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Author Topic: Frostfire: The Trials of Kynlore Jailtrumpet, and his Merry Band of Criminals  (Read 2514 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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1st Granite
I am Kynlore Jailtrumpets, and this is my journal.. I was told to keep it by the, the Judge, so other can learn from this "most arduous challenge." We've arrived at the site of "Frostfire" This place is a frozen ocean... there can't be anything useful here. Then again, I think that's the point. Me and my band of criminals aren't really meant to survive past this first winter. I feel bad for Momuz, though. She's the Hammerdwarf assigned to watch over us... unfortunately her hammer has been "misplaced." More unfortunately, she's taken the battle axe to replace it.

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2nd Granite
Everyone has turned to me and asked me to lead... which is only fitting I guess. These men and women were loyal to me when we were free, it's no surprise they're loyal now... 'cept Momuz, she's been watching me closely. Still, she seems more than willing to help, her survival depends on our success as well. I wonder what she did to land this post.

7th Granite
It has taken some time to get an area designated... this is an ocean after all. The miners are now busy digging out an area for the farm... we'll need that soon, and for a sleeping area. We'll barely manage two beds with from the torn down wagon. They didn't give us any wood, the fiends! I Swear, the only reason they sent us here was because "There was indication of a magma pipe, you are to claim it for the Dwarven Empire!" Feh on them.

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8th Granite
It seems they were right... the miners found a magma pipe. We'll have to watch it closely for activity.

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20th Granite
Despite finding deposites of rock several days ago, I decided it would be more wise to dig deeper... currently were seven levels below the ground level. I think this should be safe. The miners have started on the main fortress. I'll include a diagram of the designs later. We found Alunite, too.

28th Granite
Despite this place being an absolute tundra... there's quite a bit of life. Dastot has seen Elk, Wolves and Muskoxen. I wonder if the latent heat from the magma pipe has anything to do with it. Some of the gang thinks we should capture some, and get a steady supply of meat going... I told them we had two cows, they merely said "Variety is the spice of life!" Personally, I think we should capture some wolves and train them to hunt and fight for us.

30th Granite
We have not accomplished much in a month, but can anyone blame us? We dug deep and, for now, we're surviving. The farms should be up shortly.

There's really no reason for this fort to exist other than the simple fact that I wanted to make some obsidian towers on a frozen ocean... also for the challenge. In all this, I neglected to bring extra wood, but there is plenty of food and such. Who knows what will happen. Also, I wanted to try my hand at a story and this seems like a good a chance as any. Tips and comments, ftw.



  • Bay Watcher
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This could be pretty cool... I'm generally a fan of large, magma-based constructions.

My only other comment is probably kind of annoying, but the bio major in me has to say it.  A tundra's not frozen ocean, it's just a cold grassland type environment.  There are probably a few evergreen trees and some shrubs as well as the animals you've seen.  Although I have to say, this HAS made me want to embark on a frozen lake (ocean probably won't freeze because it's saltwater).
The moment the lever was pulled, somebody's pet kitten stepped onto the bridge. I read somewhere that if a cat falls more than 11 stories, it instinctively flares its legs out to increase air resistance. This slows it down enough to stick the landing with relatively minor injuries. In Dwarf Fortress, apparently, cats don't do that.


  • Bay Watcher
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My only other comment is probably kind of annoying, but the bio major in me has to say it.  A tundra's not frozen ocean, it's just a cold grassland type environment.  There are probably a few evergreen trees and some shrubs as well as the animals you've seen.  Although I have to say, this HAS made me want to embark on a frozen lake (ocean probably won't freeze because it's saltwater).

I don't know why I called it a frozen ocean... I'll just chalk it up to dwarven intelligence, or something. Who knows! Also, this first year is pretty lax, and I doubt the second year will be any more interesting... but who knows. I think I'll end up renaming the initial six dwarves, they -are- the merry band of criminals... any suggestions?

4th Slate
Momuz has nothing to do, so I ask her to help with the farms. She nodded then went off to work. I don't blame her.

6th Slate
The farms are done, and the seeds are being planted as I write this... now we're just waiting on the beds. Also, I had the magma pipe walled off... there's no need to deal with anything coming up from it just yet.

18th Slate
The bedroom areas have been designated and are being dug out... not that we'll have any beds for them. Might as well make them work shop areas for now.

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14th Felsite
It's taken some time, but the bedroom areas are basically done. For now they're just going to be empty, or filled with workshops. I had Udib start making Obsidian mugs, and the trade depot was built.

