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Author Topic: The Founders. [Succession & Community]  (Read 12689 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Founders. [Succession & Community]
« Reply #45 on: December 16, 2008, 09:33:25 pm »

Honestly, I'm really curious as to why Navi keeps falling asleep outside when she has a perfectly good bedroom.  Someone check her thoughts to see if she -minds- sleeping outdoors.

At any rate, boogermans turn.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Founders. [Succession & Community]
« Reply #46 on: December 16, 2008, 10:28:41 pm »

Sweet, I'll be started shortly.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Founders. [Succession & Community]
« Reply #47 on: December 17, 2008, 03:13:54 am »

Food's not an issue, I've seen this repeatedly in Succession games for some reason... We're got thousands of prepared meals, but people keep stressing out about a lack of raw stuff. It's okay, really, it's all just as good cooked!

Yeah, I figured that one out when the elven traders came and there were two pages of prepared food at the top of the trading list. Anyway, I like strawberries so I felt the need to set up a strawberry patch.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Founders. [Succession & Community]
« Reply #48 on: December 17, 2008, 06:00:15 pm »

Journal of Keyan Whippedgalley


1 Granite- I have begun my turn in leadership here in Deephearth. I have suspended the construction of the western wall, for a couple of months.

6 Granite- The place is overflowing with food! We no longer need new food, so I instructed Gord to brew any sun berries into valuable booze.

23 Granite- Elves arrived today. Due to the unsurprising lack of quality goods I told Talakin to seize the booze, plants, and a deer. The deer should make a good breeding partner for the deer they kindly "donated" to us in an earlier year.

3 Slate- The deer were moved to a pen by the butchery, where they shall be able to breed freely.

7 Slate- I've begun work on statues as a surprise gift to my friends, as a thanks for more than 6 years of friendship. An extra special statue is saved for Talakin. :D

13 Slate- The statues have been placed. One in each dwarf's room, along with some more in the statue garden. I organised a party at the statue garden to tell my friends about the gifts. I can't wait to hear what they have to say about them! Only Talakin showed up though, she thanked me, saying it was a "masterful statue."
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15 Slate- Migrants arrived. I ushered them into the chamber, saying I would be along shortly to give them a welcome speech. The lever was then pulled, condemning them to their death.

20 Slate- The migrants are dead, and their children are begging for water. On another note, construction has resumed on the wall.

12 Felsite- I talked to my fellow miners, and we have begun work on a lake to the west of the fortress.


3 Hematite- Due to an oversight, the drawbridges were left open, allowing the Skelk to enter the fortress through the trade depot. Fortunately, they were quickly dispatched by Gord and Navi. However the elk did manage to get into the deer pen and kill both.
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12 Hematite- Instead of a wagon, this year the humans have sent a force of arms against us. 10 lashers and 6 wrestlers have gathered on our territory. They began dancing around a campfire.
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15 Hematite- The gates have been opened to funnel the humans into the area below Gord and Navi. However, while the humans were marching toward our gates, a skeletal elk showed up and proceeded to stomp one of the lashers around. The rest of them made no attempt to help, showing no concern for their brother.
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21 Hematite- The skeletal elk finished off the lasher today. The humans have gone back to their campfire. They have little zeal to face us head on, preferring to stay outside our gates. Cowards!

15 Malachite- Gord decided to take a nap, and Navi wanted a drink. This was also the same time that 4 humans decided to attack. The humans came through our gates, and stationed themselves next to the empty, artificial lake. Navi came back, and shot three humans before he ran out of ammo. In showing great dwarven courage he charged the remaining two human lashers, wielding his crossbow as a hammer. The humans were so surprised by her ferocious onslaught that they could not put a mark on her.
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On the other side of the channel, a band of skeletal elk began attacking another human. The rest of the cowardly squad again made no attempt to save their brother.
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18 Malachite- The remainder of the humans decided to attack. The bloodbath was quick, the cowards fled before they even got through the gate.
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4 Galena- I got Don constructing furnaces, so we may smelt the ore that we have stored.

