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Author Topic: Goblin advanced Sieges  (Read 9439 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Goblin advanced Sieges
« Reply #60 on: December 21, 2008, 01:27:52 am »

Previewing Edit: I took so long to type this damned thing up (House was on) that three posts were made whilst I thought up something actually applicable. To these three:

Tack: Why thank you. I believe arguing over whether to implement digging or not is bad and a derailment. I think an argument over -how- it should be implemented (and combated -muahaha!) is a part of this thread. Siege camps? Damned if that wouldn't look awesome. Invisible enemies? Agreed. More champions? I'm a bit iffy on that as I've only had wrestling champions, but I've heard reliably that most others take a helluva long time to championize, so perhaps. I see nothing wrong, quite honestly, with spicing up a siege. That makes it more difficult, which is -needed. See post below though on limitations.

bjlong: Could be cool, them having a defense around their siege camp. Could be very interesting...

irmo: I utterly agree on different degrees of sieges and a sort of difficulty curve. See post below, of course. Aheheheh, I might be one of those people you just mentioned, bar that I set out next to the tower for the -purpose- of my small commando team of dwarfs to bring down the fortress, asymmetrical warfare style. I see no problem with others closing off tunnels or filling them in.

On to my original post!

Tunneling is dangerous, unreliable, slow and difficult. They will try to find a way to use any weak spot before tunneling: it should really be a measure of last resort.

I just wanted to quote this because it's one of the most reasonable requests in this entire thread, nae, the entire forum. It is a statement well-evaluated, and I feel it's been unnoticed.

I have always thought that whatever can be done should be done in terms of war- to z-level 15 with your fancy fortress, bad things happen to people who don't  necessarily deserve it! Enemy masons, miners, siege engineers and operators, mechanics, siege weapons that can destroy constructions, biological (dead body lobbing), chemical (lighting the place on fire through alcohol bombing and other such things as well as poisoning water sources), and magical warfare (The old form of nuking a place- turn everyone inside a certain zone into ash or the like), and enemies that can flood a fortress with fire and water! The enemy will do all to end your lives! But I realized something- Goblins are greedy SOB's. Hateful, immortal, enslaving, child-kidnapping, creatures of rage that want to destroy... but greedy. If they're going to invest in sieging a place, they're going to do their damnedest to get a payoff to make their losses (which I guarantee each and every one of us will die making sure their victory was one soaked in their blood every inch into our domain) worthwhile. They won't flood our fortress and funnel magma into our entire dwelling if they want to take it. There's lengths that they won't go to to take down our fortress. And that must be recognized, and used to our advantage. They might not want to destroy their spoils... What should stop us? If they tunnel into our residential district (and you're paranoid, overplanning, and militarily-dictatorially inclined like myself, having floodgates, traps, and all sorts of nasty things planned for any thing that thinks they can take my fortress without a fight)... Seal the area. Pray for those locked inside. Make a memorial to their sacrifice. And tunnel in magma to the location. The tunnel leading into your residential area will be flooded, and anything still underground will meet a death more terrible than a quick slit-throat.

Along the similar line of thought: the activity should be scaled, as previously stated. The goblin high-priestess of sodomy won't come down from her tower to turn every dwarf outside your fortress into pillars of salt if you have only a measly million monies to your fortress's name- theoretically, of course, since I don't know how a magebomb would work and am only using the pillar of salt thing because it's what came first to my mind due to my first catholic school. But the point still stands. Goblins, any creatures aside from HFS, who destroy because they like it, who are sentient, won't utterly destroy what you've made when it could be theirs. This provides a difficulty curve in sieges. Wealth goes up, so should your ability to defend yourself, in theory. But when the shit has really hit the fan, and all the troubles of the world have come home to roost, you had better be prepared, because you must expect no quarter- and you must be ready to give none, as always.

A simple phrase to remember will generally keep you alive through the whole of these things:

Prepare or die.

