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Author Topic: Flamebanner: The Battle of Flamebanner!  (Read 131280 times)


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Re: Flamebanner: The Time Of Fire Has Come
« Reply #1155 on: September 15, 2010, 08:36:02 pm »

22nd Malachite

"Come in." Firetower answered the knocking on his office door. As the newly arrived soldiers entered with Kanet and Barbarossa the Thunderclan Leader motioned the pair into chairs brought in from the Dining Hall while the Deputy remained beside the door and Barbarossa prepared to take notes.

"So, Who might you two be?" Firetower asked.

"Fath Closetstills and Zoden Lonelytheatre." The Sworddwarf replied, motioning first to himself and then to his comrade.

"And what brought you running to Flamebanner?"

"Nothing, Flamebanner was just the first place we came across that was still in Dwarven hands and not on the verge of destruction." Zoden replied.

"We were part of the troop from the Capital that was stationed at the mining fortress in the Silvergate Mountains." The Speardwarf continued. "Uktang's forces attacked it back in early Slate. We held out for about a week before sheer numbers overwhelmed the defenders. Once the Goblins breached the walls there was no chance left of victory. We managed to escape through the mines while the enemy forces stopped to slaughter the miners."

"We picked up a couple of civilians on the way out and made for the closest fortress." Fath took up the story as Zoden paused.

"But there are at least a half dozen places both Dwarven and Human between here and Silvergate. Why not stop at one of them?" Kanet asked from his place at the door.

"Because they've already fallen! Uktang has been busy making new alliances and deals in order to expand his army. From what we've seen he has Goblin, Kobolds and Undead at his disposal. His generals have been slowly conquering every fortress and town, murdering everyone that can fight and snatching the children to train themselves." Fath said.

"The area around Violethaven is one of the worst though." Zoden piped up once more, giving the name of a hunting camp set up by Dwarves and Humans to give both groups ample access to the multitude of game that roamed the forests there. "The forests are pretty much burned to a crisp and most of the game turned Undead along with the hunters. Though a few Dwarves stuck around, enjoying the greater challenge of felling Undead creatures...and the occasional patrol of Goblin soldiers. They changed the name of the place to Zombvile."

"We just kept moving, taking out or avoiding contact with anyone as much as possible. With all the Dwarves being snatched by Goblins its hard to know who's actually a friend out there." Fath said, finishing the tale.

"Well, you're welcome to remain here in Flamebanner. We can use every Warrior we can get." Firetower said after a quick conference with Kanet. "Kanet will see that you're trained and assigned a squad."

The pair were led out by Barbarossa, leaving the Leader and Deputy alone.

"The news of Uktang's growing forces is disturbing. He may prove stronger then us." Doldinn said thoughtfully. "Not a chance." Kanet replied. "We've shown Uktang that his forces outnumber us but we are the more skilled army."

"True, It would take far more soldiers then we've seen yet to breach the fortress walls." Firetower said as he turned back to the work of running the fortress...
A little history and geography there. Plus we get 2 new warriors clad in full steel armor. I'd call that a good thing  :D

Just a note that we still have LOTS of Dwarfs that are claimable, and yes Ze, Wheatly will be added but only when I decide the time is right.


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Re: Flamebanner: The Time Of Fire Has Come
« Reply #1156 on: September 19, 2010, 01:50:41 am »

I think some of Kanet's skill has rubbed off on Argonnek...An impressively quick kill on the part of our resident Crossbow Master.


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Re: Flamebanner: The Time Of Fire Has Come
« Reply #1157 on: September 19, 2010, 03:02:40 am »

18th Sandstone

"Bow before the might of Ngustrek!"

The booming voice sent the merchants scurrying for the cover of the Depot while Dwarven Warriors prepared their weapons and headed out to confront a new threat.


The Titan gazed serenely out over the land he would soon be claiming as his own. He spotted a small figure running towards him, crossbow in hand. With his attention fixed on the approaching Marksdwarf the giant humanoid was taken by complete surprise when a second Dwarf leapt onto his shoulder and started smacking him upside the head with a hammer.

