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Author Topic: Flamebanner: The Battle of Flamebanner!  (Read 131263 times)

Ze Spy

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Re: Flamebanner: Summer of Blood and Chaos
« Reply #1215 on: December 07, 2010, 08:27:35 am »

Oh , right

And I am pretty sure you'll go about writing up a Update about one of That demon's sorcerer Made half of the Fortress tantrum etc etc etc



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Re: Flamebanner: Summer of Blood and Chaos
« Reply #1216 on: December 07, 2010, 01:20:45 pm »

I'm not going to tantrum anytime soon, right? I'm opposed to killing dwarves.


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Re: Flamebanner: Summer of Blood and Chaos
« Reply #1217 on: December 07, 2010, 01:25:49 pm »

Ze: Actually no. This is just a simple case of Tantrum Spiral. The only thing our enemies did was kill the first 14.

Argonnek: I believe you're one of the few who hasn't tantrumed (My guess is the "Doesn't really care about anything anymore" thing is helping.) Though if I remember rightly you did kill a couple of Dwarves who went Berserk...I'd have to check to be sure though.


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Re: Flamebanner: Summer of Blood and Chaos
« Reply #1218 on: December 07, 2010, 05:12:47 pm »

10th Timber

Pushing the scarred remnants of the door open, Kanet and Argonnek moved cautiously out into the Dining Hall, crossbows at the ready. Thinner after several weeks of little food and entirely too sober after their supplies of booze ran out the pair had been forced out of their barricaded sanctuary.

The Hall spoke of the chaos that had fallen upon the fortress in the Summer and Autumn. Countless bodies littered the floor, among the debris of broken tables and chairs and toppled statues. Shifting enough of the rubble to open the doors they moved into hallways that were almost as bad.

They continued to glance around as they made their way to the stairs, ready to fight if any insane Dwarves appeared.

Oddly enough, the workshop level was almost intact. The only shop that had been attacked was the Mason's and the body of Korgan lay half in/half out of the doorway. The multitude of stone coffins implied that he had remained sane and worked to give an ever growing number of dead a suitable resting place right up to his own death.

The lack of life worried the Leader and Deputy as they made a beeline for the food and booze stockpile. After ensuring that the supplies had not been tainted by the rotting bodies that lay among the barrels they drank heavily, greatly enjoying the taste of fine Dwarven brews after so long without them.

Sated and feeling strong again the duo filled their packs and returned to the stairs, intending to make for the Barracks and Infirmary.

They were in for a surprise as they ascended into the entrance hall. Thick slabs of granite had been placed hurriedly at both ends of the hall, blocking all outside access. The doors of the Barracks were open wide though and the sounds of weapons clashing and bolts hitting targets echoed out to them.

Kanet sighed in relief as he entered the Barracks and saw that at least some Dwarves had survived. The Warriors Aban, Kodor, Mingkil and Kel were sparring while the Marksdwarf Kigok sent bone bolts flying at the targets in the archery range.

"We were beginning to wonder if you'd survived." A voice from the left made them turn as Sable and Derek entered from the armory. The Senior Warriors looked battered and worn but otherwise seemed in good spirits.

"We managed to take refuge in my office. We had enough supplies in our packs for a couple months but we had to come out eventually. I'm just glad we aren't the only ones left." Kanet said, returning Sable's grin.

"There aren't many of us left alive I'm afraid." Derek reported. "Counting you two we're up to a dozen Warriors and a few civilians. There are probably more hiding out around here but they probably don't realize its safe to come out."

"Is it actually safe?" Argonnek asked.

"Aye, once Dwarves started going into hiding the insane more or less killed each off. There are still a few miserable souls who may still snap but I believe we're in control of the situation again." Sable replied.

"What about the hall? Why is it blocked off?"

"Back in Early Autumn the Undead showed up again." Derek reported grimly. "We were still in the grip of the insane so we did the only thing we could to survive, blocked the entrances to the fort and hotel and hope they don't feel like digging to get at us."

"Sadly, not everyone got inside in time. We know Endok was out there along with at least 3 Warriors" He continued. "Tharnas included."

"They might still be alive." Kigok broke in, appearing in the doorway of the range. "Tharnas is a tough Dwarf and Endok has the hammer of his. Heck, he's probably thrilled he finally gets to beat someone with it." He laughed at the mental image of the Undead trying to fight the might of a Hammerer.

