Right after the Baroness and Baron arrived, it struck Urist that enough dwarves lived in the area to call it not just a barony, but a county! Besides, these nobles at least worshipped the same god as Urist, so why not give them an honorary promotion? Urist wanted them to take over some of the administrative work anyways, she wasnt cut out to handle all these dwarves, all these problems, and all these details.
So, while she hated nobles, she wasnt too upset with these two. If you have to have nobles, you might as well have nobles who depend on you as the source of their power, and their protector from the outside world. These two did not inherit power, Blockedlance was far too young to have been inherited by this pair. No, they had fled Letterclose many decades ago, somehow managing to hang onto their titles and wealth even after they lost their land. And now this was their land. Or at least, a nice opulent chunk of it would be.
Urist ordered a massive chamber carved out at rush speed. Meanwhile, she tended to her duties as the Queen. But the stress of her job was taking its toll on her...as one of the peasants would notice.
First Urist set aside time for a meeting.
The peasant was a bit late, seeing as how Urist had asked him to haul a barrel of sunshine down with him so they could get drunk during their meeting. When he got there, he was just in time to see Urist running out the door.
She went upstairs. The peasant loyally followed his Queen, hauling the sunshine barrel all the way back to the still, where the Queen was drinking sunshine.
Then they marched back downstairs, the peasant still hauling the booze. The meeting at last took place.