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Author Topic: Flamebanner: The Battle of Flamebanner!  (Read 131193 times)


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Re: Flamebanner: Fall of Spiderthorn
« Reply #1440 on: May 30, 2011, 12:50:34 am »

Did it in Towersoared, probably could do it here.

And by goblin thing I meant 'Anything even vaguely on the opposing teams side'
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


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Re: Flamebanner: Fall of Spiderthorn
« Reply #1441 on: May 30, 2011, 01:29:12 am »

I guess I'll have to put that claim to the test...provided my plans all work out and my computer doesn't explode when I do it.


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Re: Flamebanner: War Footing
« Reply #1442 on: May 30, 2011, 07:34:18 pm »

I think Kanet is still trying to make up for all that time he spent with just the one kill. He went out to fight the Dragon alone instead of waiting for backup. It was quick but epic.

Also, may have found a lead on the no enemies showing up thing. Out of curiosity I decided to check the legends and see if anything there stood out. Found out that if the fort is abandoned now, it says we are conquered by the Goblins rather then saying we crumbled to our end.

In an effort to fix that I ordered the execution of the half dozen prisoners we have left via magma bathing. Those are the only enemies alive (aside from megabeasts) on the map so hopefully their death will remove whatever obstacle is stopping further attacks.

Made another change to the raws as well, removing the multiple litter rare tag from Dwarves to hopefully speed up our population growth.


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Re: Flamebanner: War Footing
« Reply #1443 on: May 31, 2011, 03:56:17 pm »

Silly game, the fort is still alive.
Am I back? Its a mystery to everyone


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Re: Flamebanner: War Footing
« Reply #1444 on: May 31, 2011, 05:06:47 pm »

The crowd watched in anticipation as Kanet and the others took the stage once more, eager to know who would be joining the ranks of Flamebanner's Warriors.

At a gesture from Kanet, Argonnek stepped forward, clearing her throat as she glanced down at the tablet in her hands.

"First off, thank you to everyone who put their name forward." The Deputy began. "We were able to place most of you though there were some we felt needed a bit more time before being considered ready."

"Joining the Masonry team is Goden Soundedshelter, Imush Mirroredfiend, Kob Guildslunk and Ast Plankbutters."

"The Metalworking team has taken on Rakust Fencedamuses, Doshet Strangledbasement and Roduk Tradegluttons as apprentices in the fields of armor and weapon smithing."

"Now we come to the new Warriors. This is a longer list so bear with me."

"McClay Satinycontrol, Nil Wrathlanterns, Nabreth Windbreaches, Mestthos Creekdungeons, Deler Seizedink, Kivish Glazedrag, Lokum Decentlaces, Oklit Tombclenches, Cerol Bridgedgrove, Zoden Toolempire, Tezad Screambolted and Tekkud Seamdredged."

Having to shout to be heard over the cheers of Dwarves as they congratulated friends and family Argonnek moved to the last name on the list. "Our new Medicine Dwarf is Sigun Balancebridge."

Thats every spare Dwarf for now (several being the children of the count and countess). I will be adding more to the squads as we have more births which should be easy since we've had 2 sets of triplets born since last night.

Also, simply because I felt it was the right thing to do, I made Nil Wrathlanterns a Hammerdwarf. Seemed appropriate  :)


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Re: Flamebanner: War Footing
« Reply #1445 on: June 01, 2011, 09:49:42 pm »

still going? is there any dwarfs left for dorfing? im too lazy to find out. :D
" word is poontang." Full Metal Jacket


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Re: Flamebanner: War Footing
« Reply #1446 on: June 01, 2011, 10:44:42 pm »

Yes this is still going and yes there are plenty of Dwarves left to claim. I think only about a dozen of the 61 currently running around are claimed. Claim as many as you like!  :D


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Re: Flamebanner: War Footing
« Reply #1447 on: June 09, 2011, 05:58:48 pm »

The merchants from the Human lands had arrived and were busy unloading their wares under the watchful eye of their guards when the loud notes of the alarm rose from the Flaming Wall and McClay darted through the gates and vanished into the fortress.

Only a few minutes passed before Kanet appeared and rushed out the gate on some unknown mission...


As he ran through the Northern woods, Kanet's eyes were glued on the plume of smoke rising into the sky. As the Dragon came into view the Warrior moved to the side, using the rocky landscape for cover as he climbed, knowing that meeting the beast face to face would be a good way to get chewed on.

A pained howl rose as one of the fortress's war wolves fell to the Dragon's flames. Watching from a high ledge, Kanet studied his foe, hoping for some chink in the scaly hide he could use to his advantage. Seeing none, he had resigned himself to wait for reinforcements when he was overcome by the battle trance.

Drawing his sword the Warrior rose to a crouch, and with a roar of fury leapt off the ledge, plummeting toward the Dragon's scaly back...


By the time Argonnek arrived with a squad of Warriors, Kanet was absently cleaning the blood from his sword, staring in shock at the two halves of dragon that lay nearby...

Yes, Kanet one shotted a Dragon by cutting it in half...After I had boosted the thing! Wasn't expecting the battle to go quite that fast.


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Re: Flamebanner: War Footing
« Reply #1448 on: June 09, 2011, 07:30:45 pm »

awww, I ran like a little girl, good thing Kanet was there. :-\
Am I back? Its a mystery to everyone


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Re: Flamebanner: War Footing
« Reply #1449 on: June 09, 2011, 09:55:52 pm »

Actually, you were one of the 2 guards in the Flaming Wall watchtower, you ran from there to tell Kanet what was happening while the second Warrior sounded the alarm so anyone outside the walls would know to either get inside or risk dying.

