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Author Topic: Armed Combat Overhaul thread.  (Read 18739 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Combat, Martial Arts, and Weapons suggestions
« Reply #60 on: December 09, 2008, 11:08:37 pm »

Forget to be more in-detail, early firearms wasn't better than bows and crossbows in accuracy and peneration, and some medieval crossbows were fairly capable of going through armour (Granted, agreed that it depends on how well it hits ). It was only how easy it was to train the masses on firearms as well as the ease of controlling and centralizing the supply of gunpowder that made it so popular at the time (And yes, there was some terror tactics, I mean come on, would you try to face down a bunch of guys with sticks that spews thunder and death? ) And concept of armour's not completelly gone, it's just hard to protect against faster and faster moving piece of matter, though some current armour fares well against the average modern firearms, at expense of weight and mobility. I'd suspect that the adamanite metal in DF would be very good for armouring against blackpowder firearms, being stronger and lighter than steel  ;)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Combat, Martial Arts, and Weapons suggestions
« Reply #61 on: December 09, 2008, 11:12:58 pm »

Quote from: bjlong
Yes, it'll probably be harder to code in, but it's definitely easier on the user to be able to specify a slash with the tip of the weapon than with where the hand is. I'm sure we can let power users have specific control over hands rather than the weapon tip, if that's how they want it.

I don't follow.   I didn't mean that the grip position would be the striking point, if that's what you meant -- in a linear weapon, the main hand and the "active end" travel through the same arc, even if they're far apart, so it's not like you're controlling one instead of the other.  It's just a way to specify the direction of the arc -- the interface could say "Choose which way to slash the active end" instead of "Choose which way to move your hand," it would be the same thing.

I'm not seeing how choking up on an axe couldn't be modeled by this, save that the central pivot point might have too small of a change for some people's liking. That could be solved by finer gradations for pivot points, perhaps.

For the axe -- are we talking about the same pivot point here?  I'm talking about the center of rotation of the weapon -- i.e., if you look at the arc the weapon slashes through, what is the center of the implied circle?  I'm pretty sure you don't mean that you swing an axe by rotating it around its center -- if you choke up, your main hand imparts most of the force, while your off hand may move a little but mostly serves to stabilize the base of the haft and turn the mostly linear force of your main hand into a torque.  The pivot point might be at your off hand, or even beyond the end of the haft.  But the off hand (perhaps in an extended position) serves as a reasonable pivot point -- the idea is that one hand is moving MORE than the other, even if neither is stationary.

The reason I'd want to pivot around the center of the two grip points, Footkercheif, is because that has a lot of parallels in fighting with staffs. I haven't seen many techniques with the staff, or any multigrasped weapon, that involve one hand holding still.
Check the overhand swing that ends at 1:07 -- his left hand barely moves, his right hand does all the moving.  Same deal at 1:34 and 2:15, and the quick thwack at 1:21.  Now again, I'm not trying to say that NO swings pivot directly between the grips, just that some of them don't.  And for other weapons, like the axe situation above, a central pivot definitely won't work.  So they can use a central pivot point, but only sometimes.  That's where it gets complicated -- when SHOULD it be allowed?  My conclusion is that an offhand pivot won't take too much away from the staff, while letting other two-handed weapons function properly.  The hands tend to be close relative to the overall length of the staff, so you're only shifting the pivot point by maybe 15% of the staff length, which really isn't that bad.

Uh oh, bear with me, I just had a minor revelation.  The best "universal" pivot position isn't the off hand, it's the ready/retracted position of the off hand, whether or not the offhand is at that position (for a staff) or up with the main hand (for a sword).  This makes it work for two-handed swords and non-choked axe swings too!  I think the reason it works is that the ready position is pretty close to the off hand's shoulder.

To try to clarify, imagine a sword with a hilt that can telescope outward until the weapon is as long as a quarterstaff.  The hilt is retracted.  You're frozen in time in a downward swing that is about to hit, with both arms extended, your left hand directly behind your right.  Now the hilt starts extending backward.  As the hilt extends, and the weapon becomes more like a spear, your left hand will travel with the end of the hilt, maintaining the balance of the weapon, until your left hand reaches its "retracted" position, and then the hand stops, even if the weapon extends for another foot or so.  Meanwhile, the pivot point has barely moved.  So this technique bridges the gap between staffs, spears, etc. and shorter two-handed weapons.

Or imagine gradually transitioning from a choked-up swing to a fully extended swing, same situation.  Think about where the weapon is pivoting.

Is this making any intuitive sense at all?
« Last Edit: December 09, 2008, 11:34:38 pm by Footkerchief »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Combat, Martial Arts, and Weapons suggestions
« Reply #62 on: December 09, 2008, 11:22:39 pm »

Forget to mention a suggestion, quality of crossbows only affects the melee damage, I want to see quality of crossbow affect the ranged damage also. Better quality>faster moving bolts>more damage on impact, maybe improve the accuracy slightly too since faster projectile means less leading needed and drop over same time period.