Flicking the annoying pest away Ngustrek returned his attention to the second attacker who unleashed a bolt from her bow into his hastily raised arm. Intending to stop further projectiles he sent an elephant sized fist hurtling toward the Dwarf...who leapt away while loosing a second bolt into his elbow.

Several more attacks later the Dwarf was still leaping around and Ngustrek was cringing everytime he moved due to the number of bolts protruding from his arms and legs. Howling in frustration he charged his irritating foe, taking the Dwarf by surprise as he scooped her into his fist, crushing her bow in the other.

"Now you will die like your friend." Ngustrek said, grinning wide.

"I'd prefer you to do the dying actually." The Dwarf said, producing a second crossbow, fitted with a bolt ordinary in every way except for the metal canister attached to it. Firing at such close range the bolt buried itself between the Titan's eyes.

A bluish wave emanated from the canister, flowing over the face of the Titan, who screamed in pain briefly before his eyes rolled back and he toppled, the Dwarf leaping clear and hitting the ground in a roll.


After ensuring that the Titan was dead, Argonnek retrieved the canistar from the electrical bolt and after stowing it safely in a pouch on her belt made for the brook.

She arrived to find Kanet crawling out of the water, still dazed from the flight off the Titan.

"I think we may want to put "Jumping onto Titans" on the list of bad ideas" She said as she helped her lover to his feet and watched the first civilians arrive to tow the massive corpse to the fortress...
Now Kanet and Argonnek each have 1 Titan kill to their names. I have to admit I thought Kanet was ging to grab the kill as he was first to arrive on the scene but getting knocked uncouncious when he flew into the brook sort of wrecked his chances. Argonnek took care of it very nicely though.  :D

Also, due to a recent influx of refugees we are at 190 Dwarves and 48 Warriors. And yet somehow we're still a City with a Countess. I really wish that fortress title would change already...

Heron TSG

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Re: Flamebanner: The Time Of Fire Has Come
« Reply #1158 on: September 19, 2010, 02:41:27 pm »

Awesome, two dwarves taking down a Titan is pretty impressive.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG


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Re: Flamebanner: The Time Of Fire Has Come
« Reply #1159 on: September 19, 2010, 03:26:18 pm »

I found it interesting that Kanet and Argonnek have been the only ones on hand when Titans arrive. They were alone before but this time their squad just didn't show in time. Also strange that we haven't seen any Hydras, Dragons or Bronze Colossi yet. They're out there, they just don't care about Flamebanner apparently.


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Re: Flamebanner: The Time Of Fire Has Come
« Reply #1160 on: September 19, 2010, 07:50:37 pm »

Lol, husband and wife titanslayers.


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Re: Flamebanner: The Time Of Fire Has Come
« Reply #1161 on: September 19, 2010, 08:35:44 pm »

Not yet, strangely enough. Just Titanslaying lovers at the moment.


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Re: Flamebanner: The Time Of Fire Has Come
« Reply #1162 on: September 21, 2010, 02:57:05 am »

Well, some of you guys got VERY lucky. This last siege had about 6 elites that killed 3 dwarves before the game stopped responding on me.


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Re: Flamebanner: The Time Of Fire Has Come
« Reply #1163 on: September 21, 2010, 04:24:58 pm »

Actually got through the siege this time but there were losses among the Warriors.


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Re: Flamebanner: The Time Of Fire Has Come
« Reply #1164 on: September 21, 2010, 07:36:42 pm »

10th Granite

The Undead were spotted as soon as the crossed the border and the alarm sounded from the tower.

Within minutes all civilians who had been outside the walls were gathered in the meeting area and the Warriors were pouring forth from the barracks.

Firetower and Kanet arrived last, the Thunderclan Leader with spear in hand and his Deputy checking the multitude of weaponry that was strapped to his armor or hanging from his belt.

"Tamunshin, what have we got?" Firetower asked as the Warrior came down from the tower.

"Three squads to the South and another on the cliffs along the Northern border." He reported.

