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Author Topic: Diplomacy  (Read 2387 times)

Servant Corps

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« on: December 09, 2008, 10:33:24 am »

This is just a minor mod I'm just wondering of 'programming' in, once school ends. This mod would basically assist in the broader implemenation of "Organizations", by allowing you to engage in diplomacy with them. However, as this is the "Liberal Crime Squad", talking with rival Organizations would cause a loss in juice, and compromising your ideals would also be counter-productive to promoting the Liberal Agenda, at least in the long term. But they will keep your organization alive. I strongly suspect most people will not use it, but hey, I strongly suspect most people didn't seduce dogs and recruit tanks in the old versions...

Negogations require Persuasion, Intelligence, high LCS respect, and one other skill associated with each group you are talking to (Psychology for the CIA, Business for Corporations, maybe Religion for Conservative Media, etc.)

You will be able to communicate with most Organizations through "citizens' groups", randomly-generated Liberal groups that will be used as the mouthpiece of the LCS. The more popular the LCS is with the general population, the more power these "citizens' groups" have, and the more pressure these Organizations have to meet you at the table. You may also have to make "good-faith moves" to assist in negogations and showcase your willingness for peace [for example, an LCS-affilated citizens' group may assist the CIA in rooting out KKK sympathizers].

If you are successful in negogations with one Organization, say, the CIA, that Organization will swear not to attack you or siege you (though they won't admit that they were ever planning to siege you). In return, thanks to these "good-faith moves" done by the citizens' groups and the overall impression throughout Liberalism that the Conservative Organization is seeing the light, this Organization gains some popularity. This is where negogations are counter-productive in the long term, the Organization you are talking to will gain some support amongst the general population, and hence will be able to sway society more Conservative. So, making nice with the CIA would eventually lead to more Conservative laws being passed to support negative Privacy laws.

You could continue to talk to these Organizations even after they are not planning to siege you. You still get the negative result of having these other Organizations gain more popularity but you do get some consoilidation prize, likely specific to each Organization (for flavor purposes).

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« Last Edit: December 09, 2008, 10:35:29 am by Servant Corps »
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Re: Diplomacy
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2008, 02:54:39 pm »

You mean firemen like firemen from Farenheight 451, right? Because the game already has firemen and they have really nothing to do with free speech.
Urist Axebeard, Mayor, has banned the export of brains.

Servant Corps

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Re: Diplomacy
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2008, 03:01:10 pm »

No actually they do have to do with Free Speech.

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Re: Diplomacy
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2008, 03:02:23 pm »

Ah alright then. I wasn't aware of that. Great book, though.
Urist Axebeard, Mayor, has banned the export of brains.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Diplomacy
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2008, 05:46:15 pm »

Diplomacy would be much more fun with your other mod, which features organizations that are at least partially liberal.  I guess this feature is meant to tie into that.

Servant Corps

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Re: Diplomacy
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2008, 05:47:20 pm »

Yeah. I want to first make this framework for the original LCS game, and then fold in the Organizations mods later on.
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Servant Corps

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Re: Diplomacy
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2008, 10:14:54 pm »

An idea I came up with, and played around with, is to actually have the LCS create the citizens' groups in question. These citizens' groups are not at all violent, they're the..."charitiable arm of the Liberal terrorist network", basically. It would be modeled similar to that of Sleepers. You can order someone in the main LCS network to form the "LCS charitable arm", but hardened criminals will have to go into exile in an Elite Liberal country so as to not get arrested by the American police.

For now, I can only think of these actions the Citizens' Groups can do:
*Negogiate with other Organizations (appease them, negatively affect issues)
*Wage Protests against other Organizations (anger them, postively affect issues, possibly lead to the rival Organizations striking back AT the Citizens' Group)
*Invest in "Citizens' Group" (the influence of a Citizens' Group is similar to the "Infliration"
*Community Service (Boost the popularity of the LCS.)
*Civil Disobidence (Affect Issues)
*Steal Items.
*(Possibly support the Liberal Party in local election campagins? Run your own candinate? I've toyed with the idea that the leader of a LCS-affilated Citizen's Group may one day use the Citizens' Group as a groundwork for his own electoral rise to power, up to the level of Governor.)

Any other ideas would be apperciated, but, at least until I finish coding in major Organizations, Citizens' Groups would be basic.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2008, 10:16:40 pm by Servant Corps »
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Re: Diplomacy
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2008, 10:19:30 pm »

Could citizens groups run buildings, like turning an abandoned factory into a soup kitchen that would affect the view on CEO salaries(poor people starve while they get rich)?

CCS attacks the buildings?
Blizzard is managed by dark sorcerers, and probably have enough money to bail-out the federal government.

Servant Corps

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Re: Diplomacy
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2008, 10:26:57 pm »

CCS attacking Citizens' Groups sounds like a wounderful idea.

I invision citizens' groups though as operating outside the main theater of operations, in different cities, so they won't control buildings within your city, but I could see fluff texts about soup kitchens...
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Guy Montag

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Re: Diplomacy
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2008, 11:19:09 am »

CCS attacking Citizens' Groups sounds like a wounderful idea.

I invision citizens' groups though as operating outside the main theater of operations, in different cities, so they won't control buildings within your city, but I could see fluff texts about soup kitchens...

They sort of do that already, with them attacking the Greenpeace offices, welfare offices, Union HQs, hospitals and the other off-theater newspaper reports when the CCS Strikes headlines.

Also, the Liberal Guardian buildings being raided by the Firemen in Arch-con society would be awesome. Would bring a real dystopian vibe to the game.



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Re: Diplomacy
« Reply #10 on: December 13, 2008, 02:05:56 am »

Would it be possible for you to send regular LCS members into the Citizens Groups?

