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Author Topic: Flamebanner: The Battle of Flamebanner!  (Read 131684 times)


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Re: Flamebanner: The Time Of Fire Has Come
« Reply #855 on: March 03, 2010, 06:10:48 pm »

...If that actually happened I think it would be a Boatmurdered Class event.

But since we're missing most of the pieces of that puzzle I don't think we'll ever see it happen.


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Re: Flamebanner: The Time Of Fire Has Come
« Reply #856 on: March 03, 2010, 06:41:03 pm »


And this, children, is why cocaine is bad.




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Re: Flamebanner: The Time Of Fire Has Come
« Reply #857 on: March 03, 2010, 08:05:52 pm »

I think the game hates me.

A second Titan just arrived and I'm still working on the Killing Hall. Meanwhile the first Titan is standing around while the Goblins stumble into cage traps.

I think if I can't get our defenses in working order by the Summer (in-game Summer. Not real life Summer) then I'm just going to set the Warriors loose on them all and hope that at least a few survive without massive injury.


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Re: Flamebanner: The Time Of Fire Has Come
« Reply #858 on: March 03, 2010, 08:37:51 pm »

But since we're missing most of the pieces of that puzzle I don't think we'll ever see it happen.
Which is why it would happen.  the sheer impossibility of it loops around a few times and returns to the realm of possible.

Heron TSG

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Re: Flamebanner: The Time Of Fire Has Come
« Reply #859 on: March 03, 2010, 09:03:13 pm »

I merely hope that Speardwarf is prepare to go Ironblood and beat down a Titan alone.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG


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Re: Flamebanner: The Time Of Fire Has Come
« Reply #860 on: March 03, 2010, 09:31:10 pm »

17th Granite

"Come in." Fireheart said as a knock sounded at his office door. Hawkfrost stepped in, a chunk of stone in her hands. "I though you'd want to know that things are getting crazy outside our walls." The Deputy said.

"Crazier then being trapped within our walls by a Titan with half our forces injured?" Fireheart replied.

"Afraid so. The reports our broken as the lookouts can only see so much from the tower. But its enough."

"A second Titan has arrived in the South and was last seen chasing an Elven Diplomat through the hills. Goblin raiders have appeared on the Northern and Southern borders. The Northern group has been cut in half by our traps while the Southern force is busy tearing apart the Elven Caravan." Hawkfrost reported.

"The loss of their caravan and Diplomat won't make the Elves very happy but I spoke with Wok earlier and we're still in no condition to fight. We'll be having another Apprentice Ceremony soon and with luck by Summer our forces will be strong enough to fight." Fireheart said after several moments.

"Also, the Furnace Operator Olin created a pick-axe he calls Islandcall." Hawkfrost added as she headed for the door.

Heron TSG

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Re: Flamebanner: The Time Of Fire Has Come
« Reply #861 on: March 03, 2010, 10:29:26 pm »

We'll be needing a legendary miner to wield that pick in battle.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG


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Re: Flamebanner: The Time Of Fire Has Come
« Reply #862 on: March 03, 2010, 10:48:35 pm »

And currently our only Legendary Miner is Fireheart.

Also the Goblins are pretty much done I think. The 2 Titans each completely demolished a raiding party...and it was quite entertaining to watch  ;D

Also the Elves were destroyed (mostly torn limb from limb actually) by the remaining squad of Goblin Swordsmen and Wrestlers.


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Re: Flamebanner: The Time Of Fire Has Come
« Reply #863 on: March 05, 2010, 10:14:16 pm »

Tol Wonderscribes is dead!!

The Warrior who killed him is still alive...Though they did spend a lot of time being tossed around the confined Hallway.


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Re: Flamebanner: The Time Of Fire Has Come
« Reply #864 on: March 06, 2010, 09:06:18 pm »

Just read through this thing.
Requesting a...
a Longsword dwarf.
Derek Hellbringer if possible.
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


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Re: Flamebanner: The Time Of Fire Has Come
« Reply #865 on: March 06, 2010, 10:13:31 pm »

4th Slate

The place that had become known as the Hall of Death was bustling with Dwarves. Mechanics put together the intricate mechanisms that would power traps while Engravers carved fortifications into the walls and others filled the storeroom with bolts carved from the bones of fallen Undead soldiers.

Kanet and Argonnek paced impatiently along the firing corridor while Speardwarf kept watch on the path between the Hall and the Fortress, watching as the second Titan tossed the Elven Diplomat around.

The place was so busy that no one paid attention to the young Miner weaving through toward the sand that still blocked the entrance.

He was hard to miss as he ran back, screaming as the other workers turned to the Tol Wonderscribes squeezed her massive bulk through the entrance. Terror overwhelmed worker and Warrior alike as the massive creature stomped along the hall.

Gears and spikes clattered to the floor as the Mechanics fled, sweeping Speardwarf along with them.

Kanet and Argonnek readied their bows and took aim, waiting for the Titan to get within range. They didn't expect her to stop, turn around and leave, as Oso Focusplans arrived.

Oso charged headlong at the Marksmen, hitting the tripwires and releasing several large rocks. Raising his fist Oso smashed aside the falling stone.The Warriors had to dive aside to avoid the rocks that crashed through the fortifications.

Running out of the firing corridor Kanet had time to launch a single bolt before Oso stepped on a switch in the floor and was caught unaware by the cage dropping from the ceiling.

Argonnek joined his fellow Marksman and they watched the Titan bang uselessly on the bars. They kept their bows ready though and it was a good thing as Tol reappeared in the hall. As she approached the caged Oso she stepped back and leapt over the trapped creature, smacking Kanet into the wall as she landed.

