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Author Topic: Flamebanner: The Battle of Flamebanner!  (Read 131157 times)


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Re: Flamebanner: The Battle of Flamebanner!
« Reply #1545 on: March 31, 2012, 11:18:40 pm »

It's been a year or two, I have no idea what the hell anyone did anymore.

But I do, and that's the important part I would say.


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Re: Flamebanner: The Battle of Flamebanner!
« Reply #1546 on: April 01, 2012, 12:34:21 am »

I swear if I didn't know better I'd think Derek was Armok himself. I really did not expect him to survive all that but he did.  :o  :o

By the time he noticed the net closing around him it was too late. The black armored Goblins had closed ranks, trapping the few survivors of the infantry column to be slaughtered. Derek’s evil doppleganger stood just outside the ring. “Congratulations on wasting your time with the expendable infantry. But now you really must die.” The imposter said before nodding to the Goblins.

Grinning cruel grins at each other they charged as one, screaming and raising weapons. Derek sheathed one sword and reached into one of his belt pouches to pull out a trio of round iron balls. Tossing them to one side he redrew his sword and clashed with the first swordgob as the intricate gears within the balls began turning, opening up the balls and turning the easily stored spheres into mechanical spiders that skittered into battle on Derek’s flank, climbing up Goblin legs and biting with sharp metal fangs before jumping to another target.

The poison quickly brought the bitten to their knees, killing more than half the heavily armored foes before the spiders were cut and smashed apart.

Meanwhile Derek had fought through the remainder of his doppleganger’s squad and as he wiped some blood from his face he enjoyed the expression of shock on the imposter’s face. Roaring in anger the fake Derek drew his own twin blades and charged.

The quartet of blades met in midair, crashing together again and again. The magic embedded in the doppleganger’s blades was strong and Derek found himself shoved back. The veteran Warrior’s eyes narrowed as he realized that he had at last found a foe truly worthy of him.

The fake Derek charged again and Derek met him, slapping one blade aside and rolling under the second before he cut upward, cutting scratches in the engraved armor. The designs glowed briefly before the scratches closed. Swinging his foot into Derek’s chest the imposter sent him rolling back and followed up with a sword to the Warrior’s leg, sword cutting through one of the battle scenes engraved on the armor, beheading a couple of beautifully detailed skeletons as the blade went deeper, biting into flesh.

Derek screamed and in fury sent one sword swinging into the side of his twin’s head, dazing him long enough for Derek to struggle to his feet, though it was obvious that putting too much weight on his injured leg would put him right back on the ground.

“You really think Kaloh didn’t prepare for this fight?” The imposter sneered. “Thanks to our spies we learned all we needed to know about your fighting style. This armor will heal even the worst of injuries and allow me to continue the fight. I don’t believe you can say the same and with your leg injured I think your part in this war is over.”

“True, I certainly can’t move very well now but I bet your head will still become part of my vast collection.” Derek replied, using one sword as a temporary crutch.

“Brave words from a doomed Dwarf.” The faux Derek responded. “Just for the sake of knowing, what makes you think you could possibly kill me now?”

“Not simply kill, decapitate.” Derek corrected. “And I believe I can because I do not restrict myself to simply swinging a sword, I work on my marksmanship with Argonnek on a regular basis.”

“And I’m afraid that training will do you no good without a cros…” The doppleganger’s words broke off as a length of dwarf forged steel slammed into his bare neck, cutting straight through and leaving the impostor with a shocked expression locked on his face as his swords clattered to the ground. The second sword tore through the magical armor, the engravings flaring briefly to life before fading. The impact sent the faux Derek staggering back and finally falling to the ground at which point his head rolled away and Derek’s sword fell beside it.

“I never said I learned with a crossbow.” Derek said as he staggered over to examine the results of his work. Seeing that his aim had been perfect he stooped to pick up the head and look into its shocked eyes. “Let’s see you heal that.” Derek said before falling to the ground, his weakened leg finally giving out on him.

Both sides erupted with noise as they watched the seemingly impossible decapitation of the doppleganger. Cheers rose from the walls of Flamebanner and shouted orders from Uktang’s camp ordered the siege engines to commence firing. As boulders sailed into the air a force of Kobolds mounted up and rode out, intending to collect the injured Dwarf.

