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Author Topic: Lanternwebs (The End!)  (Read 80092 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lanternwebs (The Orcs are Back!)
« Reply #105 on: February 14, 2009, 04:32:33 pm »

I agree, it's awesome.
The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


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Re: Lanternwebs (The Orcs are Back!)
« Reply #106 on: February 17, 2009, 05:39:47 pm »

Shoruke stood casually on the field of battle, feeling like a seasoned veteran amidst the rest of the soldiers of Lanternwebs. Around her, soldiers rested and patted each other on the backas she stood, watching carefully for the next orc squad. Though she hadn't spent as much time sparring in the barracks, this was her third time facing the orcs in open combat. That claim could only be made by three others, Flint, Kib and The Tooninator, the three leaders of the militia and unquestioned heroes of Lanternwebs.

The steel pick in her hands, forged for her by Skjald after her second battle to replace her copper one with something more suited to battle, had many nicks in the point from the mining that she had done. It was well-balanced and had served her well below the earth, though this was its first test on the field of battle. Already the point had claimed a beak dog, the tip easily penetrating skin to pierce the brain and snap the spine, but Shoruke wanted orc blood.

She felt the weight of her armor, carried easily enough after years of excavation but still awkward to move in, as she moved her arm to lift the visor of her helm. The thick fog around her made it difficult enough to see, and she had no need of the faceguard now. Around her, soldiers were settling down as the thrill of battle subsided, replaced with a distant tension as they waited.

Shoruke heard the beak dog's footfalls only seconds before Kadol Vucararoth, the eastern marksdwarf, gave a cry of "Orcs!" and fired into the streambed. She quickly flipped her visor down, covering her face with finely-crafted steel, and shifted her grip on the pick to allow her to swing it well on her charge.

The order came, and Shoruke leapt forward, moving quickly despite her armor. She was slightly behind the champions when they crashed with the orcish maulers, their black iron maces crashing against the steel shields of the Elder Banners. Shoruke rushed into the melee without hesitation, rushing the first orc that she saw and swinging her pick in a broad arc.

The pick slammed into the orc's shield, the point piercing the crudely-forged iron to wedge in the bones of the orc's arm. Shoruke lowered her shoulder and jumped, clearing the orc's mount and crashing into his chest. He tumbled to the ground, dislodging the pick, and rolled backwards as Shoruke landed and grabbed her pick again.

Shoruke lowered the pick, her hands spread wide as she prepared to rush the orc again. As he began to stand, she charged, thrusting the pick out to catch the hole in his shield and twisting, tearing the shield from his arm with a snap of broken leather. Though his left arm now hung useless at his side, the orc remained standing and snarled, drawing an iron scourge from his belt and snapping it menacingly.

Undeterred, Shoruke swung in again, hearing the iron barbs of the scourge clatter off her backplate as she buried the pick in the orc's stomach. She stepped back and the orc toppled forward, vomit and blood at his lips. With a final downward stroke, she pinned the head to the ground, tearing up a bit of clay as she pulled the pick free and let the orc fall lifelessly to the ground. The first kill of many, she was sure.

Battle is over, I have a movie of the final battle but it's too large for DFMA. I've contacted the administrator of the site, so hopefully it should be up in some form soon. I'm sorry that the story is lagging behind the "present" in the game, I'll try to get caught up this week (and hopefully the orcs won't siege in the summer, otherwise I'll end up hopelessly behind). I've got four more pieces planned before I'll be done covering this siege, probably at one a day.

Final statistics: 83 kills, about half of those beak dogs (based on counting corpses in the stocks screen). Two dwarves lost, the baby and an Elite Wrestler (who was theoretically an axedwarf) in the final battle.
Lanternwebs: a community fort
Try my orc mod!
The OP deserves the violent Dwarven equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lanternwebs (The Orcs are Back!)
« Reply #107 on: February 17, 2009, 05:50:47 pm »

Woah. My character did all right considering. But when those Greenskin bastards come back, maybe in the Winter, oh yes. There will be blood.


