I just earned an "Eagerness Bronze Badge" after dying on level 14 from some stupid death due to me not noticing i was low on health while engaging 2 cacodemons.
But i am wondering, considering in such an Impatience run you can't carry any activable items (medic kits, phase devices and i guess nuke) as you automatically activate them when you grab them.
How can you kill the *spoiler* then ?
I killed it in non-challenge run (though in the lowest level of difficulty) , the 1st time by rocket launcher and the 2nd time by missile launcher (nice exotic, loved it).
But those 2 successes had me forced each time to use a phase device to teleport away, as every time my health was going low and my armor nearly destroyed, once away i could then restore my health with medic kits, switch to another armor, reload my weapons and put an end to the *spoiler* without dying quickly from his shots.
Usually, i try to use the pillars, but the problem is that even when i manage to dodge them, *spoiler* missiles destroy those pillars, and the *spoiler* does not stop advancing on you (and i noticed that he was never knocked back by my own missiles), so in the end, with the need of reloading, the *spoiler* at some point is going to be near my character (as he can take a lot of hit) so i can't use anymore my rockets (as i would kill myself) and so am forced to teleport away.
But in an Impatience run, you don't have any medic kit or phase device in your inventory, and considering the minimum difficulty level is the 2nd one, the *spoiler* has then more health to resist.
If by some insane luck i manage one day to get to that level on the Impatience challenge, is there some specific build and traits i should aim before anything else to before facing the monster ?