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Author Topic: Tombquills: A Grand Experiment in Equality (Community)  (Read 5307 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tombquills: A Grand Experiment in Equality (Community)
« Reply #30 on: December 04, 2008, 10:17:19 pm »

Idea for military: Either have EVERYONE on duty, or NO ONE on duty. Sparring breaks only en masse!

Alternatively, enable hunting on everyone and gear 'em up. You'll have people looting animal corpses constantly, but hunters will don military equipment if enabled and fight if provoked. (I think.) Maybe just a few selected hunters, if that's more reasonable.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tombquills: A Grand Experiment in Equality (Community)
« Reply #31 on: December 04, 2008, 11:29:42 pm »

Let me tell you, I almost cried when I saw the flame maiden attack the caravan, but I got this huge *rush* of elation when I saw the axedwarf die.  I haven't felt this emotional about a bunch of dwarves since my first one died.

As for the military: right now, that's what I'm doing -- whether for attack or defense, *everyone* gets activated.  I think that's what I'm going to stay with, and just rule it that dwarves who go elite and don't stand down have become heroes of the people.  The only catch will be that dwarves won't get sparring practice *until* they reach that point, because they'll only be on duty when activated.

(I've played around with hunting, but apparently hunting is 1) a very high priority job, leading to situations where everyone is hunting, and 2) a hunter with nothing to hunt seems like they'll still wander the map.  So I've had situations where everyone is hunting, but nothing is actually getting done.)
Also, you can manufacture vomit at a smelter.  Subsequently removing the smelter spews vomit over a surprising area.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tombquills: A Grand Experiment in Equality (Community)
« Reply #32 on: December 05, 2008, 12:23:17 am »

8th Sandstone: TREES ARE BEING CUT DOWN!  The noises from their felling is like the purring of maggots to my ears. 

14th Sandstone: We have already logged more trees than we needed to replace what was lost in the Trade Depot, and there are still uncountable ones to be cut.  The danger of the volcano has been reduced an incredible amount.  I feel bad for what happened to the merchants -- whoever was responsible -- but does the ends not justify the means?  Their axes are the key to our utopia, the promised land were a dwarf can do as he or she wants.  Their suffering, while unfortunate, has given us this new dawn.

17th Sandstone: Legolord proposed!  I said yes!  All of my dreams, coming true...

23rd Sandstone: The commune has already built two carpentry workshops with the felled logs, and are in the process of making more barrels. The beginnings of a project have been devised -- we may not be able to dig in the stone as true dwarves...yet...but we will raise a house like the humans do, where we can sleep in beds, and eat in chairs.

8th Timber: Ratepe is fuming; everyone has been spending so much time working on the raising of the house that a rhesus macaque managed to sneak into our camp and steal <+steel greaves+>.  A valuable item to be lost, yes, but not a terribly important one, in the grand scheme of things...

14th Timber: Under the urging of Ratepe, the commune mobilizes to destroy the rhesus macaque thieves who remain.  We chase them as the flee, striking them down as they gibber in fear.  Their running takes them to the volcano, and we follow.  As we approach, the fire imp and fire men rise to meet us in battle.  Before, we would have fled, but today, dressed in our steel armor and wielding our axes, we happily charge, screaming, "Blood for the blood god!"

Flint beheads the fire man with one swing of his mighty axe, reducing the creature in a second from dangerous adversary to lump of ash.  The fire imp is also quickly dispatched.  With those few seconds, we have won the volcano!

18th Timber: Martian completes our first green glass block, unhindered by any creatures from the volcano.  We don't have an immediate use for it, now that we have so many logs, but as a symbolic gesture, its impact is immense.

1st Moonstone: Winter.  We butcher and tan some rabbit corpses remaining from the flame maiden's carnage.  Despite the propensity of rhesus macaque corpses, we have decided not to butcher them, but I'm not sure of the reason.  I've been spending too much time crafting furniture for our house.

27th Opal: More rhesus macaques edge near our camp, attempting to steal things, and again we sally forth and put them down.

15th Obsidian: The house has been completed!  It feels so wonderful, to be in a room with a ceiling, where it doesn't rain...I now have every motivation to finish the beds I am working on.

20th Obsidian: The beds have been placed, and already Inaluct is asleep in one, oblivious to the noise of the chairs and table being placed around him.

1st Granite: Spring.  It finds us all sleeping in beds.  In a house.  And eating off of tables.  While we sit in chairs.  It is *luxury*. 

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17th Granite: The muskox calves have grown up.  We now have one male and two female.  Martian takes this time to begin training the dog that we got from the merchants to fend off attackers.

24th Granite: To celebrate our success, and the beginning of our third year here, I host a party at our meeting table in the house!   

It is soon interrupted by a gathering of rhesus macaques, however, and once more we don armor and wield weapons to slay them.  At one point during the ensuring brawl, I watch Mook send one flying farther than I could shoot a crossbow with a swing of the axe.  Truly impressive!