16th Felsite
I was told we had very little Obsidian to start with, that we needed quite a bit more for our... plans. I told the miners to start up a small quarry around the edge of the magma pipe. This has the potential to be truly dangerous, but hopefully nothing too bad happens.

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17th Felsite
I saw a Rhino Lizard today. I'm kind of surprised the dogs didn't tear it apart, lucky bastard.

1st Hematite
Summer is here, thankfully enough... at least it should be according to my counts. I really wish we had some cages, the Muskoxen are creeping ever closer to our little site, I wonder if they enjoy our company... or maybe our struggle. On a side note, I haven't seen any wolves lately, they may have wandered off somewhere. Hopefully for a long while... or at least until we get some cage traps.

7th Hematite
I caught Dakost, our "woodworker" sulking about. She had nothing to do, what with there being no more wood. I told her to assemble the Still, which she did in amazing time... she must be missing that Dwarven Beer.

22nd Hematite
At this point in time, we have nearly everything we need for the seven of us. A place to sleep, some food growth and some workshops built up... it would be nice to have more wood for beds and barrels, but I think the food will keep just fine in this cold weather.

16th Limestone
Almost simultaneously, our dogs and cows gave birth to young. The dogs might provide some labor to hunt those wild Muskoxen... but I think they'll be of better use for meat, bone and leather... much like the cows.


  • Bay Watcher
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17th Limestone
Momuz said she spied a caravan across the way in this frozen wasteland. Traders I hope.

18th Limestone
They arrived, and one of their Speardwarves thought it prudent to chase away the muskoxen, the bastard. At the other end, I spoke to Urvad Nilesonul, the Liaison. He wanted to discuss our "Situation." Personally, I think he was surprised we were still alive... maybe he was sent to just pick up Momuz. I told him we needed wood, barrels and bags... oh and Bauxite... lots and lots of Bauxite. When asked why, I merely told him "You'll see."

19th Limestone
That bastard Speardwarf chased a muskoxen to death. I hope the rest of the muskoxen don't treat this as an act of war... the furry beasts are actually quite cute and useful.

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25th Limestone
More puppies! More savory, savory meat! Huzzah! Also, the poor Muskoxen are cowering in fear.

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15th Sandstone
Momuz stepped up, I'm proud to say. The Liaison had kept me busy for several weeks, talking my ear off about what they wanted, what they were willing to trade... blah blah blah. By the time I had finished, the caravan was already packing up! Thankfully Momuz saw this problem and negotiated the trades... I think she may have used that Hammerdwarf spirit, that indomitable will I've grown quite fond of. I've gone and made her the permanent trader.

16th Sandstone
I reviewed what Momuz had bought and, to my surprise, she included cages! We could finally capture some of those muskox and start breeding them. On more grim news... that Speardwarf couldn't satisfy himself with only one Muskox. No, he insisted on slaughtered three of the beasts! The monster.

8th Timber
...migrants arrived. Why, I can't fathom. But they came... I don't think we'll have any room for them. On the plus side, things should move much more quickly.

9th Timber
The migrants had gotten to the site just fine... no casualties, but they did ask an interesting question. "Who's that fellow out there chasing the Muskox?" It seemed that, even after his caravan had left, that murderous Speardwarf  was still out there terrorizing the muskoxen. We will need to do something about him.

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10th Timber
I took a roster of the Migrants. Some are useful, most aren't.

1 Engraver
1 Animal Dissector
1 Armorer
1 Fish Cleaner
1 Butcher
1 Wood Burner (Are you mad!?)
2 Peasants

In all honesty, most will be changed over to something else, something that we need.

1st Moonstone
Winter is here now, and we've started construction on the first floor of... hrm... Frostfire tower. It shall be a grand and magnificent construction, the envy of the Mountainhomes! Take that, you bloody King. When you send Kynlore to his doom, he'll surpass even God in his attempts to foil your intentions.

2nd Moonstone
We need more wood.

12th Opal
We've set up some cage traps around the area, in hopes of catching some of the wild life. With only three cages, though, I fear we'll never catch anything. I can only hope that... -cringe- some elves arrive in spring with more wood and cages, and maybe some animals. Pointy eared bastards give me the creeps.

On a positive note, Momuz and I are now romantically involved. It seems my feelings for her were mutual. Who knew, a criminal and a hammerdwarf!

18th Opal
We've spotted a polar bear... I've told the dwarves to stay away. Hopefully nothing comes of it, but if we do manage to capture it in a cage, I think we'll be able to train it as a war animal.

25th Obsidian
I can feel spring coming just around the corner...

