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Author Topic: Flamebanner: The Battle of Flamebanner!  (Read 131166 times)


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Re: Flamebanner (Community Fortress)
« Reply #30 on: December 09, 2008, 03:45:16 am »

There will be, just want a stronger military first then we'll strike back at the Troglodytes and also eradicate a few fire imps at the same time. No sense taking unneeded losses esspecially with the Goblins still roaming about.


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Re: Flamebanner (Community Fortress)
« Reply #31 on: December 09, 2008, 07:52:33 pm »

To get a military strong enough for attacking the troglodytes, all you really have to do is draft your miners.   Just look at what to of them did to five trogs'.
"Oh look there is a dragon my clothes might burn let me take them off and only wear steel plate."
And this is how tinned food was invented.
Alternately: The Brick Testament. It's a really fun look at what the bible would look like if interpreted literally. With Legos.
Just so I remember


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Re: Flamebanner (Community Fortress)
« Reply #32 on: December 09, 2008, 09:07:44 pm »

Fireheart's Journal 16th Felsite

I summoned Sir Nil and Wok to my office today. When they arrived I gave them orders for hunting down the Troglodytes of the chasm and Imps of the magma then sent them off with a prayer that they would return safely and in one piece.

16th Felsite: Later

Sir Nil struck the first killing blow of the day. He went out with Wok toward the magma pipe when Wok decided now was the perfect time for a nap. He headed back to his room and left Nil alone. Nil came across a lone Imp and charged. The Imp tossed a fireball his way but he dodged it and smashed into the cruel creature, snapping his left leg and right arm on impact. Maimed the Imp tried to drag itself to the safety of the magma but Nil leapt on his back and the creatures flames died before he hit the ground. Nil's only injury was the loss of all the hair from his right arm and leg and a bruise on his left arm.

17th Felsite

Nil and Wok were sent out again after several Troglodytes were sighted to the south of the gate. They made short work of these foes, using their greater speed and strength to break limbs and smash heads in. In total 4 more Trogs fell to their unstoppable rampage.

19th Felsite

Another Imp was killed, this time by Wok. Though he wasn't as lucky as Nil suffering a number of light wounds to his arms, legs and lower body. Even with these injuries he managed to kill the Imp and a Gremlin that crossed his path on the way back. I feel that it will soon be time for their warrior ceremonies.

20th Felsite

Knowing the possibilities that could be had with Troglodyte, Imp and Gremlin bones I gave Newb the go ahead to lead a refuse team out to collect the corpses. They brought back our foes corpses as well as a few charred deer.

21st Felsite

We made Wok into an official warrior today. Of course no ceremony at Flamebanner would be complete without a few dozen barrels of fine Dwarven booze.

sir diesalot

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Re: Flamebanner (Community Fortress)
« Reply #33 on: December 10, 2008, 12:37:44 pm »

Nooooo! My hairy arms! Ah well it could have been worse. I like killing humanoids - their heads smush brilliantly.


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Re: Flamebanner (Community Fortress)
« Reply #34 on: December 10, 2008, 10:50:22 pm »

Fireheart's Journal 26th Felsite

Wok killed another Imp today. The thing didn't even have time to toss a fireball.

2nd Hematite

We had another ceremony today to make Sir Nil a full warrior. I also gave Akhier orders to set up a few traps outside the gate to deter any thieves.

14th Hematite

I called Korgan and Akhier to my office today. I explained to them that the Metalworkers have been quite upset with the lack of work and forges so I had decided it was time to breach the magma pipe to the south-east. With the distance between the pipe and the fortress we have to plan a nondeadly way of getting the magma over to the fort. Korgan will be responsible for planning the pipeline and Akhier will assist him. I hope to at least have the project started by the end of the year.

15th Hematite

Wok returned from his watch at the gate to inform me that the Humans had arrived. I gathered every avalible dwarf to haul bins of Newb's mugs to the newly rebuilt depot. The Human liason met me at the gates introducing himself as Idil Dunemasseg.