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26th Granite: While we're primed for fighting, we also strike at herd of buffalo.  We need more leather.

28th Granite: And some boar, as well.  Suddenly, we are kings to this land, instead of living in fear of it.  I feel like a true dwarf, felling my enemies before me!

26th Malachite: We have a new arrival in the house: Legolord and I have had a daughter!  By the time she is an adult, she will not know a world where dwarves are limited in what they can do; she will only know the utopia that we have founded here.

I only wish she'd let me get some more sleep. 

11th Limestone: Merchants have arrived!  I didn't think they would after last year's events.  But...wait, these aren't dwarven merchants.   

Legolord says that these are wizards!

Doesn't matter.  Somehow, with their magic, they must have known we had a large, spacious Trade Depot waiting for them, for they have brought 4 wagons with them, brimming with items!

16th Limestone: *Another* merchant caravan has been spotted...the dwarves!  I've never heard of two caravans arriving at the same time, but here they are.  Luckily, our Depot is large enough to host them both.  The dwarves have even outdone the wizards, bringing 10 wagons filled with items.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

18th Limestone: While we are all busy preparing for trade, Ratepe informs me that a thief has made off with a suit of steel chain mail.  This is serious, but we have more pressing issues to attend to.  She doesn't like that answer.

21st Limestone: Legolord has gone to see what the merchants have to offer.  He reports that the dwarves have picks!  Even better, he says that he's learned to judge the prices of goods somewhat, and that our bone crafts should allow us to purchase three or four of the picks.  The wizards have some strange goods, but none stranger than "the Steel ."

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But then he tells us that the dwarves have anvils.  Unfortunately, there's no way that we can afford these anvils.  "But..." and he draws it out, making sure we're all paying attention, "The wizards have anvils, too."

We get his meaning, of course.  There's a code when dwarf trades with dwarf; you don't rob from a fellow dwarf who comes to you under friendly terms.  But there's no such code for wizards.  And we do have steel armor and weapons, not to mention our the issue is put to a vote before the commune.  Do we take the wizards' goods by force?
Also, you can manufacture vomit at a smelter.  Subsequently removing the smelter spews vomit over a surprising area.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tombquills: A Grand Experiment in Equality (Community)
« Reply #33 on: December 05, 2008, 01:56:11 am »

It seems my dwarf is really good at murdering things.  Has she started to become accustomed to tragedy already?

I'm not really familiar with this mod, or the wizards.  Do they siege, or just stop coming?  Assuming it's the latter, I say we take what we need from them.  They probably have no liaison, so it's essentially a crapshoot as to what goods they would have each year.  Now that we have the tools we need to dig out a fortress, we should become self-sufficient enough to no longer need caravans within a few years.

1 vote for robbing the wizards.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tombquills: A Grand Experiment in Equality (Community)
« Reply #34 on: December 05, 2008, 04:53:04 am »

I vote no.

The dwarves are trying to build a utopia, it shouldn't be founded on theft. With the picks you'd soon have hundreds of stone goods (even with unskilled crafters) and could probably get one next season, or the one after that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tombquills: A Grand Experiment in Equality (Community)
« Reply #35 on: December 05, 2008, 06:07:37 am »

We get his meaning, of course.  There's a code when dwarf trades with dwarf; you don't rob from a fellow dwarf who comes to you under friendly terms.  But there's no such code for wizards.  And we do have steel armor and weapons, not to mention our the issue is put to a vote before the commune.  Do we take the wizards' goods by force?

I know my dwarf hasn't arrived yet... but I'd like to vote anyway if I may.

These dwarves have been sleeping in the dirt, running from various fire creatures, and eating whatever they can catch for nearly two years. For the first time in these two years, they see a chance to live the dream that they all came to this Armok-forsaken hole for.

Yes yes yes a thousand times YES! FOR THE MOTHERLAND!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tombquills: A Grand Experiment in Equality (Community)
« Reply #36 on: December 05, 2008, 06:33:52 am »

I vote yes the Wizards live in their towers built by the blood of our people!!!! Death to the aristocrats!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tombquills: A Grand Experiment in Equality (Community)
« Reply #37 on: December 05, 2008, 06:52:47 am »

Magua and Legolord sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage!

Karl Marx votes no, the motherland is mighty and need not plunder from the peaceful wizards to sustain itself. You should be ashamed that the thought crossed your mind!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tombquills: A Grand Experiment in Equality (Community)
« Reply #38 on: December 05, 2008, 11:57:13 am »

It seems my dwarf is really good at murdering things.  Has she started to become accustomed to tragedy already?

Mook doesn't really care about anything anymore.  She has sixteen kills to her name (nine of them being rhesus macaques).  To put that in perspective, everyone else, put together, has twenty six kills.

