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Author Topic: The Redemption of CrowdedIrons  (Read 6024 times)


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Re: The Redemption of CrowdedIrons
« Reply #30 on: December 15, 2008, 09:45:03 pm »

This is really entertaining.  It makes me glad that you didn't go with the suggestions just to execute him ;)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Redemption of CrowdedIrons
« Reply #31 on: December 17, 2008, 12:16:03 am »

Spring passed by quietly, the days growing warmer and lighter, until the near-endless days of summer shone upon the glacier.

With the summer months would come the caravans of merchants, lured to this frigid place by the promise of dwarven craftsmanship. On the heels of these merchants often followed raiding parties, drawn by the promise of plunder. This year, Greyaxe and the other commanders of the military had resolved to keep the caravan’s safe. Therefore, squads were being sent out to patrol the most likely routes in.

Once again, the soldiers stood at the front gate while Greyaxe issued orders.

“Runeblade, you and your squad are to patrol the Eastern routes. Me and mine will guard the East. I want our two squads to meet up near the sand pits to help guard the north. Voidspike, I want you on the southern edge of our territory. Diamondblade, you and your squad will patrol around the walls while Voidheart, Shadowforce, and Lazyhammer will stay here at the gates. We can’t risk a raiding party sneaking in while we’re off on patrol.”

“Merchant wagons incoming, sir!” Shouted Goldbolt from the tower. “Looks like humans, coming in from the nor’east!”

“Fissures, they got here early this year. Ok, Runeblade, get your squad up there! Voidspike, get moving to the south. My squad, to the East!” He waved his axe above his head and started marching.


A short time later, a shout could be heard from the caravan, and the sharp clang of iron on iron rang out across the ice. Runeblade waved her group on, “Move, move! Looks like we’ve got Sand Raiders attacking the caravan!” As they passed she broke into a jog.

The caravan guards were putting up a good fight, allowing the wagons to pass by them on their way south as they cut off the raider’s attack. In ones and twos the raiders came screaming out of the bushes, axes and knives held high above their heads. Runeblade and her group got to the battle just as the last two caravan guards fell to arrows. A group of archers had positioned themselves among the trees.

“Frostblade, Coralaxe, take out those melee fighters. Snowstorm, Firebolt, we’re taking out those archers!”

The dwarves charged in, leaping over the fallen bodies of guards and raiders to close with their enemies. Frostblade swept his great blade in long arcs, cutting off limbs and slicing bellies. Coralaxe stood beside him, her shield blocking arrows for him. Meanwhile, bolts whistled through the underbrush as Snowstorm and Firebolt fired on the bowman. But while the raider’s arrows fell beside them in the snow, or glanced off of dwarven shields, the defender’s bolts stuck true. In just moments, the last few attackers were either dead or fleeing to the north.


To the south, however, things were not so easy. Rounding the southeast corner of the fortress walls, Diamondblade and her squad discovered a large group of while-clad raiders creeping through the snow. “RAIDERS!” she cried, short legs already pumping as she charged into them. Her squad followed, warcries ringing out and swords held high.

The raiders answered with a cry of their own, leaping from the snow and facing the dwarven charge with a wall of spears. The two sides met with a resounding crash, spearpoints scraping across shield and mail, while dwarven blades rang against the bronze armor of their foes. On the walls above the marksdwarves fired down, sharp steel bolts punching through armor and flesh alike. As her troops hacked their way through the attackers, Diamondblade heard a scream from the south. There she saw one of the civilians, a mason, running up the road. Behind her was another group of Sand Raiders, this group wielding bows. A few moments later the hapless dwarf fell to the ground, her back riddled with arrows. Voidspike’s group, seeing the attack, veered up from the southeast and bore down on the group of archers, while another group of spear wielding raiders raced in from the west. As she turned back to see how her troops were doing, Diamondblade felt a sharp pain in her throat. Her hand reached up, clawing at the arrow as she tried to breath. Her last sight was of a tall, black clad Sand Raider pulling back another arrow, with more coming around the corner.

As Diamondblade fell, Shimmerblade ripped through the remaining spearmen in front of her. Her two blades dripped red, and the tattered robe she wore under her armor dragged through the bloody snow. Arrows from the raiders whipped around her, but she simply danced between them, now and then knocking one aside with a sword. Before they could get off another volley, the grim swordsdwarf was among them, blades flashing in the thin light. Bolts from the ramparts continued to rain down on the attackers as well, and soon their will broke. Black robes flapping, they rushed away from the battle.


