One of the most interesting things about the DBZ universe is that the afterlife is a bureaucracy. And not oppressive-government bureaucracy like Bleach, it's just ordinary shmucks doing an office job; the guy who sends people to Heaven or Hell even sits at a desk and wears a suit!
Speaking of, I'm about finished with DBZ, and I loved just about every minute of it. What's some things that are similar? I know that a lot of modern shounen anime follow the same formula, but I've tried quite a few and found them lacking; for a specific example, I dislike Bleach and Naruto because they take themselves too bloody seriously once the plot gets going. DBZ's always a bit goofy, even during the really tense battles for the fate of the Earth.
Another thing I dislike about Bleach is how quickly it gets so bloody complicated. In DBZ there's all sorts of transformations and stuff, but it's usually just "I look a bit different and now I'm even more powerful!", but in Bleach it's like "This is my bankai, and this is my bankai-do, and this is my zenkai-bankai-do, and I have this other thing I can do where it turns into a chain or something, and this is my bakuhatsufatsu tatsu technique, and this is my aljdbfkjerwin, the most powerful one of all until it turns out there's an even MORE powerful audflauerg!"