I know everyone has issues with elves. They're wussy, pansy, tree hugging evil demons who never seem to want anything we make. They have nothing to offer except for cloth really, when you look at the above post, they're quite useless. However, I have figured out a way to keep elf society as it is now, while making them, over all, more useful. Why not make them revere nature much like the native americans did? They revere nature so much that they work with it as a guide, rather than digging into the earth, or forcing it to mold to their desires. The trees are strong, and give plenty of food, so the elves build there. Its easier than chopping down a tree, cutting it apart, and building a house of it. They are so in tune to the earth that they are prepped for sudden storms, invasions, ect far before dwarf or human kind ever is. The reason is that the elf city in the forest has more wildlife, such as eagles, deer, ect.
When their behavior begins to change, the elves begin to notice. The communication, and peace with animals occurred due to the elves living a simple life for so long that a connection has formed beyond what humans or dwarves can understand. Animals began to do favors for them, such as being called to war, giving elves gifts, and protection.
Cannibalism would still exist, since cultures can adopt cannibalism as a ritualistic way of gaining and opponents strengths. IN this case, the elves would gather a friends strength, allowing it to continue to flow through the tribe, something like: “Frank Elvenbottom was a brave warrior, who fought long and hard against the menace of men, so lets eat him. His strength will forever be with us, and our tribe will prosper.”
Elves are also weak during a siege, but since they are so close to nature, why not allow them to bring animals to a siege? They are weak, but if they were to bring a Giant eagle or two, in addition to a few elephants and a jaguar, the sides begin to even up. Wood is gathered not from the wholesale slaughter of trees, but from wood falling on the ground. However, in appreciation for the gift, the elves give thanks to the world around them in a ritualistic celebration. Any animals that die in an elf's village would be eaten as well, since it is only natural for something that dies to get eaten by something else.
However, there is a “celebration of thanks” that is given to the animal, where its gift is honored. The ending of an animals life would be a crime, since this unbalances the world around them. For this reason, wood, bone items, and food, are not accepted from humans or dwarves. Their lack of understanding of the world around them and wholesale slaughter of animals must not be tolerated.
Anyone have any thoughts? Further suggestions or did I overlook something about elves that toady mentioned?