So you all know the game Telephone, right? Where one person whispers into the other's ear and it goes on and on until you totally don't recognize the story anymore? Yeah it's kinda like that, except on the interwebz it doesn't work too well, so we'll be starting off with a picture, then the next person describes it in a paragraph or so, then the NEXT person will draw a picture of the description, etc.
If at any time you think this game is progressing too slowly, there's
this second Eat Poop You Cat game going on, hosted by
This Round(5):This time we're starting with a
Teal is Paragraph.
Orange is Picture.
- Boksi
- Zaithemaster
- Cheeetar
- Christes
- -->A_Fey_Dwarf<--
- Pandarsenic
- qwertyuiopas
Round 1:1. Cheeetar2. Akroma3. Pandarsenic4. Cthulhu5. penguinofhonor6. Boogerman7. PTTG?Round 2:1. Cheeetar2. Akroma3. Pandarsenic4. Cthulhu5. penguinofhonor6. Boogerman7. PTTG?Round 3:1. Pandarsenic2. chaoticjosh3. Boksi4. Christes5. Cheetar6. Onlyhestands7. AkromaRound 4:1. penguinofhonor2. Wooty3. Onlyhestands4. Jack_Bread5. qwertyuiopas6. PTTG??7. Siquo
Reserves(FIFO):Boksi (Either) (PERM)
Cheeetar (Either) (PERM)
Zaithemaster (Paragraph) (1)
A_Fey_Dwarf (Either) (1)
Christes (Paragraph) (PERM)
Pandarsenic (Paragraph) (1)
Onlyhestands (Paragraph) (PERM)
qwertyuiopas (Either) (PERM)
chaoticjosh (Picture) (PERM)
Jack_Bread (Picture) (PERM)
To sign up for a spot, please post what Type you want, as well as the Duration for which you'll want.
The Types available are "Picture", "Paragraph", and "Either".
For Duration, you can put in as many Rounds as you'd like to play, or PERM which means you'll always be available to play.
When you sign up, your name will be added to the bottom of the list. FIFO means First In, First Out, or basically first come first serve. Therefore, those on the top of the list will be drafted for the round first. When drafted, your name will be dropped to the bottom of the list to ensure a fair distribution.