"There one way to be sure." Kanet said. "We'll open the door and see for ourselves."
The Tantrum Spiral ended after a few monthes. I'm still working on figuring out who's left but as of now I know that the following are dead:

Jillian, Head of Farming
Sarek, Head of Metalworking
Legolord, Head of Glassworking
Igorina, Head Leatherworker
Rakust, Head of Woodworking
Barbarossa, Master Architect and Engraver
Reg, Head of Masonry
Korgan, Head of Masonry
Etest Kudar, Weaponsmith
Eli, Mechanic
Gizmo, Siege Operator/Engineer
Hexed, Siege Operator/Engineer
Tulon, Master Chef
Olin, Brewmaster
Akhier, Head Mechanic
Newb, Trademaster
Mothwing, Medicine Dwarf

So, pretty much every single forum member character is dead as well as our Medicine Dwarf and all 7 of the Founders: Fireheart, Kornash, Jillian, Legolord, Sarek, Skid and Newb.

If anyone wants a new Dwarf (or 2 or 3) you know the drill. Flamebanner has survived so this will continue.  :)


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Re: Flamebanner: Summer of Blood and Chaos
« Reply #1219 on: December 08, 2010, 04:33:33 pm »

Wow, that's one nasty tantrum spiral.


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Re: Flamebanner: Summer of Blood and Chaos
« Reply #1220 on: December 08, 2010, 07:28:21 pm »

Yeah, as of this moment our community of 220 Dwarves is down to around 30, and some of them are still miserable/insane.


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Re: Flamebanner: Summer of Blood and Chaos
« Reply #1221 on: December 08, 2010, 08:43:44 pm »

Damn. I'm glad my dwarf's apathetic to the things around her.


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Re: Flamebanner: Summer of Blood and Chaos
« Reply #1222 on: December 08, 2010, 09:11:20 pm »

Damn. Dwarf-me died. That's a tad bad. Oh well. Can I claim a swordsdwarf?
They started to collide~


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Re: Flamebanner: Summer of Blood and Chaos
« Reply #1223 on: December 08, 2010, 09:49:41 pm »

Of course...I think one of the survivors is a Swordsdwarf. Though I'd prefer not to use the name Hexed again if you have another name handy...


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Re: Flamebanner: Summer of Blood and Chaos
« Reply #1224 on: December 10, 2010, 04:02:06 am »

17th Timber

After spending several more days rounding up the survivors from inside the fortress and entombing a few of the more disgusting smelling bodies Kanet gathered everyone in the entrance hall. The civilians had all been armed with a variety of weapons from the Armory, just in case any hostiles were lurking outside.

"Open it." Kanet said, nodding to Nurom and Kel, who stood on either side of the stone slabs. Heaving with all their strength the duo managed to shove the obstacles away. Briefly blinded by the sun after so many weeks underground, the Dwarves could do little more then blink and shield their eyes for several seconds.

As vision returned though, they saw that the chaos had hit here as well. The meeting area was cluttered with bodies, including those of Tharnas, Endok and the other Warriors. As the group moved outdoors they could see that the area around the gate was littered with bones and equipment, a sure sign that the Undead had made another attack and this time, breached the very walls of Flamebanner.

"Spread out and see if anyone is still alive." Kanet ordered. Nodding agreement, the other Warriors divided the civilians into search parties.


An hour was all it took to search the remainder of the fortress. As the last of the serach parties returned they reported like all the others. Mansionbrimmed Manor, Orwen's Tower and the Temple of Armok were devoid of life or undeath but the Manor held several more bodies.

Kanet was just about to order everyone back inside when Argonnek spoke suddenly. "What about the wilderness?"

"What about it?" Derek asked, confused

"Well, we know the Undead came back, and we know Tharnas and the others must have seen them off but died afterward." She explained quickly. "Isn't it possible that some of the civilians might have escaped through the gates during the battle and be hiding out in the wilderness, just in case the Undead won the battle?"

"Wouldn't they have come back by now though?" Kigok asked.

"Not if they don't know there are survivors from inside. Why risk coming back when the skeletons might be roaming free and with no certainty that anyone inside was alive?" The Deputy pointed out.

"She's right. It is a slim possibility." Kanet said, seeing the sense to such a plan. "Sable, get up to the tower and see if Wok's horn is still there. If it is, sound the all clear."

Sheathing Flamequill, Sable ran over to the gatehouse and vanished inside to reappear on the walls a second later. The small group waited hopefully, and managed a small cheer when the clear, crisp notes of Wok's horn echoed out from the stone structure...


Argonnek was quite pleased. Her hunch had been right. Shortly after the blowing of the horn, a pair of Dwarves appeared in the gateway. They looked overjoyed to see other Dwarves and came rushing over.

"Names?" Derek asked, pulling a stone tablet out of his pack, which he'd been marking survivors names down on.

"Planter Cerol Beakwind and Armorer Kol Paintstood the Still Lost-Portal of Circumstance." Replied a bruised and battered Dwarf. Underneath the dirt and blood the Warrior could almost make out one of the Dwarves who had worked and taken meals with Sarek's team.

The happy greetings were interrupted by a voice from the gates. "Um...Excuse me? Is this Flamebanner?" asked a nervous looking Dwarf in the outfit of a farmer. His two companions were too busy gazing at the carnage around them to speak.

