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Author Topic: Lanternwebs (The End!)  (Read 80070 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lanternwebs (Community fort fighting Orcs!)
« Reply #45 on: January 26, 2009, 04:20:25 pm »

Journal of Olin Oltaros, Mayor and Armorsmith, Summer 111

Lanternwebs has certainly come a long way since I arrived here in the spring of 109. With luck, and a bit of hard work, I hope that it will go even farther under my rule.

I was elected to the position of Mayor of Laternwebs on the 16th of Hematite, the common dwarves feeling that Tosid's leadership was lacking and Kib not wanting to take over the direction of the fortress as a full-time position. I cannot blame him, he is already a legendary champion in our military, and asking him to cover running both the military and civilian sides of the fortress would be a great burden.

Coincident with our elections was the arrival of the human caravan. Fearing another attack by Orcs, Kib ordered the military out to escort them in, but the orcs once again did not show their heads. While I was talking with their diplomat, I learned the reason: Utes Devilfray, slain in the most recent siege, had been the ruler of the civilization since the beginning of the world, and the tribes were now in disorder as they fought over the succession. They also warned that it looked like a new leader was emerging, a master lasher of great skill and cruelty, who's first action once he gathered the tribes together again would be to seek revenge for Utes's death. Our soldiers stand ready for them this time, though, and they will find Lanternwebs more than ready to fight.

Reflecting the respite that the orcs had given them, the humans asked for the fine crafts of the dwarves in trade: Metallic rings, cut gems, metallic crowns, idols, and earrings. They also requested armor, though I told them that it was unlikely that we would be able to forge armor of any quality that would fit their larger frames. We bought metal bars, wood, leather, and cheese from them, paid for with spoils from the defeated goblins.

In Malachite, there was a goblin and a kobold that needed to be chased away from our gates, but the real news was the miraculous inspiration of Kogan Dedukshigos, a bone carver. Within a few days of feverish work, Kogan had produced the most impressive chain I have ever seen: Testmortal, a chain with finely-crafted links of cave lobster shell, studded with steel and, at the centerpoint, an image of Queen Lektadlòr in banded agate. Tosid has taken quite an interest in it, though I've insisted that it should be displayed somewhere publicity, for the entire fortress to admire. I just have to find the right place...

Malachite also saw the opening of the statue garden planned by Kib. While it was originally to have two statues of Dolomite, Tosid announced that he had collaborated with Shoruke and Hat to provide some additions to it. The three statues that he brought in, two of solid gold and one of pure platinum, were the most masterfully crafted renditions of the legendary heros of the Braided Lenses I had ever seen. As they were put in place surrounding the Dolomite statues of The Tooninator and himself that Kib had ordered, I felt that I was surrounded by the dwarven heros, both those of ancient legend and those still in the making. The Duke then announced that, as a reward for the hard work that we had all put into Lanternwebs up to this point, we should take a well-deserved break and hold a party in our new garden. Not even Tosid could object to that suggestion.
Lanternwebs: a community fort
Try my orc mod!
The OP deserves the violent Dwarven equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize.


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Re: Lanternwebs (Community fort fighting Orcs!)
« Reply #46 on: January 27, 2009, 01:05:06 pm »

Fragments from the journal of Tosid Vodsazir, 111

... The meaning of Testmortal is now clear with the arrival of The Depth of Fragmenting. Bound, between the Dolomite and the Obsidian. The Queen is involved, somehow. The child creator has a part to play: they retained knowledge. I am happy that two more can be added to the ranks of the trusted. Phase II has begun, though the final linkages for Phase I are still needed ...

... The pit is complete, though non-functional. The effect on the dwarven caravan of being able to look through the floor of the entranceway to the spikes below was most pleasing. The mechanical issues have cleared, and wait only to be implemented. More waterwheels will have to be constructed for ...

... Tetrahedrite was breached, though excavation of the pillar has not yet begun. Shoruke's apprentice is coming along nicely, so she is almost ready to enter the military full-time. Trusted military will be important in the coming ...