13 Galena- The furnaces are complete. Talakin is making charcoal, while Don is working on smelting. I have also got the miners working on the gold deposits by the river.


3 Limestone- With setbacks from seigers and skelk frightening the miners from the other side of a channel, the lake has been dug out. Filling will commence shortly.

10 Limestone- Lake filling has been postponed. Instead, work will begin on a chapel, to be located in the middle of the lake.

16 Limestone- One goblin ambush waltzed right into a group of zombie mountain goats, while another encountered a group of skeletal muskox. The group against the muskox was quickly trampled to death, while the other group survived. Neither group can get in the fortress, as it is sealed off.

19 Limestone- The dwarven caravan arrived. Talakin traded a few meals for metal bars, cheese, and some ammunition.

28 Limestone- The causeways to the chapel site have been completed. They are made of pure gold, and are surrounded by statues on each side.


Moonstone 10- Construction of the chapel has progressed smoothly, with the first two levels almost done.

Moonstone 23- with the bottom level of the chapel complete, Don and Magua are working the pumps to fill the lake.

20 Obsidian- The lake has been fully filled. The main level of the temple is complete, and statues are being placed.

1 Granite- Spring has arrived. Construction is not fully complete on the temple, and a roof is needed. Supports also should be completed, on top of the provided platforms in the lake.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Founders. [Succession & Community]
« Reply #49 on: December 17, 2008, 10:20:46 pm »



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Founders. [Succession & Community]
« Reply #50 on: December 21, 2008, 03:20:58 am »


1st of Granite, Early Spring.
A pretty piece of rock out on the water?  Sure why not.  But building it of rough marble is unacceptable if it's going to be put to any practical use in the future.  However, as it has no practical use now I see no point in upgrading the rough rock walls.  I'll stick a roof over it and call it done.  Humans have attacked us, Goblins continue to attack us and undead roam the area that surrounds us.  As much as having a happy life is important to me, having a life at all is paramount.  I've begun taking notes on security features and will be making serious changes.

3rd of Granite.
Ive ordered these changes to fortress design to ensure safety.
-Secondary and tersiary access points into the innter fortress have been removed.
-The fortress wall will be extended to include the wood cutting area.

10th of Granite.
An elven donkey trading group. . . 6 of them.  From the tower I spied on what they were hauling.  Food, barrels, cloth.  No exotic or exciting things.  Not even worth killing them and wasting our time hauling their stuff.  I've ordered the drawbridge raised to prevent them even touching our trade depo.

11th of Granite.
I rarely venture near the South gate as it brings back bad memories of losing my eye but WHO THE HELL IS THIS?!
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"Excuse me, who the hell are you?"
"Sodel Reglotol. I'm a Warrior"
I back away a few steps at hearing this.
"uh-huh, and when did you get here?  I wasn't aware you had arrived."
"oh, well I came with one of the trade caravans and just didn't feel like leaving, thats all."
I gawk at him.  "Uh-huh.  I'll be back in a minute.  Theres a lever I gotta pull. . . a couple of times."

14th of Granite.
I've invited everyone to laugh at the latest Goblin Ambush that was uncovered.  A single unarmored Goblin Wrestler unworthy of note.  He screamed as he fled from the undead.  Years have passed and the beasts in this land scare me no longer.  They are our protectors, death of their flesh doesn't nessesitate the death of their heart and souls.  And my heart and soul is complete here - and it always will be.  So long as the tersiary defenses are improved to my liking - I'll take no gamble on the lives of those who live here.

16th of Granite.
The trading group had arrived at our Depo.  However the goblins arrived at the same time and swept in - killing the elfs indiscriminately.

19th of Granite.
I'm going to gouge out the eye of the person who thought it was funny to designate the firing line for the archery target at the other side of the fortress.

13th of Slate.
The blessed skinless knights outside have caused a bow goblin to reveal himself.  I'm keeping my eye on him as work continues on the woodcutting wall.

20th of Slate.
Another Goblin squad detected, totaling the goblin force at 13.

