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Author Topic: The Founders. [Succession & Community]  (Read 12687 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Founders. [Succession & Community]
« Reply #60 on: December 29, 2008, 11:29:57 am »

Uh oh.  That's not good.

I can't imagine it being a combat thing -- the founders are all super badass ninjas at this point.  Construction cave-in? 

Or...failed mood?  That would sting. =(

I'm all worried about Navi. =P
Also, you can manufacture vomit at a smelter.  Subsequently removing the smelter spews vomit over a surprising area.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Founders. [Succession & Community]
« Reply #61 on: December 30, 2008, 03:26:06 am »

Maybe little Mcwiggles fell in the well...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Founders. [Succession & Community]
« Reply #62 on: December 30, 2008, 09:45:52 am »

Noooo! No I'm scared...
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dabbling Philosopher
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Re: The Founders. [Succession & Community]
« Reply #63 on: December 30, 2008, 02:59:32 pm »

Alright, now that I have built up enough tension (and been able to finish writing) I present to you the next chapter of The Founders!

The journal of Don, Mechanic  Year 210

1st of Granite- It is, once again, my time to lead our settlement.  The world is changing about me.  Today, as it is the first of a new year, we held the naming celebration for Talakin and Keyan’s boy.  They chose the name Mcwiggles, a very conservative choice, but appropriate for the first of a new generation.  The baby didn’t even cry when he was dunked into the booze barrel as tradition dictates for a firstborn.  He just giggled in that adorable way babies do.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen Keyan’s chest so full with pride.  I’m very happy for them. 
Still, it pains me to know that I will have no descendants for a long while, and any I do gain will be the grandchildren of my good friends.  Any sons I receive will be buried in their grandfather’s tomb, not mine.  It’s a sobering thought.  Yet, I am fortunate to be one of the founders of Deepearth, and that itself is enough for me.
As for what I am planning to do during my term as leader, that waterfall should be finished.  I’m afraid Magua has lost the old plans, so I’ll just have to draw up a set of new ones.  I’m going to have it fall to the north, and the shaft on the west side will become an access shaft, with a similar one built on the east side.  Hopefully, the whole thing will be done by the end of the year.

12th of Granite- Elves arrived, willing to trade.  In a somewhat unusual turn of events, no ambush was detected, and the merchants made it safely to the trade depot.  I plan on selling them the old clothing that their dearly departed comrades have left, as it currently does nothing but needlessly fill up our depot.  Really, I wouldn’t mind just giving it to them, but I’m hoping to get some sun berry seeds for sunshine production, and it looks like they’ve brought a tame grizzly bear with them!
Speaking of animals, I’ve ordered Navi to jump into the cougar pit along with a cage to put all the beasts in.  We have far too many, and I certainly don’t mind a pause in breeding.  We can also install that cage in the main dining room as a sort of zoo.  I also plan on having another cage for the rest of the animals currently milling about, especially the cows and donkeys.  Every animal we have seems to have be blessed with ultra-fertility.  I don’t mind if they breed, so long as they’re contained so I don’t keep tripping over them.

10th of Slate- Well, even though we had difficulties, most of our animal problems are solved.  Talakin traded with the elves today.  Actually, she tried to trade, but apparently the elves found a chestnut boot in with all the rope reed cloth.  They immediately turned their noses up, saying that it was a bauble fit only for “our kind,” even though they were the ones who gave it to us!  Well, gave might be the wrong word, considering we probably got it after their caravan was wiped out by a goblin ambush,  but still, to reject it on the basis of us “hurting the trees” is nonsense.  There are very few things I hate in this world, but elves are working their way towards that list.  We ended up seizing the Grizzly bear and the sun berries.

11th of Felsite- More migrants have started to arrive.  As usual, they are in a long train, tired from their journey.  Why they still make their way to this accursed death-trap, I know not.  If only they would leave us alone, and we could all live in peace.  The others have begun to regard all migrants as simply border patrol units; I personally believe that they enjoy watching the migrants being torn apart by undead.  I pled ill, and retired to my room.  The others will have their way, but I refuse to participate in this barbaric practice.