1st Granite 202
Spring is here. I'm taking this time to document, albeit roughly, the supplies we have, including population and animals.

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  • Bay Watcher
  • Shorer, Kobold Pimp cancels Work: Too Pimpin'
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Cool, a magma pipe. Never successfully found one myself.

Can I have a turn? I've always wanted to play a succession fortress, and you seem to be using May Green like I am.

If not, then give me a...Wrestler, with two War Dogs named Havok and Werre. Maybe one of the Peasants will do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Unfortunately, it was that same Magma Pipe that screwed me over. Evidently, when I was digging for obsidian I broke through the wall. Accursed diagonal squares! Thankfully (or perhaps unthankfully) the miner didn't die. Of course this meant that I didn't know it had happened until the magma had already covered the stairs and cut off a good deal of my dwarves in the lower levels. While I could have stayed and watched the chaos (the upper floors were totally untouched) too many of them started throwing tantrums and breaking things. All and all, a very stupid mistake that cost way too much grief. I'm starting a new fortress, though, so I can add you to that one if ya want.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Shorer, Kobold Pimp cancels Work: Too Pimpin'
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Unfortunately, it was that same Magma Pipe that screwed me over. Evidently, when I was digging for obsidian I broke through the wall. Accursed diagonal squares! Thankfully (or perhaps unthankfully) the miner didn't die. Of course this meant that I didn't know it had happened until the magma had already covered the stairs and cut off a good deal of my dwarves in the lower levels. While I could have stayed and watched the chaos (the upper floors were totally untouched) too many of them started throwing tantrums and breaking things. All and all, a very stupid mistake that cost way too much grief. I'm starting a new fortress, though, so I can add you to that one if ya want.

What, no Savescumming?

I always do that when I FUBAR a fortress.


  • Bay Watcher
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Nope, no savescumming. I tend to let things happens as they were, then move and learn from the mistakes. There are very rare times when I actually use it, like, when I'm in year seven and something just goes horribly wrong. I can re-start Frostfire, and Regen the world if you want, though. I'd still like to build that Obsidian Factory, honestly, and the monolithic tower Kynlore wants to build... in fact, I think I'll do that.


  • Bay Watcher
  • [PREFSTRING:fancy hat]
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Just a reference for your next fortress: those pillars you left behind to prevent cave-ins? You don't need those any more... though since someone updated that page on the wiki a while ago, I don't know if you could have seen that outdated information and so dig with it in mind... so I guess if you left those pillars for aesthetic reasons, carry on.


  • Bay Watcher
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-Except from the Journal of Kynlore Boatdancer-

The life of crime was not one I wanted, it wasn't one that had ever appealed to me in all honesty. It was, however, the easiest way to make a living. I could be called lazy, and undwarvenly. I hadn't even spent a day in the mines with a pick, or in the smithy churning out golden statues or Adamantine weapons. That simply wasn't the life for me. I had, as they say, no dwarven spirit in me.

I suppose this is true, but who really wants to spend all day in a hot room, hammering on metal just so someone else can use the thing, so that the king can claim “It's mine!” Honestly, it's much like slave labor. But no, I never expected to turn to a life of crime, I had simply never expected to do anything at all.

My start as a thief was rather young, if I recall. My parents, bless their hearts, were hearty warriors within the dwarven military and, as such, they died serving the king and his blasphemous ways of war and bloodshred. Did I mention that I've been called “Undwarvenly?” Shortly after their death, I was left an orphan... it seems that no one will ever adopt an orphan. I've learned that dwarves are very greedy in this manner. Sure, it's “For the good of all”, but it's much more so “For the good of the family, and then the all!”

Perchance, I was not the only orphaned dwarf within our fortress... there was five others. We didn't meet up right away. In fact, it had been three years before all of us had formally met. The first other orphan I met was  Ysmor Footshot. He was an odd one, to be sure, but he has become a dear friend over the years. It was then that my first foray into crime happened. We stole a few morsels of food. It was small, and they would surely go unmissed... but nevertheless, we had stolen them. In hindsight, I don't think anyone would have cared, we were merely children attempting to survive without parents.

There's a saying.. “Give the foodless enough gold to buy a feast, and he'll quickly wish for more.” Well, that's how we began to function. As it seemed we went unseen, we began to steal more and more. Mind you, it was still only food, but now it was enough to feed ourselves for weeks. Most of the time we didn't even finish the meals! We simply let them rot in one of the hallways. It was a few weeks later that we began to get bold, and when Ysmor introduced me to Freja Giltbristles, another orphan.