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Re: Lanternwebs (The Orcs are Back!)
« Reply #108 on: February 17, 2009, 06:13:52 pm »

Beakdogs beakdogs beakdogs


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Re: Lanternwebs (The Orcs are Back!)
« Reply #109 on: February 17, 2009, 06:33:00 pm »

I'm almost tempted to sing the badger song after Toonyman posted. But that would be thread derailment. And I can't afford a third strike.


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Re: Lanternwebs (The Orcs are Back!)
« Reply #110 on: February 18, 2009, 04:47:23 pm »

The Tooninator crouched on dead grass with the other champions of Lanternwebs. Behind him the valley floor was covered in thick fog, but here at the entrance to the Forest of funerals the air was dry. In front of them were two squads of mounted orcs, thirty-two in total. Though they had proven reluctant to directly attack the fortress, their presence would still deter migrants and traders.

He thought over the plan: the Lancers of Disembowelment would charge the snipers while The Elder Banners charged the crushers. The Dented Boots would chase any fleeing orcs, and once he had reached the snipers they would be helpless in melee. Simple and direct, the kind of plan that he liked. Though they had closed almost to within bowshot, the orcs still hadn't made a move, instead waiting for them in the forest. No surprise there, thought The Tooninator. They had bows, and orc snipers liked nothing better than to shoot at people trying to close: The orcs could retreat to keep range, and the iron arrows could penetrate most armor, inflicting fatal wounds.

That danger was exactly why Flint had chosen The Tooninator and the Lancers of Disembowelment for this. Each of them was well-practiced with a shield, able to hold it steady against arrows during a charge. Each of them was familiar with armor, able to outrun an orc even in full plate. And each was capable of amazing feats with a sword, able to quickly dispatch any foe once they had closed.

The Tooninator held his sword loosely as the last of the twenty four dwarves that had been chosen for the assault finished their ascent. Flint had chosen an outcrop of the Unnameable Point as their staging area, protected from bowfire by a wall of andesite but close enough that their soldiers would not spread out over their charge and engage the orcs one at a time.

Flint raised his fist, and The Tooninator ran forward, climbing the wall and leading his squad with a howling war cry. To his right, he could see Flint charging the crushers, his axedwarves close behind. The first arrow hit his shield and shattered, spraying fragments of iron though his peripheral vision. The fine steel held, though, and The Tooninator continued to run forward even as he caught more arrows on the broad surface of the shield.

Within seconds, he had closed the distance with the orcs, swinging his sword under the lower edge of his shield to down a beak dog and slipping past it, turning slightly to stab the orc in the spine as she fell from her mount. A wrestler grabbed his sword arm, trying to hold him in place for others to attack, but he quickly dipped the blade and severed the hand, pulling away as the fingers lost their grip on his armor.

He could feel the rhythm of the battle around him now, the steady beat of feet as the orcs and their mounts shifted for position, and as the rest of his squad entered the battle. He could feel the pauses between each arrow-strike and each wrestler's feint. He let the flow guide him, raising his shield to block each arrow in turn as his sword moved unhindered, striking at orcs as they moved around him, always turning to deny the wrestlers purchase. It was, for him, a moment of perfect clarity as he saw the movements of the orcs laid out before him, and was able to plan his movements with the same precision.

The shield high to catch a wrestler in the chin, then allow the momentum to carry it over and down to block an arrow while the sword rose with the same motion, catching a sniper in the chest and slicing through his rib cage. A step to the left and a sweep downward to sever the leg of a wrestler charging from behind while the shield stayed up to block three arrows. A step forward and a thrust, swinging the shield wide to open his view as his sword sought the throat of the sniper struggling to nock another arrow, lifting the shield slightly to deflect another arrow coming in from the left. The sword moved to the side, tearing its way out of the throat and splintering an arrow and a turn left to block the other arrow with the shield, and a quick rush forward to cut the legs off the now-fleeing orc. The rhythm subsided, the battle was over.

