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Author Topic: The Redemption of CrowdedIrons  (Read 5929 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Redemption of CrowdedIrons
« Reply #45 on: January 04, 2009, 11:33:39 pm »

Hehe. Ok, ok, I'll see if I can get a write up done tomorrow.
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
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Re: The Redemption of CrowdedIrons
« Reply #46 on: January 05, 2009, 01:13:12 am »

It sounds like you really need some more static security, like walls and stuff.  Having squads of three or four scattered all over is liable to wind up with...well...


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Re: The Redemption of CrowdedIrons
« Reply #47 on: January 05, 2009, 07:12:37 pm »

You just need more squads!

75% of the fort drafted!
No, 95!
Better, 100%, with all of the food coming from caravans!
Kidding, but I like having patrols be the main defense.
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Re: The Redemption of CrowdedIrons
« Reply #48 on: January 05, 2009, 07:18:47 pm »

Yeah, new walls are coming along nicely. I don't do much with traps, though. Too cheap, and besides, this story would be really boring if every entry was along the lines of "Another group of sand raiders blundered through the corridor of death today. Gee, look at all the blood on the walls. Well, I guess it's time to get the peasants to cleaning up the mess some more!"
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
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Re: The Redemption of CrowdedIrons
« Reply #49 on: January 09, 2009, 04:55:40 pm »

The catacombs were hushed, the only sound the breathing of dwarves and the occasional rustle of fabric or the clink of armor. It was a small crowd, mostly off-duty soldiers and the families of the fallen, crowded around the central staircase.

The thump of boots echoed down the smooth stone corridors, accompanied by the low mournful sound of a dirge. Lord Crescent slowly descended the stair, carrying in his hands a rolled scroll. Behind him came the musicians, harps and trumpets filling the air with the sorrowful songs of mourning. Behind them all came the Countess, dressed in a black dress trimmed with gold. In her hand she carried an obsidian scepter.

"My good dwarves," she said, addressing the crowd. "today is one of victory for us. But also one of sorrow." She paused. "Many of our fine soldiers gave their lives today that we can continue our own lives. For this we are eternally grateful." She waved the scepter around to encompass the gathered crowd. "Lord Crescent, will you do the honors?"

Lord Crescent stepped forward, and she handed the scepter over to him. "Thank you, your Grace." He bowed to her, and the turned to address the crowd. "Thirteen gave their lives in our defense today. Death in combat is an honor, and one no true warrior would ever shy from." there was a muttering of agreement from the gathered soldiers. "Now that the gods have called these brave warriors back to them, it is our place to return them to the rock that is the soul of all dwarf kind. Here, deep under the frigid skies and frozen ice above us, there is rock. Under all of the earth, there is rock. And as long as there is rock, there will be dwarves to work it. The soldiers of our home have proved that true today, for though our losses were painful, our enemies lost far more. We are the rock. We are eternal." He slammed the scepter into the side of the wall. The resounding crack of rock on rock echoed through the hall.

The sound of boots once again echoed from above, and soon a long line of dwarves appeared coming down the stairway. Each pair held a fallen soldier aloft on a shield. As they passed into the hallway, he shouted out the name of the dwarf, and slammed the scepter into the wall once again.

"Dawnblade!" CRACK!
"Waveblade!" CRACK!
"Diamondblade!" CRACK!
"Frostblade!" CRACK!
"Greyaxe!" CRACK!
"Starbolt!" CRACK!
"Bloodforce!" CRACK!
"Greenaxe!" CRACK!
"Redshield!" CRACK!
"Silkshield!" CRACK!
"Wardhammer!" CRACK!
"Furyhelm!" CRACK!
"Emeraldbolt!" CRACK!

"Take these brave dwarves to their final resting place, and may the gods welcome them with cheers to the underwold."

He lead the funeral train down the corridors, directing each body to the proper tomb. As each body was laid to rest, the mourners would pass by, some leaving some trinket, others words. Many simply slid a hand along the top of the stone sarcophagus in silent farewell.

Runeblade stood over Frostblade's grave for quite a while, eyes gazing down at the sword in her hands. It was his long blade, the one that had given him is name. The metal was an icy blue, and cold to the touch. After a while she lifted the sword up to her lips and kissed the blade. "In your memory shall I fight, my love. With your blade will I defend our home. And when the gods call, I shall join you in eternity."
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
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Re: The Redemption of CrowdedIrons
« Reply #50 on: January 09, 2009, 05:35:23 pm »


Very moving, it almost seemed to need a twenty-one gun salute.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Redemption of CrowdedIrons
« Reply #51 on: January 16, 2009, 01:23:20 pm »

Later that evening, Diamondguard called the soldiers and fortress guard into the barracks. When they were all assembled, other then a few archers watching the gate, she addressed them.

"Soldiers and guards of Omerzoden, this has been a trying month for us. Time and time again our enemies have besieged us. And time and time again have you driven them back!" A cheer erupted from the room. Diamondguard let it go on for a bit, and then held up her hand, her face somber.

"Today, we buried our dead. The actions of those brave soldiers will live forever in our memories, and carved into the living stone of this fortress for future generations. We have given them the honor that is their due." she cracked a smile. "What we have not done, my friends, is given due honor to the living!"

Once again, laughter and cheers rang out.

"Therefore, it is my pleasure to give recognition to the many fine soldiers who helped save our fine home. First, I want you to know that we recognize the efforts of all of you. You all pulled your weight, and without any of you I'm sure we would have been much worse off. However, there are a few who recognize some special recognition."

