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Author Topic: Channeledwanes - The Undead Mountain  (Read 4344 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Channeledwanes - The Undead Mountain
« Reply #30 on: December 25, 2008, 11:59:25 pm »

The current unit list.

The immigrants turned out to be useful - we're up to 4 injured now :)

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

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Re: Channeledwanes - The Undead Mountain
« Reply #31 on: December 26, 2008, 08:24:48 am »

Huh, tunnels.
Traders were tougher when I were a lad.
Thought nowt of wincing the wagon up sheer cliffs.
Course, back then there were PROPER cliffs. Not these rampy things you gets nowadays.
And another thing!
Undead batmen ain't as tough as they used to be!
Least this place ain't damp like abbeyverse.
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.


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Re: Channeledwanes - The Undead Mountain
« Reply #32 on: December 26, 2008, 01:15:47 pm »

Bah.. If'n I had me hat I would be much more reluctant to put meself into danger like that. I'd have to go to me room, put me hat in a safe, and then come back to fight. If that giant ever stops off here for some goods, oh I ever will beat the stuffin out o' him or her or it!

(If we do get this giant... may I be drafted just to fight it? It'd be great plot!)
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Channeledwanes - The Undead Mountain
« Reply #33 on: December 26, 2008, 03:35:48 pm »

Huh, tunnels.
Traders were tougher when I were a lad.
Thought nowt of wincing the wagon up sheer cliffs.
Course, back then there were PROPER cliffs. Not these rampy things you gets nowadays.
And another thing!
Undead batmen ain't as tough as they used to be!
Least this place ain't damp like abbeyverse.

Heh, the undeads are doing hell of a job (no pun intended) until we can get a formal military up and running (and clear out the chasm). The latest casualty: Lòr Atherlrakust; He decided to cross the chasm to gather spider webs.

To be fair, he was the victim of a giant cave swallow. According to creature data, a giant cave swallow is about the same size as a lion.

In related news, Maggarg is throwing a party for Strife, Coolhat, Keldor, and Eric. Heartless bastards!


Maggarg - Eater of chicke

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Re: Channeledwanes - The Undead Mountain
« Reply #34 on: December 26, 2008, 03:48:11 pm »

Ah threw a party today.
Dunno why, ah hates parties.
Keldor seems alright, although he's a bit grumpy. Ah think it might be ter do wi' that alligator pool an' his poor blessed mudder.
The rest o' them are too damn young.
When I were young, we dint ave no young people.
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Channeledwanes - The Undead Mountain
« Reply #35 on: December 27, 2008, 01:08:59 am »

Bah.. If'n I had me hat I would be much more reluctant to put meself into danger like that. I'd have to go to me room, put me hat in a safe, and then come back to fight. If that giant ever stops off here for some goods, oh I ever will beat the stuffin out o' him or her or it!

(If we do get this giant... may I be drafted just to fight it? It'd be great plot!)

A visit from your arch-nemesis might be difficult. I checked out the world in adventure mode tonight and found out that this giant lives in a cave on the southern most edge of the map. Channeledwanes is somewhere north of the map - it is at least a 2 month walk (direct path).

You can still avenge your loss, however. I think your NPC will become recruitable as a soldier when the fortress is abandoned. You'll have to pick a weapon of choice and join the militia... and life in the Channeledwane militia ain't easy (or safe) :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Channeledwanes - The Undead Mountain
« Reply #36 on: December 27, 2008, 03:34:42 am »

Oh, I dunno, if we wait long enough, that giant is sure to attack the fortress just because it's there.  They can't stand new fortresses, you see.
If ignorance is bliss, why are my dwarves all tantruming?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Channeledwanes - The Undead Mountain
« Reply #37 on: December 27, 2008, 09:56:50 pm »

Personal Journal of Eric the Architect, 28th of Timber, year 202.

Tekkud Cryptfamous reported to me that one of the new fish from Kivish Nokgol, by the name of Lòr Atherlrakust, had been missing for weeks. The last I hear is that he went east to look for shiny spider webs and never came back. I hope he is ok.

Last night, I had a horrible nightmare! In my dream, a group of migrants decided to come in from the east side of Channeledwanes. They were attacked by a Skeletal Giant Eagle and a Skeletal Giant Swallow. 7 migrants fought the Giant Eagle together, but starved to death (some died from dehydration) before they could wrestle it to death. Then all my dwarves decided to run out to grab the tattered clothes of the dead migrants, which led to more undeads following them back to the fort. Luckily it was just a dream - it's like it never happened.

