Jump? As in Shonen Jump?
I'm not quite sure how to put this, but this is how I understand it: Shonen Jump is where all the Manga for the younger audiences is made.
Now, this isn't a bad thing, I'm not trying to knock you for liking these things, but it should be known that those that the companies that try to make anime based off these mangas, they tend to do it a lot less seriously than the more mature ones, ESPECIALLY some of the American companies *cough4kidscough* who change things, usually for the worse, but not always.
I personally don't watch anime that airs on TV anymore, it's much too troublesome to have to tune in only to watch subpar programs.
Let me tell you a story. The last anime I tried watching on TV was Neon Genesis Evangelion. This was some years ago, and my younger self really appreciated the tension, action, and the faux-symbolism. However, they Network I watched it on only showed one episode every WEEK. This was bothersome, but I endured it because I had not yet learned the ways of not putting up with Network-bullshit, so I watched, and got a little bit more of the story every week. The THIRD TO LAST EPISODE, after my WEEKS of waiting, SOMETHING happened, and I'm not sure what, but instead of getting my week's episode like I've been waiting for, the show was replaced by this ABSOLUTELY FUCKING RETARDED AND DISGUSTING Yogi Bear Spoof. I watched this spoof, thinking this was some kind of SICK AND PERVERTED JOKE and that it would cut out any second now, and a guy would be saying "gotcha!" and my weekly dose of Evangelion would be delivered to me. That didn't happen though, instead, I finished watching the spoof, and the next show in the roster aired. It completely forgot about the episode I'd have been waiting so long to see, and I had to wait another week for NO FUCKING REASON! I waited that week, and lo-and-behold, there was my Evangelion, but it wasn't the missing episode, NO, it was the NEXT EPISODE! Now, despite all my patience, I would never know what the hell happened in that episode, and now the rest of the series didn't make sense (not that it would have anyway).
That was the last anime I ever tried watching on TV. Others, like Big-O and Inuyasha, were even worse, sometimes out-and-out refusing to follow the story chronologically.
But I ramble, where do you read your manga?