I'd recommend Symphogear instead of those then. no harem protag or any nonsense, no ecchi to speak of. The show has cute girls etc, but they clearly decided they weren't having any of that shit where there are bath scenes, beach episodes or they grope each others boobs etc. The show has none of anything like that.
This video sums up what Symphogear is like:
Long overdue response - thanks, that did fit the bill.
Browsing trough "what are you currently playing" thread on fuwanovel in largely fruitless search for stuff to read (it mostly consists of praising stuff i could never read to no end) stumbled on Subarashiki Hibi. Many people read it, and didn't say much bad things about it, and there is apparently some cool gore... It's my fault for not double checking everything, especially considering abovementioned praises, but holy shit.
Pile of quotes of dubious relevenace, pretentious philosophizing, flat nonsense, four lesbian solipsists barely not fucking each other while undergoing alarming change of character (haven't thought i would see a maid there. Damn you Zakuro! *shakes fist*), nice spooks, world glitches out, heap of concentrated nonsense in a toy space train, end roll. Repeat again!
Dropped it for a month, then stumbled on it again in same place, started chapter 2.
Pile of quotes of dubious relevenace, pretentious philosophizing, flat nonsense, eldritch boy (one characted insists that he is Nyaruko-kun) makes stupid faces and sets up a cult of himself with suspiciously mundane methods, bad spooks, world glitches out, eldritch boy offs himself to be reborn in next chapter, heap of nonsense, end roll. Repeat again!
Oh, and some dumb slice of life "goofing around" somewhere in between all of this in both chapters, but that may be the least of the problems.
Not so much "it will make sense in the end" as me having trouble grasping what exactly is that that is supposed to make sense. This thing left me with two questions - why did i read it and why do i want to continue.
And to say just how fruitless the search was - in several hundreds of pages i found grand total of two VNs that were "okay". I need to change place.