disaster that will last for generations, nay millenia. I cannot abide to let this great disaster happen.

I won't mince words. You seek to create Life, gods, in the form of small bacterium and virus, but do you seek the consent of the very Life you have tried to make? Do you seek to establish good moral character and ensure the general welfare of this Life? If you rush into the creation of Life without having proper preperation, there will surely be terrible consquences.

This 'Life' will be unsustainable. They will fight with one another for territory and dominance. They will create false Dieties that will fight against us. They may choose to go against us, and try to kill us Dieties. But most of all, without proper caution being taken, this 'Life' will suffer under oppression and die...unlike us. Do we not care about the suffering of these lowly beings, and only follow our own whims and desires?

I am not opposed to life. Life has its place within society. But this early? No! I recommend that we have a General Committee so as to ensure how best to regulate Life, so that we may present this to Life itself, and gain its Consent. Otherwise, we would have no legal basis for Life.

Until we lay the necessary groundwork that would allow 'Life' to be created and be sustainable, I need to protect the Void."

The God of Progress then begin to summon the "Protectors" which float onto the Earth.

("Create Beast". 2 PP spent, the Protectors are Angelic beings, not really 'Life'. They are more like floating Ghosts that can be harmed and killed by regular weaponary.  They owe loyalty to the God of Progress [at least for now]. Right now, they are instructed to kill all Life to ensure no Life gets created without the necessary infrastructure being made.

2 PP left, just to hold out for a peaceful negogation.)

EDIT: Alright, I hope this fits in, somehow.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2009, 07:58:39 pm by Servant Corps »
I have left Bay12Games to pursue a life of non-Bay12Games. If you need to talk to me, please email at me at igorhorst at gmail dot com.

Nirur Torir

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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #34 on: January 05, 2009, 08:02:11 pm »

Noticing another object appearing in the void, some distance away, Narl'agash approached in time to hear the scale speak. "Ha, you would seek to protect Life by destroying it? I say we let Life destroy itself, if that is what Life wants to do. It should be fun to watch, if nothing else.

Jay Kayell

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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #35 on: January 05, 2009, 08:12:19 pm »

Yaven'Gan is not angered by this newcomer, quite the opposite, he is pleased. The newcomer has sown the first seeds of conflict and if things go well there may be an all-out war soon. Wars between gods are so much more pleasing than wars between mere mortals.

Of course, with this newcomer's apparent determination to make sure that no life is created on the planet he has to revise his plans, these "Protectors" will just kill any life and so it would be useless to create it. At least for now. He therefore withdraws his offer of aid in this task.
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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #36 on: January 05, 2009, 08:48:46 pm »

"Wait, a disaster that will last for generations? Don't bacteria go through a few generations in less than an hour? That doesn't sound so bad."

Psyco Jelly

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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #37 on: January 05, 2009, 08:54:55 pm »

(@ duke. I PM'd you about possible changes, I would rather you simply PM me about these changes. We already have a god of fire, but a god of Crafting and Lightning would be fine.)

The scraping voice of Tevorak proclaims, in protection of Primordia "Life has not yet arose, only small manifestations of chaos. They feed on the void, and use Primordia to be sheltered from the void's harshness." "And what is this you suggest of "Other Worlds"? I became manifest here, and thought void was all there was. You respect a constant state of things as much as I, and equilibrium has been reached between me, the void, and the voidlings."
« Last Edit: January 05, 2009, 08:58:54 pm by Psyco Jelly »
Not only is it not actually advertising anything, it's just copy/pasting word salads about gold, runescape, oil, yuan, and handbags.  It's like a transporter accident combined all the spambots into one shambling mass of online sales.

Duke 2.0

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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #38 on: January 05, 2009, 09:56:33 pm »

 From the form of the rock came a being, much like the gods themselves. He appeared as but a mass of rocks, stoic in their style. He was born from the fact that there was non-chaos in the chaos. Something had to be there to hold it together, and that thing was energy. It had a job, that job was it's purpose and it's existance. Thus this new entity was a worker of jobs. It did things, it worked.
 It's first job was to create itself. It gave itself a name and form, and it was Ajax. Ajax then took the form of the other gods, a Lord of Creation.