Substitute in the expletive of your choice to reinforce the point. There is absolutely nothing more difficult than trying to survive a siege with absolutely no defensive preparations. Don't wait for a vile force of darkness to arrive. Don't wait for ambushes. Don't wait for snatchers, or kobolds, or even curious wildlife (namely the type curious to see if dwarf is digestible). The first thing you do is find a suitable, defensible location. I'm surprised Defensible is a word and "defendable" is not. But I digress! Defensible location! If you're in a somewhat hilly area, use hills (if possible) to cut down on how much wall construction you'll need to do later and hook them up together with that lovely construction as of yet impenetrable, the wall. Or a fortification with floors over them so you can have people patrol over the top and start shooting things if they see something getting within five miles of your fortress with so much as a copper dagger. If you're on the plains, channel out a perimeter, which you may later floor over and enlarge to suit your needs. If you're on a mountainous area, take off the natural up-down ramps all about you and start tunneling in. Always build around advantageous natural resources, like a river (not full of carp). START DEFENSIVE CONSTRUCTION IMMEDIATELY. Do it back-to-back with preliminary mining operations, stockpiling, and setting up fields for farming underground. Get it all done, and get it done quickly. Mine out separate areas to allow your fortress compartmentalization, such as an utter isolation of your trade depot from your fortress. Any opening to your fortress is the most obvious liability. In addition to the nasty things I use with my Trade Depot in case I start getting lip from the traders, I set choke points, traps, turns, and all sort of nasty things to stop anything and everything from getting into my fortress, not the least being a ballista at the end of a long (1x20 something usually) hallway right before entering my fortress, and the ground to get THERE is strewn with traps, weapon, stonefall, and cage. When your primary weaknesses are covered, focus wholly on fortress management, such as farms and whatnot... But a hidden addition is to make little airlocks, three by one hallways to all locations instead of just a hole where you plop a door and be done. Floodgate, spike trap hooked up to a lever (mainly because I haven't learned whether I can place pressure plates and a spike trap on the same tile yet), second floodgate. Nasty things. Get inventive, get creative, and make sure you're getting lethal on the whole. Certainly you can focus on dwarfy projects such as an arena or a Cathedral to Armok or a Mead Hall fit for gods... Just be sure they can all be sealed off, at any given time.

Above all, do not underestimate any army, fortress guard or military. Those layabout fortress guardsmen can and will be the salvation of your fortress if your soldiers have left a hole in the line. Train everyone to champion in wrestling, armor, and shield first go if possible, but always wrestling. Specialize after that- I lean towards axes, hammers, and marksdwarfs. I really don't see the need for much else. Arrows for range, axes for general dissuasion through a specific loss of limbs, and hammer for when organ damage won't make your enemy blink (and, I admit it, I want to see an enemy fly thirty tiles into a tree and -explode!-). Your military will be your most mobile fortress defense, but also your most costly. Take care of all your military dwarfs, and you can safely expect them, with proper stationing, patrolling, weapons, defense, and training, to take care of you. For a fortress so prepared, let this be your anthem, let this be the anthem of all your fighting dwarfs to their last breath, knowing that they can and must hold their position for the safety of all within the base:

Not one step back!

I think I got rather more into that than I expected I would. What can I say? I love the fighting and planning aspect of DF. I think I'm almost in a strange mood to create a pure defensive tactical thread...

Now, a summary:
((AI improvement of enemies)^(tactics+strategy))+"Combat Engineering" - cheap stupid pointless abilities and things making the game harder without a reward corresponding to how hard the difficulty was and or without realistic reasons for this increase in difficulty = Starycat's Algorithm of Awesome Difficulty

It takes a dwarf to use magma for snow shoveling


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Re: Goblin advanced Sieges
« Reply #61 on: December 21, 2008, 01:47:24 am »

Now, a summary:
((AI improvement of enemies)^(tactics+strategy))+"Combat Engineering" - cheap stupid pointless abilities and things making the game harder without a reward corresponding to how hard the difficulty was and or without realistic reasons for this increase in difficulty = Starycat's Algorithm of Awesome Difficulty

Now that is a great summary, because the following image image comparing us humans to the besiegers' retardation is not limited to the following image comparing us humans to the besiegers' retardation;



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Goblin advanced Sieges
« Reply #62 on: December 21, 2008, 02:00:03 am »

how about

Wealth = Scale of armies.
Race = Engineering AI
Enemy Wealth = Ability to mass scale siege facilities.

