This is really the saddest scene I have seen so far. I don't even want to re-read it. This is
how the Wanko route climaxes, with a Wanko that can't accomplish her dream. The month afterward is just a mellow depression where you help Wanko find something new and it's really the best stuff I've read so far even if
slightly disappointing afterwards. It's just nice to have some pretty hardcore drama suddenly.
This scene was weird. I didn't get any "bad ends" in Wanko's route I should do every choice later probably. I did get like three bad ends so far doing other things after all.
I was hoping Mr. Shakadou would become the next antagonist of the Wanko route but sadly the game just kind of ends and I wasn't happy with that. Don't freakin' tease me. At least we get more glorious Shakadou in the Yukie route and he
Completing the game once gives you the three male members of the nakama group. Clearing the game twice gave me just Chika as far as I could see.
Anyway onto Yukie route:
Kyon D:
Monster Hunter
Hey Ageha why weren't you in Wanko's route AT ALL you seem like a big character since you're a Big Four.
The King of Soldier's arc is probably the best part of Yukie's route. Basically about 4 hours of non-stop action and also Lelouch fighting himself as a robot. That's all that matters.
Oh and the Prime Minister is voiced by WAKAMOTO which is pretty great.
Otherwise yeah Yukie is probably the second strongest person in our group behind Momoyo. She's good enough to be a Big Four anyway.
There he is. :3
A lot of characters get names but their titles are still generic. Like the "Opposing Party Member" is clearly named Soga but they never display it as that. Kokoro is kind of adorable too.
(no this fight is cut short, sadly)
Shakadou is so meta, what a troll.
The End
Nobody is happy, especially me. Argh.