Our discussion didn't last long. I arranged for Idil to bring us meat, booze, metal and barrels next year and he gave me a list of items his lord would like in return.

3rd Malachite

The Goblins returned today with 3 Wrestlers, 2 Pikegobs and a Hammergob. Wok and Sir Nil didn't even get out of the dining hall before the Human guards had killed all but 1 Wrestler who escaped to the south. I sent out the haulers to collect the Goblins gear. Nil was requesting that I give him the Hammergob's hammer but I told him to wait. Knowing the Goblins that hammer would probably break in a second. I'm going to have it melted down and reforged once the forges are running.

7th Malachite

I discovered today that the Humans were refusing to trade until their last wagon arrived. I sent Wok to look for it and he returned reporting that the wagon was inching its way down from the mountain top.

7th Malachite: Later

I finally gave up on the Human traders. Their wagon has moved about 10 feet since Wok checked them and if we hang about outside any longer something deadly is bound to happen. I motioned Korgan over and whispered my plan in his ear. Walking over to one of the posts supporting the Depot he started working it out from under the ceiling. The merchants exchanged fearful looks as they watched the main support pillar fall and the remaining supports sway. Motioning Korgan to stop before he could remove another pillar I told the merchants that they weren't welcome at Flamebanner any longer this year. They could leave peacefully but their items would be taken as compensation for the time wasted on waiting for their wagon. They didn't look happy and I'm sure Idil will have something to say but we have important work to do now.
If you guys want to do journal entries for your dwarves then feel free. It could only make the story better.

Mad Larks

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Re: Flamebanner (Community Fortress)
« Reply #35 on: December 11, 2008, 11:39:23 am »

Diary of Korgan Razorrivers, 7th of Malachite.

Given some of the stuff that's happened here, it would probably be a good idea to write down how my life is going.

Which is not good. Or, atleast, it could be going an Armok-load better. First I get hit around by a bunch of Armok-damned troglodytes because Fireheart had forgotten to assign proper security while I had gone out to make sure we got, oh I dunno, bloody safe access to the brook! I was lucky I escaped with just a moderate wound to my arm! Then there was the incident today where he had told me to slowly start removing the support pillars over the Trade Depot. While its true the humies were a bunch of slow bastards, it hardly qualifies for getting their head caven in by rocks. Thats never a nice way to go. Also, why the hell is the Trade Depot above ground? Any dwarf with respect for himself would've just dug out a room inside the fort and some ramps leading down there. We don't have to go outside that way and we can annoy the merchants further by having them travel longer, heheh. Besides, thats a lot easier to defend and trap.

On a more positive note, I did get to be in charge of a new project. Securing the magma pipeline. Even better, Wok killed one of the imps, so maybe they'll think twice about attacking us...yeah, right. At any rate, I do so hope to get my hands on some magma-proof stones so I can make some grates for the pipeline. This way, we can keep out any nasty stuff that may be in the magma. Also, I recently got taken off from mechanics duties, since one of the migrants turned out to be a mechanic of sorts, so thats all good. I guess. We do get to work together quite a lot and I guess he's a nice enough guy. Although that self-proclaimed job title of his, Chaos Lord, scares me a bit. I hope thats not chaos involving traps. I'll be keeping an eye on him.

Urgh, I need some wine...
It's like Schrödinger's cat spinning violently around your head vomiting multicolored flickering 1s and 0s on your eyeballs just trying to contemplate that on any meaningful level.
Follow the ups and down of Urist McBeard, Minerdorf


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Re: Flamebanner (Community Fortress)
« Reply #36 on: December 11, 2008, 08:47:04 pm »

Log of LegoLord, Control Freak

"Well, I can tell this place is new.  I've been so busy I haven't had time to take a proper look at the place.  Korgan's supposed to be working on a magma pipeline to get us magma furnaces.  I took a look at the plans, being a mechanic, and noticed he had grates marked for use.  We don't have much in the way of magma-proof stone here though.  I think I'll need to point out that fortifications work just as well.  Once we have magma, production will go up, and I'll finally have some time to go have a look around and talk to people."
"Oh look there is a dragon my clothes might burn let me take them off and only wear steel plate."
And this is how tinned food was invented.
Alternately: The Brick Testament. It's a really fun look at what the bible would look like if interpreted literally. With Legos.
Just so I remember


