Originally posted by Mayday:
What I like to do is to customise the seeds I use for planting out of the food stockpiles and give them their own stockpile right near the farm.
Yes, it's a good tactic to use, but they still spend several squares worth of time going back and forth.
@ Maximus:
True, those issues need to be addressed. I think a few simple solutions to some of them are:
- Short intervals between planting and a lengthened crop durration outside of a stockpile would solve the issue of a crash harvest. Picking the oldest plant wouldn't hurt, either.
- If dwarves can pull things off of a container while that container is held by another dwarf, then technically multiple people can use the seeds in one bag -- it's just that the dwarves without the bag need to use the old plant-one-seed-at-a-time method.
- Reduce the amount of seeds per bag to something like 75 or 100, to create more bags for carrying to the farm with.
And a few longer (read: pain in the ass to code) solutions:
- Planting in a farm is consolidated to be one job, instead of one job per square. Thus, the amount of the job that's "completed" each time a seed is planted is a slow increase like a workshop, instead of a "OK, done the planting job on this square. *wanders off* Oh wait. There's another square that needed planting!" This way the farm becomes a 'workshop' in the way that other workshops can KEEP the dwarf tied to it, as long as there's a job to do (and stop the dwarf wandering off, unless all the jobs are done, or something takes precidence)
- Farmer dwarves with the intent to plant in the same farm (or maybe different farms?) could meet in the field, with all of them grabbing bags, and one of them grabbing the seed bag. The seed dwarf then divides the big bag into the smaller bags, and then they get to farming. If a dwarf has to go do something, they should first return the seeds in their bag to the seed dwarve's big bag -- If the seed dwarf has to go, he drops the bag and another dwarf in the farming group picks it up and consolidates the two into the new 'big bag' (leaving the other bag to be picked up by an item hauler)