The three of us were a merry trio, laughing all day, stealing food when we needed it, even alcohol now! It wasn't rare to see at least one of us hobbling down some hallway, smelling of rum or ale. It was around this time that I found a golden coin on the ground, seemingly dropped or tossed without care. I looked down at the polished surface and, instead of seeming myself reflected,  I saw Ral staring back at me with her gloriously beautiful eyes. That was when I knew what I wanted to do with my life.
I wanted to become rich.

This sounds greedy, and perhaps the only thing that is rather “dwarfy” about me, but in reality I wanted to do this not for myself, but as a glorious representation of my undying devotion and love to Ral, the goddess of Wealth. I began to ask Ysmor and Freja if they knew of any other orphans, for they would surely not be missed and, indeed, not even cared for. Ysmor the both did. I met Freja's friend first..

Her name was Sird Boundtongs. She, much like myself, was the result of warrior parents lost in some great goblin skirmish. It was tragic, and perhaps we would connect later. But I was slow to make friends, and usually distant. Truly, I confided most within Ysmor, he was like a brother. He introduced me to his friend not long after meeting Sird. Motsognir Gearhands was... strange, to say the least. He often rambled on about mechanisms and machinery, or his Goddess, Uzol Ironmined, who's domain was volcanoes and earth. I thought they were a good fit for each other.



  • Bay Watcher
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-Continued from Kynlore Boatdancer's Journal-

I spoke to all four of these orphans about organizing into a group, one meant for survival at thee forefront, and wealth later on. It was easy to convince Sird and Motsognir, they're only friends had been Ysmor and Freja. Our first “heist” happened a few days later. It was small by comparison to todays acts, we weren't quite up to the challenge of raiding Fortress Vaults, we weren't even twelve years old yet! Never the less, we were quite the group of scamps. In time we even became minor celebrities, with people blaming the vanishing goods on us. They called us the “Boatdancers” after my own last name. I don't know why they assumed I was the leader, I merely planned things. Ysmor was more of a leader.

I later learned that, despite his excellent field command, Ysmor was rather inept at planning and attributed his success to mine. In a sense, he merely viewed himself as a loyal soldier following the orders of a captain. He told me this one day and I was quite shocked. Perhaps, all those years ago, I truly was the leader.

We seemed bound for endless success and, I feel I must thank the various gods and goddesses we worshiped. Ral, of course, my lovely Goddess of wealth and Sird's choice, Shin Violetsteels the Paint of Diamonds. While not a Goddess of wealth, she was associated with Jewels... something we often swiped. Ysmor worshiped Lorsith the Knife of Hurricanes, a dwarven god of victory, war and fortress. We gave him the largest sacrifice, still do to this day, for it is he who granted our successes, no doubt. Then there was Freja's choice, the god of Dusk, Alen. It wasn't apparent to me how important he was until much later in my life. Thieves revel in the darkness, and when night reigns, so does Alen.

Or group was functional, but still incomplete. This changed when Ysmor introduced me to Eris Anvilplaited, another worship of Lorsith the Knife of Hurricanes. I believe the two met during one of the religious ceremonies. She was distant though, and has remained as such for all these years. I do not know why, but I do not question it. She has done her part and she had never failed us. The group, Boatdancers, had been threes in the making and, now, was finally complete.

I believe I was 14 at this point, and still as precocious as ever. The various heists we did are not worth mentioning, save for one. It is, unfortunately, the crime that got us banned from our beloved home. It was only a matter of time, I suppose.
The plan was simple enough, we were to steal the Dungeon Master's legendary scepter, I can't remember it's name, just that it was incredibly valuable and very shiny. The plan went off without a hitch, Ysmor and I had sneaked into his while the other four provided a distraction. As I said, there wa no hitch, we all made it to the meeting area as planned. What we hadn't counted on was the Dungeon Master's choice of Gods. He, too, had worshiped Ral.

Needless to say, I felt betrayed by her, as she lead the Dungeon Master to our hide-away. It seemed the Scepter had been crafted by the Dungeon Master himself, as a gift to Ral. As much as I had devoted my life to her, nothing I had even done could come close to the value of that scepter, and the magnitude of that gift. It was with reluctance, but understanding, that I returned the scepter to the Dungeon Master. When asked why, I merely said “It was not mine to steal, as it belongs to my Goddess.” Guards had showed up a few moments later and arrested us. We were to be put to death, our heads smashed in the by local Hammerer, but the Dungeon Master weighed his voice against the King's.  The death penalty was removed, but we were forever banned from the Fortress, or else pain of death.