I'm not really familiar with this mod, or the wizards.  Do they siege, or just stop coming?

No clue.  That's part of the adventure!

But the votes, as stand, are 3 for robbing the wizards, 2 against.  I'll see if there are any last minute voters, but it looks like the dwarves will be fetching their crossbows...
Also, you can manufacture vomit at a smelter.  Subsequently removing the smelter spews vomit over a surprising area.

Balor Kartain

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Re: Tombquills: A Grand Experiment in Equality (Community)
« Reply #39 on: December 05, 2008, 02:20:59 pm »

I do believe the capt. posted in a different thread (and apologized) about The Steel. Its supposed to be a steel circlet that would go around your head in place of a helm. You could always pretend its a steel that you use to hone and sharpen blades though.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tombquills: A Grand Experiment in Equality (Community)
« Reply #40 on: December 05, 2008, 02:32:30 pm »

22nd Limestone: The commune debated our courses of action.  On one side were the purists who held that if we were to take these things by force, we'd be no better off than the aristocratic bourgeoisie we were going to overthrow.

On the other side were those who said that our goals were true, and if we had to undertake unsavory tasks to bring about our utopia, then so be it.  In addition, it was reasoned, the nobles had traded away plenty of the production that belonged to the people to these wizards, and we were simply reclaiming what was ours.

The vote was close, but final.  While Legolord went to the Trade Depot, the rest of us suited up in armor, grabbed crossbows and bolts, and clambered onto the roof of our house, which provided an excellent view of the Trade Depot below.  We took careful aim.

There was some concern about the wizards' reactions -- might they turn Legolord into a frog? -- but they simply said, "Take what you wish.  I can't stop you," and left shortly thereafter, minus their possessions.  It was impossible for me to read their emotions; I couldn't even tell if they were angry.

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Trading with the dwarves went smoother.  They didn't comment on what they had just seen us do, just acted like it was business as usual.  We exchanged our supplies of bone crafts for three of their picks, and that was that.

We stowed our weapons and armor, and everything went on as normal.

23rd Limestone: While unpacking the goods from the Trade Depot, Legolord stumbled over a tiger man thief!  He scared it off before it could steal anything, but Ratepe goes on and on about how we must start taking better care of our supplies. 

We begin moving our weapons, ammunition, and armor onto the roof of the house.  In addition, with our newly acquired picks, we begin digging an underground farm.

13th Sandstone: The dwarven merchants leave.  I turn out to have a knack for mining, evne if I can only swing the pick with one hand while I hold my daughter in the other.

2nd Timber: The underground farms are completed, and all of our food and drink moved inside.  I remember how much effort and agony went into building our first still and our first we throw three of them together with no trouble at all.  The commune could now lock itself into the house if needed and have everything required to survive.

5th Timber: Dwarves arrived today, but not too trade.  No, they came and demanded that we hand over control of the house, and all of its supplies to them, "in the name of the Mountainhome."

They numbered six; by the clothes they are wearing, they are all guild members, no peasants or proletariat amongst them.  The commune is undecided about what to do.  Giving up our dream is not an option, but we are not so savage that we will split another dwarf's head open with an axe.  Indecision reigns.

1st Moonstone: Winter.  The newcomers are still here, and they are aghast that we perform any jobs that we want.  "Do you not have woodcutters to cut the wood, and carpenters to shape it?"  When we reply that we do all of these things, they laugh amongst themselves.  They eat our food and sleep in our house, all the while talking about how much better it would be if it were done "properly".  I hate them. 

Legolord has a plan, however, that we have begun.

5th Moonstone: The second house is finished.  We inform our "new lords," as humbly as can be managed, that our house, being made of wood, is not fit to hold them.  They agree.  We say that we have been mining out rooms for them, out of rock, and that they're ready.  They eagerly follow us to the second structure we have created.  As they go inside, Legolord slams the door behind them and locks it.

There is confusion inside for a moment.  "There's no stairway leading down!"  "What's going on?"  Then there is banging on the door.  But our carpentry is strong, whatever they may say.  Martian begins operation of the pumps, and within minutes the pounding on the door stops.  Our carpentry is also watertight.

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15th Moonstone: Another tigerman thief driven off.  Part of the roof of the death house is opened, and the water inside is pumped out.

17th Moonstone: *Another* tigerman thief driven off.  Where are all of these thieves coming from?  Rapete is glad that the last three thieves have not managed to steal anything, but the interruptions they cause are quite annoying. 

2nd Obsidian: Digging further down underneath the house, we find damp stone and other evidence of an aquifer.  Inaluct, who seems to also know something about mining, talks about how the aquifer can be breached in stone, but not in sand, like here.  We commence digging through the obsidian around the volcano.