Meanwhile, Lazyhammer and the other two gate guards fought off the few raiders to make it past the sworddwarves. In ones and twos the raiders would run screaming up to the dwarves, spears held low. Lazyhammer, in the center of the gate, would meet them with his shield while the other two smashed the attackers with their maces. As another raider fell broken to the ground, the defenders saw a tall, blue robed Sand Raider stride arrogantly around the corner. Like all of the raiders, his face was hidden with cloth up to his eyes, but they could sense his disdain for them.

“Bumelinee cesarylihay, babupy!” he called out in his people’s strange tongue. He held an engraved battle axe in his hands, and beneath the robes they could see finely worked bronze mail.

“What’d he say?” Asked Lazyhammer.

“’You have earned your death, dogs’” replied Voidheart “Or something like that. Looks like an important bastard, huh? Let’s knock him down a few pegs!” The broad shouldered dwarf rapped his mace against the dark crystal plate that he wore. “Hey, you! Rat! Yeah! Uh, Ory! Come get some!”

The raiders eyes widened a bit, and then narrowed in fury. He rushed forward, axe swinging a large arc as he bore down on the insolent dwarf. Voidheart swept his shield up and whipped his mace up at the raider’s leg. The tall raider dropped his own shield down, and brought his axe in a wicket backswing that slashed against Lazyhammer’s chain. Crowdediron staggered back and looked down. The armor was nicked, and he felt a bit stunned from the blow, but he seemed unharmed otherwise.

Shadowforce stepped in, bringing his shield up and bashing it against the axeman’s arm, knocking his axe back against his own shield. Voidheart took the opportunity to slam his mace into the raider’s kneecap, shattering the knee and dropping the axeman to his knees. A swift blow from shadowforce sent him sliding across the icy stones to rest in a heap upon the roadway.


To the south, Voidspike and his squad struggled to take out the advancing spearmen while deadly iron-tipped arrows fell about them. Dawnblade took an arrow to the arm, his shield dropping limply to his side. Two spearmen took advantage of the opening, circling about him. The first’s spear lunged at this throat. With a flick of his writs he brought his blade up, sliding the deadly spearpoint harmlessly to the side. It was not enough, though, as the second spearman plunged his weapon through the gap under his armpit, and into his lungs. The stricken dwarf sunk to the ground, gasping for air, as the spears struck home again.

Parrying an arrow with her shield, Waveblade pushed a dying raider off of her sword with a swift kick. He fell down amongst the other dead and dying raiders lying in the snow at her feet. Seeing Dawnblade go down, she hunkered down beneath her shield and moved cautiously towards the two spearmen. Arrows hissed as they fell into the snow beside her, or cracked as they glanced off of shield or armor. The two spearmen began to circle around her, as they had Dawnblade. Grinning beneath her helmet, she waited until they had spread too far apart to support one another, and then made a quick dash towards the one on her left. His spear snaked out at her, but she slid the point off of her shield and rushed up beside him. Pushing her shield up into his face to block his vew, she jabbed her sword deep into his stomach. “Die, you stinking sand pig!” she snarled as he fell backwards, clutching at the hole in his belly.

Hearing the crunch of snow behind her, the swordsdwarf spun around, just barely getting her shield up in time to block the thrust of the second raider’s spear. She staggered back a bit, and then fell backwards over the dying body of the first spearman. He reached a hand out and grabbed onto her sword arm. “Bumelinee e odajobu” he bubbled. Waveblade struggled to free her arm, but it was too late. Giving a mighty shout the standing spearman plunged his spear down into her unprotected side. Chain links snapped and parted beneath the blow, and the valiant swordsdwarf convulsed as the tip punctured her heart.

The Sand Raider looked down at the forms of the dying dwarf and his squad mate. “Bumelinee, Wolilymaa” he said softly. Then he gasped, the tip of a sword bursting from his chest.

“Bumelinee yourself, murderer.” Said Newmoon, coldly. Turning, she watched as Voidspike finished skewering the last of the archers. A few unarmed Sand Raiders fled off to the south, finding life to be dearer then plunder.

Newmoon bent down next to Waveblade and closed her eyes. “I’m sorry old friend, I guess we won’t be finding you a husband after all.” She sighed and marched over to Voidspike. This day wasn’t going well, not well at all. And she felt in her gut that it was only going to get worse.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2008, 12:23:49 pm by Mephansteras »
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Re: The Redemption of CrowdedIrons
« Reply #32 on: December 18, 2008, 01:02:12 pm »

Runeblade and her squad were searching the area where the caravan had been ambushed, counting the number of slain raiders and the tracks leading to and from the battle.

