Watched the first couple of Ergo Proxy while I lacked internet the last few days, it was pretty interesting, and definitely something I'll keep watching.
At the people who have read Uzumaki: Why did you like it? I read it and really didn't see the point. I get horror and stuff, but there was hardly any plot at all, besides a curse put in place so that the authors could draw horrifying things. I just didn't get it/like it at all.
And FMA:B is pure awesome, although I wish I could find the dubs. It's funny, all the anime I watched early on in my anime-watching career I enjoy much more as dubs, they just sound weird when it's not, I'm so used to it. And the FMA dubs are pretty well done, too. And I found some awesome poster/concept art stuff in the DVD set of the first season of FMA. Having a dad who liked anime for a long time is a definite advantage. There is a whole closet full of anime at his house that I can rummage through.
I've nearly watched every episode of Soul Eater, I just can't stop @_@ I know this anime is definitely aiming for a age group lower than mine, and I know it uses the usual shonen thing of "just try harder" but still, I can't stop watching.
The manga definitely seems to aim for a more mature audience. Nothing like 'M' rated, except for violence and language, but it seems to be in a different style than the anime. That, and them both having different parts.
You were able to stomach Black Star!? You are a hero.
Well, that's interesting. I watched the anime, but haven't read the manga yet. I'll have to do that one day, too, now.
And Black Star is worth it for Death the Kid and his reverse gun awesomeness.