19th of Felsite- At last, the line of migrants has stopped.  No children with this group, thank Alil.  Perhaps the mountainhomes are learning that immigrants do not survive at Deepearth, and those with families are thinking twice about coming here.  Though I’m still not entirely happy about senseless slaughter, I console myself with the fact that they die as dwarves, fighting to the last. 
One of them, a bone carver, appears to be possessed by forces unknown.  Of course, we don’t have any workshops outside, so he has done nothing as of yet.  I wish the spirits would infect some of us inside the fortress.  I certainly would not mind being the creator of an artifact mechanism.  But alas, it seems that they are more favorable to those poor souls who die outside our gates, rather than those of us who watch them perish.  I wonder if they are consoled by the fact that the gods favor them over us?  Small consolation for those who are about to die, but any consolation from Alil should be received with thanks.

25th of Felsite- The group of migrants was killed today, wiped out in a fierce battle with skeletal muskoxen.  They had proved themselves capable against some skeletal mountain goats, but the muskoxen proved too much.  Their death was quick, and honorable.  I suppose that’s the best I can hope for.

13th of Hematite- We’ve had no less than three thieves get away today, though grave robbers would be a more accurate term, as they simply loot the dead bodies of our fallen.  There’s so much junk out there, all the worldly possessions of every migrant to have come in sight of this place.  Not to mention all the merchant caravans that have been slaughtered by goblin ambushes.  It looks like a battlefield out there.  It is a battlefield out there.  The countless battles of goblins and undead against the migrants who come seeking shelter in our home stain the land red with blood.  Bones of the recently departed litter the forest, and old clothes can be found hanging from every tree, thrust there by the wind.  It is a scene out of a nightmare, and yet we eight call it home.  Within our walls, things are clean and bright.  The drowning chamber looks like just another building from outside, telling nothing of the horrors wrought within.
I’m sorry, I’ve been ranting, haven’t I?  It’s just that, today I looked into my old room.  It was filled with skeletons.  I saw no less than twelve dwarf skulls lying about.  Why were they there?  I’m not sure, though I’m fairly certain that the others likely lured these poor, unsuspecting dwarves into my old room, and then locked the door and waited for them to starve.  I see how their bodies are sprawled along the ground, the positions they lay in as the emptiness of their stomachs slowly drained the last vestiges of life from their bodies.  I can imagine their faces contorted with agony as hunger gave its slow death.  What was once a refuge for the living is now a hall for the dead.  I’ll never, ever go back into that room again.

16th of Hematite- Humans have arrived, with quite a few wagons, it seems.  No sign of a liaison to talk with, so the inner gates remain shut as the traders march towards the depot.  We don’t really need anything, but we need to get rid of the stuff the elves wouldn’t take, and large profits never turn away traders.
Also today, another group of migrants has arrived, and have been sent to patrol the perimeter for undead.  This one is small; a mere ten dwarves.  Still, it’s too many for my liking.  Why, when danger abounds, do dwarves feel the need to abandon their homes and come to this accursed death trap?  Perhaps we have not heard all the news of the mountain homes.  A more chilling thought is that the merchants are deliberately keeping us in the dark.  I don’t know what to think of that…

9th of Malachite- Two thieves were discovered by the patrolling migrants, who quickly dispatched them.  The fact that more kobold grave robbers come to our door is ominous, to say the least.  We also traded with the merchants today, who gave us a fair amount of food and metal bars in exchange for a good portion of the junk we were able to collect.

14th of Malachite- Migrants were taken out by a group of skeletal elk.  No dwarven survivors.  No elk casualties.

