If we're posting AMVs I wanna share this; I dunno if it's been posted before, but watching it again doesn't hurt, you know?
Life is Beautiful AMV
Already had that one in my Great folder, but thanks for sharing anyway. =)
By the way, that AMV is also known as "Live".
Here's a good one.
THANK YOU. I saw this once, ever, at a viewing for my anime class while we were all screwing around before the professor showed up with the movie. I've been looking for it since. This is getting downloaded so hard. I also really need to re-evaluate what folders my AMVs are all in as well. This is almost definitely going into the Awesome folder. Excellent editing, visuals fit the lyrics and vise-versa (helps if you're familiar with the series/movies), high quality stuff.
Are we talking about AMVs?
Cause here's one I think is pretty good.
This one's pretty darn funny and also pretty true.
This is Halloween
Creator: Hagaren Viper
Anime: Soul Eater
Music: "This is Halloween" cover by Marilyn Manson
SFW?: Just violence
Spoilers: Not really. This AMV throws a bunch at you, but not in a way that anyone new to the series is going to feel like they were ripped off. It doesn't show the ending, it typically shows bits and pieces of the same parts at different times, and people are likely going to forget the details of what they saw.
Why is it Awesome?: This hits every criteria of the Awesome category. I have a good number of AMVs that require tons more editing than this one does, but it's still pretty impressive there. This is also why there's even a mention of "thematically-appropriate" at all. It just blows that idea out of the water. The song and the anime are perfect for each other.
This one really did bear mentioning again, it's great.
Couldn't dig the artyness or the song on the second, and wasn't really into the retelling thing either, though.
I've also got a few recommendations. By which I mean I've got so many I should probably just leave three.
Yeah, it's pretty darn amazing. I'm not sure you could make a more thematically-appropriate AMV.
Sorry that you didn't like the others, hopefully you'll find some from the next batch that you like.
Also, feel free to recommend AMVs. People seemed pretty cool with it so far, and I'm definitely looking for more AMVs to nab.
Anime Munters - Not a true AMV, but it does feature original animations including, amongst other things, anime characters. Potentially somewhat NSFW, depending. Extremely well done in any case. Am I forgetting to mention anything about it? Probably not, you should go watch.
Sisters of the Light - Watch as clever editing and an interesting song turn a fanservicey harem thing into something you might actually want to watch! The pacing is very nice, and the AMV fits the song very well. A fair amount of swimsuit/underwear level fanservice, though it's not usually the focus.
The Monster - Well done in general. The song has both quick and slow parts, and the AMV manages both of them very well, I think. Should be completely SFW.
20 seconds into Anime Munters and I couldn't stop laughing. That was just... amazing. I'm going to go share that with everyone I know.
Sisters of the Light... woah! So that's where that's from! I'll be sharing an AMV with some shots from the same anime. This is a well-made amv.
The Monster was very impressive. The editing and original content was really something. My only criticism is that it's so darn hard to tell what's going on without having seen the animes/movies.
Cherry: Cronicles of PHOTOpanic
This got me cracking up pretty good.
[MEP] Random Road Trip
Burn it to the Ground
Wow, Random Road is really well-synched and shows some pretty cool stuff. Really digged the music, too.
I wanted to like Burn it to the Ground, especially because the editing was pretty nice, but I just couldn't get into it as much.
Guh. That's a wall of text. Sorry about that guys. AMV sharing time. I'm shooting for mostly Multi-Anime stuff this time.
The Best AMVCreator: Tyler_yj
Anime: Just... just tons. And tons. Also, the actual music video of the song is edited into a lot of the shots.
Music: "Best of You" by the Foo Fighters
SFW?: There's a good bit of violence, but other than that, no issues.
Spoilers?: Man, there's so many animes in this that I can't tell if there is or isn't. You likely won't pick up on any, though, unless you've already seen the shows in question.
Also, *_Seizure Warning_* towards the end. Not really lots of bright, flashing lights, but there are a crapton of images that flash by really quickly. Not sure if that's legitimate seizure warning material, but I figured I'd point it out just in case.
Why is it Awesome?: Great editing of the actual music video into the shots, fits the beat of the song, the visuals are all tied to the emotions of the song. Really, though, the music video thing is what lands it into Awesome territory.
Act of GenesisCreator: Aggressor
Anime: Bunches and bunches. This is the one with Sora no Otoshimono, the same anime for the Sisters of the Light AMV.
Music: "Storm is Coming - A Song of Storm and Fire" by Kajiura Yuki
SFW?: Just massive violence.
Spoilers: None that I can tell, other than, you know, this is how the world ends.
Why is it Great?: The story that this AMV tells is just amazing. The shots that are edited together, everything synched to the music, the music itself... this is just very, very well done. This might be one that I bump into "Awesome" territory, honestly.
Confession to the DancefloorCreator: JadeCharm
Anime: Multi-anime, a lot of K-On! though. This AMV is actually what prompted me to watch K-On!
Music: "Remedy" by Little Boots
SFW?: There are a couple images toward the beginning that border on the NSFW side. There's also Yoko being kind of promiscuous towards the end.
Spoilers: Nope.
Why is it Great?: Good synching, good editing, nice original animation (or I think the arrows are anyway). This looks like it's actually a music video for the song, complete with clips from K-On! acting as the band. This isn't up to par with some other entries in the Great category, but it's much better than the ones in Good.
We Need You!Anime: Multi-anime, lots of FMA and Gurren Lagann, though.
Music: No real music. Includes some stuff from Starship Troopers. All of it might be from that, but I'm not sure. There's likely also some original voicework.
SFW?: Yep.
Spoilers: Nope.
This is just pure comedy goodness. Not even really an AMV, just an audiovisual joyride.