Frostblade knelt down near the body of one of the fallen archers, his eyes drawn to a purple-dyed pouch at the archer's belt. Cave spider silk? Odd, Sand Raiders don't normally have access to that he mused, pulling the pouch free. It's contents clinked together as he cupped it in his hand. Reaching his fingers into the pouch, he pulled out a shiny gold coin. Newly minted? And what's this symbol on it? His head jerked up in surprise. "RUNE! You need to come see this!" he called out.

Runeblade looked up from where she'd been examining some footprints. "What did you find?" she yelled back. Frostblade was about to answer when a long, warbling note called out from the trees. A battle horn had been sounded.

"GOBLINS!" Shouted Firebolt, pointing towards the underbrush. Sprinting out from the north was a squad of goblins, each holding a wickedly spiked morningstar.

Frostblade dropped the bag, gold coins spilling across the snow, and reached for his long sword. Turning, he rose up from the ground and swept the blade up at a charging goblin. The blade sliced upwards, cleaving the goblin's upraised arm off at the elbow. As the goblin staggered back with blood pouring from the stump, three more goblins rushed in towards the lone dwarf. His bright blue blade whistled through the air as he swung it in large arcs, trying to keep the goblins at bay. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Runeblade battling another goblin while the marksdwarves bolts whistled through the air.

The goblins gibbered at one another in their foul tongue, twisted faces leering at the dwarf. At a word from their leader, the two flanking goblins rushed in at Frostblade. One swung his morningstar down towards his head while the other swept in at his midsection. Pulling his blade in, Frostblade knocked the first weapon aside while blocking the second with the hilt of his sword. Blow after blow was parried, dodged, or glanced off of his fine steel armor. But the goblins were relentless, and soon found an opening. Frostblade's armor got snagged on the spikes of one of the morningstars pulling his sword off to the side. With a cackling laugh the goblin leader brought his weapon crashing into the dwarves face. With a groan, the mighty warrior crashed to the ground.

"NO!" The sight of her lover falling to the ground enraged Runeblade. Taking off the head of the goblin in front of her, she charged headlong after her killers. The first fell before it had even finished turning to face her, with it's guts spilling onto the ground. The second parried her first blow with it's shield. She could see the fear in it's eyes though, as she rained blows on it. Her fury drove her into a red rage, and her blade was nothing but a blur. Cut after cut was scored into the hapless goblin, who slowly shrank away from her towards the ground, it's shield held over it's head. Sinking her blade deep into the cowering creatures belly, she kicked it backwards and looked for the leader.

But he had fled, and with him the rest of the goblins. Firebolt and Snowstorm continued to fire at the retreating forms, rewarded occasionally by the yelp of an injured goblin.

Runeblade sank down next to her fallen lover, cradling his ruined face in her lap. Coralaxe walked slowly up to her. "I'm sorry, Rune. He was a good dwarf and a hero to many of us. He will be missed."

"Yes. Yes he will." Runeblade spoke softly, cold tears running down her face. Wiping them off, she gently placed his head on the ground and stood up. "But he was a warrior, and we both knew that our fate was to die in battle someday. A soldier can know no better honor then that."

Looking down at him, she spied some of the coins scattered near his feet. She bent down to pick one of them up. "Hmm...this must be what he wanted to show me." Turning it over in her fingers, her face turned hard. "This coin has the mark of chaos on it. It seems that our dark kin are behind these raids."

"By the jewels of the earth." breathed Coralaxe "That's not good. Not good at all." She bent down and rifled the body of one of the fallen goblins. Finding a pouch, she quickly opened it. "This silver has the mark on it as well." The young warrior had a frightened look on her face. "What do we do?"

"Do? We bring these coins back to Diamondguard and alert the others. It seems that we have a war on our hands"
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
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"Let us maintain our chill composure." - Toady One


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Re: The Redemption of CrowdedIrons
« Reply #33 on: December 21, 2008, 11:53:39 pm »

Runeblade, Diamondguard, and Lord Crescent  stood in his office, staring at a small pile of coins on the table.

“This is troubling news, Runeblade.” said the administrator. “The lengths to which our dark kin are working to attack us speaks of great wealth being spent. The Sand Raiders are easily bribed, but the Goblins have little use for the servants of Chaos. More often then not they spend their time fighting one another. That they would work in concert…” he looked over at the Captain.

“I know.” Said Diamondblade. “We’ll need to improve our defenses. Those raiders got much too close for comfort. And with the loss of four of our warriors, including some of our best, I fear that we’re under strength.”

