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Author Topic: Flamebanner: The Battle of Flamebanner!  (Read 131259 times)


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Re: Flamebanner (Community Fortress)
« Reply #285 on: February 09, 2009, 10:35:22 pm »

I could always put it in your 7x5 study if you prefer. Not much but its a bit bigger.

Sounds interesting though I'll probably have to fiddle a bit before I find a plan that looks right.


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Re: Flamebanner (Community Fortress)
« Reply #286 on: February 09, 2009, 10:45:04 pm »

I could always put it in your 7x5 study if you prefer. Not much but its a bit bigger.

Sounds interesting though I'll probably have to fiddle a bit before I find a plan that looks right.

I already have it laid out, but I'm not quite satisfied with it.


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Re: Flamebanner (Community Fortress)
« Reply #287 on: February 09, 2009, 11:03:20 pm »

That helps a great deal. Take your time with it, not like your rooms are going to go anywhere.

Heron TSG

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Re: Flamebanner (Community Fortress)
« Reply #288 on: February 10, 2009, 12:23:18 am »

hmm... mural... a sunburst made of copper would be nifty.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG


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Re: Flamebanner (Community Fortress)
« Reply #289 on: February 10, 2009, 12:37:05 am »

And probably fairly easy to make


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Re: Flamebanner (Community Fortress)
« Reply #290 on: February 10, 2009, 06:09:24 pm »

Fireheart's Journal: 21st Felsite

With the number of Dwarves in Flamebanner growing I decided that it was time to take better care of the bookkeeping. We need a better idea of how much stuff we have around here.
25th Felsite

Fireheart stood looking at the stone model of the fortress on his desk while Orwen and Korgan went over their plans.

"So, just so I'm on the right page here. The plan is to build a tower at the South-East corner of the wall which would allow crossbows to fire on anyone below, right?" Fireheart asked. When Orwen nodded he continued.

"We currently have 1 Marksdwarf and he seems to prefer beating things to death with the crossbow instead of shooting them." He paused to tap the bare roof of the propsed tower. "Add either a ballista or catapult for Hexed and I'll give you the go ahead. We might not use it for soldiers but it may come in handy in the future."

The Masons nodded their agreement and gathered up their blueprints and notes as they headed for the door.

14th Hematite

The crafters were overjoyed when the news arrived that the Humans had just entered the territory. Some of their supplies had dwindled and needed replenishing. They quickly joined the Dwarves hauling crates to the Depot.

18th Hematite

Wok and Kornash were taking the evening watch of the wall and Sand Pit when the cracking of branches reached their ears. Signaling to Nil, who stood alone at the gates the 2 Warriors drew their swords and prepared to fight.

Their alertness was rewarded a moment later as a Goblin Hammerer emerged from the bushes with 4 Wrestlers following behind him. They were so intent on being sneaky that they didn't notice the Dwarves until Kornash had already run one of the Wrestlers through the stomach with his sword.

As the dying Goblin's squeals echoed off the wall the Hammerer turned, bringing his hammer up to smash into Kornash's head with a sickening crack before waving 2 Wrestlers on to the gates. As the young Warrior swayed and fell Wok leapt into action slicing the 2nd Wrestler in half at the waist before turning to face the Hammerer.
At the gates Nil had already silenced his opponents with a swing of his hammer that sent them sailing into the trees. As he leaned back against the wall he kept an eye on Wok's fight, though he doubted the Warrior would need any help.
Wok had meanwhile been beating the Goblin soundly. The foul creature was bleeding from a number of cuts and his shoddy armor had been broken apart by the strength of Wok's blows.

With a smile Wok leapt forward with 1 more blow that sent the Goblin's body flying several feet. The head hung in midair for a moment before dropping to Wok's feet. Putting the head under his arm he grabbed Kornash's limp form and headed for the Barracks.
Kornash is alive, he just spent about a week uncouncious.