"It is, Though I'm afraid things are a bit messy right now." Kanet answered.

"Well, we came here to get away from the Kobolds." The first Dwarf said. "They've become a force to be reckoned with lately. They took the town of Kragnir without any of their allies."

"Well, the Undead tried and failed to take Flamebanner even when only a couple of Warriors and a mad Hammerer were defending it." Derek pointed out, gesturing to the bones scattered around.

"True. Plus its not like there are many other options these days." One of the others spoke up.

"Can I add you to the list then?" Derek asked.

"Engraver Atir Keyivy, Leatherworker Shorast Wheelboard and Miller Zasit Crystalshuts." The final member of the group said after conferring with his companions.

"Welcome to Flamebanner then." Kanet said warmly. "Let's get inside before it gets much later."
Migrants! I didn't think anyone would be coming to this "cursed deathtrap" for years and yet we got 3 new Dwarves!


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Re: Flamebanner: Summer of Blood and Chaos
« Reply #1225 on: December 10, 2010, 04:20:36 am »

20th Timber

The survivors of Flamebanner had gathered in the Barracks after another day of cleaning blood and hauling bodies. Derek and Sable had finally finished the list of fallen Dwarves and were about to make their report.

"First, the bad news." Sable said as she picked up a tablet from the table. "We've lost most of our Warriors as well as most of our skilled Craftsmen. That includes Metalworkers."

"It gets worse though." Derek stated before anyone else could speak. "We also found the body of Rakust, our Liaison from the Mountainhomes"

"Whats the good news?" Argonnek asked, seeing the pained expression on Kanet's face as he heard of the Liaison's death.

"Well, with the new arrivals we have a grand total of 13 survivors." Sable said brightly, passing the list of names to Kanet.

Leader Kanet Fireshield Whipsystems the Gilded Frost of Equality
Deputy Argonnek Roofsea the Tall Labor
Decapitator of Undead Derek Hellbringer Cosmosirons the Fenced Stigma of Jades
Sable Finderaxes the Romantic Jail, Wielder of Flamequill
Warrior Nurom Fatgate
Warrior Kel Satinglad the Infinite Echoes
Marksdwarf Kigok Paddlemaster
Engraver Atir Keyivy
Armorer Kol Paintstood
Leatherworker Shorast Wheelboard
Miller Zasit Crystalshuts
Planter Cerol Beakwind
Peasant Ushat Doomedworks
That's everyone we have left. 220 Dwarves down to 13...A dark day for Flamebanner...


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Re: Flamebanner: Summer of Blood and Chaos
« Reply #1226 on: December 11, 2010, 02:34:00 am »

21st Timber

"Ok everyone." Argonnek said as the small group of civilians gathered around her. "Until we can get some more help we're all going to be having to do more work. We've given each of you several assignments which may or may not include things you know."

Pulling the rolled up paper from her pack she read it's contents aloud:

"First off, anyone without a job is to be on hauling duty. Kanet has decided that we need to prove we're still great both militarily and economically. For that reason he has ordered that all the remaining beds, tables, chairs and doors be removed and dumped into magma." She paused to stave off the rising protests.

"Yes, I know we'll be roughing it for a while but we'll have quarters set up again in no time. Thats your job Atir. You are to expand your stoneworking skills to creating furniture."

"Cerol, we have a decent supply of food and booze for such a small number so you are being sidetracked to carpentry and woodcutting. Your first order is to make new beds for us and any future arrivals."

"Ushat, As you have no particular skills we're putting you in charge of decoration. You'll have full access to all our gem and metal supplies in order to decorate the new furnishings."

"Kol, as the only Dwarf left who knows how to run the forges you'll be busy with non-military metalwork. Like Atir, you'll be building furniture."

"Zasit, Shorast, we don't have anything specific for you to do for the moment so just help out where you can." Argonnek said, rolling up the paper and stowing it once more as the Dwarves hurried off to begin work on restoring the fortress...


Also, I have this desire to build some sort of monument to celebrate our survival. Anyone have any ideas? Our main building materials are iron and red felsite.


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Re: Flamebanner: Summer of Blood and Chaos
« Reply #1227 on: December 11, 2010, 12:49:04 pm »

A giant dwarf carved out of the mountainside, looking upon all that occurs in our lands.


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Re: Flamebanner: Summer of Blood and Chaos
« Reply #1228 on: December 11, 2010, 01:27:00 pm »

We don't really have a mountainside left...

Heron TSG

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Re: Flamebanner: Summer of Blood and Chaos
« Reply #1229 on: December 11, 2010, 10:27:41 pm »

Can I have the wandering spirit of Barbarossa the Master Engraver possess Ushat as he works on decorating things? Seems like a suitable host body.

As far as monuments go, I'd recommend a self-sufficient tantrum shelter. You could make a checkerboard instead though, since you have red and black.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG
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