I.e. Rebellion against the dwarven king will see you die.

oh, and i need to rephrase my stuff.
a) Siege camps
b)when an enemy tunnels into your fortress, the tunnels he makes are invisible, until he breaks into your fortress. This might be hard for Toady to implement though... doesn't he have a design team yet?
c) champions to be EASIER TO KILL (Shock Horror)
Sentience, Endurance, and Thumbs: The Trifector of a Superpredator.
Yeah, he's a banned spammer. Normally we'd delete this thread too, but people were having too much fun with it by the time we got here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Goblin advanced Sieges
« Reply #63 on: December 21, 2008, 02:00:25 am »

If they tunnel into our residential district (and you're paranoid, overplanning, and militarily-dictatorially inclined like myself, having floodgates, traps, and all sorts of nasty things planned for any thing that thinks they can take my fortress without a fight)... Seal the area. Pray for those locked inside. Make a memorial to their sacrifice. And tunnel in magma to the location. The tunnel leading into your residential area will be flooded, and anything still underground will meet a death more terrible than a quick slit-throat.


A simple phrase to remember will generally keep you alive through the whole of these things:

Prepare or die.

Substitute in the expletive of your choice to reinforce the point. There is absolutely nothing more difficult than trying to survive a siege with absolutely no defensive preparations. Don't wait for a vile force of darkness to arrive. Don't wait for ambushes. Don't wait for snatchers, or kobolds, or even curious wildlife (namely the type curious to see if dwarf is digestible).

Hell fucking yes.  That goes for your entire post really.

Cheshire Cat

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Re: Goblin advanced Sieges
« Reply #64 on: December 21, 2008, 03:44:27 am »

Incidently, tunneling can be rendered obsolete with a really deep magma moat.

Okay, water works fine too, but dry wouldn't cut it.  And I like magma.

dear lord. i want to see this. little gnome slaves or goblin engineers or whatever breaching your magma moat and running before the influx of molten rock lest they get toasted. and i like the idea of race based engineering ability. goblins could have slaves of different races do their sapping, and you could stop them by running out and freeing the slaves, say, by killing a particular goblin leader or something. and elves with walking trees. and, if magic ever gets in, druids who can summon plant creepers to dissasemble your walls and buildings.

tunneling does not have to be as destructive as people think. it could be rare and through soil only, which would make it easy to disrupt if you just built stone walls down to the bedrock or aquifer, and fortresses built on solid stone would be immune. they could also blow up sections of wall by packing in lots of oil or something. having a big bit of my defences suddenly get blown sky high is something i actually want to see, as sieges are currently just a minor annoyance. this sort of thing would also prompt you to sally forth and attack them before they can engage in such shenanigans rather then hiding indoors.

note as well there is a thread right now all about tunneling, people should take further comment there, and stick with other things like siege camps and stuff here.

also, i agree with the common thread running through this discussion about the AI improvements. ive never had a difficult megabeast encounter to date because they allways prioritize my buildings over my dwarves. seeing a colossus wander around beating in door after door while ignoring the ballista arrows and crossbow bolts is stupid. and i also once had a dragon wander right past my fort to a little access tunnel in the corner, that led down to near the bottom of the map, where he destroyed a floodgate and drowned from the massive water pressure he had unleashed.

ive allways liked the idea of siege towers. they could be like wagons with more then one z level, a retractable bridge and stairs inside. and ladders could also double for crossing small moats. also trolls that pull your drawbridges down is something ive not heard of before, and would be great. for any of this the AI would need serious work, as said before. something like cheating a bit, by checking for paths that cross 1 or 2 square trenches or walls, which will lead to lots of dwarfs. otherwise, like someone said, they may just pave over all your ponds, get bored and leave.

camps get a lot of talk as well. nice if they set up a camp, cut down trees to build this stuff, then stuck a wooden wall around their construction area to make it harder to throw them out. there should also be more chance of getting this sort of thing in evil surroundings or something, as not everyone wants deadly deadly goblin sieges. lots of people play the game because they love the sandbox build your own civ aspect.

also people, less flame. be more eloquent in your insults. and listen to straycat; be nice to legolord.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Goblin advanced Sieges
« Reply #65 on: December 21, 2008, 04:20:52 am »

I think it's worth noting that I haven't seen Legolord insult anyone yet, and two people have called him a douche and an asshole.

