lol! Ill remember that one!
I dont know what toady one or threetoe invisage, but i believe that the player is acting in the supreme God role. Since we can control how the world is to be pregenerated, and what is ultiamtely populating the world (by raws), we are therefore in control of the old mythology. If for example, i smite dwarfs out the game, wouldnt that have a great impact on the mythology? The mythology is what comes in the Age of Myth. Before year one, like the big bang, there was nothing!
The starting groups simply appear out what seems to be thin air, which is actually a complex codebase regulating their behaviour.
It really messes with my head thinking about this. If we as Gods can do this to albeit a small, very uncomplicated in comparison to our own world, then it isnt a long philosophical shot to think of ourselves being in a similar situation. I just hope our 'Gods' arnt as abusive as some dwarf fortress players if this is the case
Butcher Human anyone?
*edit* i didnt see your edit ! sorry!
I wasnt very clear in what i said. by regulating on a moral objective system, like virtue ethics, you can get a much safer moral theory to base a society on than utilitarianism. That is what i meant, i was not arguing for any
other arguement. Its hard to explain what i mean in type! its so much better in speech. In this way, we can avoid the goal oriented direction of utilitariansim and simply saying an action was good because it is right, which i suppose bring sus onto deontology. Anyhows, yes ive got off the point! The only way to evaluate it in DF terms is to ask, what affect does the morality have on the world behavior? its obvious that the moral paradigms in DF are there to cause conflict, providing the player opportunity in the gameplay.