... Dwarven webs, stretching between the peaks, catching goblin and orc alike for the spiders ...

(A fragment of sketch, drawn in lignite but with surprising precision)
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« Last Edit: January 27, 2009, 04:28:24 pm by Rysith »
Lanternwebs: a community fort
Try my orc mod!
The OP deserves the violent Dwarven equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lanternwebs (The Plot Thickens!)
« Reply #47 on: January 27, 2009, 01:46:56 pm »

Journal of Olin Oltaros, Mayor and Armorsmith, Autumn 111

Autumn was a time of celebration and growth. No forces from outside threaten us, and the dwarven caravan brings news and goods from the mountainhome. The news is good: The mountains still shelter them, and they seem prosperous. It is a time when food and drink flow freely, amplified all the more by the magnificent statue garden and the waterfalls that flow constantly through our dining room. We bought precious metals and gems, rare meats and hides, and luxurious dwarven cheese from the caravan: Our fortress grows strong and wealthy, and it is only fitting that we should allow ourselves luxuries as a reward. We also shared some of our food and drink with the merchants, who were quite appreciative of the freshly-cooked stews and well-aged rum.

The liaison brought news that the Queen had announced her intent to make Lanternwebs a barony soon, and while no choice of baron had been made, the competition between the nobles was fierce. The armor that we sent last year served as a magnificent statement of the wealth that we have created for ourselves here, despite the danger of the location. I added only copper to the list of our requests: I do so like rose gold, and while I've seen some veins of copper near the forest the miners haven't found any convenient sources of it yet.

Sandstone saw the withdrawal from society of a child, Unib Keskalerib. Although I initially took that as simple childish rebellion, he demanded that our bonecarver leave the workshop where he was fashioning bone bolts and quickly gathered two chunks of obsidian and a chunk of dolomite, emerging from the workshop several days later with an outstanding dolomite bracelet, with many fine hanging rings of obsidian and dolomite and a ring of spikes of obsidian on the outside. Like Testmortal, Tosid has taken quite an interest in it. Though Unib cannot yet work full-time, when he can he will no doubt do so with the greatest skill.

Timber brought migrants: a glassmaker, a weaver, a stonecrafter, a farmer, an animal caretaker, a milker, and two peasants. Kib ordered most of them into plate mail as soon as they stepped into the fortress. Our population now lies at 70, with 32 part of our military. Not counting Kib and the Tooninator, our two champions, we count among our forces four axe lords and two swordsmasters, along with numerous swordsdwarves and axedwarves: as skilled a force as we could dream of to hold invaders at bay.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2009, 09:52:06 pm by Rysith »
Lanternwebs: a community fort
Try my orc mod!
The OP deserves the violent Dwarven equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lanternwebs (The Plot Thickens!)
« Reply #48 on: January 28, 2009, 01:45:46 am »

Status report prepared by Olin Oltaros, Mayor and Armorsmith, Winter 111

Though winter brought cooler temperatures, this winter did nothing to cool the fires in our hearts, or in our forges. Fearing nothing from a possible attack by orcs, we went about our business as normal. Once again, they did not show up. Rumors from the human lands, though, have confirmed that Xuspgas Gozrungul has taken control of the Mysterious Dread. No doubt they shall send their warriors to assault us again soon.
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The 16th of Moonstone marked the birthday of Unib Keskalerib, the creator of Testmortal. He is now old enough to be considered a dwarven adult, with all of the rights and privileges that that entails. I am sure that soon our fortress will benefit from his exceptional crafting skills, and I've already mandated the construction of toy axes to give him something to start with.

