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Author Topic: FurnacePrides, the royal reclamation!  (Read 2498 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FurnacePrides, the royal reclamation!
« Reply #15 on: November 29, 2008, 05:51:08 pm »

I'll get you our bone carver Muno, once I start playing again, but before that happens, I need votes. Should we or should we not try to kill the 4 resident fire imps? We have 10 hammerdwarves, armed with steel hammers, platemails, and shields (the artifact is unused). They're all proficient in hammer, competent in armor use, and no adjective in shields. There is a lot of grass ( the big plain next to the river) just a single level below, and we have constant logging and turtle-fishing operations going on in the meantime.

Oh, and for those interested, our shield is made from just two iron bars.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.

Muno syoan

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Re: FurnacePrides, the royal reclamation!
« Reply #16 on: November 29, 2008, 05:59:17 pm »

It will likely resultin untold death and misery.

So that's +1 to yes. Should be exciting if all that grass were to catch...
The use of violence is justified only under a tyranny which makes reforms without violence impossible, and should have only one aim, that is, to bring about a state of affairs which makes reforms without violence possible.
-- Karl Popper, The Open Society


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Re: FurnacePrides, the royal reclamation!
« Reply #17 on: November 29, 2008, 06:03:20 pm »

I can actually see that happening. Dwarf gets a fireball to the hand or something, he can still run but he's on fire, AI goes "oh shit what'do I do what'do I do?" and runs him straight through the valley. So 1 to yes, and (my vote) 1 for waitng an using an immigrant wave.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


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Re: FurnacePrides, the royal reclamation!
« Reply #18 on: November 29, 2008, 07:00:40 pm »

I remember in my personal fortress the imps never fireballed anyone when I killed them.  The fire man in the pipe mangled a child while I was trying to pave the top of it, but the fireballs he threw never actually set anyone ablaze.

 I would say if we can lure them out one at a time we should go for it, otherwise they'll keep popping out to take a look at our latest nearby constructions.  I killed all of mine with unarmored miners and woodcutters, so trained soldiers should down them in two or three blows.

Might be good to have a defensive trench around the fort, just in case the map is set on fire.


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Re: FurnacePrides, the royal reclamation!
« Reply #19 on: November 29, 2008, 08:56:15 pm »

Well it seems we have three yesses and two unnanounced which, since they could not sway the vote, matter naught in this vote. To kill the imps we go!!.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


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Re: FurnacePrides, the royal reclamation!
« Reply #20 on: November 29, 2008, 09:16:12 pm »

Log of Zasit Atirbelal, stuffy old trader, 13th Limestone, Early-Autumn of 88

     After the executive decision to postpone the imp slaying until after we had safely seen off the traders, we also began working on what the masonry and engraving crew have nicknamed the safety pipe. It will be a testament to dwarven willpower, a route wide enough for a wagon, built through the air. It will (once completed) be the only way up to the fortress courtyard, which includes the trade depot. I have started at the bottom, where those who would seek to enter must start their trek, on the only decently flat area nearby. A large, flat, rock shelf, that holds the top of the brook and most of the sparsely forested plain. It will be rather easy for us, as right at the start of Autumn, we finally had every dwarf set up with a room, including the militiary, although they sleep up near the fort proper so as to be able to join defensive forces as quickly as possible. I'm happy to say that as I write my log, the dining room has been designated and the miners are eagerly hacking into the walls after their previous jobs of trap installing. We have a last ditch defensive, a 4x3 area of cage traps right in front of our 4x4 staircase. It shall *hopefully* never see use, but it's always better safe than sorry.