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Re: Flamebanner (Community Fortress)
« Reply #37 on: December 11, 2008, 09:42:20 pm »

Log of Wok, first place Warriordwarf

Oh yeah, oh yeah. I'm pumped. So much better than Sir Nil. Nil... hah, they must have named him after how many kills he has! He is nothing compared to the might of the Wok! *crudely drawn image of a dwarf flexing*.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


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Re: Flamebanner (Community Fortress)
« Reply #38 on: December 12, 2008, 12:05:46 am »

Fireheart's Journal 10th Malachite

Vabok, one of our immigrant planters was ambushed by a squad of Goblins while collecting some freshcut wood. He kept his wits about him, knocking a Swordgob into a nearby pond where the foul creature was pulled under by its heavy iron armor. Vabok then fled back into the fortress while the remaining Goblins chased a stray cat.

13th Malachite

Wok and Sir Nil returned from their patrol today to report that the Goblins seem to have left the area. They will most certainly return soon and we'll be ready.

15th Malachite

Korgan completed his plans for the Magma Pipeworks today. As soon as Kornash and myself had looked over it we began digging. The first part was just lenghtening the hallway on the workshop level to make room for the magma shops.

17th Malachite

Started the second part of Korgan's plan today. It involved digging a one dwarf wide tunnel from a point underneath the future workshop to the edge of the pipe.

17th Malachite: Later

Kornash brought a small problem with the pipeline to my attention. Apparently we struck both native silver and kunzite along the tunnel. Kornash's complaint was that if we continue as planned we'll lose access to the ore and gems.

21st Malachite

I decided to suspend the pipeline for a few days to mine out the silver and kunzite veins. Kornash has reported that they are rather large veins but with 2 of us mining and everyone else hauling the material upstairs it should be done in no time.

2nd Limestone

We emptied the ore and gem tunnels of workers and left Korgan and Akhier to wall them off. After a brief meal in the Dining Hall we resumed the digging of the pipeworks.

We also dug a channel inside the workshop. Korgan's plan is that the magma will flow into the channel and power the forges from below.

12th Limestone

The time has come. We sit with only a tiny bit of rock between us and the firey magma. After ordering Korgan, Akhier and everyone else back to the access tunnel. Konash and I set to the careful work of breaching the pipe without being melted in the ensuing flow. As soon as the magma began dripping through the rock we turned and fled a safe distance down the tunnel. There Kornash activated a mechanism that Akhier had set up for him. It worked simply, just causing a hammer to hit the thinning rock enough to breach the pipe fully. As the molten rock oozed down the tunnel we headed into the acces tunnel and sealed the door, putting several iron bars over it so no Dwarf would accidently open it.

Now we wait.

13th Limestone

The merchants arrived from the Mountainhomes today. We took bins full of Newb's mugs and some of the Goblin junk out to the Depot. Being Dwarves they made excellent time down the mountain. Rakust greeted us warmly and I sent him to wait in my office while I took care of the trading.

I never would have thought useless Goblin junk could bring such good fortune. We managed to trade 3 bins of mugs and 2 of narrow clothes for EVERYTHING they had. A ton of various metal bars, some gems, cages, barrels and meat. I even gave them an extra bin of mugs to increase their profits.

The conversation with Rakust went much the same as last year. I requested more metal, booze and food and he gave me a list of things the Nobles would like to buy from us. Then he left, wishing us luck for the next year. The way he said it makes me think he knows something we don't. I made a note to have a work with Wok and Sir Nil about taking on Apprentices of their own.

20th Limestone

A few Goblins tried to ambush the Depot today. The caravan guards had full bolt quivers though and the Goblins were torn apart. Rakust, our Gemworker narrowly survived the flurry of bolts while running inside.