Cryptfamous was the only pleasant surprise in the past year. She is a migrant of some status from Kivish Nokgol, the Lancer of Riddles. She seemed skill-less at first, so I assigned her a position in the militia. But she told me that it would be a waste of her talent! It appears that Cryptfamous was considered some sort of scholar and helper to the Queen. She told me that with her help, I shall make Cattenlelum the greatest fortress in history. Cryptfamous had been proven right so far - As the manager of Channeledwanes, Cryptfamous has been posting work orders all over the place and keeping dwarves busy. She also reports idle dwarves to me: Any dwarves found taking a break will be immediately drafted into the militia, undergo corporal punishment, then assigned back to work. The number of dwarves "On break" is virtually nil now.

Cryptfamous also advised that I should not burden myself with the duties of bookkeeping. She recommended hiring another help of the Queen, Såkzul Fenceclenched, to take over the accounting and assignment of provisions. After all, she reminded me, I have a much more important job of being a leader. For the first time in 5 years, I've found the time to start designing the fortress of my dreams. The dwarves of the world shall forever remember the magnificent design of Eric the Architect!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Channeledwanes - The Undead Mountain
« Reply #38 on: December 27, 2008, 10:02:26 pm »

Lots of editing to previous posts today. I changed most reference of "Cattenlelum" to "Channeledwanes" - it made the story a bit easier to read.

Oh, I dunno, if we wait long enough, that giant is sure to attack the fortress just because it's there.  They can't stand new fortresses, you see.

Cool! Sonerohi, if we do get a visit from Aned, "the Mastery of Apogee", consider him yours.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Channeledwanes - The Undead Mountain
« Reply #39 on: December 27, 2008, 10:38:18 pm »

1st of Slate, 2 Channeledwanes

It has been a hard but great first year to the story of Channeledwanes. We have survived our first winter! The great chef Keldor has been turning mushrooms into wine, then wine into biscuits. Somehow this increases the amount of food five-fold. And Keldor does this without using any water or flour! It is a mystery how Keldor manages to do this. Some dwarves say it is black magic. I think they mean delicious black magic!

We have established a militia and started to manufacture charcoal and iron bars so we can forge iron equipment for our soldiers. A well trained marksdwarf squad will be in place sometimes next year. We also hope to have a clothing industry up and running by the end of year 2, despite the mysterious disappearance of a clothier dwarf. Economists predict mass influx of migrants for next year, so bedrooms will be a priority for miners and masons; They also predict a rise in demand for coffins for next year.

Minor items of interest: Wildlife still causing some annoyance.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Channeledwanes - The Undead Mountain
« Reply #40 on: December 27, 2008, 11:43:22 pm »

Personal Journal of Eric the Architect, 1st of Hematite, year 202.

By the grace of gods, I was proven right! The forest to the north is the home to the Nine Yipi, "The Wing of Celebration"! Their traders brought gifts of.... wait for it... Sunberries! Unfortunately, I had to trade away all of Maggarg's personal stone crafts for them. I explained to him this is for the good of the entire fortress; He will be repaid a thousand fold when he sees how much the dwarves are enjoying the taste of a cold barrel of sunberry wine. There were tears of joy as he hauled the berries to storage.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Channeledwanes - The Undead Mountain
« Reply #41 on: December 28, 2008, 12:14:33 am »

Bwahahaha! Eat copper pick, giant scum!
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Channeledwanes - The Undead Mountain
« Reply #42 on: December 28, 2008, 01:26:55 am »

14th of Felsite, 202

The great hall of Channeledwanes was filled with the scent of flowers and berries today; It will take months to get the stink out. The militia had sighted the elves coming in from the north and readied their arms (quite literally) for a fight. However, Eric told the guards to stand down, and allow the Elves to come in to "trade".

Now Maggarg and Keldor find themselves in storage, counting stacks of rope reed cloth.

"New game," Keldor said, "Instead of counting another bin of rope reed, I'd rather you take your pick and put a hole through my head".

"Ok..." Maggarg replied. "Instead of counting another stack of elven ass wipe, I'd rather you seal me in a cask of ale; Then you bake my fermented body into biscuits; Then you feed the biscuits to goblins... really ugly goblins."