Runeblade sank down into a chair. “It’s possible that the Xelics that attacked in Spring were also spurred on by bribery. Although what would get them to march so far, I can’t imagine.”

“Neither can I.” Said Lord Crescent. “Regardless, I’ll start drawing up some plans for another curtain wall for the fort proper. I’d also like to get a guardtower up over the sand pits, since we have a lot of workers heading up to that region for sand and wood.”

A knock on the door brought all three heads around, Runeblade’s hand dropping to the hilt of her sword. When Wolfguard poked his head in, she relaxed a bit and sat back.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, Captain, but I’ve got bad news.” Said the guard, with a grim look on his face.

“More bad news? Well, spit it out.” The Captain nodded to her lieutenant.

“We’ve spotted two groups of Chaos Calvary coming in, from the North and East.” He said. “Greyaxe and mobilized some of the fresher troops at the gate, but many of the squads are exhausted from the earlier fighting and asleep. Shall I rouse them?”

“No, let them rest. Mobilize the guard, though, it’s time more of us earned out keep.” The Captain pulled out her Morningstar, slapping it’s smooth haft against her palm.

“I’ll get my troops up and out there as well.” Said Runeblade, stiffly rising from the chair.

“No, you go rest.” Diamondguard waved her back down. “Tired troops will just get killed, and we can’t afford that.” She turned and walked out of the chamber.

“If you still want to help a bit,” remarked Lord Crescent, gesturing to his desk, “you can assist me with these plans”

Runeblade nodded and pulled up a chair. “I think, sir, that we should try funneling any incoming caravans and enemies through one or two corridors, if possible.”

“Hmmm…not a bad plan.” He pulled out some paper and charcoal. “Perhaps from the south...”

The two spend the next few hours sketching out plans and discarding them before starting over.
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
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"Let us maintain our chill composure." - Toady One


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Re: The Redemption of CrowdedIrons
« Reply #34 on: December 23, 2008, 12:26:58 am »

Lazyhammer stood next to Shimmerblade at the gates, looking out into the glare off of the eastern snowdrifts. He shaded his eyes with his hand, straining to see the incoming invaders.

“See anything?”

“Nah. Nothing yet.” He dropped his hand down and looked around at the soldiers stationed at the gate. “Not a lot of us up and about, huh? Just Greyaxe’s squad, Voidheart, you. And me.”

“And Snowstorm up in the tower.” Said Voidheart, looking up at the fortifications above their heads.

“Yeah. I wonder where the rest of the archers are?” Shimmerblade shifted the sleeping baby on her back while she talked. “I hope they’re just getting more bolts.”

“They’re probably sleeping. From what I heard they’d been on duty long before the Sand Raiders showed up.” Lazyhammer looked longingly back at the road leading to the fortress. “Wish we were off duty too.”

“Then who would stop the invaders from walking in and killing everyone? Really, you’ve got to have a better attitude about all of this.” Shimmerblade gave him a chiding look.

“Sorry. I just want to get this over with. You’d think one fight in a day would be enough.”

“Enough? Bah.” Voidheart cracked his knuckles. “No such thing as enough fighting!”

“INVADERS IN THE TUNNEL!” Bursting out of the access tunnel to the sand pits, Fern raced over to Bloodforce. “Emeraldbolt’s trying to hold them off, but we’ve got workers trapped in the quarters up there!”

“What?! Why isn’t the gate closed?” Greyaxe stomped over. “It should have been raised as soon as the first alarm bells went off!”

“I don’t know! But it’s wide open!” Fern had a terrified look on her face. “Hurry! I don’t think Emeraldbolt’s going to be able to stop them for long.”

“Fissures. Right, my squad, get down there! Shimmerblade, Voidheart, Lazyhammer, you three stay here. We should be back in time to help you with the eastern force. But if not, it’s up to you to keep the fortress safe.”

The grizzled warrior followed his soldiers down the icy steps, his axe handle groaning in his hand. Someone’s in for a really long talk when all this is done he thought grimly. As soon as I find them, at least.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2008, 10:32:55 pm by Mephansteras »
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
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"Let us maintain our chill composure." - Toady One


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Re: The Redemption of CrowdedIrons
« Reply #35 on: December 26, 2008, 04:28:06 pm »

Furyhelm was the first down the stairwell, sprinting along the rough icy corridor towards the northern sand pits. As he reached the workrooms a figure dropped down to the ground at the bottom of the steps up to the sand pits. He was a very grimy dwarf, beard cut short and dressed in garishly colored leathers and holding a crossbow in his hands. Furyhelm charged forward, spear held low. Then he felt a sharp pain in his leg, and he slid forward on the ice. The dwarf before him chuckled and loaded another bolt into his crossbow. Behind him came several more figures, crossbows glinting in the light of the sun. Furyhelm managed to block a few shots before one found his eye, and he slumped lifeless to the floor.