(I've got a little plot device for your introduction Muno, don't worry.)
« Last Edit: November 29, 2008, 09:19:24 pm by sonerohi »
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


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Re: FurnacePrides, the royal reclamation!
« Reply #21 on: November 29, 2008, 09:25:53 pm »

Log of Zasit Atirbelal, stuffy old trader, 17th Limestone, Early-Autumn of 88

     A day ago traders arrived in the area, and as of today we begin bringing our crafts up. Our bonecarver made many fabulous works of art with the turtle bones we have, but for whatever reason he etched "crafted by Muno, 88" in all of them. Hopefully the splendor of the crafts themselves and the brilliance of the gems put in, courtesy of our resident gemman pair; one a cutter the other a setter; will distract them from the words. Our safety tunnel is being made quickly, but we still have only managed 1 level of vertical expansion, and not to mention the great distance required to actually connect the completed spiral to our fort! On the 15th we struck platinum in the dining room, and when Kira announced it to the whole fort, Inaluct actually woke up, just to mine out the platinum, then proceeded to drink himself back to sleep. Madness...
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


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Re: FurnacePrides, the royal reclamation!
« Reply #22 on: November 29, 2008, 09:37:29 pm »

Log of Zasit Atirbelal, stuffy old trader, 13th Limestone, Early-Autumn of 88

     I traded 4380☼ worth in items for all they had that was useful, and they only profited 900☼. I got us alot of meat, a bin of both types of silks, two bins of leather, a huge supply of logs, 2 barrels of beer, a bar of zinc, a copper cage, and 2 bronze picks and a bronze spear. I intend to melt down the picks and spear, so that we have a bronze bar with which to fulfill Mayor Melbil's mandate. Work on the safety tunnel is minimal as we scurry to bring all the goods inside before something happens, already two kobold thieves encountered our hammerdwarf patrol and were promptly splattered against the shelf floor, some five levels below.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


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Re: FurnacePrides, the royal reclamation!
« Reply #23 on: November 29, 2008, 10:24:28 pm »

Log of Zasit Atirbelal, stuffy old trader, 24th Sandstone, Mid-Autumn of 88

     Today over saw two great events in FurnacePrides history. Firstly, we filled our Mayors mandate right as we finished constructing what many call a Legendary dining room, and secondly we got immigrants. Or more specifically, burning corpses. That's what they will be indeed. Our hammerdwarves are too vital to risk, so all 9 immigrants are ordered to march out to the pipe, as a squad, in naught but their clothes with no weapons. I am a heartless man, lives mean nothing compared to ambition though. With magma, we could do many great things.

I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


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Re: FurnacePrides, the royal reclamation!
« Reply #24 on: November 29, 2008, 10:33:46 pm »

Log of Zasit Atirbelal, stuffy old trader, 11th of Timber, Late-Autumn of 88

      Consumed by the frenzy and contraversy of my decision regarding the fire imps and the immigrants, one of our dedicated furnace operators, Kadol Paddletwinkled, grabbed up two hunks of basalt and two turtle bones, and started working away in one of the craftsmens shops. In the time it's taken since I sent the recruits out though, the closest an imp came to the group was four or five vertical levels away, just eyeing them from the depths of the magma.

     Two days have passed since the above was written and I would like to make an addendum. Stutteredblamed the Harsh Beard now adorns our furnace operator's ear, and it has two images of that damned shield on it.  At least the shield was worth 42,000☼, but this earring is only 6000☼. It was a useful enough creation, bestowing him with legendary skills in bonecarving. I'm a stickler for tradition though, so he will continue to burn wood and smelt ores, not piddle around in some craft shop. He at least got better qualities for his job, he is very mighty and so can lift the bars easily, he is unbeleivably agile and so can gather the materials swiftly, and he is extremely tough and so can now endure all but the worst job-related hazards.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2008, 10:40:26 pm by sonerohi »
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


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Re: FurnacePrides, the royal reclamation!
« Reply #25 on: November 29, 2008, 11:18:42 pm »