22nd Limestone

The Guards filled another Ambush full of bolts today.

27th Limestone

We build the forge today in preparation for the magma. Hopefully it won't take much longer to flow into the channel.

Posted on the door of the Dining Hall

Could whoever left their pants in here please collect them from the stockpile. They may come in handy.

Legolord, I don't even want to know why your dwarf is running around the fortress without pants.  ???
« Last Edit: December 12, 2008, 03:15:52 pm by thunderclan »


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Re: Flamebanner (Community Fortress)
« Reply #39 on: December 12, 2008, 04:29:31 pm »

 :-[  It was a prank!  Wok pants'd me in the dining hall when I got up to put my turtle shell in the stockpile!
"Oh look there is a dragon my clothes might burn let me take them off and only wear steel plate."
And this is how tinned food was invented.
Alternately: The Brick Testament. It's a really fun look at what the bible would look like if interpreted literally. With Legos.
Just so I remember


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Re: Flamebanner (Community Fortress)
« Reply #40 on: December 12, 2008, 05:17:30 pm »

Wok would never do that! If it was Sir Nil he'd do that, to prove his warriorness, but not an innocent evil madman!
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


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Re: Flamebanner (Community Fortress)
« Reply #41 on: December 12, 2008, 05:26:35 pm »

Wok would never do that! If it was Sir Nil he'd do that, to prove his warriorness, but not an innocent evil madman!
It was Wok, I tell you,  Wok!  He even signed his name and shouted "Wok did it!"
"Oh look there is a dragon my clothes might burn let me take them off and only wear steel plate."
And this is how tinned food was invented.
Alternately: The Brick Testament. It's a really fun look at what the bible would look like if interpreted literally. With Legos.
Just so I remember


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Re: Flamebanner (Community Fortress)
« Reply #42 on: December 12, 2008, 09:10:03 pm »

Fireheart's Journal, 5th Sandstone

I've recruited Urvad Kadoledan and Vabok Godenzenon into the military and assigned Wok to train Urvad and Sir Nil to train Vabok.

4th Moonstone

Urvad and Vabok were made Warriors today. Sir Nil and Wok were proud to see their hard work pay off. Having a military of 4 should make the Goblins fear us even more when they return.

10th Moonstone

Newb organized a party in the Dining Hall today. Looks like a few romances were started today.

6th Opal

Legolord rushed into my office today while I was going over some work orders for statues and furniture. After he caught his breath he told me that he had been in the magma workshops setting up some new tools Akhier had created when he was burned by a furnace. It took me a few moments to get what he was saying. If he'd been burned that meant the furnaces were hot which meant the magma had finally reached the channel. I sent him to find Sarek, Kadol and Zaneg while I rushed upstairs to the workshop. I arrived to the beautiful sight of flames burning brightly in the furnaces of the Forge, Smelter and Glassworks. Sarek and the other smiths showed showed up a moment later carrying their tools. The smiths seemed to brighten up greatly at the prospect of work. Sarek will be the first to use the new forges to create weapons and armor for Wok and Sir Nil.
Guys, now that we have the magma shops going I'll take any requests you guys have for your dwarves rooms. Every dwarf has 3 free spaces left in their rooms for items at the moment.


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Re: Flamebanner (Community Fortress)
« Reply #43 on: December 12, 2008, 10:00:01 pm »

Wok would like any sort of instrument, stone, wood, metal, what have you; to be made in the honor of the militiary.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


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Re: Flamebanner (Community Fortress)
« Reply #44 on: December 12, 2008, 10:44:07 pm »

"I would like a cinnabar lever in my room, as well as a glass coffer and a glass cabinet."
"Oh look there is a dragon my clothes might burn let me take them off and only wear steel plate."
And this is how tinned food was invented.
Alternately: The Brick Testament. It's a really fun look at what the bible would look like if interpreted literally. With Legos.
Just so I remember
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