Ranged weapon skill should improve ranged accuracy and firing speed while weapon quality affects some of the accuracy and impact damage. Maybe add tags that gives range of speed of firing like [FIRESPEED:10:10] or some such as well as damage and accuracy ranges for quality of production.

It'd be helpful for those that want sniper rifle, or machineguns and so on. Or even those that want some realism with ranged weapon (Though you could make the ubergun a'la man-portable Metal Storm  ;D )


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Combat, Martial Arts, and Weapons suggestions
« Reply #63 on: December 09, 2008, 11:29:18 pm »

It is kinda odd that the Europeans suffer from HUGE overwhelming underestimation (The Lance was a devestating weapon) while the Asians suffer from HUGE overwhelming overestimation. It is probably because of the way both of their mythology is structured and started melting into their history.

Which if you were to read Asian history close enough you will see the walls of the illusion crumbling.

Samurai are so skill and unstoppable right? Well a 6 foot 4 person basically picked up a large plank of wood (oar) and won a fighting contest just by beating people down. Why did he win? Just TRY to block a plank of wood going a hundred miles per hour... Heck try to dodge it! It isn't going to happen... especially since at this time period samurai were probably rather short.

With respect to Dwarf Fortress it would be interesting to see different levels of enthusiams and exageration in two civilisation's telling of history.

An Adventurer's Slaying of a dragon in one civilisation could be simple and to the point while another could add in a whole story to it that didn't happen.

"Hey did you remember the part where he had to fight ten thousand Catmen and eat the liver of the Elf in order to gain the power to defeat the dragon who swallowed the sun?"

Then when other civilisations see this innaccurate/exagerated/mythified history there should be a chance that they take it at face value!!! (or complete fantasy) it could lead to some interesting diplomacy where one civilisation fully believes the other is an unstoppable race of super beings when in truth they could be weaker then rabbits.

Also to add to crossbows: The point of defending yourself from crossbows is really all or nothing... You rarely cushion yourself from a crossbow bolt... it either goes in or it is deflected entirely. This should be reflected in peircing weapons as a whole. (of course this isn't including Legendary considerations... afterall if there is anyone who could snatch a crossbow bolt in the air, however impossible in real life, it is a legend!)
« Last Edit: December 09, 2008, 11:31:49 pm by Neonivek »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Combat, Martial Arts, and Weapons suggestions
« Reply #64 on: December 09, 2008, 11:30:49 pm »

Forget to mention a suggestion, quality of crossbows only affects the melee damage, I want to see quality of crossbow affect the ranged damage also. Better quality>faster moving bolts>more damage on impact, maybe improve the accuracy slightly too since faster projectile means less leading needed and drop over same time period.

Ranged weapon skill should improve ranged accuracy and firing speed while weapon quality affects some of the accuracy and impact damage. Maybe add tags that gives range of speed of firing like [FIRESPEED:10:10] or some such as well as damage and accuracy ranges for quality of production.

It'd be helpful for those that want sniper rifle, or machineguns and so on. Or even those that want some realism with ranged weapon (Though you could make the ubergun a'la man-portable Metal Storm  ;D )

I'd go a step further and make ranged weapon use heavily dependent on upcoming attributes like FOCUS (can you concentrate on aiming?) and SPATIAL_SENSE (how far away is that guy?), in addition to basic skills.

The weapons themselves also need:
  • moddable ammo containers -- sling bullets don't go in a quiver
  • internal magazines (for repeating crossbows, which definitely fit in DF's tech range)
  • firing, reloading, and reloading the magazine as separate actions, i.e. fire and run away w/o reloading
  • the mass distribution descriptions we were talking about for melee weapons


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Combat, Martial Arts, and Weapons suggestions
« Reply #65 on: December 09, 2008, 11:34:26 pm »

internal magazines (for repeating crossbows, which definitely fit in DF's tech range)

This existed since Roman Times!

They even had awsome Siege weapon versions of these! Basically Platforms of death that hurl hundreds or even thousands of projectiles at you! (I really want this in Dwarf Fortress... Badly...)

In fact Multishot and even magazine shot weapons could be even older then I think!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Combat, Martial Arts, and Weapons suggestions
« Reply #66 on: December 10, 2008, 12:51:07 am »

Man, lots of cans of worms opening up.

First things first. I see what you're saying, Footkercheif, now that I'm looking for pivot points. It looks like an overhand stance pivots mainly around the back end of the staff, while an underhand stance yeilds itself to pivots more around the front hand. Only when changing stances, active ends, or binding do they pivot about the center. (Of course, we could just average 'em all...  ::) )

(Note: Around means in the general vicinity of. Usually the pivots seem to be a bit foreward of the respective hands, and usually not on the staff.)