We were given the bare essentials, enough to survive for only a week. Hope seemed lost, but the Dungeon Master told me “Ral's domain is large, but unfulfilled. There are many things she does not yet own, and many things she wishes were hers. Now that you are free from this Fortress, you can better serve your Goddess.” It was comforting, but I was still angry with the Goddess, despite understanding. This quickly changed.
Not even three days out and we had spied a trade Caravan. It was simply too good to be true! Ral had guided us here, to rob this poor humans of their wealth, so that we may survive! Ah, my faith was renewed. Since that day we have live as nomads, attacking and raiding trade caravans, regardless of race or creed, and offering the spoils to our respective gods. This was to last a great many years.

It was some time later that I had heard minor rumors, that the old Fortress had exploded into a massive amount of wealth. That the King and Queen now lay, fat and happy upon a mountain of gold and riches, hoarding it for themselves. I dismissed these as simply that, rumors... nothing to risk our life on. But Ral would not have. One calm night, after a rather successful raid, she invaded my dreams. She told me that she was proud of the work I had done in her name, that many had forgotten her in this age of Heroes; where mortals were worshiped as gods.  I told her that I would never stop serving her, even in death I would find a way. And she nodded, and told me to return home and claim the mighty piles of gold and riches, of adamantine sculptures and weapons for my Goddess, that she would safe guard me from death.


  • Bay Watcher
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-Continued from Kynlore Boatdancer's Journal-

I awoke, cold and sweating, and shared my dream with the others. Sird had had a similar dream, but she was visited by Shin Violetsteels the Paint of Diamonds, Ral's sister. By all rights, we were all quite superstitious and we took the dreams as a sign, a request and a demand all in one. We headed for our old home the next morning.

The plan was fairly complex, required a great deal of timing and exact movements. We all made out sacrifices to our gods and goddesses, most notable Lorsith the Knife of Hurricanes and Alen. Their aid would be paramount to our success. Night fell, and we waited. The guards seemed overly indulgent in their alcohol consumption and quickly became overtaken by drunken stupor.  We moved passed them. The vault's location hadn't change, not even the security detail had. It was simply a big, Adamantine door, left unlocked. These dwarves had grown lazy and indulgent, forgetful of the God's and Goddess's ways! We breached the door and were beholden to an incredible sight. The rumors were true! Gold was piled up to at least fourty dwarves, Adamantine sculptures were all around. Even armor and weapons! We were overwhelmed.

This vault would have to be raided several times over the year before Ral would be happy. This was the plan, but something happened on that unfortunate night. The Dungeon Master had been unable to sleep, and was wandering around the hallways when he stumbled upon us. Poor Ysmor was knocked unconscious by that very Scepter we had tried to steal before. To this day I do not know if he recognized us or not, or if his personal guards had prevented him to act. But we were caught, and we were dead.
The trial was quick, and we were all imprisoned awaiting death by hammer-crushed-skull. I do not know what happened, what went wrong... but I believe another God was at work, acting through the Dungeon Master that night. A god jealous of all the things we had given to our own, they are fickle beings. Thus, it was with great surprise that I was told we were to be released. I wondered if the Dungeon Master had anything to do with this, but they would not say anything. The conditions of our release were simple. We were to found the Outpost “Frostfire” in the frozen wastes of the north, and to turn the place into a livable area for fellow dwarves. I asked why, but I was merely told “Why not? You cur should be dead as it is. Be lucky there are reports of a Magma Pipe there.

Perhaps we are not all out of luck, then. With a Magma Pipe we can stay warm, and turn the pitiful location into a glorious offering to our god's... assuming we can find Gold there. We are not to go alone, though... they are sending a Hammerdwarf with us. When I asked who, they simply said “Momuz, the Dungeon Master's daughter.” I wonder, now, just how much influence the Dungeon Master had in our release, and if this is punishment for their actions. The Boatdancers and I will try our damnedest to survive this fortress of Frostfire, to keep Momuz alive for a reunion with her parents. It's the least we can do for saving our lives, twice now. We depart for Frostfire tonight.

This is a restart of Frostfire... a Magma Pipe incident ended up destroying too much of the fortress for it to be salvage-able. Also, I got annoyed at myself with the style of writing. It felt too much like reading a droll summary report than an actual story, so this has allowed me to experiment a little bit more, hence the triple-posting WoT (Wall of Texts). I -hope- it's not too long, and not a chore to read, any helpful advice and/or tips on this would be helpful.