"Alright." Firetower paused to look over the soldiers before continuing. "Zoden, you'll guard the gates. Sable, keep your squad on standby in case we need you. Kanet, Derek, you'll accompany me." With that Firetower motioned to his squad and headed out, Gumar and the others on his heels...


The trio of Firetower, Derek and Kanet split up as they left the protection of the gates, each intending to take on a different enemy squad.

Derek, Tamunshin and Tharnas were first to engage, the Decapitator's swords twirling in deadly arcs around him as he leapt right into the center of the enemy troops, aiming for the Axe Lord leading this group.

Tharnas and Tamunshin were left to face the Wrestlers and Pikemen who charged them. Tamunshin's axe blade deflected several pikes while Tharnas attacked the skeletal invaders joints with his spear, seeking to remove arms or legs since there was little else to stab.


Kanet's squad was faring far worse against their opponents. The Marksdwarf Amud had been killed by the skeleton Swordsmen and the Deputy was bleeding from a cut on his shield arm. Argonnek had taken to the trees, firing a pair of exploding bolts into the horde surrounding Kanet before she summoned help, which arrived quickly, Sable roaring as she emerged from the bushes, Flamequill scorching through a Wrestler's torso as she led her squad to the fight.


Ducking under the Axe Lord's swinging weapon Derek sheathed one sword and readied his shield for the next strike. The axe squealed as it scraped along the face of the shield and Derek spun to hack at the exposed weapon arm, though the iron only cracked under the repeated blows. The skeleton's massive shield swung down, throwing the Dwarf backwards and leaving a dent in his armor.

Cutting off a Wrestler's swinging arm as he closed to melee range again Derek paused to observe his enemy, try to find a weakness of some sort. The elite Undead was clad completely in iron armor and aside from the cracks in the weapon arm's gauntlet was undamaged.

A pained cry from the left attracted his glance and his spirits sank as he saw Tharnas limping away from the battle and Tamunshin with a spear protruding from his torso as he collapsed onto his side. The skeleton who pulled the spear out of the heavily bleeding Dwarf was only able to enjoy the victory for a second before the Hellbringer's shield severed its neck, skull breaking to pieces as it hit the hard ground and redead body falling over the injured Warrior's.

As he brought his attention back to the Axe Lord Derek felt his mind being overwhelmed by the thrill of battle as a trance claimed him...

First part of the siege report done. We lost Tamunshin and Amud and Tharnas was sent flying and left injured.


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Re: Flamebanner: The Time Of Fire Has Come
« Reply #1165 on: September 21, 2010, 10:16:03 pm »

Didn't actually see Derek's fight through to the end. I was slightly distracted by the other battle.

10th Granite Continued

Roaring in fury Derek charged the armor clad skeleton, swords sending up sparks as the scraped against the armor. The Axe Lord was forced backwards under the rain of sword blows. Backing the invader into the trees proved helpful as the multitude of branches prevented any big sweeps of the great axe but allowed a pair of short swords the same ease of use they had on the open field.

At such a disadvantage the skeleton could do little more then block a blow here and there with its shield as the furious attacks turned the armor into a dented and broken mess that soon contained the dust of a broken and shattered skeleton.


Digging his spear into the ground, Firetower used the leverage to vault over the Spearmaster's head as the skeleton hit the trip wire and was snared by the cage that fell from the trees. Glancing down the line of hidden traps he saw the pair of Macemen he had already tricked into the cages were still contained.

Another Warrior smashed into Doldinn, knocking him aside as a spear flew overhead, burying itself deep in the trunk of a tree rather then in Firetower's body.

Rolling to his feet he gave the battlefield a quick glance and settled on charging the Macelord, who laughed as the spear passed between the bones without doing any actual damage. A mace blow stunned him momentarily and a kick send the Dwarf flying into one of the pools that dotted the landscape as a Wrestler leapt in after him.

A skull floated to the surface, followed slowly by a few other assorted bones. Then Firetower broke the surface, not even gasping as he swam to the side of the pool and hauled himself out.