Anyway, I think your solution will probably work for an initial level of fighting. If we end up able to do a really, really in-depth system, then we would really have to work on something nicer. Some food for thought--after playing around with some sticks, I realized that my axe swings always land between the haft and my torso, and usually move around a lot. Blegh.

We still need a way to compute hand position from this that doesn't take too much time. I have absolutely no experience here.

So, we've covered that part--how can we get middle blocks to work in a way that's not horrifically broken? Obviously, we could have the entire weapon comitted to a stop-block that deflects the opponent's weapon the next round. But perhaps this could be better handled by treating it as an attack from a bind.

Speaking of binds, I think we might want to rework those--my solution was crude and unoriginal. I still think that both combatants should get a turn at the same time, without knowing what the other is doing. Now that we've worked in hilt-bashing, perhaps we could work in some further binding tricks?

I'll go further than you on the projectile weapons: we need penalties for being in the drawn position for too long in terms of weapon wear. The limbs of a crossbow should warp over time, and give less power. In fact, taking care of the projectile weapon should be something that marks-borgles obsess over.
I hesitate to click the last spoiler tag because I expect there to be Elder Gods in it or something.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Combat, Martial Arts, and Weapons suggestions
« Reply #67 on: December 10, 2008, 03:52:54 am »

We still need a way to compute hand position from this that doesn't take too much time. I have absolutely no experience here.

I'm trying to figure out a rigorous way of handling this.  Dear lord, it is SO much easier for one-handed weapons than for two-handed.  Basically, you can handle the range of motion of a single limb as a simple sphere, which makes hand positions easy to determine, but with two hands it turns into a gigantic mess in ways we hadn't even talked about yet.  Going insane, brb
« Last Edit: December 10, 2008, 03:59:41 am by Footkerchief »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Combat, Martial Arts, and Weapons suggestions
« Reply #68 on: December 10, 2008, 07:08:17 am »

qoute from Neonivek

It is kinda odd that the Europeans suffer from HUGE overwhelming underestimation (The Lance was a devestating weapon) while the Asians suffer from HUGE overwhelming overestimation. It is probably because of the way both of their mythology is structured and started melting into their history.

Its not so surprising if you see that European martial arts were abandoned for more then 150 Years but at the same time the Asiatic Martial arts got very popular and lively. Some of the newer styles are not older then 80 ,60 or even 40 years.

The Genre of the Noble Samurai / Karate Master (etc.) was much was much better for the TV and cinema too cause it did hold the potential for more "awesome" fights and it was exotic thus made the "knight" very uninterresting.

Anyway the initial swing comes from your hips over our back through your shoulder to your "weapon arm". My weapon hand is the right (and i go with right handed for explanation) so my grasp with it at an Q.staff or sword  would be the higher. My left hand, that's the lower on the hilt, works now as lever using my right hand as pivot point. So far its easy to model.

Sliding the my left up and down gives me more control and more power for snaps and stuff.

Sliding the right hand down is used for increasing the range at an quarterstaff for very powerful blows or long-range stings. The downside of this that you have much less control over your weapon and that it can shoved aside very easily.

Even after sliding the staff/sword pivots normally around my right, my upper, hand.

Hilt blocking is to possible with an sword, i at least prefer an long hilt were is an space of one and an half hand between my hands, that would allow me to block with the hilt.  Its not recommended by the way to block an sword with the hilt cause of your hands. There are situations were you can and will attack the hands.

quote from Footkerchief

I'm trying to figure out a rigorous way of handling this.  Dear lord, it is SO much easier for one-handed weapons than for two-handed.  Basically, you can handle the range of motion of a single limb as a simple sphere, which makes hand positions easy to determine, but with two hands it turns into a gigantic mess in ways we hadn't even talked about yet.  Going insane, brb

I made an little picture to show on which spheres an arm moves.

(The sword and hand use the same pivot point but the sword is 90° tilted cause of your grasp)

The movement of an two-handed weapon is almost the same as for an one handed. Fights with two weapons are another thing.

Your abstraction that the weapon moves in one sphere is to abstract.

If you want to abstract that (and we need to) assume that the Weapon just moves in 2 spheres. The first sphere is your shoulder the second is the wrist. The radius of the shoulder-sphere is determined by arm length. The radius of the wrist-sphere is determined by weapon length.  The counterpoint of the the wrist-sphere can move up and down on the Radius of the shoulder-sphere (bending elbow and shoulder) to 5/6.
That should be fairly realistic.

