Heavy Object is... I wouldn't say good exactly. Probably above mediocre. The whole stereotype division with silly names. Super lolis everywhere. Super competent protag but at least one of them is an actual soldier.
Also they actually DO commando raids, sabotage, supply disruption but the nature of the super weapons makes it almost suicide since they are never defenseless. Unless your a harem protag.
It would help if our main character was an actual damn human being ALL of the time.
Sometimes the anime actually cares enough to make sure each person's beliefs and motivations match up to their personalities and you will see characters agree, disagree, or begrudgingly go along with something.
But no matter who it is they are all 50% alien.
Either with our main character and his boobphobia and obsession to the point where he has personally calculated the boob size of every female he met (No, not joking)
Or our female lead who treats any soldier who is not her like total garbage because "THEY don't put their lives on the line" who acts completely stoic for "reasons".
Ohh yeah by the way Heavy Object DAMN YOU! Damn you soo much for that spiel... damn you so much.
watching Heavy Object is liking a really good, if not great, anime with a very good idea that it tries to explore... While watching a offensive harem anime... at the same dang time.