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Author Topic: Lanternwebs (The End!)  (Read 80099 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lanternwebs (Now with more nobles)
« Reply #225 on: April 13, 2009, 05:17:01 pm »

Tosid paced in his room, his mind working as he considered the news. Dwarves had been spotted in the Forest of Funerals. Dwarves who did not fly the banner of the Braided Lenses. He could not imagine any of the other dwarven nations sending an expedition to Lanternwebs, which meant that these dwarves must be from outside the Virtuous Towers. To meet another Mountainhome, one never before encountered! The thought made him nervous. The four Mountanhomes of the Virtuous Towers had lived together, in isolation, since the forging of the world. To meet another civilization would be a delicate task, he was sure, and though Îton would be handling any actual negotiations he was still sure that he would be called in as an advisor.

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Even now, he could hear The Tooninator returning with his squad, escorting the caravan to the forest bridge and safely underground. What would these dwarves want of Lanternwebs, he wondered? What would drive them to travel so far? Although Lanternwebs had been founded far outside the Virtuous Peaks, in unknown territory, but the scouts had claimed to have found no dwarven settlements in their scouting. Until now, they had always assumed that there were no dwarves outside of the Virtuous Towers.

There it is, he thought as he continued pacing. The sound of steel boots on stone floor. Îton would be summoning him to the meeting chamber now. He turned and looked towards the door as Workerdrone entered.

"The Duchess..." Workerdrone began, swelling his chest to give his announcement.

"Requests my presence in the throne room?" Tosid finished, already turning to grab his finely-dyed cotton cloak.

"Yes." replied Workerdrone after a pause, somewhat deflated.

Tosid made his way down the hall, followed by the steady clicking of Workerdrone's steel-clad feet behind him. How must their liaison have felt as she entered the fortress, Tosid wondered. She would have come in through the back, seen nothing but the smoothed stone spiral as she made his way along the tunnel until the granite floor gave way to fitted dolomite blocks and finally the fortress proper with images of the great deeds of the Braided Lenses adorning every surface. Had she been impressed? Disgusted? Nonplussed? Tosid knew that the quality of Lanternwebs exceeded anything found in their own Mountainhome, but who knew what others were capable of? For all he knew, the dwarves of Lanternwebs were impoverished, mistaking crudely-forged armor and poorly-woven cloth for works of art simply because they had no basis of comparison.

At last, he reached the great gold door to the throne room, and Workerdrone stepped forward to open it, holding it as he stepped into the room and saw Îton seated at her table with the liaison, a burly dwarf wearing steel armor and an axe strapped to her back, both drinking The Duke's aged whip wine. Tosid noted with relief that the armor looked no better than what Olin was able to produce. At least they would not be ridiculed on that count, and he knew that The Duke's wine was both excellent and potent. They would be starting their contact well, it seemed.

"Ah, and here his is now." Îton said, placing her golden goblet on the finely polished steel table. "Tosid Vodsazir, this is Kel Imsalzuglar of the Great Roughness, representing King Alath Sibrekrulush."

Kel rose and the two bowed deeply to each other. Another point in our favor, thought Tosid, they have the same customs as us. Perhaps we have not been isolated for as long as we thought.

"How may I serve you, my Lady?" Tosid asked when he had straightened.

"Kel was explaining to me how Sosadcerol, their Mountainhome, has come under prolonged attack by trolls. She was wondering if we could spare anything to aid them in their time of need." Îton said.

"Indeed," echoed Kel, her voice tinged with desperation, but also hope. "Anything that you could spare to help Sosadcerol would be greatly appreciated. Anything to prevent it from being overrun by the trolls that fight us in the streets."

"Aid we most certainly provide. I'll have some plate mail and axes brought up from the armory, and ask around the barracks to gather half a dozen volunteers to travel back with you."

"Half a dozen!" Kel squeaked. "I don't mean to sound disrespectful, but Sosadcerol is being overwhelmed. The tales of the size and skill of the Grand Army of Lanternwebs have spread far and wide, and were even what had drawn me to seek your aid. No doubt the warriors you send will be capable in battle, but surely you can spare more than half a dozen to aid us?"

The golden door slammed open as Silvereye rushed into the room, breathing heavily from his run down from the watchtower. "Goblins! Almost fifty of them on the horizon!" he exclaimed as he hurriedly saluted the Duchess.
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"Goblins?" Tosid said, his beard parting as he smiled broadly. "They could not have come at a better time. Workerdrone! Take Silvereye, Grath, Wizardmon, and two other dwarves of your choice. Let's show Kel what half a dozen of Lanternweb's dwarves can do. Your time has come."