Hmm, that's interesting. Have to test this:

I want EVERY SINGLE THING in the ENTIRE GAME to be able to tunnel. And sieges should trigger the tunneling behaviour. Besiegers should bring runic shovels to make them more dangerous.
You are a pirate!

Quote from: Silverionmox
Quote from: bjlong
If I wanted to recreate the world of one of my favorite stories, I should be able to specify that there is a civilization called Groan, ruled by Earls from a castle called Gormanghast.
You won't have trouble supplying the Countess with cats, or producing the annual idols to be offerred to the castle. Every fortress is a pale reflection of Ghormenghast..

Toady One

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Re: Goblin advanced Sieges
« Reply #66 on: December 21, 2008, 04:49:50 am »

On the other hand, I'd appreciate it if people would try not to get this thread reported more than it already has been.
The Toad, a Natural Resource:  Preserve yours today!


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Re: Goblin advanced Sieges
« Reply #67 on: December 21, 2008, 12:37:32 pm »

... Reported? In a bad way? We've been doing something wrong? What've we been doing wrong?
It takes a dwarf to use magma for snow shoveling


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Re: Goblin advanced Sieges
« Reply #68 on: December 21, 2008, 02:40:10 pm »

Probably just reports on people insulting LegoLord. 


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Re: Goblin advanced Sieges
« Reply #69 on: December 21, 2008, 03:08:51 pm »

Yes--the word "siege" should make any dwarf paranoid. But there are other considerations to take into account.

First, let's look at motivation. We've so far covered that greedy civilizations would always look for a way to take the monies inside the dwarven forts, but the thing is that they should take the path of least resistance in doing so. For example, find and seal all ventilation shafts, so that the dwarves would slowly asphyxiate. Or take the farms and keep the dwarves from being able to eat. Goblins might not be the smartest bunch, but they'd not be so horrendously ignorant of tactics.

If you're an invading army, then you'd have to take into account how much of a threat the fortress would pose versus how much you would gain by taking it. If you're sufficiently nasty, then the army should opt to disable you rather than take the fort--possibly by channeling magma into your fort, or flooding your lower levels, or something of that sort. They could try to lure your military from your fort, defeat as many as they can, then retreat, hoping that you'd take some time to tend to your wounded.

And if it's a king putting down a rebellion, then he'd probably come with overwhelming force, and demand surrender, as genocide would not be well received by the kingdom at large. Some of your population would be intimidated, and switch sides, of course.

Seigers should not be automatically able to breach your walls, but you should have to work like crazy to keep them out, after a little while. I don't think that a paranoid layout should help you too much, at the beginning, but eventually, the fortress should become a deathtrap for all of your enemies.
I hesitate to click the last spoiler tag because I expect there to be Elder Gods in it or something.


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Re: Goblin advanced Sieges
« Reply #70 on: December 21, 2008, 06:53:59 pm »

I think it's worth noting that I haven't seen Legolord insult anyone yet, and two people have called him a douche and an asshole.

Hmm, that's interesting. Have to test this:

I want EVERY SINGLE THING in the ENTIRE GAME to be able to tunnel. And sieges should trigger the tunneling behaviour. Besiegers should bring runic shovels to make them more dangerous.

Trolling is attempting to incite argument. Congratulations, you're trying to ruin this thread. And I wouldn't call you an idiot for this as a serious suggestion- at worst, I'd call your plan idiotic, and only if there's extenuating factors that really get under my skin- like, as said before, downright insulting behavior towards others on the forum, a disregard for doing your own searching, and outright pig-headed inability to change your ways when given adequate reasoning to do so. How I'd reply to this is:

"Uhm. No? Apologies, but I'm not certain if you're being serious or not, so I'll simply assume you are and respond accordingly. Why would everything tunnel without a reason? Does every single dwarf have the tunneling ability of a legendary miner? C'mon, think before posting, mate. A mason isn't a miner, and a cook isn't a farmer."

