With regards to casting:
- you would/could cast: spear heads, heads of projectiles (javelins, arrows, bolts, and various parts of other weapons (sword pommels, etc)).. the shafts of these weapons were more often then not constructed of wood. I'm assuming Toady just abstracted this process to prevent micromanagement nightmares.
- Obviously any of an assortment of decorative/structural items (vases, bars (for fences/grates, bowls, goblets, spoons, etc). Minor items like spoons and goblets were very often easier to make from clay (obviously not in DF yet :[ ), carved from wood, or from beaten softer metals once you have them smelted into usable forms (like pewter, tin, silver).
- Cast items, esp with the rough molds used before very modern times (they have some really nice/precise molding technique these days), required additional cleanup.. polishing and deburring on decorative items, or maybe grinding/honing/turning and/or minor additional hammering for weapon (spear/arrows) points, but otherwise running a honing stone a few times over a cast arrow head wouldn't take to horribly long (that is, in a game where I can create a mail hauberk in a single day, the time to sharpen some arrow/spear times is insignificant). Game mechanic wise, Arrow and Spear construction is again likely just abstracted.
- per
http://www.metal-technologies.com/HistoryofMetalCasting.aspx, Sand casting was present in China circa 645BC.
- "Cast Iron" is a specific form of purity/additive of iron that required it to be melted. This is where blast furnaces circa 15th century Europe came into play. Are Dwarfs advanced in metallurgy enough to actually blast-furnace melt iron? Given the presence of Pig Iron as a precursor to Steel, that answer is yes. Also aren't Dwarfs the only race with Steel (maybe I"m thinking early versions?).
- Given the level of metallurgical technology possessed by Dwarfen kind, I would argue that all metal types could be cast, up to and including steel.
- Please don't call them 'rock hammers'.. call them Stone Hammers.. a Rock Hammer is a very specific type of hammer, not a hammer made of rock. (
http://images.google.com/images?q=Rock Hammer ). It was called 'The Stone Age' after all ;]
That is to say: you couldn't hammer the amount of iron in an anvil if you tried!
Welcome to why there used to be a large following and amount of respect for professional blacksmiths.. and also why they invented the various powered hammer mechanisms (like waterwheel powered Trip-Hammers
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trip_hammer). Do remember that a smithy was usually alot more then just the 1 person it is in DF, and older style anvils were really pretty much just blocks steel, instead of the fancy shapes with hardy holes and horns that are common these days.
All of that said, as for what I'd think would be ok/good to see for casting in DF, if it was to be added:
- Create a 'foundry' building type.
- Casting uses Fuel, Sand (collected same as for glass), and bars of the metal type you are using.
- Allow casting for non-weapon, non-anvil items. This includes furniture, pipes, goblets/toys/crafts. IMO there are already several weapon/armor elements available, however if armor/weapons are to be included, I would argue for their naming as in 'A Cast Iron Short Sword', and it should have a lower damage/armor multiplier then that of a forged weapon. Quality should still be relevant and have suitable multipliers. So a Cast Iron SS should have a weapon quality of 0.75 or something.
All of that said.. why would anyone bother with casting when it's easy enough to just forge in DF?