13th of Limestone- The dwarven caravan arrived today.  There must be at least six wagons, followed by a like number of pack mules.  We’ve also spotted a goblin ambush to the north.  A little late for the first ambush of the year, but by no means surprising.  Luckily, there’s no way the goblins will be able to get to the caravan before they can take shelter in the fortified depot, so we’re safe on that front.  The dwarven caravan will hopefully take all the stuff that we couldn’t get to the humans in time.  Honestly, having only fourteen hands to help haul goods to the trade depot is mildly annoying.  Just another twelve years till Mcwilggles is ready to work.  I can hardly wait.

17th of Sandstone- Merchants have begun preparing for the journey home.  We bought a fair amount of cooking supplies, some metal bars, a few pieces of armor, steel ammunition, and two gems that just happened to catch my eye.  We were able to get rid of all of the clothes that could be brought to the depot, and we used some of the best meals as gifts for our leaders back home.  I have no doubt that they will keep, and Gord’s cooking is worth more than anything else in our home (quite literally, Talakin appraised its value at well over 20,000).
It is also worth noting here that another group of ambushers were spotted today, fighting the skeletal elk along the southern border.  The ambushers should be no problem, however a single skeletal elk was propelled over our moat by a powerful hammergoblin and is now in the woodcutting area.  It appears to be intrigued by the battle still raging on the other side, but it won’t be long before move across the bridge and into the main fortress area.  I’ve asked Navi to begin preparations for battle.  I have full confidence in her abilities.

19th of Sandstone- Today was a day of battle, as Navi clashed with the skeletal elk.  She charged out, wielding her pick like an axe or hammer.  The elk was the first to strike, landing a small bruise against Navi’s foot, but that was of no consequence to Navi.  Honestly, she is unbelievably tough.  She brought her pick to bear, and slashed off the beast’s front leg.  The skeleton made no sound as it struggled to stand.  It tried to bite Navi’s left arm, but the blow merely glanced off her armor.  That was the horror’s last action, as Navi proceeded to mine through bone quicker than stone.  With the skeleton broken into tiny pieces the magic animating it ceased to exist.  Another threat to our continued existence destroyed in mere moments.  I really do not fear for our safety; nothing can reach us here. 
Also, it appears the goblins have sent some of their oldest converts to attack us.  Today’s newest ambush is led by one of the legendary elves of history.  He is extremely strong, agile, and tough, made so by decades of adventuring for his goblin masters.  I’m glad we don’t need to open the gates for the rest of the year.  It does make me worry for the safety of our own children, though.  No telling when the goblins will stop sending ambushers and start sending baby-snatchers.

4th of Timber- Talakin has given birth to yet another boy!  This is a time for celebration.  As is the custom, they have not named him yet, calling him Udil until the New Year’s naming celebration.  With a baby on each arm, I’m surprised Talakin can still haul around all the food that Gord’s putting together in the kitchen.  Still, it should only be another month or two before Mcwiggles starts walking on his own.
That reminds me, we need to furnish quarters for Mcwiggles, and dig out some tombs for both boys branching off their father’s.  Not to mention, if Magua has any free time, we should probably finish up smoothing the tomb’s entrance.  No harm in making everything look neat.  Mind you, there’s a lot of unused granite and mica down there, but all in good time.  First, we need something to make out of excess stone.

7th of Timber- More migrants arrived today.  They were killed as soon as they moved in sight of the fortress.  Though I rarely notice the numerous goblins that surround our home any more, they are very effective fighters out in the open.  Today was a good example of that.  Alas, I would have hoped that this month would have been one of life rather than death, but it seems the fates have other plans.  Fortune does not smile upon those poor souls who come here seeking shelter, only to find death.

15th of Timber- Today is a glorious day for dwarven engineering.  The waterfall is working!  The pumps are aligned perfectly, and the water is flowing.  There is a small problem with a missing floor, which has filled the western access staircase partially with water.  However, we have stopped the pumps, and it should not be a problem to patch the hole and drain the stairwell from the bottom.  Even with this setback, we have a proof of concept.  I foresee the waterfall running without problems within the week.  I’ve also ordered the deconstruction of the scaffolding stairways, as the inner access staircases will work better for that maintenance.