And you STILL haven't apologized for being rude to him. There's no need for that from his behavior. If you disagree with his suggestion, it doesn't mean that you disagree with him as a human being. Present your case, neglect insulting his mother, and be done. It's not that difficult to be civil if everyone's trying, but it's near-impossible if multiple people just won't stop attacking the person instead of the idea. Legolord is so far the most mature person contributing to this thread (Toady One doesn't count because he's doing other things) because though he may have ideas different from yours, he has yet to respond to your differing ideas with derogatory statements! He has not insulted you as you have insulted him!

"That's dumb" is a world of difference from "you're dumb", even though both are utterly immature. I have no trouble with children coming to a mature board and acting mature. I have trouble with adults coming to a mature board and acting like children. This is a respectable community, and as I rein in my activities and my behavior as I act on certain other forums, I expect others to as well. This is not a place to mess with other people. This is a forum to discuss in a logical manner all sorts of ideas others may come up with- and there is etiquette expected for everyone here. I don't believe it's written down in any sort of rules sticky, but I'd say it's because it's common sense to treat others as the human beings that truly dwell behind all these letters and ideas.

Now then.

bjlong: Agreed. I also believe there should be a much smaller group of combat engineers as there are soldiers- in this age, one who wields a blade can be a layabout recruit, whereas a competent and trained combat engineer must have the ability to practice his craft, and practice his craft well, in the face of pain and death amongst numerous distractions- such as arrows in the leg.

If you take care of your fortress defense- and you are creative-, you should be protected enough to defend and eventually combat enemy assaults.
It takes a dwarf to use magma for snow shoveling


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Re: Goblin advanced Sieges
« Reply #71 on: December 21, 2008, 07:01:59 pm »

I think it's worth noting that I haven't seen Legolord insult anyone yet, and two people have called him a douche and an asshole.

Hmm, that's interesting. Have to test this:

I want EVERY SINGLE THING in the ENTIRE GAME to be able to tunnel. And sieges should trigger the tunneling behaviour. Besiegers should bring runic shovels to make them more dangerous.

Trolling is attempting to incite argument. Congratulations, you're trying to ruin this thread. And I wouldn't call you an idiot for this as a serious suggestion- at worst, I'd call your plan idiotic, and only if there's extenuating factors that really get under my skin- like, as said before, downright insulting behavior towards others on the forum, a disregard for doing your own searching, and outright pig-headed inability to change your ways when given adequate reasoning to do so.

ZOMG, it worked! We have struck !!gold!!
You are a pirate!

Quote from: Silverionmox
Quote from: bjlong
If I wanted to recreate the world of one of my favorite stories, I should be able to specify that there is a civilization called Groan, ruled by Earls from a castle called Gormanghast.
You won't have trouble supplying the Countess with cats, or producing the annual idols to be offerred to the castle. Every fortress is a pale reflection of Ghormenghast..


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Re: Goblin advanced Sieges
« Reply #72 on: December 21, 2008, 07:09:19 pm »

Certainly you have won, for I consider my post an utter waste of time because there isn't a soul on the board other than you who needed to hear what I had to say. I feel no need to say what I have said, and I believe that even utterly pointless things must be said.

You're trying to troll 'tards, Mikademus. I know for a fact four other people aside from myself, in person, who spend their time here and on an imageboard. They do not fall for what you're doing, because they've spent their formative years doing the exact same thing. This is not the place. We do not do this here, and neither should you. Trolls are not wanted here.

Go back to the shadow, flame of Udun.
It takes a dwarf to use magma for snow shoveling


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Re: Goblin advanced Sieges
« Reply #73 on: December 21, 2008, 07:43:44 pm »

I'm really lost, where did Mikademus insult anyone?  Wasn't that one post of his pretty obviously a joke?


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Re: Goblin advanced Sieges
« Reply #74 on: December 21, 2008, 07:50:28 pm »

I'm really lost, where did Mikademus insult anyone?  Wasn't that one post of his pretty obviously a joke?

Yes it was, I think that Straycat took it way too seriously. Perhaps he visited this wiki page right before he replied.  ;)
Just cool down lads. Toady is getting annoyed because of the reports.
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