An idea hatched by Bloodbeard, I'm trying a bit of cross-fortress interaction with Nilarzes, which seems like it could be interesting.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2009, 04:33:48 pm by Rysith »
Lanternwebs: a community fort
Try my orc mod!
The OP deserves the violent Dwarven equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lanternwebs (A Call for Aid)
« Reply #226 on: April 13, 2009, 06:12:02 pm »

Sounds good.


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Re: Lanternwebs (A Call for Aid)
« Reply #227 on: April 13, 2009, 09:57:41 pm »

Hooray! I'm an example of how good we are!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lanternwebs (A Call for Aid)
« Reply #228 on: April 13, 2009, 11:29:39 pm »

WorkerDrone stood elated for a moment, like he couldn't comprehend what had just happened. Goblins, sure, but two and a half scores of them? Against half a dozen? Why that would be almost as great as the fight before! Come to stop that the enemy wasn't a strong, Greenskin who felt no pain or fear. The goblins would fall, but at his hands!

Now was his chance to go forth, and show the world, the entire Grand Army, even the gods his capabilities. He would fight, and he would either come out victorious, surrounded in Martial splendor that is the blood of his foes, or die, in glorious battle, for Mountainhome and God.

Now was his chance. He would strike fear into the hearts of the Green Menace, and he would be victorious.

Oh would there be blood.

Blood for the Blood God! Glorious Blood for Armok! Let it spill in rivers and waves!

Let it spill, in rivers and waves.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lanternwebs (A Call for Aid)
« Reply #229 on: April 14, 2009, 11:28:32 am »

Oh nice, there is not much writing about me so I don't know the current status of my dwarf. I wonder if he is capable of such a feat.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lanternwebs (A Call for Aid)
« Reply #230 on: April 14, 2009, 11:52:56 am »

Hello. Been reading this for some time, and i was wondering if i could have a dwarf as well. I studied you map, and i think i know what kind of dwarf i want... a Glass maker. a Slightly obsessed one. maybe have my dwarf be a Marksdwarf as well. i've got some interesting ideas for some of his obsessions.

Maybe the name of 'Radhe' if male, and 'Aega' if female.

Also, rereading your first page, i remembered about the glass 'metal'. Could a crossbow and ammunition be made from that?

And i've been using orc mod for quite some time. They almost got me, when they OPENED THE DOORS! very sneaky.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2009, 04:31:56 pm by Rivesand »
This is Dwarf Fortress! If we can chuck magma at innocent wildlife, we can do ANYTHING!

It was at this point that I realised that dwarves are actually the essence of chaos. What else can make perpetual motion machines, recursive statues with more building materials than the average tower and has such a short attention span that a damn fine chair can off-set the death of their entire family.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lanternwebs (A Call for Aid)
« Reply #231 on: April 14, 2009, 04:01:26 pm »

We've already got a Flint; hes the other marksdwarf besides Silvereye (and a champion if i recall correctly).


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lanternwebs (A Call for Aid)
« Reply #232 on: April 14, 2009, 04:29:41 pm »

We've already got a Flint; hes the other marksdwarf besides Silvereye (and a champion if i recall correctly).

Ah, thank you, i'll come p with something other than flint.
This is Dwarf Fortress! If we can chuck magma at innocent wildlife, we can do ANYTHING!

It was at this point that I realised that dwarves are actually the essence of chaos. What else can make perpetual motion machines, recursive statues with more building materials than the average tower and has such a short attention span that a damn fine chair can off-set the death of their entire family.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lanternwebs (A Call for Aid)
« Reply #233 on: April 14, 2009, 05:10:32 pm »

Oh nice, there is not much writing about me so I don't know the current status of my dwarf. I wonder if he is capable of such a feat.

You're a champion swordsdwarf now, and I believe legendary shield user, plus all the stat gains from spending three years of your childhood socializing. You've been sparring and fighting the orcs, so it should be fine. The lack of writing about you is one of the reasons you're being chosen for this, I like trying to spread the "screen time" between all the characters. It's a bit harder with our craftsdwarves (Hat, Skjald, and The Duke), but I've tried to stick in references where they fit.

Hello. Been reading this for some time, and i was wondering if i could have a dwarf as well. I studied you map, and i think i know what kind of dwarf i want... a Glass maker. a Slightly obsessed one. maybe have my dwarf be a Marksdwarf as well. i've got some interesting ideas for some of his obsessions.

Maybe the name of 'Radhe' if male, and 'Aega' if female.

Also, rereading your first page, i remembered about the glass 'metal'. Could a crossbow and ammunition be made from that?

