After reading your comments Toady I must implore you to reconsider or atleast reach a comprismise. Could you make FF default but leave an option in the game to disable it, I recommend this because the alternatives is much harder (Prevent Firing, Aiming away).
More importantly though and something I havn't seen mentioned is a multiplayer. Now I've thought a little how it could work .
Now aside from the obvious 2 player hot set style (1 medic per side, upon death or capture end) an online multi would be great.
Now first there'd need to be a lobby of some kind so people can join but what about game settings. Well I think firstly the game could easily support 4-6 medics (3 aside) and since the game isn't played in full screen this should work out fine.
Now the objective would be to take the other teams tench by healing enough men but when a medic dies he isn't out permanatly only for a set amount of time (custom 20-120 seconds). Upon capture the trench moving sequence occures (leading to a different style of area like trees or wrecked houses(Which would require updated AI)) it continues this until a set amount of wins are gained.
Another brief idea for multi is that rather then start with an army, there's many wounded netural troops waiting to be saved and as you save them you get more troops (not 1:1 more like 1:3) thus the more skilled team has a better chance and this may help live'n up mutli.
I think this would be fun, taking cover behind a tank as you heal a guy, then a team medic takes the guy and runs while you stick with the tank mending people only to get mortered with the tank.
So I know this is kinda long but I hope you read it and consider it because that would be pretty cool .