Zombi e infection search results. I mostly just wanted to see the demand for something like this. Leave your thoughts, please.
In my last fortress I had the undead. (Skeletal creatures, in particular). Besides not being able to hunt for food, having undead creatures did not provide a most dangerous experience.
What I want to see: green @ that are not just pissed off jewelers.
While reading adventure mode tips on dwarf fortress wikipedia, I recalled how the undead could be repeatedly thrown or choked to level wrestling. This has got to be changed at some point even if its just a limit to the exp. you can get off of a creature.
Imho, zombies shouldn't be wrestled like wrestlemania, zombies should be wrestled because they've seized you while your weapon was lodged in a rib cage and you've got to escape before getting infected.
Since the player is frequently put in contact with the undead in both fortress and adventure mode, and undead infection is :cool:, I vote for Bloat 144 to be implemented soon-ish.
Bloat144, DISEASE AND INFECTION, (Future): Disease and infection. Get some from swamp or blood drinking. Hearty creatures (like dwarves) shouldn't be affected so much. The absence of a spleen can increase the chance of septicemia. Infections of some wounds, especially if you are dirty, leprosy type stuff, plagues. Tumors, especially those caused by magic. The kidneys, spleen, liver, stomach and pancreas should have functions that are reduced by damage.
[ August 25, 2007: Message edited by: ravensword227 ]