Kanet saw this and knew the time had come to spring their surprise on the enemy. Turning to the courtyard he shouted to the Dwarves gathered below. “Thirrin! Go get Derek!”

With a crash of wood hitting stone the gates of Flamebanner burst open and the Warrior Thirrin rode out on her massive white tiger. Behind her rode twenty Dwarves mounted on their own tigers. Armed with spear and sword the Thunderclan cavalry were a terrifying sight.

Thundering across the grass Thirrin shouted orders and spears were lowered. The impact with the Kobold riders was brief and bloody. The brown skinned vermin were run through by spears or cut down by swinging swords. The strange beasts they rode proving no match for the powerful tigers. As the surviving and riderless beasts ran away Thirrin’s mount slid to a halt beside Derek and the Warrior slid to the ground, picking up the unconscious Dwarf and slinging him over the feline’s back. Then she turned to collect Derek’s swords as well as those of the doppleganger. Finally she grabbed the severed head that had dropped from Derek’s hand.

Mounting up she led her riders back into the safety of the fortress, where she turned Derek over to the Medicine Dwarves while the wall mounted siege equipment and Marksmen fought the Goblin crews on the ground…


Yes, Derek did just decapitate someone with a THROWN SWORD! Seemed like something Derek would learn.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Flamebanner: The Battle of Flamebanner!
« Reply #1547 on: April 01, 2012, 12:38:24 am »

Kinda regret not naming him my now-iconic 'Derm' name.

Though it is kinda a synonym for apocalyptic disaster now, so who knows.

In other news HELL YEAH!
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


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Re: Flamebanner: The Battle of Flamebanner!
« Reply #1548 on: April 01, 2012, 12:42:28 am »

I think the name Derek is doing just fine at causing apocalyptic disaster, at least for the enemy :)

We're going deep into battle next update. The BIG EVENT that I've been planning almost since the beginning is nearly upon us.


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Re: Flamebanner: The Battle of Flamebanner!
« Reply #1549 on: April 01, 2012, 01:37:58 am »

It lives! It is comforting to know that Argonnek still stands against the green scum that populates the overlands.


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Re: Flamebanner: The Battle of Flamebanner!
« Reply #1550 on: April 01, 2012, 01:43:24 am »

and the brown scum and the white scum and the scum thats on fire...and all the other varieties of scum :D

Heron TSG

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Re: Flamebanner: The Battle of Flamebanner!
« Reply #1551 on: April 01, 2012, 11:18:20 am »

Hurrah! A great way to start up again.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG


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Re: Flamebanner: The Battle of Flamebanner!
« Reply #1552 on: April 01, 2012, 02:20:01 pm »

As the last of the magically enhanced catapults was crushed under a large boulder, the surviving members of the siege crews fled back to their camp as the Dwarves celebrated another victory. But the battle had cost them dearly.

As Kanet came down from the walls he saw some civilians hauling the boulders away while others helped the wounded inside to the Medicine Dwarves or brought the dead to the pavilion so that the names could be noted in the records before they were brought to their tombs.

Looking back at the walls, Kanet could see the vast web of cracks running along large parts of the stonework. The masons had reinforced those areas as best they could but the Thunderclan Leader knew that another attack would likely bring the walls crashing down. Unwanted images came to his head, visions of Flamebanner burning as it collapsed into ruins, the Dwarves made slaves to the vile Goblins and their multitude of allies.

Shaking his head to clear such dark thoughts from his mind he headed inside to check on the wounded. As he entered the Hospital he was almost run down by a Medicine Apprentice carrying a pile of bandages. Too many beds were occupied by Dwarves groaning in pair or lying ominously silent. Working his way through to Derek's bed he found his friend still uncouncious while a Medicine Dwarf tried to patch up his wounded leg.

"It does not look good." The medic said as she sensed Kanet's presence. "That impostor nearly severed his leg and he has lost a lot of blood."

"Do what you can to get him back on his feet. I believe our final stand draws near." Kanet said as he walked away...

Later that night, as the Warrior lay with his leg cocooned within a thick layer of cloth a gold glow settled over him. "It is not yet time for you to join me Derek." The voice of Armok whispered, penetrating into the Warrior's mind.