So, in a summary, here's what these things would do:

1) They would manage diplomacy with other organizations(although I disapprove of the notion of negotiation with Conservative groups, maybe just sticking with Criminal groups?)

Besides from that, what else could they be used for?

My ideas:

I'm beginning to think of the as the civilian branch of your group- the kind of people who wouldn't join the underground, but instead volunteer to join a legal movement. For example, if I recruited a Collage Student, I could make him the leader of a Civilian Group. Now, I could give him orders like recruiting more members, organize a protest(with enough members) or work on issues(with all your members of that group pitching in).

Now, you wouldn't micromanage every member of that group, but instead manage the group itself. Maybe an option to switch leaders?

String your groups together for large protests/riots which could be a part of the endgame. The group's power could increase in relation to it's numbers, and recruitment could quicken if the leader had high heart/charisma, and if the political climate is liberal. I guess they could also do more positive actions to offset the negative ones the LCS does, line clean up a park, contribute to a senior centre. These acts of good could get bigger as the groups power grows, potentially going up to them occupying an abandoned building, renovating it, and turning it into a Liberal Business, which would have a drastic effect as the country swings more liberal. This could help eliminate the years of waiting for all the issues to swing.

Also, they could act as your mouthpiece. Say, if your founder is arrested, you could organize a protest outside the courthouse. At first, only your group members would show up, say, 25 hippies and college students show up waving signs. The country is still relatively moderate, so light police forces are there so the crowd doesn't get out of hand.

Another group begins to print and distribute fliers out of the Liberal Guardian Headquarters(which I assume would be managed by a legal group that occasionally receives info from the LCS when it's acquired). A group distributes the news at a collage apartment housing. The fliers are well written and very artistic. A hundred students join the protest on the second day. Small, grassroots newspapers around the country pick up the story and run it.

By the end of the month, three thousand liberals are gathered out in front of the courthouse. The CCS has planted it's sleepers in the crowd, and have hired an Arch Conservative Scumbag to push their case in court in court. You use a sleeper lawyer, but loser and the founder is sentenced to twenty years in prison for a count of kidnapping, arson, carjacking, racketeering, and assault.

The crowd outside goes nuts and storms the courthouse. This could be represented by crowd of ALLIES(marked in green) that wander the map. The LCS moves into the courthouse and frees your leader right before he is busted. The LCS slips through the rioting crowd unnoticed, grinning at the conservatives being beaten up the groups of ALLIES.

More later, maybe.
Blizzard is managed by dark sorcerers, and probably have enough money to bail-out the federal government.

Servant Corps

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Re: Diplomacy
« Reply #11 on: December 13, 2008, 09:37:08 am »

Little: The only way to make Citizens Group is to send your regular LCS members to form it.

Hm. Right now though, all Liberals usually flee at the sight of gunfire or fighting. And the riot can easily backfire, if you are fighting with your Liberal allies against the Police, and a stray bullet hit your Liberals, you would easily alienate the ENTIRE riot. Not to mention you have to have some squad that would be ready to swoop in to strike as soon as you get an acquital, and well...I need to find some way to code that in.

I could see riots being done in the same way as CCS strikes. Doing tons of damage and affecting the issues, possibly having a substantialy high chance of accidently alienating Liberals (since riots tend to be indiscrimiante weapons and could spiral out of your control), but at the same time negatively affecting the Infrastrucutre of society.

Prehaps riots could be targeted, not at Police Stations, but rather at the rival Organizations you are trying to undermine. You could start up a riot, for example, to weaken the CCS.

However, the main problem is that I heard the general consesus was to make the endgame harder. Of course, forming Citizens' Groups could make the game easier, if only by giving you extra options, but the addition of rival Organizations that would tie into Citizens' Groups should throw an extra wrench.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2008, 10:05:12 am by Servant Corps »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Diplomacy
« Reply #12 on: December 14, 2008, 01:16:56 am »

I'd suggest citizens groups being founded by sleepers, as they're still considered citizens by the police, whereas most if not all members of the LCS proper are probably classified as terrorists by the police and CIA.

This would add more of the "citizen" feel to the groups.  Plus, it's probably be easier for you to program.  You could even be really lazy and count citizen groups as extensions of sleepers.  Not that I know anything about programming, it's just this option seems easier in regards to the interface.

Servant Corps

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Re: Diplomacy
« Reply #13 on: December 14, 2008, 09:57:01 am »

The problem is that sleepers are supposed to inflirate Conservtive society from the inside and undermine it, brick by brick. If a sleeper decides to create a liberal Citizens' Group, that would blow his cover and would render him meaningless (the reason being, since the Sleepers are still considered 'conservative', they would be able to define what Conservativism is, and thus shift 'Conservativism' to the left). I'm mulling over if that's okay. It seems more logical (to me, at least) to have 'former' LCS members be the founders of such Groups. But I'm open to changing my thought if there is more arguments for having Sleepers do it.

There has been many, many instances where known terrorists have formed "citizens' groups", such as JuD (which has been in the news lately for being connected to the terrorists who attacked Bombay). So, this isn't something 'new', per se.

The CIA and Police may attempt to shut down such citizens' groups, especially since they'll likely know the truth behind the matter, but they'll have to find the exact charges before they can arrest the leader. Affilation with a known terrorist group (if Free Speech is Moderate or less), Tax Evasion, Causing a Riot, prehaps crimes committed before the foundation of the Citizens' Group. And if the terrorist is in exile, they'd need the cooperation of the Elite Liberal country too in order to arrest him.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2008, 10:10:34 am by Servant Corps »
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Re: Diplomacy
« Reply #14 on: December 14, 2008, 06:29:04 pm »

Well, the sleepers could form CONSERVATIVE Citizen's Groups.
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