2nd of Felsite.
I've had enough of these goblins leering at me as I construct the walls, I'm getting my crossbow and taking a pop shot at them.

4th of Felsite.
Scratch that, the migrants can try and deal with the invading goblins.

5th of Felsite.
The first goblin squad has reached the migrants, (3 wrestlers and a crossbow goblin.)  As the migrants arrive they realize they'll get no salvation from us, they must fight or die.  One of the dwarfs was smart enough to bring a crossbow of his own.  Minutes later the first goblin squad is annilated or routed and 3 dwarfs lay dead, 1 seriously wounded and 12 in fighting shape.  Seeing the migrants has caused the other goblins to flee back to their masters.

7th of Felsite.
With the migrants in such a foul dispositon after the battle, I've decided to leave them outside instead of inviting them into our drowning chamber.  Although my clothing is a little XXfrayedXX I'll have to settle with less of a variety to choose from. . . besides!  They make a great early warning system out there and are doing great against the goblin invaders.

8th of Felsite.
The migrants huddle around their wounded compainion.  His broken foot preventing them from straying far.  They scrounge up a spear the goblin invaders left behind and decide who gets to keep it.

9th of Felsite.
Through scrounging the remains of dead goblins from previous battles against the undead.  The Migrants have armed themselves with 1 crossbow, 2 Iron spears and 2 battle axes.  There is still more to this migrant army I cant see, as not all have arrived yet.

15th of Felsite.
The Migrants have begun stealing food from the remnants of the elvan trading group.  They've abandoned their wounded companion and have setup outside our front gate.

13th of Hematite, Early Summer.
One migrant has entered a fey mood, and their camp was attacked by a skeletal muskox.  Breaking one members ribs.

17th of Hematite.
Inside the Fort, all these cows and horses and dogs and cats are messy and stinky and getting in the way.  I'm butchering the lot of them except for the exotic animals.

25th of Hematite.
The Migrant force: 20 strong, was annihilated by 3 goblinsword users in Iron Armor.  Eventually one of the sword goblins lost an arm, and his friends left him for dead as they retreated back to their dark tower.  6 Dwarf Migrants remain alive: The one with the broken foot, one in a fey mood and 4 others who are cleaning up after the battle.

4th of Malachite.

6th of Limestone.
The Dwarven caravan has arrived, oddly, brining with them a sizable guard.  I'm weary of letting them inside lest it be a trick to steal our fortress from under us.

11th of Limestone.  Early Autumn.
Kobold Ambush.  Their pilfering has brought out bigger groups seeking riches.

15th of Limestone
As the Kobolds pick off the dead, they suddenly stopped - tensed - and ran away.  Their cowardice warranted:
Kanil Abeushus the Human SwordMaster Comes leading a force of 40 humans on horseback.  Their forces split in two,  Kanil Leading the West Force and a rabble of lasher's and macemen in the East Force.
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21st of Limestone.
Apple organizes a party to celebrate the total victory pronouncing it wonderful that we sustained no casualties.  Telakin refuses to join in, as he's furiously looking for something he owns and is upset his newest pet is left behind at the depo. 

One of his pets is stranded at the trade depo.  Out of the 3 migrants 6 arms only 1 remains.  The others being cut off or mangled.  Telakin: his trading complete with the caravan, hugging his new pet watches as the Caravan heads south.  In the distance the first wagon rolls over some skeletal deer. . . and then the second wagon. . . and the third . . . fourth. . . fifth and sixth leave.

5th of Sandstone.
My hubby Apple is a light weight and went to sleep early in the party.  Navi and Magua are still partying. . . bastards.

2nd of Moonstone.  Early Winter.
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I suppose having that church was a good idea after all.  The speeches were a little long honestly but the food was good.  I should know.  I made it.

13th of Moonstone.
I have no further need for the drowning chamber.  The Migrants who are foolish enough to come here get killed off by the skeletal beasts or the goblin ambushes or human war mongers.  The human, goblin and dwarf corpses feed the pilfering Kobold thieves which in turn brings more ambushers to kill more dwarfs that are stupid enough to come here. 