4th of Moonstone- The waterfall works all too well, I’m afraid.  I took a stroll out to the area, only to find myself knee deep in water, with a veritable wall of water flowing down from the top.  Going upstairs, I think I see the problem.  Our pumps work so well that water actually is hauled upwards faster than it can fall downwards.  This, along with the extraordinary rate at which the stream refills, leads to the interesting situation in which there is too much water falling at once for the stream to soak it all back up again.  I’m not entirely sure what to do about this; I’ll have to sleep on it.

8th of Moonstone- Tragedy has struck, and death has come back to haunt us.  It began with a simple mistake.  The scheduled deconstruction of the outer scaffolding had not been canceled.  Talakin had been going to help take down the stairways when the lever to shut off the waterfall was pulled.  It was meant to make the area safer to work in.  It had the opposite effect.
When the pumps stopped, all the water that was being taken out of the brook suddenly had nowhere to go.  The wall of water crashed down, and with no room left in the brook, overflowed in a tidal wave onto the banks.  Talakin was caught in the middle of it all.  The water smashed into her, going over her head, and swirling all about her.  Luckily, Magua was also there, going to work on the other scaffolding.  The walls kept the water contained, and the two found themselves in a miniature lake, with water at neck height, and waves far over that.  The current was pulling them towards the brook as the water tried to drain.  This would be certain death, as neither could swim.  Magua grabbed Talakin, and together, they pulled their way against the current to the waterfall’s tower.  Getting into the stairwell, they were able to reach relative safety.  I looked on from the watchtower.
Mcwiggles, who is now able to walk, was following close behind his mother when the wave hit.  They were separated by the current, but the one-year-old lad tried his best to get out of the danger.  He had to swim against the current to the relative safety of the tower.  Wave after wave battered him, and as he was crossing the bridge, over the old brook, a giant wave came crashing down off the sides.  With the undertow threatening to pull him down and into the moat, Mcwiggles grabbed onto the nearby axle, which was connected to the waterwheels.  There he stayed; clutching the wood for dear life with all the strength a child can muster.  Then, as the water lessoned momentarily, he made a break for the tower.  The shallower water was the preface for a huge wave, which bounced off the back wall, and rumbled towards the poor boy.  Mcwiggles struggled to reach the tower.  Ten feet…Five feet…Two feet…The wave was right behind him.  As the mist started to spray down about him, Mcwiggles ran into the open door and slammed it behind him.  He was in the tower; safe at last.
I breathed a sigh of relief.  Everyone was safe.  Suddenly, a great noise issued from the tower.  It sounded like Talakin screaming.  I wondered what could be the source of such a cry.  Then I saw him; Talakin’s babe, who didn’t even have a proper name yet.  He was crawling on the bridge which leads to the main area.  Somehow, the water whirling to the sides of him didn’t seem to bother the baby.  He just smiled and splashed about, thinking it all a great game.  Then a small wave obscured my vision, and the child was gone.  Immediately, I rushed over to the area, but by the time I got there, it was too late.  The child had fallen into our moat.  What was meant to be our greatest means of safety was the source of our first death.
Talakin came rushing up beside me, and seemed ready to throw herself in the water to try to find her baby.  I grabbed her, as she would have surely died.  Magua came up and grabbed her other side.  Together, we restrained her until her screams of fury had dissolved into tears and weeping.  Keyan and Mcwiggles came from different directions soon after, and together, we all headed back to our home.
I can’t say I know of the gods’ grand designs, but it seems a sad irony that, after all the ones we have drowned in our chamber of death, it should be a drowning that takes the first of our loved ones from us.  Alas, thus is our life.  We searched the banks for the body, but found none.  Like all those nameless migrants, the nameless son of Keyan will have no proper resting place.  His unfinished tomb shall remain empty as the turtles gnaw on his bones.  It is a sad fate when a dwarf cannot be laid to rest among his family and friends.  I have asked Keyan if it would be possible for him to make a statue of his child, as a memorial to place by the spot where he fell.  Keyan agreed, though the grief on his face seemed harder than anything to bear.