Log of Zasit Atirbelal, stuffy old trader, 13th Moonstone, Early-Winter of 88

     Today is just... superb really. We've made immense progress on the safety tunnel, and a recruit went into a martial trance and killed an imp. 1 down, 3 to go. Unrelatedly, the noble quarters actually got finished, everything engraved, built, assigned, the works. Not even a +pig tail sock+ could make our mayor happier, and in his joy he forbade the export of bronze items. Okay then. I figured I should mention that Mook proclaims himself an expert at engraving and quiet proficient at masonry, taking every chance he can get to engrave obscure histories of goblins dying at dwarven hands. Good chap, he is. Kira uses the adjective proffesional for her mining, but says her mechanics are the same as Mook's masonry. Inaluct says exactly the same as Kira, and really the only one of our un-traditionally named dwarves that breaks the mold is Muno. With a lack of goods being made recently, he remains proficient at carving bones and designing buildings, but says he is skilled at many social talents. He's quiet the trendsetter, but at least his clothes remain modest. Our female maker of that splendid earring has quiet the shady getup, merely a coat, that earring, and two socks on each foot. She seems to be well liked among the single males, for reasons undiscovered.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


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Re: FurnacePrides, the royal reclamation!
« Reply #26 on: November 30, 2008, 12:31:58 am »

Log of Zasit Atirbelal, stuffy old trader, 6th granite, Early-Spring of 89

In 10 days, it will be exactly a year since my first log. As FurnacePrides celebrates its first complete year, we also mourn that an elven caravan will soon arrive. Ha ha, elves. It never gets old. Something I found hilariousier than elven 'traders' is, if possible to be funnier, two of our miners decided that today, as we completed the safety tunnel and started fixing up walls to secure the fort proper, they should get married. They went a short distance out from where the walls were to be built, and wrapped each other in their arms in the face of a beatiful sunset. And then Mook patched up the last wall piece and locked them out, and then it started raining! They had to walk a mile or so out, then a mile back in using the ramps, to get inside. Oh Armok, I'm about to cry from laughing.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


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Re: FurnacePrides, the royal reclamation!
« Reply #27 on: November 30, 2008, 12:44:20 am »

Log of Zasit Atirbelal,trader, 14th Granite, Early-Spring of 89

     Today saw the death of, importantly, another fire imp, and unimportantly, two of those worthless immigrant/recruits. They shan't be missed, for they never proved themselves worthy of even the privelege to clean my beard. I have, on the floor of the safety tunnel, a special color code. It is made of basalt primarily, but along the final stretch of road, with a four level drop to the bottom, a special area. There's two chunks of olivine flooring, and the chunks are broken up by a 3x3 basalt area. I intend some time later on, when there's not any sort of chance to disrupt incoming caravans, to drop out the floor there and replace it with a retracting bridge. That'll give us a real defensive edge. We saw another marriage today, these two with the good sense to celebrate inside the fort actually, out in the proper by some newly installed statues.

(I'd really like to post a map, if someone can give me baby-step instructions for it using the DFMA).
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


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Re: FurnacePrides, the royal reclamation!
« Reply #28 on: November 30, 2008, 01:15:42 am »

I'll take a dwarf


Gender doesn't matter


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Re: FurnacePrides, the royal reclamation!
« Reply #29 on: November 30, 2008, 01:26:07 am »

Log of Zasit Atirbelal,trader, 3rd Slate, Mid-Spring of 89

     A wave of immigrants arrived today. Freaking worthless, the lot of them. The dungeon master joined them, and he's one I can respect. Hardworking noble, he is. But the rest were just peasants and threshers. We of the original party, we had to prove our worth to the king back at the Mountainhomes. For each and every one of us original 64, we had to wrestle down 3 black bears, simultaneously. These migrants could barely handle an angry groundhog. They all are in the militiary until further notice. I am given cause to think though. Standing out on the tunnel with one of the engraver-masons, adept and proficient respectively. He said his name was Fireheart, and he asked me if we really -needed- all of our citizens to be tempered in the flame of battle. I told him a defiant yes, but I mused about it to myself, later on. Surely when 32 or so men and women are made to fight just to suit a single mans fancy, it cannot be good.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.
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