1st of Granite.
I have a sneaky suspicion someone has a stubble growing in their dutch furnace.  Shouldn't be long now before we have another mouth to goose stuff with my food.  Currently there is a mystery, I'm missing something that belongs to me and I can't find it.  I have a hunch it's lurking in the flooded area.

« Last Edit: December 21, 2008, 03:27:28 am by Qloos »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Founders. [Succession & Community]
« Reply #51 on: December 21, 2008, 03:32:24 am »



  • Bay Watcher
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« Last Edit: December 21, 2008, 03:41:03 am by Qloos »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Founders. [Succession & Community]
« Reply #53 on: December 21, 2008, 11:29:16 am »

On it!
Also, you can manufacture vomit at a smelter.  Subsequently removing the smelter spews vomit over a surprising area.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Founders. [Succession & Community]
« Reply #54 on: December 21, 2008, 04:29:00 pm »

Yaaaay, I'm about to be born, hopefully?!
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Founders. [Succession & Community]
« Reply #55 on: December 23, 2008, 11:33:50 pm »

So, my turn to rule has come again.  You know, I've been just so wrapped up in my Art that it's like I hardly know the place.  Even where my work is rampant, I feel like a stranger.

It's very disturbing.  I need something to calm me down.  And that something shall be...


But not just any fountain.  A DWARVENLY fountain.  That'll relax me!

3rd Granite: I've talked it over with Don.  He doesn't seem to understand *why* I want a fountain, but he's humoring me.  A fountain is going to require a lot of pumps.  Pumps means wood.  It'll also require power.  Power means more wood. 

I direct the digging of channels so that we have access to more trees.  By Armok, Navi is a fast miner!  I also order the construction of walls around our power source upriver.  For the moment, this means that our fortress is open to attack, but my peace of mind is worth the risk.

9th Granite: Elves arrive.  Sigh.  I don't care about them or anything they may have it is, we're already drowning in cougars and cougar babies.  They can rot outside for all I care. 

11th Granite: Kobolds ambush Navi and Keyan while they were walling off the power source.  However, unlike when Keyan lost his eye, these kobolds are dispatched without incident. 

(In fact, a number of undead beasts also harass those people walling off the power source or whatnot.  These are omitted for the sake of brevity; no injuries are sustained at any point by anyone.)

13th Granite: A thief is discovered inside our fortress!  Quickly dealt with, but worrying.  Hopefully, we won't need to keep the bridges open too much longer. 

Postscript: Actually, it was *four* thieves.  That's even more disturbing.  None of them stole anything, however. 

1st Slate: Why is nothing getting done?  I mean, I've done my part, which is why I'm relaxing here at this party with Don, and Apple, and Keyan, and Talak...wait, is *anyone* working?

Oh well.  After the party.

19th Slate: Our new areas are fully secure!  Just as we're closing up the bridges to make the fortress safe again, Keyan decides to run across it for some godawful reason...and goes flying through the air!  Luckily, he lands on part of the as-yet-unchanneled-brook, and so after getting his wits about him, just walks back into the fortress.  Truly a lucky star shines on him, but we have to have a talk about "when it's not safe to go outside".

11th Felsite: Migrants arrive, despite the danger!  Whatever.  Skeletal horses charge in on them before I can even explain to them that their role is to "patrol the border", and three are killed...but, my goodness, there's a lot of them!  They outnumber us three to one, at least!

And, horror of horrors, they've found a way into the fortress!  Woodcutting operations inadvertently created a hole where a tree used to straddle the channel.  Migrants begin streaming in!  As quickly as possible, they are ordered back out, to patrol the wastes.  We must make haste to seal the breach!

15th Felsite: In a moment of pity, Keyan rushes out to drag one of the wounded migrants back in, taking the invader all the way to one of our old bedrooms.  We have to have a conversation about that; I mean, I understand that it can be hard watching a dwarf die out there, but this is simply prepostero...oh, there goes Gord, too.  Sigh.

