If there is one thing I really like about Food Wars it is that...
While a lot of animes that feature elite schools or competitions usually bug me when the inherent unfairness or missing features kick in (A elite school that doesn't have translation services? Seriously? Basic public schools where I live have that!)
In Food wars... No they don't try to trick you or lack self-awareness. The school SUUUUUUCKS! and is so unbelievably unfair it boggles the mind.
It feels like a parody of elite American schools that try to seem more elite not by offering a better curriculum, materials, or services but by basically making their schools 20 times more exclusive to trick people into thinking they are more elite.
Hey want somewhere to sleep tonight? Well you need to cook a A+ meal that you are at school to learn how to do. Made one minor mistake on one test? Expelled. I don't like your face? EXPELLED! Don't know how to hunt? EXPELLED! Don't know quantum mechanics? EXPELLED! Vegetarian? EXPELLED! In a wheelchair? EXPELLED! (By the by... only one of these are a fake example)
All the while they provide no extra tutoring, their classes are absolutely basic (In fact they aren't even classes), their grounds are so needlessly large and mazelike, their clubs are overspecialized, and the ruling body essentially does nothing but pillage the other faculties (Imagine if your Class President's job was that they are able to steal pencils off of you), AND you still have to pay a fortune for your own ingredients a lot of the time anyhow (Good think most of the school are trust fund babies).