23rd Obsidian: The aquifer has been bypassed by digging near the volcano.  We now have access to stone.  The breaching stairs are linked by an underground passage to the house, so that we can continue to access the rock even if put under siege.  This passage is filled with coffins to honor the dead.  They may been idiots, like the merchants, or usurpers, like the guild members, but they were still dwarves, and deserve a final resting place.  Our comrades who died fighting in the riots at Mountainhome were given as much; it's the least we can do.

11th Granite: Humans have arrived to trade, during the spring, no less.  I had been led to believe they would only appear during the summer.  Still, they kill a tiger man thief as they approach, for which Ratepe is somewhat grateful.

13th Granite: The wizards trade!  I suspect treachery, but none seems to be afoot.  It is the same wizards from last time, even!  But, still...they have ridden up to our Depot and are unloading their wares, just as last time.  Odd.

15th Granite: A Skalassi cavern...they seem to be a type of humanoid fish...has arrived.  We are knee deep in merchants, and our Trade Depot overflows with riches...

The humans seem to be offering us some incredibly good deals on some of their iron items:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

But the Skalassi...the Skalassi have items made of adamantium!

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Interestingly enough, none of the merchants want what we rightfully took from the wizards last year.  But, they're all willing to take these items if we put them into a bin, first...the hypocrisy of it all...


I do believe the capt. posted in a different thread (and apologized) about The Steel. Its supposed to be a steel circlet that would go around your head in place of a helm. You could always pretend its a steel that you use to hone and sharpen blades though.

Oh, it doesn't bother me.  Just found it amusing.  Much like the humans willing to sell me most of their iron items for zero dwarf bucks...

Also, you can manufacture vomit at a smelter.  Subsequently removing the smelter spews vomit over a surprising area.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tombquills: A Grand Experiment in Equality (Community)
« Reply #41 on: December 05, 2008, 02:57:16 pm »

I trust that the depot is set to "anyone may trade".

also, what do you do about supposed 'one dwarf jobs' like record keeping? do you get a chair for each dwarf?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tombquills: A Grand Experiment in Equality (Community)
« Reply #42 on: December 05, 2008, 03:10:28 pm »

The Depot is set to anyone may trade, yes.  So far, I've seen Legolord and Inaluct do it.  Although Legolord seems to have gone from "Dabbling Appraiser" to "Legendary Appraiser" by being the one who seized the wizards' stuff (~130,000 DB).

I originally left Manager, Bookkeeper, and Broker unassigned, but wanted to see the wealth of the fortress, which it won't do if (Bookkeeper | Broker, can't remember which one) isn't assigned, so I went ahead and assigned all of them for no good reason.  (After two years, the created wealth was 4,000 DB, by the by)

But, I haven't given each dwarf their own chair.  There are seven chairs and seven tables, and none are assigned to any dwarves.  This means the Bookkeeper is stuck on "lowest precision" (anything higher requires an office), the Manager will only work until I have 20 dwarves (at which point it'll need an office too), and the Broker negotiates with liaisons in the common room, so the only real effect so far seems to be that I can see the fortress wealth on the 'z' screen.
But now that information is largely irrelevant, I think I'll remove them from the screen again.  I'm not sure what liaisons are going to do if they can't find a broker.  Let's find out!

(The real problem is going to be the mayor, after 20 dwarves.  I think that not having any of the requirements at all is going to be a major mood killer.  It might be that becoming mayor equals a death sentence.  We'll see.)
Also, you can manufacture vomit at a smelter.  Subsequently removing the smelter spews vomit over a surprising area.


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Re: Tombquills: A Grand Experiment in Equality (Community)
« Reply #43 on: December 05, 2008, 06:39:41 pm »

If the commune still hasn't been butchering the wildlife you kill, try fiddling with the 'o'ptions so that the dwarves will haul the animal corpses to refuse stockpiles... and then butcher them.

Plus, if you want to have your cave entrance somewhere other than the volcano, I humbly request you try something like this.

Side View

    P----             _____
~~|     |~~~~~|
~~|     |   ~~~  |

P is a pump
-- is a pipe
red ~ is magma, blue ~ is aquifer-water
_ and | are ground

The point being, that you can pump magma out of the volcano and into the channeled-out aquifer from above, where it will solidify. Channel that out, leaving the perimeter intact (to prevent water just seeping back in) and repeat until you've passed the aquifer. This design dictates that you will have an upside-down pyramid shape (because you have to leave the perimeter of each subsequent level clear), so make sure you start with enough space.

Also, if you want to deal with "The Steel ." you could just go into the raws, find the offending entry (circlet right?) and give it a name.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2008, 07:05:47 pm by shoruke »
The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


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Re: Tombquills: A Grand Experiment in Equality (Community)
« Reply #44 on: December 05, 2008, 08:19:17 pm »

Make sure you have enabled gathering of refuse outside. it's under
  • ptions - [r]efuse.
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