"Har. I'd rather patrol the 'Chasm of Unicorns' to the east than to count anymore elf crap". Keldor paused briefly before adding, "Wearing our best military armor".

"By the way things are going, these rope reed clothes will be our best military armor. I'd rather lick a tree, while on fire, with fire imps chucking fireballs at my crotch."

And things went on like this for a while. Then Keldor interrupted the game when he ran out of undesirable things to lick. "Hey Maggarg, you know that Whats-her-name Cryptfamous?"

"Yeah, that's the broad who's always talking about horses, right?" Maggarg sees Keldor nodding and rubbing a bolt of rope reed cloth against his ass before tossing it into the "accounted for" bin. "The one wearing a dress over her trousers?"

"Yeah, that's her. Do you know if she served in the militia? I thought all migrants must serve time in the militia first. How did she become the manager of Channeledwanes in just a few months?"

"Hmm...", In rare form, Maggarg was quiet. He was trying to figure out exactly what kind of animal Cryptfamous had caught Eric with.

"Forget it," Keldor waved his left hand dismissively, "I'm too old for this crap. Let's just finish counting and give the report to Clenchfisted."

"Fenceclenched," Maggarg corrected Keldor, "You're right. Let's just get this crap done and get some rum. By the way, I think I've found the perfect place to hide my rock toy axes this time. Eric will never find them."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Channeledwanes - The Undead Mountain
« Reply #43 on: December 28, 2008, 05:11:44 pm »

14th of Malachite, Mid Summer of 202

"Aie! The elves are back! The elves are back!", Bëmbul Riddledcrafted came running down the hall. She was still huffing and puffing when she found found Oddom Authorroofed.

"Great, just what we need: More rope reed cloth!" Authorroofed grumbled, "Let's take a look-see, why don't we?" The two came to the northern entrance to the great hall. Here, the traders were unloading their goods.

"These elves are kind of short and fat." Authorroofed said, "And they have iron swords! I don't believe my eyes! Where are the flying pigs?"

The traders introduced themselves to the dwarves. These strange creatures call themselves "humans". They have come to trade with the Connected Board.

Eric and Fenceclenched soon arrived to negotiate with the humans. The humans brought all sorts of valuable items. There were raw materials and finished goods - they weren't the best quality, or even made of steel, but they were better than wooden swords and rope reed cloth.

"We're very impressed at what you have done here!" The human diplomat said, "I see you have just settled here, but I see a lot of potential with this... fortress..."

"Oh yes, Channeledwanes will be the greatest fortress ever!" Eric was never ashamed of a little gloating. "But we need supplies to get us going - perhaps a loan of few swords, shields, and iron bars? We will pay you back, most likely on a Tuesday."

Compared to the elves, the humans were much more pleasant to deal with and there was always a smile on the diplomat's face. But there was a barely perceptible change in his expression when Eric asked that question. It was the slightest wince. A wise man would wager that Eric never noticed it.

"That will be difficult, my good friend", the diplomat replied. "It is simply against company policies. Even if I could do that, iron is simply too valuable to lend to new customers... you must understand...

"But I'll see what I can do in terms of discounts," The human added, "My men will give you the best deal possible. Take a look at our wares... I think you will be interested in the contents of this particular wagon..."

After a bit of browsing, Eric picked an anvil and a few empty barrels. As a counter offer, he had some of Keldor's biscuits. To the humans' disappointment, the dwarves did not have any gold, silver, or finished goods. The human diplomat was reluctant to make a deal. But finally, he agreed to the trade.

"Just because I like you so much, Eric", the human diplomat added, "I'll even take away some of your rotting refuse. Here, this pile." The human diplomat pointed to a refuse pile right outside of the fort entrance. There were many signs posted around it:


"Refuse - ONLY!"

"Finished Goods Forbidden (b: block all)"

"None of Maggarg's World Famous Stoned Crafts Here! Nope. No sirree!"

Standing on top of a barrel, Eric shook hands with the human diplomat and finalized the deal. Eric had made another masterful trade. He decided to promote his titles to "Adept Appraiser" and "Novice Negotiator".


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Channeledwanes - The Undead Mountain
« Reply #44 on: December 28, 2008, 08:10:55 pm »

8th of Timber, Late Summer of 202

A skeletal eagle stumbled into a cage trap today. Can skeletal creatures be tamed? That would be awesome.
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