Pictures of the third battle:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: February 18, 2009, 11:36:47 pm by Rysith »
Lanternwebs: a community fort
Try my orc mod!
The OP deserves the violent Dwarven equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize.


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Re: Lanternwebs (The Orcs are Back!)
« Reply #111 on: February 19, 2009, 04:40:45 pm »

"So there I was, in the thick of the battle, surrounded by orcs." Grimes said, lowering his mug of dwarven beer and leaning across the dolomite table, motioning the listening dwarves to come closer. "All around me, they were. Twice as tall as you or I, and riding the most fearsome beasts you can imagine. As we fought, the air was filled with their howls and the screeching of their dogs - well, I say dogs, but they were really more like giant eagles with four legs and no wings - and they swung weapons it would take two dwarves just to lift like they were toothpicks!"

"Anyway, there I was, surrounded by orcs, with nothing but my shield and armor to protect me, when suddenly this orc comes out of nowhere and takes a stab at me with his spear. Not one of the dwarven spears, no. This was black iron, seven feet from butt to point, must have weighed eighty. I barely got my shield up in time, and it left this mark on my shield. That's an Oltaros-forged dwarven steel shield, remember."

He swung his shield up onto the table and pointed to a deep dent in the exceptionally-crafted metal, traces of iron still visible at the bottom.

"But was I scared?" Grimes continued. "Of course not! The bigger they are, the harder they fall, that's my motto. While that orc was standing there looking confused that I wasn't skewered, I took my trusty axe and gave a swing at him. Landed a good hit on the upper arm too, blood started gushing everywhere - apologies to the lady-dwarves - and that got him madder than a fey dwarf with no shells."

"He hauled back for another stab at me, but I was ready this time. He came in and I dodged the point, swung my axe, and took his arm off at the elbow. Now, you'd think that that'd make him stop, but you'd be wrong: He just grabbed my helmet with the other arm and started shaking me!"

"There I was, being shaken like a kobold, trying to get my axe up for a good swing, when I see that the orcs have started running away. Seems like I got the one brave one among them. I knew then that if I was going to get any more fighting, I'd need to take care of this one right now. So I summoned up the last reserves of my strength and swung, cleaving the orc in two! Even that monster couldn't live through that, and it dropped me to the ground. By the time I had stood up and gotten my bearings, they had all run off and I couldn't get to any of them before they had outraced us across the plains. We gave them a beating they won't forget, that's for sure."

Grimes lifted the mug and took a long drink, thirsty from his lengthy speech.

"That's just one of my war stories, I've got a hundred more if you'd like me to tell them, and the scars to prove that they're all true, if any of you doubt my tales."
Lanternwebs: a community fort
Try my orc mod!
The OP deserves the violent Dwarven equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize.


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Re: Lanternwebs (The Orcs are Back!)
« Reply #112 on: February 19, 2009, 07:37:09 pm »



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Re: Lanternwebs (The Orcs are Back!)
« Reply #113 on: February 19, 2009, 08:58:58 pm »



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Re: Lanternwebs (The Orcs are Back!)
« Reply #114 on: February 20, 2009, 01:04:15 pm »

(sorry for being like 9 posts behind here)

My character got a feature! Woot! I'm dying to know how many kills I got...

And your storytelling style is just epic. Whoa.
The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lanternwebs (The Orcs are Back!)
« Reply #115 on: February 20, 2009, 04:49:02 pm »

The champions of Lanternwebs stood on the battlefield, chatting idly as they watched the haulers climb The Unnamable Point. The siege was broken, the orcs were fleeing, and they probably didn't actually have to stand guard: There would be no goblin ambushers this season, not with an orc war party on the march. Still, Flint preferred to stay out to make sure that none of the local wildlife bothered the haulers as they moved the debris from the battle back to the fortress.