Redshield and Greenaxe ran down the corridor, warcries echoing off the walls. Bolts hissed through the air and cracked against the ice walls. Redshield pitched forward, crashing against the wall next to him. A bolt was lodged firmly in his chest. Greenaxe, hearing his friend fall, slowed. Hunkered under his shield, he took a chance to look down at Redhield’s wounds. The brave warrior’s eyes were already closed, and his breathing shallow. Greenaxe growled as bolts snapped against his shield, or skittered across the floor.

Starbolt, who had been resting in the guardroom under the stairs, awoke to the shouts in the hall. Cocking her crossbow, she carefully opened the door and looked out. Down the hall, backs turned, were three chaos dwarves. Their crossbows up to their shoulders and firing down the hall. She saw Redshield fall, and spotted the prone body of Furyhelm a few feet from the guardroom door. She knelt down and took aim, the twang of her crossbow the only sound she made. One of the archers pitched forward, her bolt square in it’s back. The other two didn’t seem to have noticed yet, too intent on killing off Greenaxe. The she heard voices from behind her, and the sound of heavy boots thudding on the stairs. Down the hall she saw Bloodforce and Wardhammer come down the steps. Knowing she couldn’t survive being trapped between two groups of enemies, she took her chances running down the hall.

Greenaxe ran on, determined to avenge his fallen comrades. He reached the first archer a few moments later, his axe whistling through the cold air. The chaos dwarf struggled to block the axe with his crossbow, but the enraged soldier batted it aside and hacked into his foe. Blood spattered against the wall as he clove the archer almost in half. Kicking aside the body he strode forward, shield held high against the bolts. The last archer started to walk backwards towards the reinforcements coming down the stairs, snapping off bolt after bolt at his persuer. After a few steps a bolt slammed into Greenaxe’s right arm, which numbly dropped to his side. His axe clattered on the ground at his feet. Seeing Starbolt rush past him, and several more archers reach the bottom of the stairs, he started to fall back to give her cover. Bolts clanged off his shield and helm as he slowly made his way back down the hall. Suddenly he stumbled, falling backwards. He’d tripped over the body of the archer he’d just killed. As he tried to get his footing back he felt a sharp burning sensation as a bolt buried itself in his thigh. He gasped his good hand instinctively going down to clutch the wound. With it came his shield, and several bolts arced in over it. He finally fell backwards, a bolt through the throat.

Starbolt heard him fall and turned around, bringing her own crossbow up and around. Her first shot went wide, thudding into the frozen dirt at the end of the tunnel. As she fumbled for another bolt she gasped and slumped down to the ground, a bolt buried to the fletching in her side. Slamming backwards into the wall, she slid down to her knees, hands going to her side. As she struggled to breath, she heard the crunch of boots, and looked up.

Striding down the corridor came a powerfully built dwarf. His armor was worked in metal and bone, and he had the symbol of chaos emblazoned upon his shield. In his hands was a wickedly spiked hammer, it’s hilt decorated with the  bone of his enemies. As he passed by Starbolt he gave a lazy backhanded swing and crushed her skull. Behind him came more of his marksdwarves, snapping off bolts at the approaching Wardhammer and Bloodforce.

Bloodforce was stuck by several bolts, grunting in pain as they slammed into arm and hand.  Another volley hit him, and he dropped down to the ground, a bolt in the throat. Wardhammer marched on, shield up and blocking bolt after bolt. His eyes were grim, and focused on the enemy Hammer lord before him. Taking in his armor, the way he moved, Starbolt’s blood on his weapon. He tightened his grip on his own hammer, just plain steel, but nicked and dented from dozens of battles. Behind him he could hear more of Greyaxe’s squad coming down the steps.

The two hammerdwarves walked slowly forward. The Chaos dwarf lifted his hand, and barked an order to the archers. They shifted their focus, and started shooting at the newcomers. An evil grin spread across the face of the foul dwarf, and he brought the head of his hammer up to his mouth. He licked at the blood on it, and smiled even broader. Warhammer gave a roar and rushed forward, hammer swinging. The chaos dwarf brushed it aside with his shield and swung his own hammer around. Wardhammer brought his own shield down to block the blow. Back and forth they traded blow, steel ringing on steel as each looked for an opening. The chaos dwarf gave a bellow, and slammed his hammer directly into the boss of Wardhammer’s shield. The blow sent him staggering back, his arm numb from the force of the blow. His foe stepped forward, smashing his own shield into the dwarf’s face, cracking his nose. Another blow from the hammer swept in, crushing his knee. Wardhammer’s leg gave out, and he toppled backwards. Again and again the hammer fell, and soon the brave Champion lay still on the ice.