"The final battle is upon us and Flamebanner will need every Warrior if you are to withstand the might of Uktang's host." The voice said as both it and the glow faded, and the bandages fell away in a smoking heap, revealing the newly healed leg of the Decapitator. If he had been councious Derek would have seen the new image seared into his breastplate, showing the great victory and masterful decapitating of the doppleganger.


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Re: Flamebanner: The Battle of Flamebanner!
« Reply #1553 on: April 01, 2012, 06:58:06 pm »

The atmosphere inside the command tent was tense as the varied leaders sat watching Uktang pace. "You said that your doppleganger would kill him!" He shouted at Kaloh, who staggered back a step from the furious demon lord but made no other moves.

"My lord, We could not have forseen the Dwarf's survival. We did not see any way a single soldier could possibly stand up to 300 Goblin soldiers, no matter how skilled." Kaloh replied.

"And yet he did!" The demon shouted. "I have had enough of your so called brilliant plans Kaloh. In the morning we throw everything at the walls and once they crumble we crush every stone of this fortress."

"But my lord!" Kaloh said, mindful of the risks involved in interrupting. "We have one more trick up our sleeves. One final soldier to add to your host. But we need time to complete the spells."

Uktang locked eyes with the wizard for a long moment and Kaloh worried that he was about to become a small pile of ash when the demon turned away. "You have one day Kaloh, no more." Uktang growled as he stormed out of the tent.


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Re: Flamebanner: The Battle of Flamebanner!
« Reply #1554 on: April 01, 2012, 11:39:50 pm »

The brief lull in fighting proved useful to the Dwarves as it allowed the wounded precious time to recover. High Priest Othmar had declared Derek's sudden recovery to be a sign of Armok's favor though the Dwarves were just happy to see one of their great soldiers up and moving. The head of the doppleganger had been mounted on the trophy wall in Derek's quarters.

Sentries on the walls could see that the enemy was preparing for battle once more though and so the halls were filled with rushing bodies as smiths labored over the forges and Warriors checked and rechecked their gear. A sizable chunck was taken out of the alcohol supplies as no one wished to face the approaching battle while sober.

Kanet, Argonnek and Shedim made the rounds, bolstering the spirits of their soldiers even as they worried about what would come next...

Heron TSG

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Re: Flamebanner: The Battle of Flamebanner!
« Reply #1555 on: April 02, 2012, 01:19:12 am »

Probably a wee bit disturbing to have your own head staring at you from your mantle, but there's no accounting for taste.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG


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Re: Flamebanner: The Battle of Flamebanner!
« Reply #1556 on: April 02, 2012, 02:11:53 am »

The morning light revealed the full might of Flamebanner's army arrayed on the field between Uktang's camp and the fortress walls. At the center of the Dwarven lines stood King Imbit, great sword sheathed on his back and his personal guardsmen standing ready behind him.

Kanet and Thunder Squad stood to the King's right, the Thunderclan Leader's vast personal armory clinking together as he shifted. Farther on, Derek stood at the head of the Decapitators, ready to pay Uktang back for his injuries.

Argonnek's Rangers were arrayed just past Derek's men. The Crossbow Master wearing a dozen quivers of her strange and varied bolts as well as her own armory worth of other weapons. Thirrin and her Tiger Riders guarded the army's right flank. Though they were not yet mounted every Dwarf knew that they would be battle-ready in mere seconds.

To the King's left stood Shadow Squad, led by Shedim and filled by soldiers trained in the stealthy ways of Shadowclan and armed with sword and crossbow. Though they couldn't see her face within her hooded cloak her men could tell she was locked on the enemy camp, ready to avenge all the lives lost at Spiderthorn.

Sable's Flame Squad and the Warrior Priests made up the remainder of the Dwarven lines, with the members of Beast Squad protecting the left flank through a combination of mace and vicious war animals. Behind all these trained fighters stood ranks of civilians, all armed and armored and ready to aid the battle. Further back, directly against the walls the Medicine Dwarves had set up their gear, ready as they could be to handle the wounded that would soon be coming in.

"Dwarves of Flamebanner." Kanet said, stepping out from the ranks and turning to address the army. "For decades the vile Goblins and their growing collection of allies have waged war on the world, killing, looting and enslaving Human, Elf and Dwarf alike in their pursuit of power. Even the most peaceful village razed to the ground as they seek our complete destruction."