But anyway, the site remains exactly the same as before, although the names have changed... Kynlore is now Kynlore Boatdancer instead of Jailtrumpet. Momuz remains, and the other five dwarves have been named. If anyone wants to actually take control of these dwarves, that's fine with me, retro-actively naming them isn't an issue, nor is it hard. Just, uh, let me know. I'll post their personalities, but only by-request, if anyone is interested in that. Otherwise, I hope this fortress does better... I plan on not doing so much stupid stuff.

Here's the important information...
Embark Site.
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Embark Message.
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Just a reference for your next fortress: those pillars you left behind to prevent cave-ins? You don't need those any more... though since someone updated that page on the wiki a while ago, I don't know if you could have seen that outdated information and so dig with it in mind... so I guess if you left those pillars for aesthetic reasons, carry on.

I do it for aesthetic reasons... I just don't like seeing big empty rooms for whatever reason. Also, I'm notorious for making -perfectly- symmetrical fortresses.


  • Bay Watcher
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1st Granite
I was told by the Hammerer, and the King, to keep a journal, for “documentation” purposes, whatever that meant. Did they honestly think some other dwarves were going to found an outpost in the middle of a frozen tundra? I suppose so, dwarves are notoriously insane and industrious. In any regard, I'm going to call this “chronicle” the “The Perilous Trials of Kynlore Boatdancer, and the Nails of Justice.” The nails of Justice simply because... we, the Boatdancers, are the nails, driven by the forces of justice to this place. Nevermind that we have a Hammerdwarf here with us.

Speaking of Momuz, she seems to have stricken up a friendship with Sird, Eris and Freja on the trip here. Girls will always stick together, I suppose. Still, it's rather comforting to know that Eris has a friend, I've been worried about her since we first met. She was always so closed off. Likewise, it seems that Momuz will not be a hindrance in this operation and may, in fact, be of great value. I'm told wolves are known to frequent this area, as well as polar bears. Lucky, for now we've only seen the muskoxen.

I'm rather disgruntled at the fact that we have no trees here and, due to the Kings brilliance (honestly, I think he's really trying to kill us out here), we have no wood but that of the wagon. Luckily we're expecting a trade caravan to show up sometime in Autumn, but that seems too far away. I just hope they bring wood with them.

I've made Ysmor, Motsognir and Freja the miners, and sent them out to explore this frozen waste. They returned shortly, telling me they felt warm stone to the north east. It is there that we shall dig, I hopes of finding the Magma Pipe soon. Dwarves weren't made for the cold weather, despite our hearty beards and thick skin.

At least we have a breeding pair of dogs and cows, although the horse and mule will be utterly useless for now. As far as food goes, we have enough meat to last us awhile, and enough seeds to start a farm very quickly, we only need to find suitable soil for it to grow. It's unfortunate that we are all inexperienced in these manners, even Momuz only knows how to swing a hammer... not that that's a bad thing, but it would have been nice had she known how to grow food. I've asked her to help Sird, who has volunteered to work the farms, and she nodded slowly. I don't think she wishes to die out here, much like the rest of us.

This leaves Eris as the woodworker, though there is no wood to actually work. I've had her break down the wagon, and we'll be moving the food near the dig site shortly. I do hope to get below ground before a snowstorm hits. More to come later.

3rd Granite
These posts will come... randomly, when I have time. I write today because we have discovered a Magma Pipe, or at least have found some uncharacteristically warm stone... obsidian too. Since the discovery of this, I have had the miners focus more on the farming area, though we will need stone soon to construct the Trade Depot.

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There is very little for the rest of us to do, and I fear the miners will grow restless and annoyed by this. Instead, we have been focusing on moving all the food closer to the site, as well as watching for any vicious animals. So far all we have seen are the wild Muskoxen lazily grazing the grounds for any morsel of food. Truly they are an inspiration, for if these unintelligent beasts can survive these frozen planes, surely we mighty dwarves can.

15th Granite
In need of stone, I have asked the miners to deep deep into the earth and to form a small quarry around the magma pipe, we broke through the wall at the mouth and, thankfully this poses no threat. I'm worried about the stories of fire imps, magma and fire men and anything else that may have come from those infernal pits. For now, nothing has arisen, but I'm thinking about walling up the area sometime in the near future. Ysmor seemed willing to help, hope he can do it quickly and to last.

There is very little to write about out here, at least for now. The only piece of advice I can give is to bring wood with you, should you ever find yourself in a treeless wasteland. Eris has already used up all of the Tower-cap logs we salvaged from the wagon to make beds. While they are uncomfortable, they are much better than sleeping on the floor, and I give my thanks to the neophyte carpenter. She's done her best, much like we all have.