In late Moonstone, we were struck again by goblin ambushes. The first squad, a human guard with two goblin wrestlers and a lasher, ambushed our guard horse, and though they slew it their victory was short-lived: Kib reported the the most challenging part of the fight was racing Flint and The Tooninator to the battle.
At nearly the same time, a second squad of goblins, lead by a human bowman, ambushed a skeletal fox in the Forest of Funerals. Though the race was a bit longer this time, Kib arrived first, closely followed by Flint. The Tooninator claimed that he would have made it there first if he hadn't stopped to kill two goblin thieves along the way. Though the goblins had a range advantage, our warriors were able to easily close the distance. Once they had engaged, dwarven steel quickly proved superior to goblin-forged iron, and within moments all that remained was a lengthy chain of civilians bringing the goblin's equipment to the safety of the fortress.
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The rest of winter passed productively, if uneventfully. Obsidian, though, brought two causes for celebration: The first was the recognition of Nish Imkeskal of the sword as a Champion of the Theater of Beards, closely followed by Ducim Dodòkòd and Olon Bisekmörul of the axe, bringing to five the number of champions we have residing in our fortress. The second was the birth of Medto Alåthlerteth to Momuz Ebalustuth, our furnace operator, and Bim Ensebeshtân, one of our Swordmasters. This marks the first birth in Lanternwebs. These two events have caused such a party that it's merged with the celebration of the fourth anniversary of Lanternwebs. Booze and food flow freely, and the entire fortress celebrates! I must return to them, as they are demanding a speech to bring in the new year, but before I leave, I can share two things of interest from our fortress:

Our stocks:
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And, some engravings, since I ordered our engravers to fill my bedroom with scenes from our history.
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« Last Edit: January 28, 2009, 01:49:40 am by Rysith »
Lanternwebs: a community fort
Try my orc mod!
The OP deserves the violent Dwarven equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lanternwebs (The Plot Thickens!)
« Reply #49 on: January 28, 2009, 10:30:58 am »

Kill Kill Kill!

Ahhh, the plot DOES thicken!



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lanternwebs (The Plot Thickens!)
« Reply #50 on: January 28, 2009, 04:56:46 pm »

Olin Oltaros moved to the front of the statue garden amid cheers from the other dwarves. The celebration bringing in the new year had been in full swing for more than two days now, all of the dwarves excused from their labors for the duration. He stood next to the exceptional solid platinum statue that Hat had crafted of Malfol, the first Queen of the Braided Lenses and slayer of many goblins and orcs in combat, and surveyed the fortress population before him. He was glad to see everyone, even Tosid, had managed to attend. He raised his mug of dwarven ale for silence, and an expectant hush fell over the party-goers.

"Friends! Today marks more than just the first day of 112! Today marks four years to the day since Tosid, Flint, Skjald, Shoruke, The Duke, Hat, and Stinthäd first struck the earth at Lanternwebs!"

Thunderous applause greeted him, and a scattering of mugs were raised in toasts. Olin motioned for quiet.

"And what have we done in those for year? We have struck the earth, and struck it hard! We have taken this land of gray mountains, dark forests, and murderous beasts and turned it into a sanctuary. We have food, drink, and steel without limit. We have the finest craftsdwarves in all of dwarfdom, and the goods to show for it. We have an army capable of standing against any foe. And we have the fine companionship to share it with, for what good is a mug of ale without a hall full of friends to enjoy it with?"

More applause and cheers broke out at this last statement, but it quickly died down.

"Of course, there are some who would try to take this from us. Kobolds come with their sneaky ways, trying to steal trinkets that we have left unguarded. And how many have been successful?"

"None!" came the deafening reply from the rest of the dwarves.

"Goblins too, seeking to steal our children and kill our brethren. But how many of those have been successful?"

"None!" again shook the dolomite walls.

"And the Orcs, most fearsome of enemies, have now three times attempted to breech our walls and commit vile acts upon us all. But together, we drove them back and killed the best among them. Now for a year and a half they have dared not show their heads! Lanternwebs still stands!"

"Lanternwebs still stands!" echoed the assembled dwarves.