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Re: Flamebanner (Community Fortress)
« Reply #291 on: February 10, 2009, 06:31:10 pm »

Should I get a room and a study, I would like a mural of a LEGO brick from the side so the dots are visable.  Any size brick will do, so long as it is red, blue, or green.
"Oh look there is a dragon my clothes might burn let me take them off and only wear steel plate."
And this is how tinned food was invented.
Alternately: The Brick Testament. It's a really fun look at what the bible would look like if interpreted literally. With Legos.
Just so I remember


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Re: Flamebanner (Community Fortress)
« Reply #292 on: February 10, 2009, 06:38:09 pm »

I think I can manage that mural. Fairly simple. Would Green Glass be ok for it? ;D
« Last Edit: February 10, 2009, 07:37:18 pm by thunderclan »


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Re: Flamebanner (Community Fortress)
« Reply #293 on: February 10, 2009, 07:53:06 pm »

19th Hematite

The Head Crafters stood beside Fireheart as the last of the Human's pack animals were unloaded. At a nod from Fireheart they went forward to find the best deals on fresh materials for their respective trades. Fireheart followed more slowly, stopping for a word with the head Trader before looking over the barrels of meat and alcohol and setting several in the slowly growing pile of goods while the Humans picked through the bins of Goblin junk.

The final result was a pile of food and booze, metal bars and barrels.


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Re: Flamebanner (Community Fortress)
« Reply #294 on: February 10, 2009, 07:57:04 pm »

I think I can manage that mural. Fairly simple. Would Green Glass be ok for it? ;D
Aye, sounds appropriate. :D
"Oh look there is a dragon my clothes might burn let me take them off and only wear steel plate."
And this is how tinned food was invented.
Alternately: The Brick Testament. It's a really fun look at what the bible would look like if interpreted literally. With Legos.
Just so I remember


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Re: Flamebanner (Community Fortress)
« Reply #295 on: February 10, 2009, 11:01:10 pm »

20th Hematite

Fireheart was relieved when he saw Idil Dunemasseg the Human Liason come through the gate. As they vanished downstairs for their meeting Fireheart called to Skid to send down a barrel of ale.

21st Hematite

The sun blazed down on the Human merchants and their guards as they packed their wagons and prepared to set off for home. Sir Nil and his squad nodded to them as they headed inside for a drink. The caravan had only gone a few yards from the Depot when a whistling sound reached their ears.

As they looked around for the source of the noise a Crossbowman near the front fell to the ground with an arrow sticking out of his chest. As the merchants looked around nervously and the guards drew their weapons more arrows appeared and 2 more Crossbowmen fell dead closely followed by a Swordsman. This broke the ounce of courage they had left and the merchants wheeled their wagons and animals around and charged back to the safety of the Depot...
The battle is beginning. I think it is the biggest force we've faced yet.


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Re: Flamebanner (Community Fortress)
« Reply #296 on: February 11, 2009, 04:26:15 pm »

22nd Hematite

Orwen sang softly to her son Kubuk as she sat drawing up blueprints beside the brook headwaters. The song turned to a shout of surprise as an arrow tore the blueprints out of her hands and pinned them to a nearby tree.

Turning she saw the Bowgobs reloading as several Wrestlers moved to surround her. Grabbing Kubuk in her arms Orwen took off toward the fortress, shouting at the top of her lungs.
Wok was standing alone at the gate when he heard Orwen's cry. Sounding the alarm he rushed out, sword drawn toward the cries.

As he ran through the bushes another cry rose from the east and he veered off toward the Magma Pipe.
Kornash and Vabok came to Orwen's aid moments later, cutting off the Goblin's advance and allowing Orwen and son to get to safety. As Kornash drew his sword he heard the sound of armor clanking behind him and turning he saw another 2 groups of Goblins melting out of the shadows. A quick look showed that there wer 6 more Wrestlers backed up by 2 Speargobs and a Macegob.