Argonnek opened fire before the Titan could turn, his bolts biting into Tol's legs but not slowing her down.

Shaking his head to clear it Kanet joined the fight, hands becoming a blur as he snapped bolts into place and fired. One lucky shot took out an eye and the half-blind Titan lashed out, knocking the Dwarves back.

The sound of metal on stone announced the arrival of reinforcements. Turning Argonnek frowned in disgust as Toltot appeared through the doorway, drew his weapon and fell over uncouncious from blood loss.

Pulling the last of his bolts out he fired them into Tol's hip before running forward and driving the spike on his bow into the Titan's foot.

Yelling in pain from the dozens of bolts stuck in her hide Tol went crazy, grabbing the nearest thing, which happened to be Kanet and tossing him about the room. Argonnek had to give his friend credit though. Kanet never stopped firing his bow.

After a while Tol finally started to show signs of injury. Trails of blood ran from the countless wounds the bolts had inflicted as the Titan staggered an fell to the ground.

Pulling his brother's dagger from his belt Kanet moved cautiously forward and drove the blade deep into the Titan's skull, freeing her from the pain.

Wiping the blade off on his leggings Kanet turned and saw a Dwarf in a fancy embroidered robe writing furiously in a notebook. "Who are you?" Argonnek asked as he approached the Dwarf.

Looking up the Dwarf stowed the notebook in his robe and stood. "Zoden Atticgrooves, Philosopher, at your service. And I have to say that your fight with that beast will make an excellent addition to my collection."

"Collection?" Kanet replied, not entirely sure what to think of this Dwarf, who seemed to be yet another Noble who would make stupid demands while good Dwarves died.

"I am a scholar, I've collected books and stories from across the world. I'm proud to say I've even found volumes of Elven and Goblin design."

"I find it hard to believe that a Goblin would know what to do with a book or that Elves would even make them but you're here so you might as well come meet Fireheart." Argonnek said, turning to lead the way through the Hall.

And now we have a Philosopher. Kanet killed Tol Wonderscribes and IF I can make it work I'm going to have the skull made into a totem and place it in Kanet's room as a trophy...Might do that with Wok to if it works out.


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Re: Flamebanner: The Time Of Fire Has Come
« Reply #866 on: March 07, 2010, 04:21:05 pm »

The Humans and Goblins arrived at the same time. Hoping the Humans make it through so I can dump the dead Elves junk on them.


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Re: Flamebanner: The Time Of Fire Has Come
« Reply #867 on: March 07, 2010, 08:49:04 pm »

12th Hematite

Moving through the bushes near the Eastern border Hawkfrost watched the Goblin invaders. Lashers made up the bulk of the group while a bowman and several wrestlers stalked nearby.

Pausing only to explain the situation to her new Apprentice Shorast the Deputy drew her battle-axe, which she had carefully cleaned and polished after it was retrieved from the pool she took a dip with the Undead in.

Leaping out of the bushes Hawkfrost's charge was stopped in its tracks by several whips that wrapped around her weapon arm and legs, sending her tumbling to the ground as the Bowman opened fire and the Wrestlers moved forward.

Using the sharp spikes on her shield the Deputy snapped the whip of the nearest Goblin and removed his head with a swing of her freed weapon arm.

Wading deeper into the enemy soldiers Hawkfrost quickly realized that the odds were against her. It was 10 against 1 and she was so busy parrying blows and dodging whips that she couldn't make even a scratch to the remaining Goblins.

The sound of Shorast's warcry claimed the attention of several Lashers and allowed Hawkfrost a small breather. Gripping her axe tightly she turned to aid her young student and was asounded to see Shorast surrounded by several Goblin bodies and choking the life out of the last of the invaders.

After praising the young Dwarf on such an impressive victory the duo headed back to the fortress to report to Fireheart, picking up the scared Human Guild Representitive along the way.
I am VERY impressed. Hawkfrost, a skilled, armored and weaponed Warrior got a single kill (and went into a trance).
Shorast, an untrained, unarmored, weaponless Peasant scored 10 kills.


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Re: Flamebanner: The Time Of Fire Has Come
« Reply #868 on: March 07, 2010, 09:12:28 pm »

I hadn't planned to use the ceremony but after seeing the results of the fight it just seemed appropriate. So (with some changes) I give you the Warrior Ceremony:

12th Hematite

The Dwarves of Flamebanner were gathered in the courtyard, talking among themselves. They didn't have any clue what was happening but they knew it had to be big. Fireheart's appearence silenced the crowd. Hawkfrost and Shorast appeared beside him.

"It is rare for an Apprentice to prove himself so quickly on the battlefield. It is rarer still for one to do so before they have recieved any training and still return unharmed."

"Due to the victory Shorast made today against the Goblin menace we have decided to make him a Warrior."

"I, Fireheart, Leader of Thunderclan, call upon our ancestors to look down upon this Apprentice. Shorast, do you promise to uphold the code and to protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do" Shorast replied instantly.

"Then I give you your Warrior name. Shorast, from this moment you will be known as Derek "Hellbringer" Cosmosirons, The Fenced Stigma of Jades. We honor your bravery and courage and welcome you as a Warrior of Thunderclan."

Amid the crowd that charged forward to congratulate Derek Hawkfrost appeared at his side. "Make sure to see Sarek later, you'll need a weapon, shield and armor before your first sparring session."

As the new Warrior nodded Hawkfrost moved toward the tables of food and drink Skid's assistants had set out...
We have a new Warrior with a full title after a single battle.  ;D


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Re: Flamebanner: The Time Of Fire Has Come
« Reply #869 on: March 07, 2010, 09:13:50 pm »


I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
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