 Laughing madly the invader looked up to see another dwarf charging him. Greyaxe barreled into him, knocking him back a few steps. The grizzled veteran was wounded already, a bolt sticking out of his bicep, but he ignored the pain. His axe slashed in, sparking against the mail armor of his foe. The hammerdwarf stuck back, his blow denting the fine steel of Greyaxe’s armor. Warily the two stepped back, eyes locked on one another. The old soldier swung his axe down low, feinting a leg shot before sweeping upwards at the invader’s gut. But the hammerdwarf just laughed, skipping back a step and bashing the axe away with this shield. His arm already weakened by the bolt through it Greyaxe lost hold of the weapon, and it skittered across the floor. Laughter echoing off the walls, the mad dwarf began to attack in earnest. His hammer became a blur, shot after shot ringing against the soldier’s shield and armor. Greyaxe’s breathing was labored, his armor had been dented too much, and it was constricting his breathing. His vision darkened, and his head swam. And yet, his shield still came up to block. He grabbed onto his opponent’s shield with his free hand, and wrenched it aside. In a final desperate move he slammed his forehead into the laughing dwarf’s face, shattering his nose and cracking teeth. With a gurgling chortle the Chaos dwarf slammed back, the blow knocking Greyaxe off his feet. A final blow from that dreadful hammer pummeled the weakened breastplate, and it gave way. The valiant soldier’s ribs were shattered, and he gave a pained shout. Another blow fell, crushing his helm.

The hammer lord spat out a few teeth, and smiled. These dwarves were weak, and easy pickings. Soon, he’d be inside their fortress, with all of it’s wealth for his own. First, though, there was more fun to be had.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2008, 10:33:22 pm by Mephansteras »
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
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"Let us maintain our chill composure." - Toady One


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Re: The Redemption of CrowdedIrons
« Reply #36 on: December 26, 2008, 11:38:00 pm »

Fuck . . .

Kill. That. Bastard.

For the Dead!!

« Last Edit: December 27, 2008, 09:51:35 pm by Strife26 »
Even the avatars expire eventually.


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Re: The Redemption of CrowdedIrons
« Reply #37 on: December 29, 2008, 08:42:41 pm »

Meanwhile, Lazyhammer and the rest of the gate guards prepared themselves for the onrushing lancers charging at them over the ice and snow. The chaos dwarves rode stocky war horses, bred for toughness and trained to kill. Their hooves clattered against the ice, and great puffs of snow leapt up whenever they went through a drift.

“Cloudwatcher’s back, so at least we’ve got two archers” yelled down Snowstorm from the watch tower.

“Great.” muttered Lazyhammer. “A dozen archers in this fortress and we get two of them to help us fight off a horde of chaos-mad lancers. Just great.”

“Thanks!” Shouted up Shimmerblade. “Ok, Lazyhammer, time to shine!” she flashed him a grin. “You take North, I’ll take South. Voidheart, you can have center. See if you can’t give that fancy looking one in the middle a bad day, huh?”

Voidheart just slammed his mace into his shield, almost bouncing with anticipation.

The minutes crawled by. Battlecries, the clash of metal, and screams of pain could be heard echoing out of the stairwell leading down to the northern tunnels. Lazyhammer couldn’t help himself from glacing over at it, time and time again. His heart started to beat faster.

“Focus, Crowdedirons!” Snapped Shimmerblade. “Greyaxe can handle them. We’ve got our own problems. The archers will let us know if anything comes crawling out of there that we need to kill.”

The riders drew closer, mad howls erupting from their midst as they built themselves into a battle frenzy. Their lines grew ragged as they each rushed to be first to combat.

Bolts snapped out as they clattered into range. Snowstorm and Cloudwatcher firing as fast as they could to make up for their lack of numbers.

“Hold steady!” Barked Shimmerblade, one sword raised above her head. “Hooooooold”

Horses staggered as bolts pierced their flesh, and a few riders were thrown from foundering mounts.

“NOW!” Her blade dropped, and the three dwarves charged.