10th of Obsidian- The traditional end of the year party has begun, though there is little celebration.  The death of Udil, as he will be known forevermore, has cast a shadow upon this year, one which is not easily moved aside.  Though it has been more than a month, Talakin seems like she will never cheer up.  I only hope that next year will bring us more hope and less sorrow.

And that's the end of my turn.  I held back on naming the child so we could continue with the whole naming-ceremony-at-the-beginning-of-the-new-year thing.  Luckily, that also means that the Fred isn't a dead dwarf (yet)!  So, really, no major losses this year, save that the waterfall is unfit for operation.  Seriously though, I was rather surprised when the whole area started flooding.  I suppose that's what 14 z-levels of 7/7 water will do, eh?

The Save!
« Last Edit: December 30, 2008, 03:01:03 pm by Frelock »
All generalizations are false....including this one.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Founders. [Succession & Community]
« Reply #64 on: December 30, 2008, 03:56:14 pm »

Had me worried there, starting with Navi and the skelk.  Thought for sure she was a goner...

As for the waterfall: One of my side projects was going to be to make a water cannon.  I'm glad that that works. =P  But for our safety...hmm.  Perhaps raise the upriver dam and lower the downriver one?  That would give the fountain the entire empty moat to drain into, which should be more than sufficient.
Also, you can manufacture vomit at a smelter.  Subsequently removing the smelter spews vomit over a surprising area.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dabbling Philosopher
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Re: The Founders. [Succession & Community]
« Reply #65 on: December 30, 2008, 04:15:30 pm »

Actually, I also found out that the upriver dam is now ineffective.  Apparently, someone (might have been me) widened the channel, so the dam isn't big enough now.  Actually, I'm pretty sure it was me, as I was trying to get the water fall to fall on, well, water.  I didn't check to see where the dam was before the channeling operations.
All generalizations are false....including this one.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Founders. [Succession & Community]
« Reply #66 on: December 30, 2008, 09:44:29 pm »

I've got the save. I should have my turn done in a couple of days


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Founders. [Succession & Community]
« Reply #67 on: December 31, 2008, 01:17:17 pm »

As "Fred" doesn't seem concerned enough to post about his death, he won't mind if I make it out to be him anyway.

Furthermore the family tree is now an ongoing thing I'll be updating. 

Want another year Frelock?  And to everyone else keeping tabs on this Community game: We're in desperate need of more players naming themselves as future omelets.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dabbling Philosopher
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Re: The Founders. [Succession & Community]
« Reply #68 on: December 31, 2008, 02:20:18 pm »

Want another year Frelock?

Sure thing, I'm having fun with this.
All generalizations are false....including this one.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Founders. [Succession & Community]
« Reply #69 on: January 02, 2009, 04:49:11 am »

No! Not my child!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Founders. [Succession & Community]
« Reply #70 on: January 02, 2009, 07:50:42 am »

id like to sign up please.

id like to be a hammerdwarf


That last gobbo would stand there, missing an arm, punctured in a kidney, liver, and spleen, fading in and out of consciousness at the far end of where the drawbridge would go, and his last sight would be the drawbridge dropping down and smashing him like a bug.

God DAMN I love this game!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Founders. [Succession & Community]
« Reply #71 on: January 02, 2009, 10:16:37 am »

sure who knows maybe mine will even reach adulthood.
 if its a male then:
Daniël - Male
 and if its a female then:
Madison - Female

I would like him/her to grow up to become a trapper/animaltrainer. :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Founders. [Succession & Community]
« Reply #72 on: January 02, 2009, 04:09:41 pm »

I've finished my turn. I'll have a report up tomorrow.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Founders. [Succession & Community]
« Reply #73 on: January 03, 2009, 03:57:12 pm »

All right here's my report:

Journal of Talakin

1st of Granite: No more deaths. There will be no more deaths here. That I swear. Not from drowning, not from the undead, and not from goblins. There will be no more deaths.
   The fortress has grown since I last ruled, and the walls have failed the keep the pace. That will change. I will not permit a goblin arrow to steal another precious life.
   As for the accursed waterfall I would see it dismantled if but for the fact that we are to few to spare the labor power. Such it will sit abandoned and unused.