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24th Granite
We have had our first snowstorm... I was caught outside, as were the animals. I would blame the miners, Motsognir, Freja and Ysmor, but they are unskilled and are progressing as quickly as they can. They have gotten better, I think the soft clay loam is helping with this, getting them accustomed to the motion of swinging a pick-axe. Likewise, Ysmor finished the wall, we no longer have to fear any unwanted pests coming up through the magma. And when they do, it will be on our terms, and hopefully on the points of our spears, swords and bolts.

Sird and Momuz have finished the farm plots, at least two of them, we are still waiting for the rest of the rooms to be dug out.  They will come win they come, it is not even summer yet... we still have ample time to prepare for any migrants, should the king decide to be highly sadistic in the future. (I submit that he will.)

I spied a herd of Elk today, as well. There seems to be a great deal of life out here on this tundra... but where there are healthy herbivores, there are usually healthy and hungry carnivores. We will keep the dogs on look out for a few weeks, hopefully to see nothing dangerous. By Armok's beard I wish we had some more wood. We could make cages to trap the wildlife here.

6th Slate
A bit of good news, Freja and Ysmor have alerted me to their relationship. It's about time those two hooked up, they've been friends for a  good long while. I wish the the best. To anyone who reads this, I suggest you encourage relationships within your outpost or fortress. It can only strengthen the bond of the community as a whole, and the end result, children are always a joy (if a bit troublesome).

1st Hematite
Summer is here, and the year seems to be progressing very slowly. We have most of the first sub-floor done, there are many farm plots and most are going to be left unused for now... I'm planing ahead you see. Ysmor and I shared a drink, and discussed something. What needed to be built, what should be made and how we are going to store our crafts... which I've had Freja start making. We're going to need something to trade to the caravan when it comes this autumn.

I've asked her to start making some Obsidian mugs. They're easy to make, and consume few resources... and they're highly sought after for some reason. We are slowly making are way around the Magma Pipe, harvesting all Obsidian that we can. In the future, we're going to have to make a complex system of pumps and pathways to carry water and magma together to form more of it. This reminds me, I've started the plans on a great tower, one in the middle of this infernal site that will gnome (get it?) all other dwarven constructions within the area, even the mountain homes.

I have found myself doing less and less as each day passes. To all further expedition leaders, you may be smart and full of wisdom, but you are no exempt from work. As such, I've taken it upon myself to help Sird and Momuz in their farming. It's really the least I can do for now... in the future I'll be able to regulate work orders and count stocks, but as of right now, it's not needed.

I would also suggest stocking up on Pig Tails when you can. They might not produce the best drink, in my opinion at least, but they surely allow for the manufacturing of clothing and other cloth items. Most  importantly, bags.

22nd Hematite
It truly amazing that there is so much life out here among the frozen wasteland. Perhaps not vegetation, but there is a great deal of fauna. In one day I've saw Elk, Muskoxen, Fluffy Wamblers and, two legged Rhino-Lizards and Fire Snakes. I truly do now believe the King expected this. Should we ever run out of meat, I think we could survive, although unwantingly, on vermin.

Freja showed me an Obsidian mug she crafted the other day, and I must admit I am impressed by her growth. The first few mugs were, how to say... slipshod and barely usable. These new mugs are much better, and I do hope they'll fetch a higher price when the traders come in the fall.

22nd Malachite
It's been a month since I last wrote. As I've said before, there is very little to actually write about. We haven't expanded the fortress much, if it can even be called that. There is now a stockpile level below the first and several layers down, on the sixth floor, if I recalled correctly, we have started digging out actual rooms.

Likewise, Ysmor has nearly finished the tables and chairs I asked him to make a month or two ago. He's been quite busy, and has even complained about it. I do not blame him, but I reminded him that we are all going to be, and for a great long time. Until some migrants arrive, there is very little I can do to alleviate the workload on any of us.

I have learned that Momuz also worships Ral, the Goddess of wealth. I suppose she gets this from her parents. In any regard I find myself talking to her more and more, I wonder if a relationship will blossom from this, I do hope so. While we are all stuck with each other, it can still be lonely out here.


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15th Galena
The Snow storms are a constant annoyance, and I'm always fearful that they'll blow away or mugs... we have them sitting up near the Trade Depot, for quick transport when the traders arrive. It seems to be dragging on so much lately..