Sure, we've got several glassmakers that you could have. Glass can be made into a crossbow, but not bolts, though (because the glass is a metal at that point) it would be made by a weaponsmith rather than a glassmaker. Still perfectly possible to get you a glass crossbow, though Bah, can't make you a tempered glass crossbow, either, which is too bad since you like tempered clear glass.  I'll post the dwarf with the next update.

And, in lieu of an update, I used Dwarf Companion to look at Skjald's new stats. She is a Legendary +9 weaponsmith now, with 6 levels in strength, 5 agility levels in agility, and 6 levels in toughness. The displayed values top out at 5 each, so she's just over "max" stats. She also has a current happiness level of 1264 (keep in mind that the "ecstatic" boundary seems to be around 200 or so. 100 is content). I may be able to put the pre-battle post up later tonight, though.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2009, 12:23:56 am by Rysith »
Lanternwebs: a community fort
Try my orc mod!
The OP deserves the violent Dwarven equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lanternwebs (A Call for Aid)
« Reply #234 on: April 16, 2009, 03:47:51 pm »

Workerdrone stood with his five chosen dwarves, drawing in the sandy clay walls of the barracks as he had seen Flint do before each orcish assault. Wizardmon and grath stood stiffly at attention, their attention riveted on his crude diagram. Ashtesh, brought along at Wizardmon's request, and Momuz, an axedwarf that Workerdrone had found heading to spar on his way into the barracks, stood less formally, their shields leaning against the wall. Silvereye stood towards the back with cloth in hand, still scrubbing the orc blood out of his tower-cap crossbow. Workerdrone pointed towards the top of his diagram.

"Two squads are coming down the riverbed from the north, lead by a macelord and a spearmaster. One is coming from the mountains, lead by a swordsmaster."

"We are six, and must meet all three of these forces. Ashtesh and Silvereye will wait at the forest gate to draw the mountain squad into the tunnels, where they will be trapped and annihilated."

Workerdrone quickly drew arrows on the wall, showing the movement of the squad into the spiral staircase and ending in a severed goblin head.

"The other four will form up at the main gate, where we will meet the two squads in sequence. With proper timing, the last riverbed squad will not learn of the mountain squad's demise before we can engage them, and their losses will be heavy."

Workerdrone continued to draw as he talked, filling the riverbed with images of fleeing goblins.

"As long as we stick to the plan, we'll show these Sosadcerolians the might of Lanternwebs and kill some greenskins!"

With that, he grabbed his shield and hustled out of the room, closely followed by the other dwarves as they jogged to their assigned stations.

At the central stairways, the two groups separated, Ashtesh and Silvereye heading down to the tunnel to the spiral staircase as Workerdrone, Wizardmon, Grath, and Momuz headed up towards the upper drawbridge.

As before, Workerdrone could feel the rush of approaching battle as he emerged into the sunlight, the goblins rushing across the riverbed waving their hammers and giving war cries as they saw the dwarves emerge. Behind him, three other sets of armored boots trod heavily on the sandy soil, steel grating as weapons were unsheathed. Workerdrone raised his sword and ordered a charge, scarcely slowing to eviscerate a surprised kobold thief on the bridge as he ran towards the blood and glory that he knew lay ahead.
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And, I forgot to upload the picture of Radhe. Sorry about that.
Rivesand: I'm almost tempted to let tempered clear glass be made into crossbows, just for him.
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« Last Edit: April 16, 2009, 09:15:19 pm by Rysith »
Lanternwebs: a community fort
Try my orc mod!
The OP deserves the violent Dwarven equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lanternwebs (A Call for Aid)
« Reply #235 on: April 16, 2009, 05:23:57 pm »

Glory, Glory, I'a I'a I'a Lanternwebs and its Grand Army!

Show these Grünhäute the wrath of the Blood God!


Jarod Cain

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Re: Lanternwebs (A Call for Aid)
« Reply #236 on: April 17, 2009, 02:04:25 am »

Took me a week to get through everything, but I'm finally caught up after being pointed over here by Blood Beard via Nilarzes.

Excellent story you have going Rysith, I'll have to keep reading to see where it goes from here.
-Self Proclaimed Constitutional Monarch of Utah-
-Card carrying Ambassador of Bad People Territories-


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Re: Lanternwebs (A Call for Aid)
« Reply #237 on: April 17, 2009, 04:05:53 am »

Guess I will watch from the line with half time oranges.

Let's see how you all do without your precious Flint.  :P


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lanternwebs (A Call for Aid)
« Reply #238 on: April 17, 2009, 03:13:35 pm »

I don't need you to carry me half way.

I can slaughter the Greenskin Bastards on my own.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lanternwebs (A Call for Aid)
« Reply #239 on: April 20, 2009, 10:22:32 am »

Page 2? Not on my watch!

How goes the goblin slaughtering? ;D
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