Yeah I've been stuck in EoE for awhile now in the manga. That's where I caught up.
In other news, new Railgun chapter today.
Fuck yeahEDIT:
Why yes
Aaaaaaaand that's volume 2 of Fate/zero. That was pretty good. I quite enjoyed a few parts. Volume 3 appears to be like 60 pages shorter...uh oh. Also the -XXX:XX:XX is the time counting down right? From what I'm seeing it goes hours:minutes:seconds so say -123:23:56 would be 123 hours, 23 minutes, and 56 seconds until the war is over?
Oh boy.
Breaking the fourth wall with style.
The Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai OP is pretty ridiculous, woah. I might try to watch the anime later if I have the time to. There was a new manga chapter today but I haven't even read that, let alone Btooom's new chapter today. I only read Railgun's. ;_;
Freakin' EDITX4:
I watched the first episode of Haganai because why not. It was fine. Also read all the manga chapters I previously couldn't finish yesterday.
But more importantly.
>[Commie] Fate ⁄ Zero - 02 [F1693F31].mkv
That was awesome. The adaption is kind of skimming along now but Caster and Ryunosuke were great. I wish they were all 50 minutes. ;_;