"Today, we stand as the last of our people, the last free Dwarven fortress. We have endured great loss throughout the years but have always come back stronger. Helmthundered, Spiderthorn and dozens of others have fallen but Flamebanner remains strong. With our new friends from Shadowclan we will drive the enemies of Flamebanner back to their pits and tombs and caves, and even Uktang himself shall fall before us."

Kanet's great speech was interrupted by the sound of horns blowing in the enemy camp, this time announcing the movements of every single creature under the Demon Lord's command. Rank upon rank of enemy soldiers marched into positions just outside their camp. The skies blackened with vast swarms of Stingtails and bats.

"The enemy has come." Kanet continued, drawing his magno decorated sword and listening to the sound of weapons being drawn all along the line. "Do your ancestors proud today. For Flamebanner!" His shout was taken up by every Dwarf until it rose to a deafening crescendo.

"Powerful words. Let us hope we can do them justice." A voice said from behind Kanet. As he turned to address the speaker his eyes widened in shock. A Dwarf stood before him, clad in bright golden armor and emblazoned with a symbol that few of those gathered would recognize.

It was not a symbol Kanet would ever forget though, the symbol of the Dwarf who had saved his life at the cost of his own so many years ago.

"Fireheart." Kanet said, as whispers swept through the Dwarven lines...


This will be the time if anyone wishes to post the thoughts of their Dwarves. Might be the last chance you get depending on how things go.


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Re: Flamebanner: The Battle of Flamebanner!
« Reply #1557 on: April 02, 2012, 02:12:44 am »

Considering how much of Derek's decor involves the heads of his enemies I imagine he would be used to it by now.


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Re: Flamebanner: The Battle of Flamebanner!
« Reply #1558 on: April 02, 2012, 02:13:37 am »

Tomorrow I will post the squad list so everyone can see where their Dwarves are fighting and how they have been armed.


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Re: Flamebanner: The Battle of Flamebanner!
« Reply #1559 on: April 02, 2012, 02:42:03 pm »

Here is the squad list, in story terms there are more but I didn't really feel like listing tons of Dwarves just for the heck of it. So I did everyone I could remember and all the claimed Dwarves.

Flame Squad

Sable (Wielder of Flamequill) Artifact Axe Flamequill
G (Warrior) Axe
McClay (Warrior) Sword
Nil (Warrior) Axe
Urist (Warrior) Hammer

Shadow Squad

Shedim (Shadowclan Leader) Crossbow, Short Sword
Eddy (Warrior) Sword
Mestthos (Warrior) Crossbow, Sword
Nabreth (Warrior) Crossbow, Sword

Thunder Squad

Kanet Fireshield (Thunderclan Leader, Weaponmaster) All Weapons
Hammerdwarf (Warrior) Twin Hammers
Darth Vader (Warrior) Sword
Ahra (Warrior) Axe
Hugo (Warrior) Axe, Artifact Shield Chasmshield

Beast Squad

Unesh the Jackal (Wolf Beastmaster) Mace
Zaneg Sodelberul (Leopard Beastmaster) Mace

Tiger Riders

Thirrin (Rider of Tharaman) Sword and Shield
Pai (Rider) Sword, Spear
Seqen (Rider) Sword, Spear
Nefer (Rider) Sword, Spear
Vabok (Rider) Sword, Spear

King’s Guard

King Imbit (King of the Dwarves) Greatsword
Lor (Warrior) Sword and Shield
Thob (Warrior) Twin Maces
Mirstal (Warrior) Hammer
Kivish (Warrior) Spear


Derek “Hellbringer” (Decapitator, Kill Master) Twin Short Swords
Oklit (Warrior) Long Sword
Lokum (Warrior) Great Axe
Deler (Warrior) Great Sword
Suthmun (Warrior) Twin Swords

Rangers of Flamebanner

Argonnek (Thunderclan Deputy, Crossbow Master) Crossbow, Variety of Bolts, Short Sword, Knives
Zoden (Warrior) Crossbow
Kigok (Warrior) Crossbow
Cerol (Warrior) Crossbow
Stesok (Warrior) Crossbow

Warrior Priests

Othmar (High Priest of Armok) Mace
Paneb (Priest) Wrestler
Rithul (Priest) Wrestler
Sakrith (Priest) Wrestler
Soshosh (Priest) Wrestler
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