Voidheart reached the enemy line first, casually bashing a horse away from him with his shield. The rider veered off to the south, struggling to control his mount. The dark armored warrior then stepped to the left and knocked another spear harmlessly up and away from him. It’s wielder clattered on past him before falling heavily to the ground, a bolt through his chest. Smirking, Voidheart turned to face the commander of the lancers. He was dressed in shining steel chain, with amulets and charms made from fallen enemies hanging on cords of hair. He howled madly, spear thrusting down. Voidheart let it glance off his shield, and swung his mace around at the horse’s head.  The animal dodged backwards, rearing. Sharp hooves raked out, slicing through the air. Voidheart rolled to the side, shield coming up over his head to deflect another shot. Well, this isn’t going to be easy, is it? he thought to himself.

While the macedwarf danced with his opponent, Shimmerblade did a deadly dance of her own. Her twin blades slashed out again and again, hamstringing horses and cutting deep into the flesh of her enemies. On her back, eyes wide but still silent, her infant watched. As two riders fell lifeless at her feet, the rest fell back, wary of this hard-eyed woman and her bloody blades.

Lazyhammer barreled into his opponents with a crash. The rider in front had just had his horse shot off from under him, but had rolled with it and popped up before the young hammerdwarf. His dark shield smashed into the dwarf’s face, sending the lancer staggering backwards. A quick follow-up with his hammer shattered chain links and ribs alike, and the stricken invader fell to the snow. The next attacker charged in, spear held low. Lazyhammer tried to step back, but was too slow. The tip of the spear slid along the rings of his armor, tearing a few before glancing away. As the rider passed him Lazyhammer continued the spin and brought his hammer down hard on the horse’s back. The hammer crunched down, and the horse staggered a few feet before falling. As the rider tried to keep from being crushed Lazyhammer charged over, hammer humming in his hands. His back still turned, the chaos dwarf didn’t even see the blow coming. His helm cracked open, and the snow in front of him was splattered red. Lazyhammer turned to see another speardwarf running at him. This one, too had lost his mount to the deadly barrage of Cloudwatcher and Snowstorm. Lazyhammer ducked low and charged, the point of his enemy’s spear glancing harmlessly off his shield, followed shortly by his enemy. The stunned dwarf struggled to rise off of the slick stone roadway, but Lazyhammer brought his hammer down again. It hummed through the air and crunched into the stomach of the lancer. He spat blood, gasping for air, and Lazyhammer swung his hammer around. It clipped the dying dwarf on the head and sent him spinning across the road.

Looking around, Lazyhammer saw Shimmerblade sliding in and around her foes. As he watched she ducked under a horse, eviscerating it as she went, and casually slipped aside as it crashed to the ground, pinning it’s rider. Voidheart was blocking blows left and right, but two lancers had come to their commander’s aid, and he was having trouble finding any time to take his own shots. Lazyhammer took a deep breath, and charged into the battle again.

Whew. It's taking forever to type up these battles. Hopefully no one minds. This battle should only take one more update, though.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2008, 10:34:39 pm by Mephansteras »
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Re: The Redemption of CrowdedIrons
« Reply #38 on: December 29, 2008, 09:39:02 pm »

Lazyhammer, taking calvary down with a warhammer. Lord knows, that's the proper weapon to use.
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Re: The Redemption of CrowdedIrons
« Reply #39 on: December 29, 2008, 10:04:35 pm »

Lazyhammer, taking calvary down with a warhammer. Lord knows, that's the proper weapon to use.

Maces have actually been used to great effect against horses, although they don't necessarily impede them as well as lances, they are good at breaking the legs of running horses, leaving the riders vulnerable for a killing blow.


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Re: The Redemption of CrowdedIrons
« Reply #40 on: December 29, 2008, 10:09:29 pm »

I suppose, but when you're lanced before you can smack the horse, it isn't much good. DF doesn't take melee range into acount very well.
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Re: The Redemption of CrowdedIrons
« Reply #41 on: December 29, 2008, 10:51:55 pm »

Down below, the bloody-faced Hammerlord swung his hammer out in a large arc, the powerful blow sending young Silkshield spinning off into the wall. Her icy blue axe spun out of her hand, and she crumpled to the ground.

He laughed, striding over her body. “’Lafaduhi, dwarves!” He shouted. He cracked the wall with his hammer, sending ice chips flying.

Ringbolt and Wardbolt stood in the hallway, eyes drawn to the bodies strewn about. Wardbolt shook with fear, his crossbow wavering as he tried to find a bead on the terrifying dwarf stalking towards them.

Ringbolt swallowed and raised her own crossbow. The fortress guard wasn’t normally required to go into combat, but she’d give her life for this fort if she had to. And, glancing at the wake of destruction this foe had left, she thought she might have to.