You never met the Dragon in person (I'm not crazy enough to risk fairly new recruits on such tricky enemies when we have Senior Warriors around who can apparently cut Dragons in half.) :)

Heron TSG

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Re: Flamebanner: War Footing
« Reply #1450 on: June 23, 2011, 08:38:43 am »

All hail Kanet, bisector of dragons!

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG


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Re: Flamebanner: War Footing
« Reply #1451 on: June 23, 2011, 10:44:25 am »

Wow, this fort is still going after 97 pages? What year did you start on and what year is now? Also, I'd like an engineer marks/axedwarf named G who has maxed out rage issues AKA get angered quite easily.
Ho Ho Ho! I'm going to be sticking economic stone so far up your stockings, you'll be coughing up gemstone windows!
You see, when the devil comes on to your forums and begins dropping F bombs and shouts 'GIVE ALL YOUR WOMEN!', he's in a happy mood.
if there's lots of g's and z's, it's gobbo. If you don't really recognize it, it's human. if it's called Urist, it's dwarf.


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Re: Flamebanner: War Footing
« Reply #1452 on: June 25, 2011, 12:42:06 am »

I believe we started in Year 3 and it is now Year 34. As well as around 2 years real time (off and on) It's been a while but I refuse to quit with the story only half told!

Sorry for the delays guys, we've been taking advantage of the nicer weather to get some outside stuff done. Hopefully you're all used to this by now  :D


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Flamebanner: War Footing
« Reply #1453 on: June 25, 2011, 11:10:30 pm »

 :-\hellloooo... anyonr in there
Am I back? Its a mystery to everyone


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Re: Flamebanner: War Footing
« Reply #1454 on: June 28, 2011, 03:47:05 am »

3rd Timber

Though the borders of Flamebanner had been secure for quite some time patrols still went out several times a day to walk the borders.

As the Noon patrol reached the wall surrounding the Temple McClay suddenly called a halt, gesturing at his companions Ahra and Hugo to be silent. Over the bubbling of the nearby magma lake the trio of Warriors could hear the tapping of metal on stone from the interior of the wall. Curiousity getting the better him, McClay led his patrol along the wall, heading for the Temple entrance.

As they crossed the fiery red threshold the source of the noise became apparent. A half dozen Kobolds clad in cloaks that nearly matched the walls were chipping away at several points around the courtyard while a larger figure observed from beside the altar.

The observer turned his attention to the new arrivals as the Kobolds continued their work. "Ah, it seems we've attracted some attention. I suppose killing a few more Dwarves won't hurt anything." With that the cloaked figure drew a gleaming obsidian sword and pointed it at the trio of Warriors.

Silently the figure charged the patrol, who, surprised as they were by their discovery barely managed to draw weapons before the stone blade came slashing down at them.

Axe in hand, Hugo roared a drunken battle-cry as he swept his axe low, hitting nothing but air as his foe leapt over the blade, landingand rolling between the Drunken Defender and McClay's own axe to pop up beside Ahra, who cried out in pain as the sword cleaved right through the shaft of her spear and cut deeply into her shoulder, trailing blood as it was pulled free.

Blood flowed freely from the wound, soaking both Dwarf and ground as she fell to one side. McClay was about to attack once more when the sound of Kobolds squealing in fear drew the attention of both Dwarves and the observer.

While their boss had distracted the enemy, the sneaky little creatures had chipped away at several vital support stones, eventually managing to shove the remainder of the blocks free. With the supports broken the stones above the pillars had begun to shift, bowing to the forces of gravity.

As the grinding of shifting stone grew louder the walls began to visibly tilt as the weight of the rock pressed downward. Finally with a crash one of the ceiling tiles fell to the floor and shattered, quickly followed by another and another until it was raining tile.

"I believe our work here is done. We'll be leaving now." The observer said, sheathing his sword and following his Kobold lackeys away from the altar.

"Hugo, get Ahra clear before this place comes down." McClay ordered, raising his voice to be heard over the crash of falling rock. "I want to know who's responsible for this." With that the Axedwarf took off after the fleeing saboteurs, dodging around piles of debris and trying not to be crushed as the outer pillars fell, some crashing against the second floor walls and adding to the chaos.

As he reached the wall though the Thunderclan Dwarf skidded to a stop in surprise. The Kobolds and their leader had vanished into thin air. Knowing that he couldn't make it to the gates in time he knelt down against to the wall, holding his shield overhead with both hands and placing his life in Armok's hands...

20 minutes later, when the massive dust cloud finally settled and began to dissipate, one of the Warriors sent in to check for bodies spotted the glint of metal and with a bit of effort managed to extract McClay from the the rocks that had nearly buried him. The young Warrior was covered in dust and blood seeped from wounds inflicted by the rocks but his chest rose and fell as he breathed but did not wake.

Seeing no other bodies in the area the Warrior hauled McClay onto his shoulders and started back to the gates where Kanet was waiting for a report...

"The Flamebanner Temple lies in ruins." A voice said, gazing at the devastated site from several angles. "Uktang thinks he has struck a blow but he has merely opened the door to what could become another page in Thunderclan's glorious history."

"You!" The voice said as it's owner turned his flaming eyes on one of the Dwarves standing around his throne. "We have need of your unique talents if we are to rebuilt the Temple." The speaker raised a hand to silence the protests. "I know you have a special connection with one of the Craftsmen of Flamebanner. Use that to guide him in this project."

"As you wish My Lord." Barbarossa said, bowing low before taking his leave, passing between the twin ranks of gold clad Dwarven Warriors that guarded Armok's throne room and vanishing through the magma fall that hid the room from the rest of the fiery Blood God's realm.
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