 It looked upon that which had spawned it, and noted that aside from small beings that consumed the chaos there was little else of note. He also noted that, while there was the concept of heat and cold, there was nothing to emit it. Nothing creating it. Surely the gods would not do such a thing, as constant creation would drain them.

 But those thoughts were outside of his realm, outside of his job. Outside his purpose. He knew his purpose. Reaching out he touched the rock known as Primordia, and the rock trembled. From his touch it was given motion, and the insides churned. The rock changed shape, chnstantly becoming different. This was his gift: Making this object never the same. From this the beings on it were given unlimited numbers of lands to live on, unlimited oppertunities to grow and shrink, live and die.

 (Create concept: Energy. Minor shape land: landmass change.)
Buck up friendo, we're all on the level here.
I would bet money Andrew has edited things retroactively, except I can't prove anything because it was edited retroactively.

Jay Kayell

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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #39 on: January 05, 2009, 10:46:12 pm »

Yaven'Gan says to the deity of Progress: "At first it may seem that you speak and act to protect Primordia and the void. I do not trust your words, however. You blame us for trying to destroy the void, and yet you are the only one who has done anything destructive. And why would we need the consent of life to create it? Did you ask those beings you just created if they wanted to exist?"

Content that he has probably made the others suspicious of this "Progress" he moves away from the group and considers his next course of action. There is no life, and therefore no conflict. But if he could ignite the spark that had been lit perhaps he would not need life. But there is something inside him that tells him to create life, without creation there can be no destruction. As he looked upon the large ice field that was an ocean he knew what to do.

Having decided what to do he flew away from the planet and picked a good spot, not too far away and not too close. Then he created a large ball of flame which he made circle the planet. Soon Primordia was a much more pleasant place to be, the icy oceans were frozen no more and the land was not covered by frost. He was pleased with himself.
(Create sun: 2 PP)
Decapitation - enjoy the difference


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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #40 on: January 05, 2009, 10:56:04 pm »

oh shit why didnt I notice this thing erlier I must join I have a briliant idea please stand by i'm going to create the concept of time.
So says Armok, God of blood.

Servant Corps

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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #41 on: January 05, 2009, 11:03:25 pm »

The Scale pause before begining to respond.

"Narl'agash, I am doing this for the welfare of Life, and to ensure that the Life that the dieties here seek to create will prosper. I am not doing this for fun.

Tevorak, the 'small manifestations of chaos' which you speak are indeed not Life. By Life, I mean what many here talk of as 'bacteria'. That is life. Chaos is not Life, and so the Protectors will not target them.

These 'Other Worlds' which I speak of, are only of a metaphorical sense. They are more like, shall we say, 'dreams', where I would dream how this Void, and Life itself, would develop. Some of these dreams are pleasent. Other dreams are not so pleasent.

Yaven'Gan, I have not destroyed no Life has been created. If Life gets created though, without attempting to create sustainable conditions and seeking the consent of Life, disaster will arise, and it is in the best interest of Life to be destroyed. It is best that all dieties reach a deal concering this great issue, for the good of Life. And yes, I asked for the consent of these Protectors first before they were deployed in this area."

EDIT: ", the Disaster will be greater than you even imagine. It may be possible that bacteria will nto be able to survive that one hour, because the bacteria may not be guided properly. It may be waging consant war for survival and growth, and it may destroy itself by painful death."

EDIT2: (I'm going to hope the next cycle will prove conductive, and right now spend all my PP. I was wondering of the creation of the Concept of "Souls" or "Prayer" as a way for the future "Life" communicate with the Gods, and hence get some form of consent. But I cannot create Concepts at the moment, so I'll wait for the next cycle.)

The Scale looks at the dieties, and sighs. He has not truly solved the problem of implementing Progress, and he requires help. But The Scale knows that he cannot ask for help amongst the dieties, who have their own agendas.