"And stand it shall, for all time. No force can break our walls, no sword can pierce our armor, and no plate can stand against the force of our warriors. I'd like to take this opportunity to recognize one of the warriors now. Kol Entrancedmirrored, one of our axe lords, displayed exceptional courage and skill in combat against the goblins this winter, and so I dub her Kol Entrancedmirrored the Lost Bane"."

Again, cheers went up from the crowd, and Olin saw Kol beaming with pride as her squad heaped congratulations on her.

"The Orcs will continue to assault us, of this I am sure. The goblins, too, will grow tired of their ambush party's failures and march on us in force. But we will not bend! We will not break! We will meet them on the field of battle and emerge victorious!"
"And within, we will continue to grow. New shafts will be dug, new metals and gems smelted and cut. Our hallways will be paved and smoothed with the finest dolomite blocks, for Lanternwebs is destined to become a Mountainhome. Already, barons at the court are competing over who will have the honor of administering us when the time comes, and under their leadership we shall rise to even greater heights!"

The cheers this time were even louder than before: For a baron to leave the safety of the mountainhome for Lanternwebs had been a dubious prospect in and of itself, and the idea that there were many of the court barons competing for the position was more than they had hoped to dream of, especially within so short a time of the founding.

"And so, friends, I propose a toast to the people who have made it possible for us to come so far in so little time. To the Founders!"

"To the Founders!" echoed the rest of the dwarves, raising their mugs high as they remembered the tales that the seven who had founded Lanternwebs had told them: Of the long and dangerous journey through desert, swamp, and plains from the Mountainhomes; Of the founding of the fort, batmen and giant eagles without flesh on their bones menacing them as they struggled to move their valuable supplies into what was little more than a hole in the ground; Of the first orcish siege, and watching the orcs watch them huddle inside for safety.

"And to Kib and The Tooninator, champions of the Theater of Beards, for leading our armies against all that has threatened us!"

"To the champions!" came the response, as each dwarf raised their mug and remembered the many battles that had been fought on the doorway to Lanternwebs, all of them brought to victory by the leadership of The Tooninator and Kib.

"Now, we must look to the future. To Lanternwebs, all that it shall become, and all that live here!"

A last cheer from the dwarves of Lanternwebs rose to the Unnamable Point as Olin stepped away from the statue and the party resumed, drink flowing freely as the dwarves celebrated a new year in Udilorshar.
Lanternwebs: a community fort
Try my orc mod!
The OP deserves the violent Dwarven equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lanternwebs (The Plot Thickens!)
« Reply #51 on: January 28, 2009, 05:31:48 pm »

Kill Kill Kill!

Ahhh, the plot DOES thicken!


Hopefully this summer, since that will be four active seasons since they last came. When they do come, it will likely be a battle of massive proportions (especially if they bring beak dogs!). We'll only be outnumbered ~4 to one with the beak dogs, and most of the soldiers are professional or better with weapon/shield use/armor use, but then I've never actually faced these orcs in combat (and they should be fairly competent). When they do come, I'll be sure to record a movie of it.
Lanternwebs: a community fort
Try my orc mod!
The OP deserves the violent Dwarven equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lanternwebs (The Plot Thickens!)
« Reply #52 on: January 30, 2009, 03:46:31 pm »

"ey, there's one" whispered the goblin. "Walking along, not a care the the world."
"You sure it's a dwarf this time, not a skeletal fox?" whispered the human.
"Yep. 's got a beard and everything"
"Not a horse, either?"
"'s walking on two legs. Can horses do that?"
"I dunno... 'es not chained up or anything?"
"Not that I can see. Curses! 'e walked right by us."
"And you were sure it wasn't one of those military types? No weapons, no armor?"
"None that I could see. Look! Look! here 'e comes back! Hey, isn't that Nuklat's glove he's carrying?"
"You're right! Goblins, with me! Charge! Death to Nuklat's murderer!"
Lanternwebs: a community fort
Try my orc mod!
The OP deserves the violent Dwarven equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lanternwebs (The Plot Thickens!)
« Reply #53 on: January 30, 2009, 11:54:58 pm »

Damn, im loving this. Dust of Knives?  :o Puts me in mind of some sort of sand in a bag, that when tossed completely shreds through anything. But since its a puzzlebox, it makes me think of a tesserect being tossed through the air, sending whatever goes through it into the 4th dimension, imploding the creature.

