Yeah, I have several colonies(Or possibly one supercolony) of pavement ants, with entrances completely surrounding my house. Every summer they invade the house, and literally nothing can stop them. If someone by mistake leaves a food item on the counter, there will be literally hundreds of ants on said counter. If you drink pop, you have to hold it. If you set it down it will have ants in it within minutes. It's disgusting, but as I said before, nothing stops them. Traps, spray, we even ant-bombed it once while on vacation. They were still everywhere when we came back. I personally think gasoline+nest will do nicely to suffocate them, or maybe even M80+nest, if I'm feeling daring. I haven't tried yet, though.
They're savage. If they climb on you, they bite and sting until you kill them. I once saw them kill one of those gigantic black crickets(You know, the ones that are like twice as big as the normal ones?), when it was literally about 20 times larger than them.
Spiders: Meh, I used to catch grasshoppers and throw them into the webs of the yellow garden spiders that always made nests in my back yard. They don't show up anymore, kind of sad. As the "Meh" suggested, though, I don't really care much for spiders anymore. I'll watch them if I see them, but it's not like I follow them around.
Speaking of adorable spiders, look at this li'l guy.
It turns out there's a whole species of them, and they all have different expressions on their faces.