So he begin finding the 'manifestations of chaos' that Tevorak talked about. He began talking to them to them, in their own language, chatting to them about the world, and jotting down any observation he has learnt. The Scale seeks to establish goodwill between Chaos and Progress, in the hope that these 'manifestations of chaos' may prove to be valuable allies in the future, providing tips on how to govern Life and the Void.

(2 PP to "Guide Populace" of 'Chaos'...or whatever you call that thing.)
« Last Edit: January 05, 2009, 11:52:57 pm by Servant Corps »
I have left Bay12Games to pursue a life of non-Bay12Games. If you need to talk to me, please email at me at igorhorst at gmail dot com.


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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #42 on: January 06, 2009, 03:39:59 am »

Finally, the beings of immense wills had begun to create. Zyenild, Shaper of the Flows, after so long -seconds, years, or millenias was it?- had mastered the primordial flows left by the spent energy of the other gods and bound them to his will.

Seeing Primordia, he instantly noticed something: As long as it existed, the gods would continue spewing energy to form it, to change it, and a part of that energy would be wasted. And as long as that energy existed and Primordia remained, the strange creations called 'life' might learn to use it, and manipulate it, and create incredible things with it.

That was a chance that Zyenild could not miss. Breaking a small shard from the first crystal, The Arcanist's Will, to which all Flows of Magic were bound, he threw it and hanged it above that new world. That shard, which he named The Eye of the World, was the first star, looking down upon the newly created landmass.

(Create Concept: Gems and crystals, nexuses/solidifications of the flows, 3PP)
(Minor shape land: Hang a shining crystal above the world, making it the first star, 1PP)
« Last Edit: January 06, 2009, 03:48:27 am by Poltifar »
<@Poltifar> yeah i've played life for almost 23 years
<@Poltifar> i specced myself into a corner, i should just reroll
<@Akroma> eh
<@Akroma> just play the minigames until your subscription runs out


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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #43 on: January 06, 2009, 04:14:44 am »

Angered by the obvious lunacy of the deity of progress, Etom Enol again raised its voice.

"Oh deity of progress, how foolish this is. If life would destroy itself, couldn't we just recreate it, making it better, less self-destructive? We have to give it structure, have to give it the ability to reason, as to avoid destroying itself. I am certain you will see the wisdom of this.

And what kind of god should this General Assembly be? It cannot exist, because Etom Enol cannot be assembled, and thus the other deities would deny being assimilated themselves. But we still have the ability to unite our powers for a great act of creation, and maybe you are able to wipe out your fears by productively helping the cause instead of sending your useless minions Etom Enol could wipe out in the blink of a thought.

To all you others - do not repudiate this deity, for it is just mislead but not directly opposed to us. It just needs our guidance."
If slavery, barbarism and desolation are to be called peace, men can have no worse misfortune.


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Re: Lords of Creation
« Reply #44 on: January 06, 2009, 05:04:46 am »

Zyenild, previously too occupied in his own plans to notice the other deities' quarrels, finally turns to them.

"I must agree that destoying life is not at all the way to go to save it. I also agree that a General Assembly is not possible, as each one of us has his own plans and agendas, and trying to constantly unite all of us is futile. We unite when it is necessary and we are willing, seperate and create conflict when plans oppose each other.

Now, what to do about these 'minions' this deity of so-called progress spawned? Instead of helping us progress the life on Primordia, they pose an obstacle to any evolution of life. Will the deity who created them notice his wrongs and remove them, or will the other deities have to adress this and remove them by force?

Dear Deity of Progress, do not understand us wrong. We do not seek to create life that can not sustain itself. But we can not create sustaining life without first creating atleast the most primordial of life. There are steps that can not be skipped, no matter how much 'planning' and 'agreement' we go through. For life to truly evolve to achieve its greates possibilities, it must evolve step by step, learning from its wrongs and building on its rights.

I am sure other Deities agree with me that life just has to pass through such phases, no matter how painful it is for it, to truly reach its full bloom?"
« Last Edit: January 06, 2009, 05:09:55 am by Poltifar »
<@Poltifar> yeah i've played life for almost 23 years
<@Poltifar> i specced myself into a corner, i should just reroll
<@Akroma> eh
<@Akroma> just play the minigames until your subscription runs out
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