"Ringbolt, step up here." The young guardsdwarf looked around a bit, and then slowly made her way to the front.

Diamondguard put her hand on the archer's shoulder. "Young Ringbolt did what many others could not. She felled a might champion of Chaos!" More cheers at that announcement.

The young dwarf blushed, and stammered. " was nothing. I...I mean, he didn't even try to dodge!"

"Nonsense, child. You shot well, and true. And he wans't your only kill of the day either. No, you deserve praise." She turned to the soldiers. "For Ringguard!" she yelled. "RINGGUARD!" came the response, the roar echoing off the walls of the barracks.

Ringguard smiled broadly, and then shyly made her way back into the crowd.

"Shimmerblade, please step forward."

Shimmerblade smiled and walked forward, cradling her child in one arm. Diamondguard paused to smile down at the baby before addressing the crowd.

"Shimmerblade has proven her worth once again, fighting off the Sand Raiders that attacked us early on, but staying to help defend our gates despite grueling battles she had just fought. Truly, this fine swordsdwarf is an example to use all." The gathered soldiers cheered again, chanting her name.

"I'd also like to call up our other stalwart gate defenders. Snowstorm, Cloudwatcher, Voidheart, Lazyhammer. Please step forward."

The four slowly made their way up out of the crowd. Lazyhammer stood next to Shimmerblade, who wrinkled her nose. She whispered over to him. "You reek! Have you been drinking wine or bathing in it?" The hammerdwarf blushed, his stammered response cut off by Diamondguard.

"Thanks to these brave soldiers, the assault on our castle failed. Without them, the forces of chaos would no doubt have breached our fortress." More cheers.

"And I would like to call special attention to Lazyhammer. Our repentant stoneworker seems to have done well for himself, taking down, what four of the enemy himself? I'm proud of you, Crowdedirons. You're starting to become a true soldier!"

"Heh." Voidheart chuckled. "With all the holes in that gold armor of his he kind of looks like a leopard."

"A very fragrant leopard." said Shimmerblade, waving a hand in his direction.

Diamondguard's laughter rang out through the room, shortly followed by the rest of the soldiers. "So be it! I present to you, Lazyhammer the Fragrant Leopard!"

While the other dwarves laughed and clapped, Lazyhammer stood there with bright cheeks. I'm not sure if I'm being honored, mocked, or both he thought to himself.

"Come on everyone, let's get some grub!" Shouted out Voidheart. "All this fighting lately has worked up a huge appetite."

With that the gathering dispersed to some well earned food and rest.
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
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Re: The Redemption of CrowdedIrons
« Reply #52 on: January 16, 2009, 03:52:29 pm »

Ahhh. Df titles.

He'll need a coat of arms for it!
Even the avatars expire eventually.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Redemption of CrowdedIrons
« Reply #53 on: January 23, 2009, 04:22:35 pm »

Lazyhammer's boots crunched through the icy powder covering the glacier. At his side padded a dog, assigned by Diamondguard to aid him in his patrols. It would stop occasionally and sniff the air, or turn it's pricked up ears from side to side. Each time it did the dwarf would stop and look around, wondering which mound of snow would turn out to be an ambusher looking for an easy kill. But each time the dog would stop and continue trotting, and he'd make a sigh of relief and trudge through the snow and ice some more.

The day wore on, and Lazyhammer's mind started to drift. He thought of the warmth of the dining hall, of hot food and mulled wine. He walked with eyes downcast, not really even looking at anything.


He was snapped out of his reverie. Startled, he brought his hammer and shield up, looking wildly about. The war dog was growling at a white mound on ice. With a spray of snow the mound got to its feet! It was a tall figure, robed in white and carrying a large bag slung over one shoulder. As the dog barked at it the figure started to back up, a long iron dagger held out before it.

A slaver! Lazyhammer raised his hammer up. And here I was thinking this would be a quiet patrol!

The Sand Raider turned to flee, his boots slipping a bit on the ice. With a growl the dog launched itself at him, grabbing ahold of one ankle with its powerful jaws.

"Ucehucozu, babupy!" the figure yelled out, straining to free its foot from the dog's mouth. His dagger slashed out, but missed as the dog moved from side to side. Lazyhammer charged forward, bringing his hammer down onto the slaver's arm with a loud crack.

"NO HURTING MY DOG!" he bellowed. His next swing slammed into the raider's stomach. Breathless, the tall figure staggered backwards and fell onto the ice. Another overhand swing of the hammer and the slaver was dead, blood oozing from his crushed skull.

It took Lazyhammer a few minutes to get the dog to release the creature's boot. "Yeah, good dog. Nice find! Good dog! You can let go of the boot now. Yeah. He's dead. See...dead."

Eventually he settled for taking the boot off the leg, and allowing the dog to carry it around. He couldn't be sure, but he thought he saw a bit of pride in how the dog held the boot.

"Yeah, good dog. I hope we don't see any more, though. I don't think you'll be able to bite them with a boot in your mouth."

The dog just kept trotting along, and didn't answer.
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
Come play Mafia with us!
"Let us maintain our chill composure." - Toady One


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Re: The Redemption of CrowdedIrons
« Reply #54 on: January 28, 2009, 12:10:22 pm »

He's got a dog now. I hope the pooch doesn't bite it. Although, Lazyhammer starting a tantrum spiral might be pretty epic.
Even the avatars expire eventually.
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