None of the wildlife would present a challenge to the champions, though, and with the newer recruits back in the fortress practicing with the swordmasters and axe lords, the champions were at ease. Though they were surrounded by twisted trees and dead grass splattered with freshly-spilled blood, their weapons were sheathed and they stood around talking and celebrating their victory.

A sudden trumpet blast cut their conversations short as a line of dwarves came into view near the chasm. Flint wondered briefly why migrants always insisted on coming around the long way, but those thoughts were banished when he saw the fine purple silks of the lead dwarves.

Glad that the Orcs had fled before the nobels, Flint quickly ordered his squad out to meet them and to provide an honor guard on their way in. "Hail! I am Flint Dakaskūbuk the Acrid Palm of Spines, leader of the militia of Lanternwebs!"

"Hail! I am the Baroness īton Gimgoden, accompanied by my consort Mebzuth Igėrkadol, the Tax Collector Endok Dedukrotod, Hammerer Likot ņnulginet, and my entourage. We are glad to have arrived, the trek was long, and dangerous."

The group, 27 dwarves in all, began their trek down the mountains to the entrance. Already, Flint could see the haulers sprinting ahead to bring the news to those still inside the fortress. He knew that the engravers would be being sent to decorate the rooms they had excavated for the Baroness, as beds were hauled into position. Oddom, their legendary metalsmith, would be heading to the forge to construct the furniture that they desired from the finest steel.

The word on everyone's lips, though, was "Barony". No longer was Lanternwebs an outpost of dwarven civilization. Now, they had been recognized as an extension of the Mountainhome, and would continue to rise from there. The orcs had sent their best, and fled with barely half their force still alive. Deep within the fortress, the best metalsmiths in the Braided Lenses shaped steel, for both function and art. Traders, both Humans and Elves, came and went freely and happily, coming away amazed at the crafts of the dwarves. Lanternwebs still stood, and would stand for all time.

Pictures of our new nobles in a bit. I'm rather happy with them, only a few potentially-impossible likes (one crystal glass, one horn), plus it looks like they will be fun to write for. So, probably no noblecide here. There were a few expensive likes (platinum and aluminum), but I'm not worried about that with the legendary metalsmith: It would be worth it to make them anyway, really. The migrants brought us up to 119 population, so it's likely that we'll get a promotion to County in the next season or two.

One more entry before I'm done with the siege (Flint has a speech to give), and then things can move on. Final kill counts:

Flint: Two orcs
Tooninator: five orcs
Silvereye: one beak dog
Grimes: one orc
Workerdrone: none
Shoruke: Gabexubkib (leader of the maulers, lasher)

I wasn't able to track beak dog kills (except for Silvereye, it was his first kill), since it just reports the total number killed.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2009, 05:16:33 pm by Rysith »
Lanternwebs: a community fort
Try my orc mod!
The OP deserves the violent Dwarven equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize.


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Re: Lanternwebs (The Orcs are Back!)
« Reply #116 on: February 21, 2009, 01:53:28 am »

I love your Orcs and I love your writing.  If you've got any dwarves in the military that like silver, especially hammer-wielding ones, I'd like one named Argentum.
When you're following an angel, does it mean you have to throw your body off a building?

"So kids, what story do you want me to read to you tonight?"
"Oooh!  Oooh!  Goldibeard and the The Rotting Corpses!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Lanternwebs (The Orcs are Back!)
« Reply #117 on: February 21, 2009, 01:53:43 am »

So perhaps I might have killed a beak dog or two? Ah, I could hope.

Maybe I'll get some glory next siege. Which will certainly be soon, if Rysith made 'em the way they he intended them. Killing machines that keep on coming. And by what I've seen here, Its pretty likely.

Kill those Greenskins!


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Re: Lanternwebs (The Orcs are Back!)
« Reply #118 on: February 21, 2009, 12:44:58 pm »



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Re: Lanternwebs (The Orcs are Back!)
« Reply #119 on: February 21, 2009, 02:34:16 pm »

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