By the time the conversation can be had, our old bedrooms are filled with wounded migrants.  When no one's looking, I lock all the doors.  Someone has to take a stand.

12th Hematite: Zombie mountain goats get ambushed by goblins.  Why would goblins want to attack zombie mountain goats?  What's the advantage?  I have no idea.

15th Hematite: Humans arrive to trade.  I continue to not care, because I have little enough time as it is to devote to my fountain.  They can wait.

19th Hematite: A squad of seven migrants died fighting off the skeletal muskox who wandered too close to the fort.  They fought gallantly, some even gaining proficiency as I watched.  Experience is indeed the best teacher.  It would've been more impressive if after they had all been gored to death, Navi didn't walk out and kill the muskox with one good hit.  But she did, and so I revised my opinion considerably more towards "unimpressed".

12th Malachite: *Finally* the fortress is once more secure.  Truly.  This time for sure.  Just to wait for those sick migrants to die, now.  Oh, and sigh.  The human liaison somehow wandered into our fortress and is now trapped.  I don't want him in here any more than he wants to be here.

14th Malachite: *More* migrants arrive, despite the danger.  If by "danger" you mean "certain death".  At least the fortress is closed up tight.  The human liaison out was let out, and now everything's locked down.  They're not getting in, and they can wander around outside playing with the skeleton elk for all I care.  Given the rate of progress, it is obvious that my fountain shall not be completed this year, but the time has come to at least begin Project: More Power!

27th Malachite: All of the *last* wave of migrants who were "recuperating" in our beds have died of dehydration.  I'm glad I went the extra step and installed all that soundproofing, so that no one would be tempted to unlock the doors and help them.

2nd Limestone: I proposed to Navi and she agreed!  We're getting married!

8th Timber: Construction of Project: More Power! goes slow, due to the undead.  They can't reach us, but it's still unnerving when you're installing a pump and you see some skeletal elk just looking at you.  Watching.  Waiting.  Luckily, some more migrants have shown up to deal with that problem, in their own inimitatable way.

5th Moonstone: Our first birth!  Talakin gives birth to a bouncing baby boy!  We haven't given him a proper name just yet, but have taken to calling him Cilob for the time being. 

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He seems very taken with the menacing spikes throughout the fortress.  Talakin thinks he's going to be a craftsdwarf when he grows up.



The pumps aren't hooked up to anything and don't do anything (there's no outflow), because they're quite unfinished. 

Diorite is the only stone turned on for non-economic uses.  It took me a bit to realize that the same thing happened to me with Marble, so, heads up. 

I didn't rename the kid yet, so the next person can do that.

Nothing much else.  Sorry for the brief update.  Holidays and all.)
Also, you can manufacture vomit at a smelter.  Subsequently removing the smelter spews vomit over a surprising area.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dabbling Philosopher
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Re: The Founders. [Succession & Community]
« Reply #56 on: December 24, 2008, 01:16:01 am »

Thanks for the update.  Due to the holidays and the arrival of extended family, I'm probably going to take the whole week again.  Sorry.
All generalizations are false....including this one.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Founders. [Succession & Community]
« Reply #57 on: December 24, 2008, 09:24:28 am »

No worries, when you get the chance can you rename Cilob to Mcwiggles.  I better get started on that JPG for the front page. . .


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Founders. [Succession & Community]
« Reply #58 on: December 24, 2008, 10:15:03 am »

Yaaaaay!! I exist! I'd make the bossiest mayor ever though. 'I demand 22 loamy sand items!' 'But sire, we canno make items from loamy sand!' '22 clear diamond items then' *lever is pulled*.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dabbling Philosopher
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Re: The Founders. [Succession & Community]
« Reply #59 on: December 29, 2008, 02:49:42 am »

Well, it's 1:00 in the morning, and I'm done playing the year.  Expect the update tomorrow.

The real reason I came on was to give you all a
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All generalizations are false....including this one.
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