Sird has started cooking the Quarry Bush leaves, making them into biscuits. They're quite taste, honestly, though I would enjoy some added flavor. It's for the best, though. Quarry Bush Leaves are easy to make, and easy to replace... the meat and others aren't as much. For now we'll keep with this trend. On a related note, we need more barrels, bags and bins. I'm going to start taking up weaving and clothes making to make up for the bags. For the barrels and bins, we can only wait for more wood.

1st Limestone
Autumn is here, and it couldn't come quick enough. Despite the anticipation for the caravan, the cold weather (and it has gotten colder) is very annoying.  I've begun to prep the mugs for transport as well, moving them closer to the Depot.

8th Limestone
A cow has given birth to some calves, which is a great thing. This means that our animals are fertile and capable of breeding. A few more and we should be able to start a sustainable ranch. I don't know where we'll put them, however.

On another note, we will be needed a water source soon. Alcohol is great for every day use... but when it comes to the injured we need water. For whatever reason it helps with the healing process. I think I'll have Motsognir dig beneath the stockpile area and hopefully tap into aquifer beneath it. I'm truly unsure what floor it is on, but with a little exploratory digging we should manage to find it... hopefully without flooding the fortress.

13th Limestone
The dogs have given birth. We'll have more meat in no time, I think.

Motsognir also told me he had finished the bedroom area, and has found that the stockpile area was exactly one floor above the aquifer. We now have a source of fresh water... alas, we have no bucket for the well. We'll have to use one of the valuable pieces of wood from the caravan traders for it. It's worth the expense, however... should anyone get wounded, they would be dead without it.

Speaking of the traders, I think I spotted them a ways away. While they are still a day or two off, they're very close. I've begun moving mugs to the Depot post haste, I don't want to miss this chance to gain needed resources. Most notable wood, and maybe some barrels, even if they are filled with other things... we'll empty them in time.

15th Limestone
I traded a great deal with the Caravan, unfortunately they only had seven logs to spare. We took them, and several barrels. No bins though, which is discouraging. We did manage to snag a few jewels and bags, however. I will have to talk to the Liaison in hopes that they will bring more with them next time.

26th Limestone
I have spoken to the Liaison. While he seems sympathetic to our cause, I feel he doesn't like coming out here in the cold. I do not blame him. He was quite the shrewd man, however, and informed me that our requests... however reasonable... would come at a high cost due to import prices. I think he was trying to skim some off the top, not that I blame him, I'd have done the same thing, only I would have offered it to Ral. This man will probably pocket everything without a second thought. I truly hope that by the time they roll around next year, they have more wood. Price be damned. Freja is getting better at stonecrafting, and she shall surely have some masterwork to show caravans next year.

While I'm on the topic, I do hope that the Elves and humans show up. Most dwarves, from what I've heard and read, do not enjoy trading with these species. I do not understand why, any way to gain wealth should be welcomed. Of course, we are also in an extra-ordinary circumstance, perhaps that is why I'm much more willing to trade with non-dwarves.

I was told today by Momuz that a her war hammer has gone missing. The traders mentioned a raccoon running off with one when I asked them about it. That must have been a sight, a tiny critter hauling a big hammer around. Unfortunately, this means our Hammerdwarf is without a weapon... I quickly remedied this by buying her a Copper replacement. She complained about it being copper, and not steel, but when I reminded her of the situation, she nodded and went back to work. If all else, she's dedicated to surviving.

1st Timber
The caravan left today, with the Liaison. He had stuck around for a bit when they were packing up, following me around. It was rather creepy and odd. Winter is only a month away and it seems to be taking it's time approaching. I wonder if I should make any other preparation. Aside from the lack of wood, we seem to have all we need.

1st Moonstone
Winter is here and Motsognir has suggested that we start building the tower. Why in the winter, I do not know, but we have very little to actually do, at least until we get more wood. We have no migrants, and we have enough food to last until spring. I shall be busy all winter, I think. So count this as my last entry, unless something important comes up, or spring arrives.

1st Granite
Spring is here again. I'm taking this time to break down the various stockpiles and such, for other to compare with in future forts. Keep in mind that there are only seven of us in this little outpost, so far we've had no immigrants and while work is dragging on, things are progressing nicely. We merely need more wood, dammit.

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Below is the current layout of the fortress, empty rooms included. We are currently living among the top layers, but the beds are slowly being moved to the lowest floor. It is taking some time. The top surface floor is excluded, mainly due to only the Trade Depot being present, and an animal stockpile. It's hardly worth noting.

Main Area
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The currently empty bedrooms
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Stockpile room, including the well. Some bins would be nice.
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