   18th of Granite: The elves have arrived to trade. The goblins has also arrived are currently slaughtering the elves. There are safely locked away on the other side of the moat, but their goblins leader wields a crossbow. This leaves me no choice but to seal off the portion of the fortress lacking proper walls.

   3rd of Slate: While I’m stuck away from the walls that desperately need to be built I’ve drawn up plans for a small shrine above the tombs for the dead. I’ve pulled out an anvil and managed to hammer a few golden goblets that are to be kept full of alcohol in the shrine as an offering for the dead as soon as someone can remember to actually bring them down.

   6th of Slate: This fortress is blessed. Navi has given birth to her first baby, a girl currently called Deler. I eagerly await the naming ceremony at the start of the new year. I vow that she will not die while I still lead.

   7th of Slate: While we were busy celebrating the birth, migrants arrived. This time no action was required. Two more goblin ambushed combined with the ferocious undead spelled their ruin. This seems to have quenched the goblin’s blood thirst because they are all gone now leaving the fortress in peace. Now work on the wall can continue.

   7th of Felsite: A group of skeletal elk are standing across the moat from the wall I’m trying to build, and are making it impossible to concentrate. Another delay between us and safety.
   12th of Hematite: The human caravan arrived, the usual happened. I picked up a bunch of junk lying around the fortress traded it for the usual junk from the caravan and both sides left thinking the other one was the sucker. Work on the wall continues.

   10th of Limestone: The dwarven caravan arrived and were ambushed but the single unluckiest group of goblins the world had ever seen. The goblins had the poor luck of being boxed in by a large and extremely guarded caravan and a group of undead, both intent on taking their life. Besides the ambush very little of interest occurred. Work on the wall continues.

   3rd of Timber: A group of skeleton monkeys are disrupting construction from across the moat. They are taunting us with the valuable steel and giant cave spider silk they have looted from the many dead, and it is impossible to build a good wall while distracted as such.

   18th of Opal: The wall is finally finished. Now we are safe from archers once more. There isn’t enough time left in the year for any more major products, so we’ll be taking it easy until spring.

   21st of Opal: I’ve been way to focused on that wall. I’ve forgotten that we need another room carved out for the baby that’s not going to be known as Deler much longer. I can make certain that the rooms are dug out but its going to be up to Navi to actually furnish them, and I deeply apologies for the mistake.

   28th of Obsidian: Today is my last day as leader for a number of years. I’ve taken the time to go look at the shrine I planned closely. No ones actually remembered to bring the golden goblet down to the shrine but I’m sure someone will get around to that eventually.

   As always Magua has done an excellent job with …….



OOC: There's only a few small bits of unfinished business from my turn. As I mentioned in the report Deler needs to be given her new name. Also as I mentioned there is a bedroom and a tomb carved out for her but I did not have a chance to put in any furniture/coffins.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Founders. [Succession & Community]
« Reply #74 on: January 04, 2009, 10:10:57 am »

Early Spring, 212

Seven years since I last sat in this chair. I do believe the wood has shrunk somewhat in the interim. Dismantling the waterfall abomination is easier than it looks, methinks. Work is progresses apace, though young Mcwiggles keeps attempting to remove the stairs while standing upon a grate that is supported by it. Such a cry for attention. Apple and Magua were able to remove the grates and send him back to work, but when he saw they were gone, he immediately turned back, claiming to have suddenly become hungry.