The weapon can get an tilted in the second sphere too - this would be needed at weapons with cross guard.

edit: Oh and how about extending the 3*3 target grid by an row for creature that are much bigger the you? So you have an "head row" an an "abdominal row" and an "feet row" for enemy's that are a little bit bigger to much smaller then you. If you have an giant, an flying creature or whatever against you you get an additional Overhead row for attack. This row would have some penalty's if you don't have trained an certain style that works against fliers and big creatures.

For stings i would say an basic target system. Depending on your knowledge of the creature maybe. If you dont know where an Borgle has its heart you cant impale that on will.

Binding/Winding should get Binding moves, wrestling moves and stings/snaps.

Regarding ranged weapons. I would give an bow an Reload-time and an targeting-time. The longer you do your targeting the more accurate gets your shot. The chance to hit decreases by range. Dodging on will works only at high and middle ranges, arrows/bolts are damn fast so you need some forwarn time to doge them. An Bow could get an tagetsystem like stings. Smaller bodyparts/organs etc are harder to hit.

Tageting an Human on 15 tiles would bring an accuracy decrease of 20% for the range and 2 Rounds targeting. Targeting this humans head on the same range would mean an accuracy decrease of 35% at 2 Rounds targetting - 2.5 % per round you give in additional targeting.

The dodge chance of the human if he sees the "shot" is 35% at 15 tiles. and decrerases by 3.5 per tile hes gets nearer to the Bowman. At 5 its impossible for the human to dodge and near impossible to miss for an skilled bowman. The outcome depends on the skill of the bowman, the ranged weapon, the speed of the human and how he is armed/armored.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2008, 08:06:11 am by Heph »
[sarcasm] You know what? I love grammar Nazis! They give me that warm and fuzzy feeling. I am so ashamed of my bad english and that my first language is German. [/sarcasm]

Proud to be a Furry.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Combat, Martial Arts, and Weapons suggestions
« Reply #69 on: December 10, 2008, 10:38:07 am »

It's exam week here--I'm already insane.

Couldn't we have 3 concentric spheres for each arm, and try drawing a line from the slash's end to the pivot point, and have that act as the weapon? Then it'd be an inputting of lengths, and using the line to infer hand position.

I hesitate to click the last spoiler tag because I expect there to be Elder Gods in it or something.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Combat, Martial Arts, and Weapons suggestions
« Reply #70 on: December 10, 2008, 10:40:53 am »

"Dodging on will works only at high and middle ranges"

Actually at short range dodging becomes much more possible however your not dodging the arrow but rather the path!

"That is impossible" you say? Well no more impossible then dodging a whip that quite frankly can reach the speed of sound easily! (Of course then again there it is much more obvious when someone is about to whip you... then when someone is about to let go of an arrow)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Combat, Martial Arts, and Weapons suggestions
« Reply #71 on: December 10, 2008, 01:23:50 pm »

Well Neonivek, if you want to dodge an arrow on 10 or even 5 meters you would have to dodge in the Millisecond the Bowman lets the Arrow go. If you dodge to early the Bowman just incorporates your movement if you are to late you get hit anyway. Ok its not impossible but its very unlikely from my point of view.

Only the last centimeter of an whip is brakes the sonic wall and only if you make an certain move. The speed of this last centimeter is around the doubled speed of sonic btw.

Whips arent an good practical weapon
[sarcasm] You know what? I love grammar Nazis! They give me that warm and fuzzy feeling. I am so ashamed of my bad english and that my first language is German. [/sarcasm]

Proud to be a Furry.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Combat, Martial Arts, and Weapons suggestions
« Reply #72 on: December 10, 2008, 03:18:23 pm »

Well Neonivek, if you want to dodge an arrow
Whips arent an good practical weapon

Your not dodging the arrow at all! your dodging the path of the arrow.

Also yeah Whips arn't practical weapons at all, I never thought they were... I was just using it as an example of how it seems to be acceptable for characters in the game to consistantly dodge melee attacks even though they would be blindingly fast... yet arn't expected to dodge the path of an arrow almost EVER...

On a side note: That Wikipedia article is seriously lacking details about the whip... Welts? Proper whips could cut right through your flesh right to the bones! (Not much more then that...)
« Last Edit: December 10, 2008, 03:24:11 pm by Neonivek »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Combat, Martial Arts, and Weapons suggestions
« Reply #73 on: December 10, 2008, 03:23:12 pm »

Ok ok. Can we please discuss something other points then dodging an arrow and delay that theme an bit?
[sarcasm] You know what? I love grammar Nazis! They give me that warm and fuzzy feeling. I am so ashamed of my bad english and that my first language is German. [/sarcasm]

Proud to be a Furry.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Combat, Martial Arts, and Weapons suggestions
« Reply #74 on: December 10, 2008, 03:25:11 pm »

Ok ok. Can we please discuss something other points then dodging an arrow and delay that theme an bit?

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