Ford: absolutely
GM: yes
Chrysler: let them fail
Ford is in the best shape of the lot and I genuinely believe they wouldn't need a bailout if the credit markets weren't in such bad shape right now. They are taking tentative steps in the right direction. Also, they are pointedly not asking for a bridge loan, what they really need is the government support to raise confidence again. They could probably survive the best without government support but government support will prevent a lot of fallout at minimal risk to the taxpayer. Ford should absolutely be supported.
GM is far from a well run company but they show more promise then you'd think. The destruction of the EV1 and subsequent failure of the SUV culture was apparently a wake up call for GM, they are making very promising developments with plug in hybrids (something Toyota isn't even pursuing) and have got some decent lines on the market right now. I believe the basic problem with GM is lack of foresight, they racked up too much debt when times are good. Although they made some stupid investments lately it's not all bad and if GM weren't burdened by it's outstanding debt and payments to retired workers accrued when they had a larger workforce they wouldn't be in such bad shape right now.
But GM can recover. Plug in hybrids will start making a profit in 3-7 years and GM will look visionary cause the Japs will be about 5-10 years behind in electric vehicles development. Retirement costs for American owned companies are going to decline as their workers die off while retirement costs for their foreign owned competition operating in America will rise as they start having to pay for pension plans, reducing the current competative disadvantage. It's a long road to recovery but with good management, GM could be the world's best auto company in 10 years. Save GM.
Chrysler is a turd sandwich. They're not interested in surviving. They're interested in looking viable so that they're parent company, Cerberus, can sell the business to someone else. But Chrysler is doing a laughably pitiful job at disclosure and Cerberus refuses to invest their own capital into the business. Letting Chrysler fail will save taxpayer money and send a powerful message about accountability. Let Chrysler crash and burn.
Wow, I'm the first person to vote yes. Of course, IMHO they're doing a really piss poor job explaining why this bailout should go through.