Just discovered a promotional
20-min Chrono Trigger OVA this afternoon. Though it wasn't what I expected, it was neat, and they even got Akira Toriyama and his monsters in on it. There were a lot of referential gags that made me grin too... poor Gato/Gonzales.
I can't say I've ever watched a Giant Robot show that I particularly enjoyed, even as far back as the original Power Rangers (live-action or no, it still counts <.<). I caught a bit of Big O, but it felt like little more than Batman with robots. I only watched the first episode of Gurren Lagann: being entirely ridiculous and sci-fi should by all accounts have gotten me hooked, but the whole ditzy-fanservice-girl-with-a-gun thing turned me off. I've seen a few episodes of Evangelion and Escaflowne too, but they didn't really draw me in either, which might have been because I wasn't the right age for either when I first saw them. I've never even looked into the Gundam series, so no idea there.
I'm not trying to rip into these shows, since a lot of people swear by them as classics. Even so, I've yet to be inspired to watch giant robots punch/shoot/explode one another, while the physically and emotionally squishy meatbags get all melodramatic within them. I may just be stubborn about it now, and probably ought to give some of them a shot. I'm willing to take suggestions or listen to a good argument.