Elves arrived, but were killed by goblins, as our new expansions are improperly fortified. Perhaps I'll need to do something about that.

It's worse than I thought. With the entire wall topped by another wall, it was impossible for me to arrive in time to save Fela Alliedlark, and the goblins fled successfully after their conquest.

Shoruke met her baby sister and brothers for the first time, today, Tun, Rovod, and Iton. Yes, triplets. Explains a lot, really...


Shoruke has learned to walk, most fortunately! It'll be far easier to carry three babies around the fortress while I shoot down skeletal horses than four! The waterfall tower is rigged and ready for a nice lever pulling, and the next wave of migrants is in position to watch the show. I'm giving Shoruke my old bedroom, it's one of the few no one saw fit to starve anyone to death in.

Don won the lottery to pull the lever. I suppose it's only fair, he's the mechanic!

Oops. There was a staircase still holding the whole thing up, improbably. We'll try that again.

Late Spring

Another staircase. Oops again. I'll get it right, next time...

Oh, there was a hidden cantilever under the second floor bridge. Huh. Well, it was obliterated that time. I swear, the entire world seemed to freeze up for a moment before it fell. I'm going to start work on a much nicer waterfall, now, using our old drowning chamber.

The migrants fight valiantly against wave after wave of the undead. They're in a scattered mess. In other news, Talakin just gave birth to her another baby boy! Congratulations!

Early Summer

Gord and I barely managed to save the last migrant roaming around from a skeletal muskox. Urist Lovedboards is now laying in the dirt with severe, but non-critical wounds to her torso. A job well done. The other one is ignoring her wounded comrade and yelling for a meeting with Talakin, who is far too busy storing items in bins.


I found out today that the drowning chamber does not actually drain back into the river. Also, my lever to shut off the pump from before doesn't work. Oh, well. We have fish in our basement. I'm trying to work to fix the ruined upriver dam, so we can recover the ill-fated materials from the Water Tower of Death.

Late Summer

There's some kind of leak. It's not dangerous, but it sure is embarassing and messy. These waterworks are a pain...

Early Autumn

We all rushed out to help Gord fight off an ambush while she was out cleaning the traps. The goblins were all unarmed and only one was fighting with her, with the rest watching, so it was easy to plant a few dozen bolts in their backs. Gord wasn't seriously hurt, though she got a black eye (yes, the other one.) Keyan found a babysnatcher coming in the back door, so it's now in the bottom of our moat, bleeding all over the place.


Not much to write about. Lots of hauling, lots of digging. This fort has some pretty terrible inefficiencies to work out, and I have no idea how to get the waterfall to function properly, but I've done a lot of good work on preparing the system to dry up the upriver area, and found some pretty nice ores and gems along the way.

Everyone is safe--even the eldest of the triplets, Rovod, or so the message I recieved affixed to a goblin arrow assures me--and it's that time of year again, time to name the newest members of our community. Iton and Tun, the twins, as it feels better to call them, now, will henceforth be known as Daniel and Madison, and Talakin's Zon is now called 'Orik'. Good names, all of them.

To the southwest, a small group of migrants clings to life for the time being, but skeletal horses approach. I suspect they are not fully prepared to deal with such a force, despite the months they've spent making ready. Among them is the child Kivish, a survivor from an earlier expedition that lived with us briefly. Rather than being locked in a bedroom to die, she was merely locked out of the fortress in the end. It remains to be seen which fate is the kinder one.

(Note: All of the founders have the hunting labour enabled, now, which means everyone is armed and armoured. This tends to be a good thing, since it means that everyone can carry around a loaded crossbow when not mining or chopping wood, and those who are being used for defense won't need to go play '52 pickup' with pieces of armour every time they're drafted.

Still, it'd be a good idea not to activate anyone who goes too high in crossbow skill. Also, note that there is absolutely nothing to actually hunt, as hunters only go after living wild animals.)
« Last Edit: January 04, 2009, 10:19:38 am by Navian »
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