Also, can i request a guy?

Gender: Male
Name: Silvereye
Profession: Marksdwarf

Thanks, keep up the epicness!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lanternwebs (The Plot Thickens!)
« Reply #54 on: January 31, 2009, 09:54:47 am »


Must know what happens!


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Re: Lanternwebs (The Plot Thickens!)
« Reply #55 on: February 01, 2009, 04:09:39 pm »

Can you name a guy on my behalf, please?

Name - Gaul
Gender - Male
Profession - Any

Thanks ;D
You could start a zoo and end up with a natural history museum, I'm sure no one would mind.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lanternwebs (The Plot Thickens!)
« Reply #56 on: February 01, 2009, 04:47:54 pm »

Combat report, early spring 112, prepared by Kib Amkolrigòth the Fields of Scalding, Champion of the Theater of Beards

It started, I suppose, with the babysnatcher in the brook. One of the engravers, sent out to help construct a wall for the latest of Tosid's schemes, reported that on his way back from placing a block, he had discovered a snatcher and quickly overpowered him. As per standard procedure, I ordered some of our civilians out to collect the remains. While another babysnatcher was discovered during the retrieval operation, it to was quickly taken down. Both of these were discovered close enough to our main gates that I did not think it necessary to dispatch a guard, preferring instead that everyone continue sparring.

However, on the 15th of Granite, the call went out that goblins had ambushed one of our haulers directly in front of our gates. I immediately gave the order for the marksdwarves to position themselves behind our fortifications as the military rushed to the aid of èrith Medtobmåmgoz, our jeweler. The human crossbowman leading the goblins quickly forced her into the moat, and while none of the goblins were armed with particularly deadly weapons, èrith was still cruelly struck down just as our marksdwarves arrived and filled the ambushers with a hail of bolts.
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We have learned, though, that there is rarely a single squad of goblins lurking, and so the champions, swordmasters, and axe lords were ordered on-duty to guard the civilians as they cleared the battlefield. It was lucky that we did: it was not long after that a goblin sniper loosed a bolt at Monom, one of my cats, from the field in front of our drawbridge. After easily blocking the bolt on my shield, we charged the goblins and made short work of them.
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Though we continued to stand guard over the battlefield until everything had been gathered, we encountered no further goblins. We lost only the jeweler, and count 12 goblin kills.  Because of this incident, I have requested that an alternate entrance, closer to the main bridge, be dug out to allow us to respond faster in the future. I've also mandated that no civilian dwarf be allowed outside without an escort. We have begun training war dogs to serve as guards to the woodcutters and fisherdwarves, who must spend time outside constantly, since we cannot spare a soldier to watch over them at all times.
Lanternwebs: a community fort
Try my orc mod!
The OP deserves the violent Dwarven equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lanternwebs (The Plot Thickens!)
« Reply #57 on: February 01, 2009, 05:08:43 pm »

From the journal of Zon Kidetrith, Dungeon Master, Autumn 111

Why did I decide to become a Dungeon Master? Its times like these that make me wonder if I should have been a fisherdwarf instead. Back at the mountainhomes, of course, it meant studying books, relaxing by the fire, and a few courses in practical smithy work. A good path for an upper-class dwarf like myself who really wanted to just hang out and read, rather than getting all tied up in the paperwork of the dwarven aristocracy. Something that your parents could talk proudly about at parties, but not something where you had to show up and make life-or-death decisions. Sure, they said "If we ever find a giant cave spider, it'll be up to you and your classmates to deal with it", but we all knew that the spiders had been cleared out of our mountainhome decades ago, so I never expected to have to do anything more with them than read about them.