“Steady, Wardbolt. We can do this. Just…just aim for weak spots.”

Wardbolt squeezed the trigger, and a bolt twanged off of his crossbow. It sped past the hammerlord and skipped along the floor of the hallway. “Ah…fissures.” He fumbled for another bolt.

Ringbolt snapped of a shot, the iron bolt striking sparks as it glanced off of his shield. Wardbolt fired again, this shot ricocheting off of the ceiling yards ahead of his target.

Laughter boomed down the hallway. “Dwarves!” screamed the invader. “’Lafaduhi!” He spread his arms wide, daring them to try and strike him down. Ringbolt breathed out, steadying her crossbow on her buckler. Her eyes narrowed, and she pulled the trigger. Her bolt whistled through the cold air, and landed with a wet thump in the hammerlord’s throat. His eyes widened, and he made a burbling, wheezy laugh.

*cough* “Eluridemi…usepabe…”, and he sank down to his knees, before collapsing onto the floor.

One of his cohorts knelt down beside him, before giving a mad laugh and raising his own crossbow. The shot thudded into Wardbolts thick leather armor. Ringbolt knelt and squeezed off another shot. She was rewarded with a clatter as the invader dropped his crossbow to the ground, her bolt sticking out from the crook of his arm. Wardbolt’s shot whipped by the injured archer’s head, the fletching scraping against his cap. The chaos dwarf turned and fled down the passageway, only to fall moments later with a bolt in his back.

“Come on, Wardbolt, let’s go check near the back. Make sure there aren’t any others.”

Wardbolt just sighed.

Stonehelm and Newmoon rushed to the gate, cutting off the charge of a pair of lancers. Newmoon neatly sidestepped the thrust of her attacker, and hacked the tip of the spear off. As he wheeled his horse, she swung her sword around and slit the saddle strap, sending the hapless rider careening into the wall. He died before he could even get back to his feet.

Stonehelm took a more direct approach, blocking the lance with his shield and smashing his mace full into the chest of his attacker. The chaos dwarf flew backwards to land on the road with a sharp crack. Stonehelm gave him another whack as he walked by, sending the horses fleeing before him.

Lazyhammer barely dodged another wicked spear strike, losing a few more rings in the process. I’m going to need a new suit of armor when this is over with he thought glumly to himself. Assuming I’m going to have a use for armor at all. The next shot glanced off his head.

“DAMN. YOU. STOP. THAT.” He grumbled, punctuating his words with heavy hammer blows to his opponent’s shield. On the final blow the shield crumpled, and the lancer’s eyes widened with pain. Lazyhammer grabbed the broken arm and hauled the chaos dwarf off his horse onto the hard stone. He smashed his hammer down onto the invader’s back with a loud crack. “Serves you right, bastard.”

“Seduvoshesi!” Shouted the enemy commander, waving his lance back towards the snow. The remaining lancers turned and fled, the few on foot trying vainly to escape the enraged dwarves. Stonehelm, Shimmerblade, and Newmoon chasing a few off to the south, while Voidheart chased the commander off to the east, hurling curses and insults at the coward.

Lazyhammer groaned and trotted after Voidheart. He didn’t think he’d catch any of them, but he’d get yelled at if he didn’t try. He hated that even more then the running.
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Re: The Redemption of CrowdedIrons
« Reply #42 on: December 29, 2008, 11:20:16 pm »

The reserves killed the Hammerlord? Fitting. You can kill the champions, but you can't kill their guard comrades!
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Re: The Redemption of CrowdedIrons
« Reply #43 on: December 29, 2008, 11:59:06 pm »

Yeah, the bastard and his marksdwarves took out Greyaxe's entire squad, and then a barely trained marksdwarf of mine takes him out. I figure he had to be taunting her for that to happen.

It was interesting watching those battles. Sadly, the sheer scope of the disaster going on with that Hammerlord meant that I could barely pay attention to what was going on up above. Fortunately, they were pretty well stomping on the other group of chaos dwarves. I think the lack of archers in that battle helped a lot. was all very painful. I lost 13 soldiers and one civilian in that mess. And Lazyhammer got a title. I'll reveal that when I do the aftermath write-up. It's...suitable for him, I suppose. And, no, he's not redeemed yet. He's still not a champion, and he hasn't reached One-eye's kill count yet. So he still has more to do before he gets a less insulting name.
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
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Re: The Redemption of CrowdedIrons
« Reply #44 on: January 04, 2009, 11:08:02 pm »


Quit enjoying the holidays and write up the aftermath please!

I'd like to hear the title.
Even the avatars expire eventually.
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