A second charge faltered as a wave of pain ran through the Leader's right leg and he stumbled to the ground. The Macelord strode over with the few remaining members of his squad as the Thunderclan Leader was overcome by the pain and blacked out.


"The cowards fled!" Zoden reported to Kanet as the Deputy reached the gates. Though bruised and bloody he and Argonnek had managed to destroy their enemies with the help of Sable and her squad.

"So the Northern border is clear?" Kanet asked, wanting to be sure before he allowed clean-up to begin. "Yes, my men shattered the stragglers."

"Alright then. Tell the civilians that they can start the clean-up." Kanet said before heading inside to the Barracks with Argonnek.

"Derek, how'd it go?" Argonnek asked as she poured herself a drink from the barrel of wine Gumar had borrowed from the storeroom.

"We lost Tamunshin, and Tharnas is in the Infirmary with a mangled leg." Derek reported.

Before any of the trio could say more the sounds of a trumpet filled the air. Recognizing the notes that announced a death they joined the river of bearded bodies that were following the sound.

Reaching the gates of the outer wall the sea of beards parted to let a pair of Dwarves through, bearing a body on a litter between them. Kanet recognized Gumar and Keshan and with a start realized the body they carried was that of Doldinn Firetower.


"There is no doubt in the matter." Mothwing was saying to the half dozen Dwarves assembled in her office. "He lost all his remaining lives, he is with the ancestors and Armok now."

"So...I'm Leader now?" Kanet asked, though he knew what the answer would be. "Yes, that is the way of Thunderclan. Though first we must entomb Doldinn."

"I'll make the arrangements. The Engravers and Metalworkers will be busy for a little while." Kanet replied, leaving to give the orders to Sarek and Barbarossa.

Firetower is dead, leaving Kanet to take over as Thunderclan's new Leader.

I figure some of you Dwarfed people may have things to say in journal entries so while I work out the ceremony you guys feel free to put down the thoughts of your Dwarves  :D

Ze Spy

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Re: Flamebanner: Under New Management
« Reply #1166 on: September 22, 2010, 06:49:33 am »

Another Post-introduction Journal , Don't Start Running in my House and Screaming How i am "Saying Things Before i Was Even in"

Wheatley's Journal
Observing the Land over the So Called "Flamebanner" , i Can tell that The Dwarves are Brave and Strong , Hell , Even a Bunch of Soldiers Could Repel An Entire Goblin Invasion Siege , Of Course , i had To Clean up The Mess By Placing Holes in The Back of the Retreating Goblins , but i Have Never Seen Such Perfect Work , But i Think they Lost Someone in a High Position , as Everyone Was Mourning by The Dead Body of Some Speardwarf , or If it was the Normal Death Mourn for Casuaties in Flamebanner

Still , i am Confused at how Medical Liquid Works , In the Middle of a Battle , Let someone Eat a Mouthful of Bolts , Slap Some Medical Liquid on them , And they'll Spring up Anew , But Slap the Liquid on Someone After a Battle , And it Won't Even Do a single bit

I'll Join them Soon Enough , But Hopefully the Leader doesn't Enlist me to a Squad , Ya know , i am Used to Workin' Alone
« Last Edit: September 22, 2010, 06:52:40 am by Ze Spy »


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Re: Flamebanner: Under New Management
« Reply #1167 on: September 22, 2010, 12:15:12 pm »

I like it...Except that it was Undead, not Goblins  ;D

sir diesalot

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Re: Flamebanner: Under New Management
« Reply #1168 on: September 22, 2010, 04:31:02 pm »

Diary of Etest,
Since I made the amazing spear, I've felt the need to go out and fight. The urge started when I met with the Deputy during whatever happened to me...
I need his hammer, it's time to live up to my name, Duty Immortal the humans would call me - for Firetower and Flamebanner.

(Yeah, back when I asked for this guy, I chose a cool dwarven name for just such an occasion as this)


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Re: Flamebanner: Under New Management
« Reply #1169 on: September 22, 2010, 06:07:44 pm »

Tamunshin's last thoughts:

... Darn.
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