But now, now that there is a new settlement, they've sent word: They have a chasm, populated with strange and exotic creatures. So of course the Mountainhomes need to send off a Dungeon Master to help them deal with whatever is down there. And of course they say "Lets send Zon, she's the top of her class and could use some field work". And while I am at the top of my class, the last thing that I want to do is go off to some little outpost and maybe come face-to-face with a giant spider, scorpion, dragon, or hydra! I can't exactly refuse, though. Maybe I can tell them enough scary stories that they will just stay away from it, and I can keep reading in peace...

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Spring 112
Perhaps... Perhaps I was overreacting. I've arrived at Udilorshar, and the first I saw of the dwarves were three soldiers, all clad in shining plate mail, who said that they had come as an honor guard to escort me in. I was quickly shown to my rooms, which were quite spacious, and my requests for furniture were quickly met. I talked with Olin, our mayor, and he said that he had no plans to venture into the chasm, and when I asked after books and forges, he was more than happy to provide me with both.
Lanternwebs: a community fort
Try my orc mod!
The OP deserves the violent Dwarven equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lanternwebs (The Plot Thickens!)
« Reply #58 on: February 01, 2009, 05:25:05 pm »

Status report prepared by Olin Oltaros, Mayor and Armorsmith, Spring 112

Though this spring was marred by our first civilian death (covered the the attached combat report), overall things have bee quite good. We maintain good trade relations with the elves, and the interior of the fortress continues along. Tosid would probably say "ticking", but I'm not as obsessed with mechanics as he is.

Early slate marked the arrival of a mountainhomes-trained dungeon master along with some migrants, bringing our total population to 91. I talked with the dungeon master, Zon, and she has no interest in probing the depths of the chasm for exotic creatures, and I see no reason to push the issue. She has settled into the rooms that we had prepared, and seems more than happy to simply read, talk with our other citizens, and use the forges. Hopefully, all of the aristocracy sent by the mountainhomes will be this easy to please.

The migrants, as usual, were a mixed bunch. In addition to Zon, there were five peasants, a farmer, a woodworker, a metalsmith, a gem setter, a few fisherdwarves, a mechanic, and a scattering of other skills. Kib, as usual, has recommended that they all be drafted into the army, and I largely agree with him: we certainly don't need more peasants or bone carvers, and they can hold a blade as well as any other. This addition to our forces also means more time that I can spend shaping steel in the forges, which I've missed with all of the mayoral duties that I've taken on.

Tosid also proved himself useful again, telling me that as part of his excavations he had struck a vein of tetrahedrite. At the same time, he presented me with a finely-crafted rose gold goblet, saying that he knew of my appreciation for it and, with the tetrahedite and the veins of gold that we had previously discovered, producing more rose gold should pose no difficulty. He's got some kind of system that he's building beyond the millstones, but he seems like he's an actually okay sort of dwarf, once you get used to his quirks.

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« Last Edit: February 01, 2009, 05:33:55 pm by Rysith »
Lanternwebs: a community fort
Try my orc mod!
The OP deserves the violent Dwarven equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lanternwebs (The Plot Thickens!)
« Reply #59 on: February 01, 2009, 05:32:22 pm »

Eagle: You've now got a dwarf (he's a wrestler right now since I train all of the military in basic wrestling first, but he's got a crossbow and he's practicing), but I haven't quite figured out how to introduce him yet. Any requests there? Otherwise, he's probably going to end up distinguishing himself in the first combat I can get him into.
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Gumball135: "Any profession" is a bit vague, can you be a bit more specific? Even a military/non-military choice or a general feel for what you want your character to be doing would be fine. There are plenty of dwarves right now, so finding you a match shouldn't be a problem.
Lanternwebs: a community fort
Try my orc mod!
The OP deserves the violent Dwarven equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize.
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