While Kornash stood there in surprise Vabok charged the Bowgobs. Feeling the rush of battle take over he leapt, crushing the first Bowgob under his armored feet. His fists quickly sent 2 Wrestlers flying into the trees amid a stream of curses. Ducking under a Goblin fist he brought his leg up and smashed it into the Goblin's chest, feeling bones crack as the creature fell.

As he advanced on the final Bowgob he stumbled and fell. When he stood again he could no longer feel the rush. As he regained his footing a 2 Wrestlers jumped him, wrapping their arms around his neck as he fell.
Kornash snapped out of his shock in time to block a blow from the Macegob. Raising his sword he delivered a powerful slice across the Goblin's breastplate but it bounced off the metal, leaving the Goblin unharmed. The Goblin swung his mace again, knocking Kornash to his knees. As he knocked the Macegob backwards with a sword thrust 2 Wrestlers charged him. Sheathing his sword he crouched, preparing to break their necks as they went by. The force of the Goblins barreling into him knocked all 3 backwards and into the murky waters of a pond.
Vabok had little trouble dispatching his attackers, leaving them broken heaps on the grass. As he dodged the Speargobs spears he noticed Wok running in from the East. Turning his attention back toward the Goblins he grabbed one of the spears. Using the spear as leverage he knocked the Goblin into the air, impaling it on its own spear as it returned to Earth.
Kornash blinked as the murky water obscured his vision. He could see the Wrestlers flailing in the water around him as he kicked to the surface. As his head broke through into fresh air he saw the Macegob he had been fighting making huge dents in Wok's shield.

Swimming silently to the edge he waited until Wok had driven the Goblin back enough before he wrapped his arms around the creature's legs and pulled it into the pond with him.

As the Goblin's heavy iron armor dragged him underwater Kornash climbed out of the water. Drawing his sword he proceeded to stab the water where the Goblin had fallen, turning the water red with blood.
Seeing their companions slain in seconds sent the remaining Goblin: a Speargob and 2 Wrestlers running for the trees. Vabok was on them in a second pummeling the Speargob into the ground and swinging the first Wrestler into a tree, where it slumped blood staining the bark. The last Wrestler had gotten quite a lead and Vabok knew he couldn't catch it. Grabbing the fallen Speargob's spear he hurled it with all his might at the escaping Goblin. His aim was off though and instead of killing it he only succeeded in impaling its leg. He cursed as the vile creature vanished into the trees.

Turning back toward Wok and Kornash he saw Sir Nil charging into the clearing with Hawkfrost and Speardwarf on his heels. They lowered their weapons as they saw that the battle was over. Joined by Wok, Kornash and Vabok they headed back to the gates, none of them noticing the cloaked figures watching them from the trees...
I think that is the first time a Goblin has left Flamebanner alive. Though I think its also the first time Wok hasn't scored even 1 kill.

The kill count was Vabok 9 and Kornash 5 (3 of which he drowned). I thought for sure that Kornash was dead when he went in the pool. I didn't know they could just climb over the edge. Made for a great battle though.

I'll leave you guys to read through this while I play out the next few monthes.


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Re: Flamebanner (Community Fortress)
« Reply #297 on: February 11, 2009, 04:50:43 pm »

Holy wow burgers. Was the macegoblin squad the one I went after? Cus if so they must be sneaky, getting past my search and sneaking up on VaBok and Kornash like that.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


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Re: Flamebanner (Community Fortress)
« Reply #298 on: February 11, 2009, 04:59:40 pm »

No, you went after the BowGob squad. The other 2 ambushed Kornash and Vabok.

And they didn't get by you, for some reason you decided to spend most of the battle hanging out by the magma pipe and never reached them until the battle was nearly over.


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Re: Flamebanner (Community Fortress)
« Reply #299 on: February 11, 2009, 05:02:20 pm »

My soldiers do that to me in my castle fort all the time. I'll order them out to fight but they always decide to stand on my bridges instead by the side so that they moat-dodge. It's like they're trying to kill themselves.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.
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